3,576 research outputs found

    Analysis of inequality in fertility curves fitted by gamma distributions

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    The aim of this paper is to analyse fertility curves from a novel viewpoint, that of inequality. Through sufficient conditions that can be easily verified, we compare inequality, in the Lorenz and Generalized Lorenz sense, in fertility curves fitted by gamma distributions, thus achieving a useful complementary instrument for demographic analysis. As a practical application, we examine inequality behaviour in the distributions of specific fertility curves in Spain from 1975 to 2009.Peer Reviewe

    Who relies on mobile payment systems when they are on vacation? A segmentation analysis

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    Despite the growth of mobile phone use in travel planning, the number of tourists that adopt mobile payments (m-payments) is not high. As tourist trust in m-payment has been identified as an essential factor in m-transaction behaviour, this study contributes with a segmentation and a characterization of tourists based on their trust in m-payments. An online survey of Spanish tourists who use smartphones for travel purposes was conducted to collect the data. Utilizing cluster analysis, the data indicate that heterogeneity exists and that tourists can be classified into three segments depending on their trust in m-payments: tourists with high trust in m-payments, tourists with medium trust in m-payments and tourists with low trust in m-payments. Moreover, in terms of the characterization of these three segments, Pearson´s Chi-square found that they show different demographic characteristics. While tourists who travel for pleasure three or more times per year, men, tourists aged between 25 and 34 and the self-employed are overrepresented in users with high trust in m-payments, tourists who travel for pleasure once a year, women and users older than 45 years of age are overrepresented in users with low trust in m-payments. The segments identified will allow tourism companies to adapt their m-payment strategies

    Las habilidades comunicativas básicas en la inserción profesional. Intervención con estudiantes del Grado de Administración y Dirección de Empresas

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    This research is a study on communication skills, skills needed in professional insertion. Our starting point is a consideration of what is demanded in today's society, what companies ask for when hiring students after college and how students should prepare for their working lives. The most necessary skills in the workplace are analyzed and explained through a study of students in the final year of the Bachelor of Administration and Management, using questionnaires and conducting a workshop coordinated by two qualified educational specialists. We find that in addition to language skills, skills in information technology and communication, the ability to adapt to new situations and initiative, university students should be able to develop communication skills that underlie leadership, such as decision-making, conflict resolution, empathy, assertiveness and coaching, as we have proposed in this study. It is essential to know, manage and develop communication skills as ever-changing core competences. We assume that all through working life, adapting to different contexts and social, communication skills is a learning process which is continuous and always to be improved.El presente trabajo de investigación es un estudio sobre las habilidades comunicativas, competencias necesarias en la inserción profesional. Partimos de la reflexión sobre qué se demanda en la sociedad actual, qué piden las empresas a la hora de contratar a estudiantes después de sus estudios universitarios y cómo los estudiantes deben preparase para su vida laboral. Se analizan y se explican las habilidades más necesarias en el mundo laboral, a través de un estudio realizado con estudiantes del último curso del Grado de Administración y Dirección de Empresas, mediante la utilización de cuestionarios y la realización de un taller, coordinado por dos tituladas en Pedagogía. Constatamos que además del conocimiento de idiomas, la destreza en las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación, la capacidad de adaptarse a nuevas situaciones y la iniciativa, los jóvenes universitarios deben saber desarrollar las habilidades comunicativas que subyacen en el liderazgo, la toma de decisiones, la resolución de conflictos, la empatía, la asertividad y el coaching, que son las que hemos propuesto en este estudio. Es necesario conocer, manejar y poder desarrollar las habilidades comunicativas como competencias básicas siempre cambiantes. Partimos de la base de que a lo largo de la vida laboral, hay que adaptarse a contextos y ámbitos sociales diferentes, las habilidades comunicativas son un aprendizaje continuo y siempre mejorable

    Cognitive Fusion Mediates the Relationship between Dispositional Mindfulness and Negative Affects: A Study in a Sample of Spanish Children and Adolescent School Students

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    Nowadays, mindfulness-based interventions (MBI) have experienced a remarkable development of studies among childhood and adolescent interventions. For this reason, dispositional mindfulness (DM) measures for children and adolescents have been developed to determine the e ectiveness of MBI at this age stage. However, little is known about how key elements of DM (for example, cognitive de/fusion or experiential avoidance that both confirm psychological inflexibility) are involved in the mechanisms of the children and adolescents’ mental health outcomes. This research examined the mediating e ect of cognitive fusion between DM and anxiety and other negative emotional states in a sample of 318 Spanish primary-school students (aged between 8 and 16 years, M = 11.24, SD = 2.19, 50.8% males). Participants completed the AFQ-Y (Avoidance and Fusion Questionnaire for youth), which is a measure of psychological inflexibility that encompasses cognitive defusion and experiential avoidance; CAMM (DM for children and adolescents), PANAS-N (positive and negative a ect measure for children, Spanish version of PANASC), and STAIC (an anxiety measure for children). The study accomplished ethical standards. As MBI relevant literature has suggested, cognitive defusion was a significant mediator betweenDMand symptoms of both negative emotions and anxiety in children and adolescents. However, experiential avoidance did not show any significant mediating relationship. Probably, an improvement of the assessment of experiential avoidance is needed. MBI programs for children and adolescents may include more activities for reducing e ects of the cognitive defusion on their emotional distress

