1,903 research outputs found

    Bachelard y Freud. Los actos epistemológicos

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    Intentamos hoy continuar un diálogo entre Bachelard y Freud, deteniéndonos particularmente en la cuestión de los "actos epistemológicos". Como el trabajo que presentáramos en las Vil Jornadas, éste se halla enmarcado en el Proyecto de Investigación dirigido por la Prof. Violeta Guyot; proyecto que, en una de sus líneas, se pregunta por la Epistemología y el Psicoanálisis Esta relación con el mencionado trabajo es, en lenguaje bachelardiano, "recurrente": retornamos de un modo diferente a una misma indagación. Intentamos entonces, recapitular lo que "decíamos ayer", situándolo hoy en relación a nuevas preguntas; ¿qué son los "actos epistemológicos"? ; ¿cuáles son las condiciones que hacen posible que un sujeto pueda realizar tales actos?, ¿podría plantearse una cierta mismidad entre el movimiento de la cura psicoanalítica y los actos epistemológicos en la actividad científica

    SCILAB: herramienta en la resolución de problemas modelizados mediante sistemas de ecuaciones lineales

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    Se presentará una experiencia en la cual se ha utilizado el “Scilab” (software matemático) en la resolución de sistemas de ecuaciones lineales, con los alumnos de la asignatura Matemática Básica de la carrera de Arquitectura. Diseño y Urbanismo (UNL). Con la utilización de este software se pretendió favorecer la construcción y apropiación del conocimiento para reconstruirlo en el aula y fuera de ella. El objetivo fue mostrar al alumno los beneficios de esta herramienta en la resolución de problemas con un alto número de incógnitas, agilizando los cálculos y permitiendo así centrarse en el análisis e interpretación de los mismos; lo cual posibilitó el análisis de situaciones que antes no se planteaban por su laboriosa resolución algebraica como son, por ejemplo, los problemas de flujo de tránsito, modelizados a través de un sistemas de ecuaciones y su correspondiente resolución con la obtención de la matriz escalonada reducida por renglones

    Genomic epidemiology of third-generation cephalosporin-resistant Escherichia coli from Argentinian pig and dairy farms reveals animal-specific patterns of co-resistance and resistance mechanisms

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    Control measures are being introduced globally to reduce the prevalence of antibiotic resistance (ABR) in bacteria on farms. However, little is known about the current prevalence and molecular ecology of ABR in bacterial species with the potential to be key opportunistic human pathogens, such as Escherichia coli, on South American farms. Working with 30 dairy cattle farms and 40 pig farms across two provinces in central-eastern Argentina, we report a comprehensive genomic analysis of third-generation cephalosporin-resistant (3GC-R) E. coli, which were recovered from 34.8% (cattle) and 47.8% (pigs) of samples from fecally contaminated sites. Phylogenetic analysis revealed substantial diversity suggestive of long-term horizontal and vertical transmission of 3GC-R mechanisms. CTX-M-15 and CTX-M-2 were more often produced by isolates from dairy farms, while CTX-M-8 and CMY-2 and co-carriage of amoxicillin/clavulanate resistance and florfenicol resistance were more common in isolates from pig farms. This suggests different selective pressures for antibiotic use in these two animal types. We identified the β-lactamase gene blaROB, which has previously only been reported in the family Pasteurellaceae, in 3GC-R E. coli. blaROB was found alongside a novel florfenicol resistance gene, ydhC, also mobilized from a pig pathogen as part of a new composite transposon. As the first comprehensive genomic survey of 3GC-R E. coli in Argentina, these data set a baseline from which to measure the effects of interventions aimed at reducing on-farm ABR and provide an opportunity to investigate the zoonotic transmission of resistant bacteria in this region

    Avaliação da qualidade da água utilizada na produção de alimentos

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    A água é um componente essencial para a vida e a sua qualidade é indispensável, pois além de ser consumida, ainda é amplamente utilizada na produção de alimentos. Quando da má qualidade da água, esta pode causar diversos problemas à saúde humana e também animal, e dentre um dos patógenos está a Escherichia coli, uma bactéria do grupo de coliformes termotolerantes que é encontrada no trato gastrointestinal de animais e humanos, e quando presente em água, é considerada uma contaminação fecal. A água para ser considerada potável deve apresentar características dentro das exigidas pela legislação vigente. Assim, este estudo tem como objetivo apresentar as atividades desenvolvidas pelo projeto de extensão que avalia a qualidade da água utilizada na produção de alimentos em estabelecimentos da agricultura familiar (propriedades leiteiras e agroindústrias) localizados no Sudoeste do Paraná. Foram coletadas 9 amostras de água, sendo 6 de distintas agroindústrias e três de diferentes locais em uma propriedade. Estas amostras foram submetidas a análise microbiológica, onde realizou-se contagem bacteriana total, coliformes totais, coliformes termotolerantes e teste IMViC para detecção de Escherichia coli. Além disso, foram realizados testes físico-químicos para verificar pH, dureza total, concentração de íons cálcio e íons magnésio e turbidez da água. Os resultados apontaram potabilidade de apenas duas amostras, sendo estas de agroindústrias. As demais amostras apresentaram alguma alteração, com presença de coliformes ou alterações na análise físico-química, além do que, três das seis amostras apresentaram contaminação fecal na água, sendo detectada a presença de E. coli

    The Rabbit Hole

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    El Banco Interamericano de Finanzas (BanBif) es el quinto banco comercial más grande del Perú y con más de 30 años en el mercado. Fue fundado en el año 1990 y con sede en Lima, forma parte del grupo empresarial de origen español de Ignacio Fierro. Este grupo, mejor conocido como Grupo Fierro, surgió en la década de los 50 y hoy cuenta con presencia en diferentes países. Actualmente, ofrece productos de ahorro (cuenta de ahorro digital, depósito a plazo, CTS, haberes, etc.), de crédito (tarjetas de crédito, préstamos de libre disponibilidad, hipotecario, etc.), seguros y productos de inversión entre otros. Su público objetivo en este caso está compuesto por adultos mayores de 65 años, a lo que se refieren como clientes Silver. BanBif propone el reto de crear una campaña de fidelización, pero sin olvidar el branding para crear una propuesta de valor orientada a sus clientes Silver con el objetivo de que sea rentabilizado y tenga una relación a largo plazo con el banco con un tono de comunicación cercano, amable y confiable. Para lograr este objetivo, se desarrolló un estudio de mercado con adultos mayores de 65 años de Lima. Esto se realizó para conocer el estilo de vida, necesidades y problemas de los adultos mayores, sobre todo, en el ámbito financiero. Para ello, se emplea una metodología mixta, utilizando como instrumentos el social listening, encuestas y entrevistas. Los hallazgos de la investigación permitieron detectar oportunidades y necesidades en el público objetivo que conllevaron al desarrollo estratégico de la campaña de comunicación publicitaria para BanBif denominada “Sigue disfrutando con BanBif”. