192 research outputs found

    Positive allosteric modulators of the a-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid (AMPA) receptor

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    L-glutamate is the major excitatory neurotransmitter in the mammalian central nervous system (CNS) and plays a fundamental role in the control of motor function, cognition and mood. The physiological effects of glutamate are mediated through two functionally distinct receptor families. While activation of metabotropic (G-protein coupled) glutamate receptors results in modulation of neuronal excitability and transmission, the ionotropic glutamate receptors (ligand-gated ion channels) are responsible for mediating the fast synaptic response to extracellular glutamate

    Nucleocapsid protein of SARS-CoV-2 phase separates into RNA-rich polymerase-containing condensates

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    The etiologic agent of the Covid-19 pandemic is the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). The viral membrane of SARS-CoV-2 surrounds a helical nucleocapsid in which the viral genome is encapsulated by the nucleocapsid protein. The nucleocapsid protein of SARS-CoV-2 is produced at high levels within infected cells, enhances the efficiency of viral RNA transcription, and is essential for viral replication. Here, we show that RNA induces cooperative liquid–liquid phase separation of the SARS-CoV-2 nucleocapsid protein. In agreement with its ability to phase separate in vitro, we show that the protein associates in cells with stress granules, cytoplasmic RNA/protein granules that form through liquid-liquid phase separation and are modulated by viruses to maximize replication efficiency. Liquid–liquid phase separation generates high-density protein/RNA condensates that recruit the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase complex of SARS-CoV-2 providing a mechanism for efficient transcription of viral RNA. Inhibition of RNA-induced phase separation of the nucleocapsid protein by small molecules or biologics thus can interfere with a key step in the SARS-CoV-2 replication cycle


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    Research carried out in vineyard of King Peter I Karadjordjevic-Royal Winery at Oplenac-Topola municipality, on Sauvignon blanc and Cabernet sauvignon. Vineyard planted with Sauvignon blanc is geographically positioned at GPS coordinates N 44° 14' 4" and E 20° 41' 15" and Cabernet sauvignon is geographically positioned at GPS coordinates N 44° 14' 35" and E 20° 41' 22". Climat parameters (series from 1982-2011 year) included following parameters: mean monthly, vegetation (april-october) and annual temperature, active and effective temperature, precipitation distribution (annual and vegetation) and wind direction. Phenological observation included beginning and end of following phenophases: bleeding, budbreakt, shoot growing, flowering, berry development and ripening. The greatest variation Sauvignon blanc manifested in duration of grape ripening which is in 2010. lasted 46 days while in 2011. lasted 34 days. Cabernet sauvignon in 2011. had a lower number of days that have passed from bleeding to full maturity (209 days) compared to 2010., when it passed 217 days

    Molecular interactions of FG nucleoporin repeats at high resolution

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    Proteins that contain repeat phenylalanine-glycine (FG) residues phase separate into oncogenic transcription factor condensates in malignant leukaemias, form the permeability barrier of the nuclear pore complex and mislocalize in neurodegenerative diseases. Insights into the molecular interactions of FG-repeat nucleoporins have, however, remained largely elusive. Using a combination of NMR spectroscopy and cryoelectron microscopy, we have identified uniformly spaced segments of transient β-structure and a stable preformed α-helix recognized by messenger RNA export factors in the FG-repeat domain of human nucleoporin 98 (Nup98). In addition, we have determined at high resolution the molecular organization of reversible FG–FG interactions in amyloid fibrils formed by a highly aggregation-prone segment in Nup98. We have further demonstrated that amyloid-like aggregates of the FG-repeat domain of Nup98 have low stability and are reversible. Our results provide critical insights into the molecular interactions underlying the self-association and phase separation of FG-repeat nucleoporins in physiological and pathological cell activities

    Phosphorylation but Not Oligomerization Drives the Accumulation of Tau with Nucleoporin Nup98