    Work–Life Balance and Teleworking: Lessons Learned during the Pandemic on Gender Role Transformation and Self-Reported Well-Being

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    Lockdown during COVID-19 forced the emergence of a new scenario, with men and women teleworkers spending all their time at home. The purpose of this study is to address whether this situation has triggered a transformation in gender roles and self-reported well-being, comparing the responses of male and female respondents to the EUROFOUND April to July 2020 survey. The analysis addresses cultural differences across European regions related to diverse gender regimes, employment status, and the possibility of teleworking. It explores male and female well-being through life satisfaction, the distance between happiness and life satisfaction, and rates their feelings about work–life balance. Findings on life satisfaction display a low transformation of social roles, with women still worrying about work–life balance, while men were more affected by the health crisis. Men self-report high life satisfaction across Europe compared to women, although unexpectedly, female freelancers in Northern and Southern European had a higher life satisfaction ratio than men. Both men and women teleworkers reported difficulties with managing work–life balance at home, despite women handling core care and household tasks. These findings suggest that women would have received more support from men, as they worked harder and longer hours during the lockdown, despite their weak position in the labor market. This would seem to be a propitious setting for men to have assumed more responsibility at home, resulting in a more equal distribution of roles at home

    The psychosocial portrayals of immigrants in Spanish prime time television fiction (2016-2017)

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    The present research shows the results of an analysis of Spanish entertainment television aired in prime time between 2016 and the first semester of 2017 by the leading Spanish TV networks. The aim is to draw a comparison between immigrants and the natives in violent and health behaviours, personality traits, and also the number of conversation topics used by immigrants compared to the natives. Content research was used for this analysis, where a sample of 723 characters (n723) was taken. The final result shows there are different tendency patterns in the index of victims of violent behaviour being the native the ones with the highest score. No significant statistical differences in other indexes were observed. However, other variables are statistically related to immigrants/ foreigners, such as drug abuse, topics regarding health or politics, and furthermore, immigrants are also prone to have personality traits such as ‘unfair’, ‘seductive’ or ‘perverse’.En el presente artículo se muestran los resultados de una investigación en la que se han analizado las series de televisión españolas emitidas en prime time entre 2016 y el primer semestre 2017 por las principales cadenas generalistas con el objetivo de conocer qué comportamientos violentos y de salud, qué atributos de personalidad y qué grado de riqueza conversacional manifestaban sus personajes inmigrantes/extranjeros en comparación con los autóctonos. El método utilizado en la investigación fue el análisis de contenido en una muestra de un total de 723 personajes (n= 723). Se concluye que existen diferencias tendenciales en el índice de víctima de comportamientos violentos siendo los autóctonos los que mayor puntuación presentan. En el resto de índices no se aprecian diferencias estadísticamente significativas. No obstante, se observa que variables individuales como “consumir drogas”, abordar temas de conversación como salud o política y tener rasgos de personalidad como “injusto”, “seductor” o “perverso” están estadísticamente relacionados con la condición de inmigrante/extranjero

