140 research outputs found


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    Background: Dyslipidemia is a condition where fat levels in the blood is not normal. Red dragon fruit (Hylocereus polyrhizus) contains polyphenols, antioxidants and fiber in high quantities. Polyphenols have the ability to lower LDL cholesterol levels in humans and rats. Aim : To determine the differences between effect of red dragon fruit’s peel steeping and flesh juice administration on serum cholesterol LDL levels of Sprague dawley rats with dyslipidemia. Methods: This research was experimental study using pre and posttest control group design. Samples were male Sprague Dawley rats with certain criteria, randomly divided into 4 groups: negative control group given only with the standard feed, the positive control given with standard feed and high cholesterol feed, two treatment groups was given with standard feed, high cholesterol feed, red dragon fruit peel steeping 9,08g/200gBW and flesh juice of red dragon fruit 1,53g/200gBW, red dragon fruit’s peel steeping and flesh juice intervention given for 14 days. Serum LDL levels were measured by CHOD-PAP and GPO-PAP methods respectively. Data then were being analyzed with paired t test and oneway ANOVA. Results: There wasn’t significant difference before and after the intervention in group K(-). However, there were significant difference before and after intervention in group K (+), P1 and P2. 14 days treatment of the red dragon fruit’s peel steeping and flesh juice can reduce levels of LDL 43.33mg/dl (43,33 ± 3,65) dan (27.56±8,01). After the intervention there were difference in cholesterol LDL levels mean value levels between groups (p = 0.000), except for K (-) with P1 (peel steeping) p = 0.640 Conclusion: 14 days treatment of red dragon fruit’s peel steeping and flesh juice with dose 9,08g/200gBW and 1,53g/200gBW were significantly decrease LDL levels (43,33 ± 3,65) and (27.56±8,01) on male sprague dawley rats with dyslipidemia. Key Words: red dragon fruit peel steeping, flesh juice of red dragon fruit, serum cholesterol LDL, dyslipidemi


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    The aim of this research is to analyze the business (financial and non-financial) of UD. Rindang Plastik and analyzing business strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in increasing business competitiveness at UD. Shady Plastic. The data analysis method is a method used to analyze data by describing or illustrating the data that has been collected as it is without the intention of making general conclusions or generalizations, which in this case is the analysis of business aspects and financial aspects. Based on the results of the research and discussions that have been carried out, it can be concluded that the analysis of market and marketing aspects shows that there are still open opportunities for business development, technical aspects show that the business location has the availability of labor and support for transportation facilities and good product quality. Business operational activities are directly supervised by the owner and based on economic aspects, the existence of the business supports the empowerment of the surrounding community. The results of IRR calculations and NPV calculations show that the business is feasible to run. Based on the results of the analysis of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats at UD. Rindang Plastik, the right strategy to implement is an aggressive strategy

    Budaya Patriarki dan Tantangan Dalam Kebebasan Berekpresi (Analisis Menggunakan Teori Konflik Ralf Dahrendorf)

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    Kebebasan berekspresi adalah hak setiap orang, setiap jenis kelamin dan setiap makhluk yang ada. Namun, karena rendahnya pemahaman tentang kebebasan berekspresi, ada batasan dalam hal status gender. Tulisan ini dibuat dengan menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif untuk menjelaskan fenomena keterbatasan ekspresi yang disebabkan oleh kesalahpahaman dalam penafsiran pandangan tentang gender dalam masyarakat. Perspektif gender adalah pemahaman tentang perspektif dalam melihat dampak atribut gender seseorang terhadap kemungkinan seseorang untuk membangun peluang, peran sosial, dan interaksi dengan atribut gender yang berlawanan. Fungsi gender seperti, fungsi sosial, fungsi reproduksi, fungsi peran sosial, fungsi gender yang mengarah pada aspek budaya dan fungsi gender dalam menciptakan aturan penting tentang apa yang pantas dan apa yang tidak pantas

