74 research outputs found

    Object Recognition in Noisy RGB-D Data

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    The object recognition task on 3D scenes is a growing research field that faces some problems relative to the use of 3D point clouds. In this work, we focus on dealing with noisy clouds through the use of the Growing Neural Gas (GNG) network filtering algorithm. Another challenge is the selection of the right keypoints detection method, that allows to identify a model into a scene cloud. The GNG method is able to represent the input data with a desired resolution while preserving the topology of the input space. Experiments show how the introduction of the GNG method yields better recognitions results than others filtering algorithms when noise is present.The object recognition task on 3D scenes is a growing research field that faces some problems relative to the use of 3D point clouds. In this work, we focus on dealing with noisy clouds through the use of the Growing Neural Gas (GNG) network filtering algorithm. Another challenge is the selection of the right keypoints detection method, that allows to identify a model into a scene cloud. The GNG method is able to represent the input data with a desired resolution while preserving the topology of the input space. Experiments show how the introduction of the GNG method yields better recognitions results than others filtering algorithms when noise is present

    Alfabetização Científica na Educação Infantil: experiência em uma escola do campo em tempos de pandemia

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    ABSTRACT. The present study analyzed the implementation of a set of activities in Early Childhood Education, based on the methodology of the Islands of Rationality (Fourez, 1997). The qualitative research was carried out remotely in two Pre-School classes in a rural school in the city of São Gabriel/RS, during the year 2020. Different methodological strategies were used, such as drawings, observation of the surroundings of their homes, the local landscape, interviews with family members, listening to the radio, writing poems, and producing models. Data are presented according to three categories: i) Reflections on remote work at Escola do Campo; ii) The IIR methodology in Early Childhood Education and iii) Scientific Literacy in Preschool. Remote work brought some challenges, especially in Early Childhood Education, considering the need for interaction between subjects and teacher mediation. It was found that learning took place in other spaces and times, mainly in the interaction with family members and in the observation of the social and natural environments of their surroundings, being important for the construction of the identity of the subject of the countryside and the appreciation of cultures and knowledge. locations. The use of the IIR methodology in Early Childhood Education is in line with the Experience Fields signaled by the National Curricular Common Base (Brasil, 2017). It is concluded that some skills related to Scientific Literacy, such as autonomy, mastery, and communication can be achieved with the development of an IIR in Preschool, even if remotely.ABSTRACT. The present study analyzed the implementation of a set of activities in Early Childhood Education, based on the methodology of the Islands of Rationality (Fourez, 1997). The qualitative research was carried out remotely in two Pre-School classes in a rural school in the city of São Gabriel/RS, during the year 2020. Different methodological strategies were used, such as drawings, observation of the surroundings of their homes, the local landscape, interviews with family members, listening to the radio, writing poems, and producing models. Data are presented according to three categories: i) Reflections on remote work at Escola do Campo; ii) The IIR methodology in Early Childhood Education and iii) Scientific Literacy in Preschool. Remote work brought some challenges, especially in Early Childhood Education, considering the need for interaction between subjects and teacher mediation. It was found that learning took place in other spaces and times, mainly in the interaction with family members and in the observation of the social and natural environments of their surroundings, being important for the construction of the identity of the subject of the countryside and the appreciation of cultures