    Escribir sobre las víctimas: la bibliografía dedicada a los asesinados por ETA

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    El presente artículo traza un recorrido sobre la bibliografía publicada en torno a las víctimas de la banda terrorista ETA desde los inicios de su actividad armada en 1968 hasta el anuncio del final de la violencia en 2011. La investigación distingue tres perfiles de autores (las propias víctimas; periodistas, escritores e intelectuales; e investigadores del ámbito académico) cuyas obras se reparten en cuatro períodos marcados por el silencio sobre los damnificados (1968-1994), las primeras publicaciones con las víctimas como protagonistas (1995-1999), la reivindicación intelectual de las víctimas en paralelo a las movilizaciones sociales contra el terrorismo de ETA (2000-2004) y el auge de los trabajos sobre las víctimas durante los últimos años de actividad terrorista (2005-2011). Considerando que los autores que firmaban estas obras se ponían de forma consciente y voluntaria en la diana de la organización terrorista, este artículo trata de entender qué motivos los llevaron a posicionarse públicamente contra ETA y qué consecuencias tuvo esta decisión en sus vidas. Para ello, se ha entrevistado a tres de los autores de algunas de las obras más relevantes sobre las víctimas: el periodista José María Calleja, la criminóloga y víctima de ETA Cristina Cuesta y la también víctima del terrorismo, política y activista Maite Pagazaurtundúa.This article aims to examine the bibliography about the victims of the terrorist organisation ETA from the beginning of its armed activity in 1968 to the end of the violence in 2011. The research differentiates three author’s profiles (the own victims; journalists, writers and other experts; and academic researchers) whose books have been published in four periods marked by the silence over the victims (1968-1994); the first books with the victims as protagonists (1995-1999); the recognition of the victims while Spanish society started to protest against ETA (2000-2004); and the rise of publications about the victims when ETA lived its last period of activity (2005-2011). Taking into account that writing theses works, authors became into ETA’s target, this article tries to understand what reasons pushed them to show publicly their opposition against ETA and what were the consequences in their daily lives. To do that, the article includes three interviews to the authors of some of the more relevant publications about ETA’s victims: the journalist José María Calleja; the victim and criminologist Cristina Cuesta; and the victim, politician and activist Maite Pagazaurtundúa

    La irrupción del terrorismo de eta durante la Transición en Navarra

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    La organización terrorista ETA cometió su primer asesinato en Navarra en plena Transición: en noviembre de 1977 dos terroristas asesinaron a tiros al jefe de la Policía Armada, Joaquín Imaz. Tras él, dieciocho personas fueron asesinadas en este período en la Comunidad Foral. La violencia terrorista, hasta entonces presente con atentados de escasa entidad, irrumpió de forma plena cuando se estaban asentando los pilares de un nuevo sistema político en España. La reacción de la sociedad osciló entre enfrentamientos callejeros de grupos radicales y manifestaciones que, aunque puntuales, llegaron a ser multitudinarias. Algunas de estas protestas se convirtieron no solo en marchas contra la violencia terrorista, sino en ocasiones para expresar el rechazo al nacionalismo radical.ETA erakunde terroristak trantsizio betean egin zuen lehen erailketa Nafarroan: 1977ko azaroan, bi terroristak Polizia Armatuko burua hil zuten, Joaquin Imaz. Ondotik, beste hemezortzi pertsona hil zituzten aldi horretan Foru Komunitatean. Indarkeria terrorista, ordura arte garrantzi txikia izan arren, bete-betean agertu zen Espainian sistema politiko berri baten oinarriak finkatzen ari zirenean. Gizartearen erreakzioan gorabeherak izan ziren: talde erradikalen arteko kale borrokak eta, noizean behin bada ere, jendetsuak izan ziren manifestazioak. Batzuetan, protesta batzuk nazionalismo erradikala gaitzesteko aukera izan zirenETA perpetrated its first murder in Navarre during the Spanish Transition to democracy: two terrorists killed Joaquín Imaz, chief of Armed Police, in November 1977. After that, 18 people were killed during this period in the region. The terrorist violence bursted into Navarre while a new political system was under construction in Spain. After the first victims, radical groups started to get involved in street riots, while demonstrations against the violence and for the victims were non-existent. However, some massive demonstrations arrived from 1980, turning into occasions to protest against radical nationalism

    Las víctimas del terrorismo en España e Irlanda del Norte: dinámicas de selección durante los «años de plomo» y políticas de reparación

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    ETA y el IRA, las dos organizaciones terroristas más antiguas de Europa, llegaron a las cotas más elevadas de su actividad armada durante los «años de plomo», entre 1968 y 1981. El presente artículo pretende, por un lado, aportar una radiografía de las víctimas y de los responsables de los crímenes de este período, analizando estudios previos y revisando documentación que arroja luz sobre las dinámicas de selección de las víctimas practicadas por ambos grupos, siguiendo el modelo teórico de de la Calle y Sánchez-Cuenca. Por otro lado, ahonda en la deficiente atención institucional a los damnificados y analiza las políticas de reparación, que en ambos casos llegaron con más de tres décadas de retraso. Por último, se abordan las principales reivindicaciones pendientes, entre las que destaca el elevado nivel de impunidad de los crímenes cometidos, lo que condena a las víctimas a una victimización secundaria.ETA and IRA, the two oldest terrorist organizations in Europe, reached their greatest levels of violence during the «years of lead» (1968-1981). This article aims to explore the characteristics of victims in this period determining the role of the terrorist and paramilitary organisations in the generation of violence. Moreover, it tries to describe the dynamics of victim selection employed by ETA and IRA using the theoretical model of de la Calle and Sánchez-Cuenca. On the other hand, the article explores in depth the reparation policies followed by Spain and the United Kingdom, which appeared three decades after the first crimes. The victims of both countries share a common demand: to resolve the high level of impunity, which condemns victims to a secondary victimization