55 research outputs found

    Quality of products and services in wellness centers as a factor of competitiveness of the hotels in Slovenia

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    U  doktorskoj  disertaciji  predstavljena  je  problematika poslovanja  velnes  centara,  koji  predstavljaju  važan  deo ugostiteljskih  objekata,  prilagođavanje  obima  i  kvaliteta velnes  ponude  potrebama  velnes  turista,  kao  i  uticaj kvaliteta usluge u velnes centrima na konkurentnost hotela.U  teorijskom  delu  doktorske  disertacije   predstavljena  su glavna  teorijska  ishodišta  koja  se  bave  problematikom definisanja  pojmova velnes i subjektivno blagostanje,  velnes turista  i  velnes  turizma,  kvaliteta  usluga  u  hotelijerstvu, konkurentnosti.  U  empirijskom  delu  doktorske  disertacije predstavljeni  su  rezultati  istraživanja,  dobijenih  pomoću sledećih  istraživačkih  metoda:  analiza  podataka  na  vebsajtovima  hotela,  odnosno  analiza  velnes  ponude  hotela  u loveniji  i  anketno  istraživanje  usmereno  na  posetioce velnes centara  izdvojenih  hotela u Sloveniji.  U zaključnom delu  doktorske  disertacije,  pored  zaključne  diskusije  o rezultatima  istraživanja,  istaknut  je  naučni  i  praktični doprinos  rada,  kao  i  limitirajući  faktori  i  preporuke  za buduća istraživanja.The  doctoral  dissertation  presents  wellness  center,  as  an important part of the hotel, then adapting the diversity and quality of wellness offer to the needs of the wellness tourists, as  well  as  the    influence  of   service  quality  in  wellness centers on the competitiveness of hotels.  The theoretical part of  the  doctoral   dissertation  presents  the  main  theoretical sources that deal with the problem of defining the concepts of wellness and subjective well-being, wellness tourism and    wellness  tourists, the quality of services in hotel industry, competitiveness.  In  the  empirical  part  of  the  doctoral dissertation, the results of the research, obtained through the following  research  methods,  were  presented:  analysis  of data of hotel  web sites, analysis of the hotel's wellness offer in Slovenia and  survey research directed at visitors of the wellness centers of selected hotels in Slovenia.  In the final part  of  the  doctoral  dissertation,  in  addition  to  the  final discussion on the  results   of the research, the scientific and practical contribution of the work was emphasized, as well as  the  limiting  factors  and  recommendations  for  future research

    The motives for service users visiting the wellness centres in Slovenia

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    The word “wellness” is usually used to indicate a healthy balance of the mind, the body and the spirit that results in an overall feeling of the well-being. The wellness centers have become an inseparable part of the hotel facilities, at the instance of the users who come to these centers because of different motives. The purpose of this research is to examine the characteristics of a healthy-living market segment and its motivational behavior to wellness facilities in Slovenia. Hence, the objectives of this research are as follows: to identify the motivational characteristics of the tourists visiting the wellness centers and to study the relationship between the tourists’ healthy-living behavioral patterns and the motivational behavior in relation to the wellness facilities in Slovenia


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    A new approach to mathematical modelling of lightning current derivative is proposed in this paper. It builds on the methodology, previously developed by the authors, for representing lightning currents and electrostatic discharge (ESD) currents waveshapes. It considers usage of a multi-peaked form of the analytically extended function (AEF) for approximation of current derivative waveshapes. The AEF function parameters are estimated using the Marquardt least-squares method (MLSM), and the framework for fitting the multi-peaked AEF to a waveshape with an arbitrary number of peaks is briefly described. This procedure is validated performing a few numerical experiments, including fitting the AEF to single- and multi-peaked waveshapes corresponding to measured current derivatives

    Fire-Resistant Composites Based On Acrylic functionalized Lignin And Polyester Resin Obtained From Waste Poly(Ethylene Terephthalate)

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    This paper investigates the using potential of acryl-functionalized kraft lignin (AKL) in reducing the flammability of polymer composites based on recycled unsaturated polyester resins (UPR). Acryl functionalization of kraft lignin was performed by direct esterification of free polyphenolic groups with acryloyl chloride, after what, the AKL was blended in UPR resin synthesized from the polyols obtained by catalytic depolymerization of waste poly(ethylene terephthalate). The AKL was homogenized in UPR resin in different weight ratios: 2.5, 5.0, 7.5, and 12.5 wt.%. Structural and dynamic-mechanical characteristics of acryl-functionalized kraft lignin and composites were determined using FTIR spectroscopy, dynamic-mechanical analysis (DMA), and tensile tests. The influence of functionalization and mass fraction of AKL on tensile and thermal properties of UPR resin was studied. The thermal properties of the composite were tested according to the standard UL-94 method, based on which the highest category of heat-resistant materials is a composite with 12.5 wt.% acylfunctionalized lignin

    Fire-resistant composites based on acrylic-functionalized lignin and polyester resin obtained from waste poly(ethylene terephthalate)

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    This paper investigates the using potential of acryl-functionalized kraft lignin (AKL) in reducing theflammability of polymer composites based on recycled unsaturated polyester resins (UPR). Acryl functionalization ofkraft lignin was performed by direct esterification of free polyphenolic groups with acryloyl chloride, after what, theAKL was blended in UPR resin synthesized from the polyols obtained by catalytic depolymerization of wastepoly(ethylene terephthalate). The AKL was homogenized in UPR resin in different weight ratios: 2.5, 5.0, 7.5, and 12.5wt.%. Structural and dynamic-mechanical characteristics of acryl-functionalized kraft lignin and composites weredetermined using FTIR spectroscopy, dynamic-mechanical analysis (DMA), and tensile tests. The influence offunctionalization and mass fraction of AKL on tensile and thermal properties of UPR resin was studied. The thermalproperties of the composite were tested according to the standard UL-94 method, based on which the highest categoryof heat-resistant materials is a composite with 12.5 wt.% acyl-functionalized lignin