and knowledge. locations. The use of the IIR methodology in Early Childhood Education is in line with the Experience Fields signaled by the National Curricular Common Base (Brasil, 2017). It is concluded that some skills related to Scientific Literacy, such as autonomy, mastery, and communication can be achieved with the development of an IIR in Preschool, even if remotely.RESUMEN. El presente estudio analizó la implementación de un conjunto de actividades en Educación Infantil, a partir de la metodología de las Islas de la Racionalidad (Fourez, 1997). La investigación cualitativa se realizó de forma remota en dos clases de preescolar en una escuela rural en la ciudad de São Gabriel/RS, durante el año 2020. Se utilizaron diferentes estrategias metodológicas, tales como: dibujos, observación de los alrededores de sus casas, el paisaje local, entrevistas con familiares, escuchar la radio, escribir poemas y producir maquetas. Los datos se presentan según tres categorías: i) Reflexiones sobre el trabajo a distancia en la Escola do Campo; ii) La metodología IIR en Educación Infantil y iii) Alfabetización Científica en Preescolar. El trabajo a distancia trajo algunos desafíos, especialmente en Educación Infantil, considerando la necesidad de interacción entre sujetos y mediación docente. Se encontró que el aprendizaje se dio en otros espacios y tiempos, principalmente en la interacción con los miembros de la familia y en la observación de los ambientes sociales y naturales de su entorno, siendo importante para la construcción de la identidad del sujeto del campo y la apreciación de las culturas y los conocimientos. El uso de la metodología IIR desde la Educación Infantil está en línea con los Campos de Experiencia señalados por la Base Común Curricular Nacional (Brasil, 2017). Se concluye que algunas habilidades relacionadas con la Alfabetización Científica, como la autonomía, el dominio y la comunicación, se pueden lograr con el desarrollo de un IIR en Preescolar, aunque sea a distancia.ABSTRACT. The present study analyzed the implementation of a set of activities in Early Childhood Education, based on the methodology of the Islands of Rationality (Fourez, 1997). The qualitative research was carried out remotely in two Pre-School classes in a rural school in the city of São Gabriel/RS, during the year 2020. Different methodological strategies were used, such as drawings, observation of the surroundings of their homes, the local landscape, interviews with family members, listening to the radio, writing poems, and producing models. Data are presented according to three categories: i) Reflections on remote work at Escola do Campo; ii) The IIR methodology in Early Childhood Education and iii) Scientific Literacy in Preschool. Remote work brought some challenges, especially in Early Childhood Education, considering the need for interaction between subjects and teacher mediation. It was found that learning took place in other spaces and times, mainly in the interaction with family members and in the observation of the social and natural environments of their surroundings, being important for the construction of the identity of the subject of the countryside and the appreciation of cultures and knowledge. locations. The use of the IIR methodology in Early Childhood Education is in line with the Experience Fields signaled by the National Curricular Common Base (Brasil, 2017). It is concluded that some skills related to Scientific Literacy, such as autonomy, mastery, and communication can be achieved with the development of an IIR in Preschool, even if remotely.O presente estudo analisou a implementação de um conjunto de atividades na Educação Infantil, baseadas na metodologia das Ilhas de Racionalidade (Fourez, 1997). A pesquisa, de caráter qualitativo, realizou-se de forma remota em duas turmas de Pré-Escola em uma escola do campo no município de São Gabriel/RS, durante o ano de 2020. Foram utilizadas diferentes estratégias metodológicas, tais como: desenhos, observação do entorno de suas casas, da paisagem local, entrevistas com familiares, escuta de rádio, elaboração de poemas e produção de maquetes.  