387 research outputs found

    Flexible conductive disc electrode Patent

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    Dry electrode design with wire sandwiched between two flexible conductive discs for monitoring physiological response

    Ultrafast Laser Material Processing For Photonic Applications

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    Femtosecond Laser Direct Writing (FLDW) is a viable technique for producing photonic devices in bulk materials. This novel manufacturing technique is versatile due to its full 3D fabrication capability. Typically, the only requirement for this process is that the base material must be transparent to the laser wavelength. The modification process itself is based on non-linear energy absorption of laser light within the focal volume of the incident beam. This thesis addresses the feasibility of this technique for introducing photonic structures into novel dielectric materials. Additionally, this work provides a deeper understanding of the lightmatter interaction mechanism occurring at high pulse repetition rates. A novel structure on the sample surface in the form of nano-fibers was observed when the bulk material was irradiated with high repetition rate pulse trains. To utilize the advantages of the FLDW technique even further, a transfer of the technology from dielectric to semiconductor materials is investigated. However, this demands detailed insight of the absorption and modification processes themselves. Experiments and the results suggested that non-linear absorption, specifically avalanche ionization, is the limiting factor inhibiting the application of FLDW to bulk semiconductors with today’s laser sources

    Zwei neue aethiopische Genera der Eumastacidae (Orth. Acrid.)

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    1 lámina.Peer reviewe

    under special consideration of the assimilation of the legal system of both German States after german reunification

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    Titelblatt, Inhaltsverzeichnis,Lebenslauf 1\. Einleitung 2\. Literatur 3\. Eigene Untersuchungen 4\. Diskussion 5\. Zusammenfassung 6\. Summary Literaturverzeichnis AnlagenMit der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde die Weiterbildung zum Fachtierarzt auf lebensmittelhygienischem Gebiet untersucht. Nach Vorstellung der Weiterbildungsträger in beiden deutschen Staaten folgt eine Analyse der Veränderungen und Angleichungen der Weiterbildungsordnungen in Deutschland. Für die BRD wurde die Entwicklung der Weiterbildung bis zu einer weitgehend im Bundesgebiet angeglichenen Weiterbildungsordnung aufgezeigt. Für die DDR wurde die Entwicklung der Weiterbildung von der Gründung der Wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft für Veterinärmedizin als Weiterbildungsträger über die Einführung des postgradualen Studiums 1977 bis hin zur Wiedervereinigung Deutschland aufgezeigt. Dort wurde besonderer Wert auf die Entstehungsweise und die Durchführung des postgradualen Studiums gelegt. Es schließt sich ein Überblick über den seinerzeitigen Stand der Weiterbildung in Deutschland und der EU an. An die betreffenden Fachtierärzte der Fachrichtungen der Lebensmittelhygiene wurden Fragebögen verschickt.This theses above dealt with the course of further studies for a degree of a specialist veterinarian in the feld of food hygiene. In accordance with the intentions of the institutions of further studies in both german states, an analysis of the changes and assimilation of the systems of further studies was carried out. For the Federal Republic, the development up to an almost assimilated system of further studies was shown. For the German Democratic Republic, the development of further studies from the foundation of the Scientific Society of Veterinary Medicine as an institution of further studies via the introduction of postgradual studies in 1977 until German Reunification could be laid out. There special emphasis was put on the origins and carrying out of postgradual studies. A survey of the standards of further study courses in Germany and the EU at the time is then given. Questionaires were sent to the concerning specialist veterinarians in the field of food hygien

    Dry electrodes for physiological monitoring

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    Subject preparation and application of sprayed dry electrodes for physiological monitorin