    丹戎布拉国立大学师范教育学院汉语专业2014届学生 使用助动词“想”与“要”的偏误分析

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    摘要 助动词在语言学习者或语言教学是很重要的。汉语中有不少助动词用法相似,比如“想”与“要”。因为“想”与“要”的用法相似,所以学生在使用这助动词的时候会发生偏误。本论文研究丹戎布拉国立大学师范教育学院汉语2014届学生使用助动词“想”和“要”的偏误。笔者对他们使用助动词 “想”与“要”的情况进行了了解并对其偏误进行了分析。结果显示,丹大2014届对助动词“想”与“要”的掌握不错。学生使用“想”和“要”的偏误率分别为:25%和32%。笔者还了解到学生学习时常见偏误类型是误代偏误。此外笔者也找出了偏误的原因是目的语负迁移。 关键词: “想”与“要” 助动词 偏误分


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    The objective of this study was to create learning media in the form of Chemo-Edutainment-based worksheets on stoichiometric material and to determine the characteristics and quality of the products being developed. It used a research and development model with a 4-dimensional development model which consisted of define, design, develop, and disseminate. However, research activities are only carried out until the development stage considering the limited time for research and the unfavorable conditions of the Covid-19 pandemic. The product characteristics developed are arranged based on the CET components. The quality of CET-based student worksheets on stoichiometric material is categorized as very feasible with a coefficient (V) of 0.86 for each expert validation. The results of student responses to the CET-based student worksheets showed an average percentage of 82% with a sufficiently valid category to be used as a reference for learning resources. To measure students’ cognitive skill, it used pretest and posttest throughout the N-gain test. Then, the N-gain value of 0.83 is classified as a high category


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    ABSTRACT Mia Puspita Rani, 2012; The Effect Cash Conversion Cycle, Leverage and Investment on Profitability in The Companies Go Public of The Consumer Goods Industry Sector and The Chemical Base Industry Sector During The Period of 2007 – 2010. Generally, the purpose of the research are : 1) Compare the influence of cash conversion cycle, leverage and investment on operational profitability of each sector, partially (2) Compare the influence of cash conversion cycle, leverage and investment on operational profitability of each sector, Simultaneously. The population includes the listed companies on Indonesia Stock Exchange and a sample is 42 companies. The Observation are 132, consist of 49 from the consumer goods industry sectors and 83 from the chemical base industry sector. Method of research is panel data regression with random effect model. The results of descriptive analysis are: a) average of cash conversion cycle for the consumer goods industry sector is greater than chemical base industry sector; b) average of investment and use of debt for the consumer goods industry sector is smaller than chemical base industry sector. The Results of hypothesis testing are; 1) the low cash conversion cycle increases operational profitability for consumer goods industry sector and inversely for the chemical base sector; 2) the low use of debt increases operational profitability for both sectors; 3) the relationship between investment on other company and operational profitability is not significant in both sectors. Key words : cash conversion cycle, investment, leverage, profitability


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    Laboratorium sistem informasi merupakan salah satu laboratorium yang dimiliki Universitas Gunadarma untuk membantu mahasiswa mempraktekkan teori yang telah didapat di dalam kelas. Kegiatan sehari-hari laboratorium tersebut adalah mengatur pelaksanaan praktikum dari asisten ke praktikan. Hubungan tersebut diatur melalui jadwal praktikum dan jadwal asisten. Banyaknya jadwal praktikum, jadwal asisten serta waktu yang terbatas dalam penyampaian materi oleh asisten menyebabkan pelaksanaan praktikum menjadi kurang efektif dan efisien. Sehingga tingkat kesalahan dalam melakukan proses penjadwalan praktikum dan asisten cukup tinggi. Untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut, maka digunakanlah metode E-learning melalui fasilitas Virtual-lab yang dikembangkan dengan menggunakan PHP sehingga dapat di akses dengan menggunakan jaringan internet, dalam rancangan Sistem Aplikasi Virtual Lab tersebut digunakan bahasa permodelan UML (Unified Modelling Language ). Dengan Sistem tersebut semua informasi yang berhubungan dengan Sistem Aplikasi Virtual Lab dapat di akses menggunakan internet diantaranya adalah mem-publish informasi, praktikum online, serta ujian yang berbasis web