Os dados são apresentados segundo três categorias:  i) Reflexões acerca do trabalho remoto na Escola do Campo; ii) A metodologia IIR na Educação Infantil e iii) Alfabetização Científica na Pré-escola. O trabalho remoto trouxe alguns desafios, em especial na Educação Infantil, considerando a necessidade de interação entre os sujeitos e mediação do professor. Verificou-se que a aprendizagem ocorreu em outros espaços e tempos, principalmente na interação com os familiares e na observação dos ambientes sociais e naturais do seu entorno, sendo importantes para a construção da identidade do sujeito do campo e a valorização das culturas e dos saberes locais. A utilização da metodologia das IIR desde a Educação Infantil vai ao encontro dos Campos de Experiência sinalizados pela Base Nacional Comum Curricular (Brasil, 2017). Conclui-se que algumas habilidades relacionadas à Alfabetização Científica, como a autonomia, o domínio e a comunicação, podem ser alcançadas com o desenvolvimento de uma IIR na Pré-escola, mesmo que de forma remota. Palavras-chave: pré-escola, projeto interdisciplinar, ensino remoto.   Scientific Literacy in Childhood Education: experience in a countryside school in times of pandemic ABSTRACT. The present study analyzed the implementation of a set of activities in Early Childhood Education, based on the methodology of the Islands of Rationality (Fourez, 1997). The qualitative research was carried out remotely in two Pre-School classes in a rural school in the city of São Gabriel/RS, during the year 2020. Different methodological strategies were used, such as drawings, observation of the surroundings of their homes, the local landscape, interviews with family members, listening to the radio, writing poems, and producing models. Data are presented according to three categories: i) Reflections on remote work at Escola do Campo; ii) The IIR methodology in Early Childhood Education and iii) Scientific Literacy in Preschool. Remote work brought some challenges, especially in Early Childhood Education, considering the need for interaction between subjects and teacher mediation. It was found that learning took place in other spaces and times, mainly in the interaction with family members and in the observation of the social and natural environments of their surroundings, being important for the construction of the identity of the subject of the countryside and the appreciation of cultures and knowledge. locations. The use of the IIR methodology in Early Childhood Education is in line with the Experience Fields signaled by the National Curricular Common Base (Brasil, 2017). It is concluded that some skills related to Scientific Literacy, such as autonomy, mastery, and communication can be achieved with the development of an IIR in Preschool, even if remotely. Keywords: preschool, interdisciplinary project, remote learning.   Alfabetización Científica en Educación Infantil: experiencia en una escuela rural en tiempos de pandemia RESUMEN. El presente estudio analizó la implementación de un conjunto de actividades en Educación Infantil, a partir de la metodología de las Islas de la Racionalidad (Fourez, 1997). La investigación cualitativa se realizó de forma remota en dos clases de preescolar en una escuela rural en la ciudad de São Gabriel/RS, durante el año 2020. Se utilizaron diferentes estrategias metodológicas, tales como: dibujos, observación de los alrededores de sus casas, el paisaje local, entrevistas con familiares, escuchar la radio, escribir poemas y producir maquetas. Los datos se presentan según tres categorías: i) Reflexiones sobre el trabajo a distancia en la Escola do Campo; ii) La metodología IIR en Educación Infantil y iii) Alfabetización Científica en Preescolar. El trabajo a distancia trajo algunos desafíos, especialmente en Educación Infantil, considerando la necesidad de interacción entre sujetos y mediación docente. Se encontró que el aprendizaje se dio en otros espacios y tiempos, principalmente en la interacción con los miembros de la familia y en la observación de los ambientes sociales y naturales de su entorno, siendo importante para la construcción de la identidad del sujeto del campo y la apreciación de las culturas y los conocimientos. El uso de la metodología IIR desde la Educación Infantil está en línea con los Campos de Experiencia señalados por la Base Común Curricular Nacional (Brasil, 2017). Se concluye que algunas habilidades relacionadas con la Alfabetización Científica, como la autonomía, el dominio y la comunicación, se pueden lograr con el desarrollo de un IIR en Preescolar, aunque sea a distancia. Palabras clave: preescolar, proyecto interdisciplinario, enseñanza a distancia