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    Tau is a neuronal protein that stabilizes axonal microtubules (MTs) in the central nervous system. In Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and other tauopathies, phosphorylated Tau accumulates in intracellular aggregates, a pathological hallmark of these diseases. However, the chronological order of pathological changes in Tau prior to its cytosolic aggregation remains unresolved. These include its phosphorylation and detachment from MTs, mislocalization into the somatodendritic compartment, and oligomerization in the cytosol. Recently, we showed that Tau can interact with phenylalanine-glycine (FG)-rich nucleoporins (Nups), including Nup98, that form a diffusion barrier inside nuclear pore complexes (NPCs), leading to defects in nucleocytoplasmic transport. Here, we used surface plasmon resonance (SPR) and bio-layer interferometry (BLI) to investigate the molecular details of Tau:Nup98 interactions and determined how Tau phosphorylation and oligomerization impact the interactions. Importantly, phosphorylation, but not acetylation, strongly facilitates the accumulation of Tau with Nup98. Oligomerization, however, seems to inhibit Tau:Nup98 interactions, suggesting that Tau-FG Nup interactions occur prior to oligomerization. Overall, these results provide fundamental insights into the molecular mechanisms of Tau-FG Nup interactions within NPCs, which might explain how stress-and disease-associated posttranslational modifications (PTMs) may lead to Tau-induced nucleocytoplasmic transport (NCT) failure. Intervention strategies that could rescue Tau-induced NCT failure in AD and tauopathies will be further discussed

    Overloaded adeno-associated virus as a novel gene therapeutic tool for otoferlin-related deafness

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    Hearing impairment is the most common sensory disorder in humans. So far, rehabilitation of profoundly deaf subjects relies on direct stimulation of the auditory nerve through cochlear implants. However, in some forms of genetic hearing impairment, the organ of Corti is structurally intact and therapeutic replacement of the mutated gene could potentially restore near natural hearing. In the case of defects of the otoferlin gene (OTOF), such gene therapy is hindered by the size of the coding sequence (~6 kb) exceeding the cargo capacity (<5 kb) of the preferred viral vector, adeno-associated virus (AAV). Recently, a dual-AAV approach was used to partially restore hearing in deaf otoferlin knock-out (Otof-KO) mice. Here, we employed in vitro and in vivo approaches to assess the gene-therapeutic potential of naturally-occurring and newly-developed synthetic AAVs overloaded with the full-length Otof coding sequence. Upon early postnatal injection into the cochlea of Otof-KO mice, overloaded AAVs drove specific expression of otoferlin in ~30% of all IHCs, as demonstrated by immunofluorescence labeling and polymerase chain reaction. Recordings of auditory brainstem responses and a behavioral assay demonstrated partial restoration of hearing. Together, our results suggest that viral gene therapy of DFNB9—using a single overloaded AAV vector—is indeed feasible, reducing the complexity of gene transfer compared to dual-AAV approaches

    A novel series of positive modulators of the AMPA receptor : discovery and structure based hit-to-lead studies

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    Starting from an HTS derived hit 1, application of biostructural data facilitated rapid optimization to lead 22, a novel AMPA receptor modulator. This is the first demonstration of how structure based drug design can be exploited in an optimization program for a glutamate receptor

    Contrasting futures for ocean and society from different anthropogenic CO2 emissions scenarios

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    The ocean moderates anthropogenic climate change at the cost of profound alterations of its physics, chemistry, ecology, and services. Here, we evaluate and compare the risks of impacts on marine and coastal ecosystems and the goods and services they provide for growing cumulative carbon emissions under two contrasting emissions scenarios. The current emissions trajectory would rapidly and significantly alter many ecosystems and the associated services on which humans heavily depend. A reduced emissions scenario consistent with the Copenhagen Accord’s goal of a global temperature increase of less than 2°C—is much more favorable to the ocean but still substantially alters important marine ecosystems and associated goods and services. The management options to address ocean impacts narrow as the ocean warms and acidifies. Consequently, any new climate regime that fails to minimize ocean impacts would be incomplete and inadequate

    Sensory Communication

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    Contains table of contents for Section 2, an introduction, reports on nine research projects and a list of publications.National Institutes of Health Grant 5 R01 DC00117National Institutes of Health Grant 2 R01 DC00270National Institutes of Health Grant 1 P01 DC00361National Institutes of Health Grant 2 R01 DC00100National Institutes of Health Grant FV00428National Institutes of Health Grant 5 R01 DC00126U.S. Air Force - Office of Scientific Research Grant AFOSR 90-200U.S. Navy - Office of Naval Research Grant N00014-90-J-1935National Institutes of Health Grant 5 R29 DC0062
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