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    In the midst of increasingly fierce competition, companies in the consumer non-cyclical industry must develop effective strategies to maintain and improve company performance. Performance is an important thing that needs to be achieved by every company, because performance is a reflection of the company's ability to manage and allocate resources. This study aims to test Foreign Ownership and Intellectual Capital on Financial Performance and R&D Research methods used quantitative methods. The technical analysis used in this study is panel data regression. The tool used in this panel data regression is Eviews. The population in this study of Consumer Non-Cyclical sector companies on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for the 2019-2022 period is 124 companies. The sample of this study used the purposive sampling method of 15 companies. H1 rejected foreign ownership does not have a significant positive effect on company performance H2 accepted intellectual capital has a significant positive effect on company performance H3 accepted research & development is able to moderate strengthens the positive influence between foreign ownership on company performance H4 rejected research & development is unable to moderate strengthens the positive influence between intellectual capital relations on company performance, 1). Small, diversified foreign shareholdings can reduce the direct impact on a company's performance. 2). Employees who have a high level of expertise and skills can increase company productivity. 3). R&D accompanied by foreign ownership that contributes to it helps companies to better identify and manage risks. 4). R&D needs to be well focused to increase the positive effects of intellectual capital owned

    Makna Kalimat Amr dan Nahy dalam Kitab Bidāyat al-Hidāyah Karya Imam Al-Ghazālī

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    This article aims to explore various meanings within the sentences of "amr" (command) and "nahy" (prohibition) found in the book "Bidāyat al-Hidāyah". The research method employed is qualitative research. The data sources are divided into primary data sources, namely the book "Bidāyat al-Hidāyah," and secondary data sources, including various literature such as books, journals, and other texts related to the topics studied by the researcher. The data collection techniques used are documentation and purposive sampling. The sampling results indicate the presence of 14 sentences in the form of "fiʿil amr" (verbs of command), two sentences of "ism fiʿil amr" (nouns of command), and one sentence of " fiʿil muḍāri' " (present tense verb) preceded by "lam amr." As for "nahy", there are 12 sentence samples. The meanings of "amr" include ten sentences meaning guidance, one sentence meaning discipline, two sentences meaning pure command, two sentences meaning creation, and one sentence meaning prayer. Regarding the "nahy" sentences, four sentences were found to mean guidance, two sentences meant clarification of consequences, one sentence meant pure prohibition, one sentence meant admonition, one sentence meant avoidance, one sentence meant to dislike, and one sentence meant belittlement

    Analisis Sentimen terhadap Layanan Indihome di Twitter dengan Metode Machine Learning

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    Indihome is a digital service such as the internet that can be used at home, landlines and interactive TV. However, because it is so extensive, Indihome has received a lot of criticism because the internet connection is rarely stable. Therefore, a sentiment analysis in the field of was carried out data mining on customers Indihomeon Twitter social media which consisted of 1350 data and filtered into 1309 data because a lot of data indicated duplicates. In this study, researchers used the methods Random Forest and Gradient Boosted Trees (GBT). This research was conducted using tools Rapidminer version 9.8. Research shows that sentiment analysis on Indihome services using the method Random Forest achieves an accuracy of 99.54% with class precision for pred. negative is 99.92%, pred positive is 25.00%, and pred. neutral is 60.00%. Then the GBT method has an accuracy rate of 99.31% with a precision class ofn for pred. negative is 99.46%, pred. positive is 0.00%, and pred. neutral is 0.00%. So it can be concluded that the Random Forest method is a better method when compared to GBT