    Object recognition in noisy RGB-D data using GNG

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    Object recognition in 3D scenes is a research field in which there is intense activity guided by the problems related to the use of 3D point clouds. Some of these problems are influenced by the presence of noise in the cloud that reduces the effectiveness of a recognition process. This work proposes a method for dealing with the noise present in point clouds by applying the growing neural gas (GNG) network filtering algorithm. This method is able to represent the input data with the desired number of neurons while preserving the topology of the input space. The GNG obtained results which were compared with a Voxel grid filter to determine the efficacy of our approach. Moreover, since a stage of the recognition process includes the detection of keypoints in a cloud, we evaluated different keypoint detectors to determine which one produces the best results in the selected pipeline. Experiments show how the GNG method yields better recognition results than other filtering algorithms when noise is present

    Plasticity in the Brain after a Traumatic Brachial Plexus Injury in Adults

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    In this chapter, we aim to discuss the neurophysiological basis of the brain reorganization (also called plasticity) that associates with a traumatic brachial plexus injury (TBPI), as well as following the brachial plexus surgical reconstruction and its physical rehabilitation. We start by reviewing core aspects of plasticity following peripheral injuries such as amputation and TBPI as well as those associated with chronic pain conditions. Then, we present recent results collected by our team centered on physiological measurements of plasticity after TBPI. Finally, we discuss that an important limitation in the field is the lack of systematic measurement of TBPI clinical features. We finish by proposing possible future venues in the domain of brain plasticity following a TBPI

    Environmental Vulnerability Index in the micro-watershed of Talhado, Santa Luzia, Paraíba

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    The environmental vulnerability index is a vital tool in the investigation and identification of factors which may generate environmental degradation in ecosystems, such as the watersheds. In view of what has been exposed here, the objective of this study was to determine the environmental vulnerability index in the micro-watershed of Talhado, in the municipality of Santa Luzia, Paraíba. For the application of the methodology, the environmental vulnerability index was generated by the addition of the following information plans:  normalized difference vegetation index, topographical factor, current land use, permanent preservation areas and restricted use; which were created using a geographical information system, which encompassed Idrisi Andes, version 16.0. The results showed that 581.2 hectares (49.9%) of the micro-watershed were identified with moderate vulnerability, followed by areas of 541.4 hectares (46.5%) with low and very low vulnerabilities, while 41.1 hectares (3.5%) varied from serious to very serious. These results indicate that special attention must be given to the conservationist management of its natural resources on Talhado’s micro-watershed

    Use of geotechnology for towers placement in order to detect forest fires in northeastern Semiarid

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    A possibilidade de manipular um grande volume de informações faz do SIG uma ótima ferramenta para análises ambientais. O objetivo do estudo foi identificar locais ideais para implantação de torres de vigilância de incêndios florestais, avaliar a potencialidade do SIG utilizado e testar a eficiência da metodologia proposta em áreas de caatinga. O estudo foi realizado na microbacia do rio do Saco, Santa Luzia, PB, Brasil. Foram gerados mapas de declividade, uso da terra, orientação das encostas, altimetria, temperatura, precipitação e risco potencial de incêndios, sendo correlacionados com as cotas de maior altitude e a proximidade de estradas para alocação das torres. Os resultados mostraram que5863,1 ha(61,6%) da área possuem elevado risco de incêndio. A torre 1 (T1) proporcionou a maior visualização (41,2%) das áreas de alto a extremo risco. Já a combinação de T1 + T5 proporcionou a maior visualização da área (74,9%). Para o uso de uma torre, foi indicada a instalação de T1; para combinação entre torres, a melhor associação foi T1 + T5. A metodologia se mostrou aplicável em outras áreas com características fisiográficas semelhantes. As rotinas do Sistema de Informações Geográficas Idrisi (SIG Idrisi) foram capazes de atender satisfatoriamente aos procedimentos metodológicos utilizados.Palavras-chave: Bacia hidrográfica; geoprocessamento; risco de incêndio. AbstractUse of geotechnology for towers placement in order to detect forest fires in northeastern Semiarid. The ability to handle a large volume of information makes GIS a great tool for environmental analysis. This research aims to identify ideal sites for installation of watchtowers forest fires, in order to evaluate the potential of SIG as well as to test efficiency of the proposed methodology in areas of Caatinga. The study was conducted in the watershed of the Saco River, Santa Luzia - PB, Brazil. We generated maps of slope, land use, orientation of slopes, altitude, temperature, precipitation and potential risk of fire, correlated with the dimensions of higher altitude and proximity of roads to towers installation. The results revealed that 5863.1 ha (61.6%) of  the area is at high fire risk. Tower 1 (T1) presented the better visualization (41.2%) of areas of high to extreme risk. The combination of T1 + T5 had as result better visualization of the area (74.9%). For the use of one only tower, it was indicated T1, in relation to combination the best one was the association of T1 + T5. The methodology proved its applicability in other areas with similar physiographic characteristics. Geographic Information System Idrisi (SIG Idrisi) routines were able to meet satisfactorily the methodological procedures.Keywords: Watershed; geoprocessing; risk of fire.AbstractThe ability to handle a large volume of information makes GIS a great tool for environmental analysis. This research aims to identify ideal sites for installation of watchtowers forest fires, in order to evaluate the potential of SIG as well as to test efficiency of the proposed methodology in areas of Caatinga. The study was conducted in the watershed of the Saco River, Santa Luzia - PB, Brazil. We generated maps of slope, land use, orientation of slopes, altitude, temperature, precipitation and potential risk of fire, correlated with the dimensions of higher altitude and proximity of roads to towers installation. The results revealed that 5863.1 ha (61.6%) of  the area is at high fire risk. Tower 1 (T1) presented the better visualization (41.2%) of areas of high to extreme risk. The combination of T1 + T5 had as result better visualization of the area (74.9%). For the use of one only tower, it was indicated T1, in relation to combination the best one was the association of T1 + T5. The methodology proved its applicability in other areas with similar physiographic characteristics. Geographic Information System Idrisi (SIG Idrisi) routines were able to meet satisfactorily the methodological procedures.Keywords: Watershed; geoprocessing; risk of fire