    Climate and ocean circulation in the aftermath of a Marinoan snowball Earth

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    When a snowball Earth deglaciates through a very high atmospheric CO(2 )concentration, the resulting inflow of freshwater leads to a stably stratified ocean, and the strong greenhouse conditions drive the climate into a very warm state. Here, we use a coupled atmosphere-ocean general circulation model, applying different scenarios for the evolution of atmospheric CO2, to conduct the first simulation of the climate and the three-dimensional ocean circulation in the aftermath of the Marinoan snowball Earth. The simulations show that the strong freshwater stratification breaks up on a timescale of the order of 10(3) years, mostly independent of the applied CO2 scenario. This is driven by the upwelling of salty waters in high latitudes, mainly the Northern Hemisphere, where a strong circumpolar current dominates the circulation. In the warmest CO2 scenario, the simulated Marinoan supergreenhouse climate reaches a global mean surface temperature of about 30 degrees C under an atmospheric CO2 concentration of 15 x 10(3) parts per million by volume, which is a moderate temperature compared to previous estimates. Consequently, the thermal expansion of seawater causes a sea-level rise of only 8 m, with most of it occurring during the first 3000 years. Our results imply that the surface temperatures of that time were potentially not as threatening for early metazoa as previously assumed. Furthermore, the short destratification timescale found in this study implies that Marinoan cap dolos tones accumulated during the deglacial period, given that they were deposited under the influence of a freshwater environment

    Kreyòl Ayisyen: Kreyòl pale, Kreyòl konprann!

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    O projeto de extensão “Kreyòl ayisyen: kreyòl pale, kreyòl konprann!” Traduzido em português como “Crioulo haitiano: crioulo falado, crioulo entendido!" é um curso de idiomas oferecido para a comunidade acadêmica Unileira, bem como o público geral da Tríplice Fronteira. O curso tem por objetivo de contribuir na formação linguística inicial do idioma crioulo haitiano, como também um meio de integração dos haitianos com a comunidade iguaçuense através da língua-cultura crioula haitiana. Neste sentido, além da produção de materiais didáticos para o ensino desta língua, são oferecidas aulas presenciais de língua-cultura haitiana na universidade. A metodologia utilizada neste projeto de ensino-aprendizagem do crioulo haitiano se enquadra na abordagem comunicativa-intercultural. Assim, nós temos grandes resultados e satisfações com o avanço linguístico dos participantes do projeto. E por fim, é importante ressaltar sobre a importância do ensino e aprendizagem do crioulo haitiano, um idioma falado por mais de 15 milhões de pessoas em diversos países do continente americano

    A arte e a vida:

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    Este trabalho pretende falar da existência ou não de limites na arte a partir de uma visada sobre a situação contemporânea. A superação dos gêneros artísticos ocorrida com a substituição da artesania pelo trabalho com o conceito, ocorridas no começo do século XX pode ser tomada como o início de um processo de abertura total do campo da arte, que parece ser irreversível e definitivo. Essa abertura pode ser entendida, no sentido duchampiano, como uma expansão sem limites do conceito arte, mantendo, no entanto, a distinção entre a arte e a vida, mas pode ser entendida também como uma superação dos limites entre a arte e a vida. A segunda posição nos leva a refletir sobre a relação entre a arte e a vida, sobre os limites entre elas e sobre a possibilidade, ou necessidade, de superá-los

    Instauração: um conceito na filosofia de Goodman

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    O artigo apresenta o conceito de instauração, noção fundamental na filosofia da arte de Nelson Goodman e com o qual se pretende tratar do momento em que um objeto passa a funcionar como trabalho de arte, isto é, como objeto estético. Esse funcionamento depende da inserção da obra num contexto, e isso implica que os símbolos só adquirem significado à medida que entram em relação com outros objetos com os quais criam relações referenciais. A experiência estética consistiria, então, em “ver” essas conexões.

    Zur Anatomie und Physiologie von Actiniopteris radiata mit besonderer Berücksichtigung des Einrollungsmechanismus

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    ZUR ANATOMIE UND PHYSIOLOGIE VON ACTINIOPTERIS RADIATA MIT BESONDERER BERÜCKSICHTIGUNG DES EINROLLUNGSMECHANISMUS Zur Anatomie und Physiologie von Actiniopteris radiata mit besonderer Berücksichtigung des Einrollungsmechanismus ([1]) Einband ( - ) Titelseite ([1]) Einleitung. ([3]) Kapitel (4) Danksagung (29) Lebenslauf. ( - ) Einband ( -