    Equipo multidisciplinar de atención al paciente crítico: ¿qué aporta la integración del farmacéutico?

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    Background and objective: The severity and instability of the patients, together with the high degree of complexity of the medication, make the intensive care units (ICU) a critical area of ​​problems related to medication. The aim of our study was to analyze and assess the activity performed by the clinical pharmacist integrated in an ICU and to know the opinion of the staff about it. Material and method: A 42 month descriptive and prospective study was conducted. The pharmacist was integrated into the daily activity of the multidisciplinary team of a 12-bed ICU belonging to the Anaesthesiology and Resuscitation Department. Every pharmacotherapeutic intervention (PI) carried out, the degree of acceptance, the method of communication and the receiver of the intervention, as well as the clinical evaluation of the accepted interventions were recorded. Subsequently, a survey was carried out to the staff of the unit on the patient´s safety and the influence of the integration of the pharmacist in the unit. Results: A total of 2399 PIs were carried out with a 97.0% of acceptance. Of these, most were those related to posology (37.8%) and consultations with the pharmacist (25.7%). Among the accepted PIs, 53.7% had an influence on the efficacy of drug therapy, and 35.1% on treatment tolerance. In the survey to the unit´s staff in order to assess the perception of the pharmacist´s integration, an overall assessment of 8.58 ± 1.40 out of 10 was obtained. Conclusions: The hospital pharmacist integrated in the ICU multidisciplinary team can add value to the pharmacotherapeutic process of the critical patient.Antecedentes y objetivo: La gravedad e inestabilidad de los pacientes, junto con el alto grado de complejidad de la medicación, hacen de las unidades de cuidados intensivos (UCI) un área crítica de problemas relacionados con la medicación. El objetivo de nuestro estudio fue analizar y evaluar la actividad clínica realizada por el farmacéutico clínico integrado en una UCI y conocer la opinión del personal. Material y método: Estudio descriptivo, prospectivo, de 42 meses de duración. El farmacéutico se integró en la actividad diaria del equipo multidisciplinar de una UCI de 12 camas perteneciente al Servicio de Anestesiología y Reanimación. Se registraron todas las intervenciones farmacoterapéuticas (IF) realizadas, el grado de aceptación, el método de comunicación y destinatario de la intervención, así como la evaluación clínica de las intervenciones aceptadas. Posteriormente, se realizó una encuesta al personal de la unidad sobre la seguridad del paciente y la influencia de la integración del farmacéutico en la unidad. Resultados: Se realizaron un total de 2399 IF con un 97,0% de aceptación. De estas, las mayoritarias fueron las relacionadas con la posología (37,8%) y las consultas al farmacéutico (25,7%). De las IF aceptadas, el 53,7% influyeron sobre la eficacia del tratamiento farmacológico y el 35,1% sobre la tolerancia. En la encuesta realizada al personal de la unidad para valorar la percepción de la integración del farmacéutico se obtuvo una valoración global de de 8,58 ± 1,40 sobre 10. Conclusiones: El farmacéutico hospitalario integrado en el equipo multidisciplinar de UCI puede aportar un valor añadido al proceso farmacoterapéutico del paciente crítico

    Multidisciplinary team of critically ill patient care: What is the contribution of the pharmacist?

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    Antecedentes y objetivo: La gravedad e inestabilidad de los pacientes, junto con el alto grado de complejidad de la medicación, hacen de las unidades de cuidados intensivos (UCI) un área crítica de problemas relacionados con la medicación. El objetivo de nuestro estudio fue analizar y evaluar la actividad clínica realizada por el farmacéutico clínico integrado en una UCI y conocer la opinión del personal. Material y método: Estudio descriptivo, prospectivo, de 42 meses de duración. El farmacéutico se integró en la actividad diaria del equipo multidisciplinar de una UCI de 12 camas perteneciente al Servicio de Anestesiología y Reanimación. Se registraron todas las intervenciones farmacoterapéuticas (IF) realizadas, el grado de aceptación, el método de comunicación y destinatario de la intervención, así como la evaluación clínica de las intervenciones aceptadas. Posteriormente, se realizó una encuesta al personal de la unidad sobre la seguridad del paciente y la influencia de la integración del farmacéutico en la unidad. Resultados: Se realizaron un total de 2399 IF con un 97,0% de aceptación. De estas, las mayoritarias fueron las relacionadas con la posología (37,8%) y las consultas al farmacéutico (25,7%). De las IF aceptadas, el 53,7% influyeron sobre la eficacia del tratamiento farmacológico y el 35,1% sobre la tolerancia. En la encuesta realizada al personal de la unidad para valorar la percepción de la integración del farmacéutico se obtuvo una valoración global de de 8,58 ± 1,40 sobre 10. Conclusiones: El farmacéutico hospitalario integrado en el equipo multidisciplinar de UCI puede aportar un valor añadido al proceso farmacoterapéutico del paciente crítico.Background and objective: The severity and instability of the patients, together with the high degree of complexity of the medication, make the intensive care units (ICU) a critical area of problems related to medication. The aim of our study was to analyze and assess the activity performed by the clinical pharmacist integrated in an ICU and to know the opinion of the staff about it. Material and method: A 42 month descriptive and prospective study was conducted. The pharmacist was integrated into the daily activity of the multidisciplinary team of a 12-bed ICU belonging to the Anaesthesiology and Resuscitation Department. Every pharmacotherapeutic intervention (PI) carried out, the degree of acceptance, the method of communication and the receiver of the intervention, as well as the clinical evaluation of the accepted interventions were recorded. Subsequently, a survey was carried out to the staff of the unit on the patient´s safety and the influence of the integration of the pharmacist in the unit. Results: A total of 2399 PIs were carried out with a 97.0% of acceptance. Of these, most were those related to posology (37.8%) and consultations with the pharmacist (25.7%). Among the accepted PIs, 53.7% had an influence on the efficacy of drug therapy, and 35.1% on treatment tolerance. In the survey to the unit´s staff in order to assess the perception of the pharmacist´s integration, an overall assessment of 8.58 ± 1.40 out of 10 was obtained. Conclusions: The hospital pharmacist integrated in the ICU multidisciplinary team can add value to the pharmacotherapeutic process of the critical patient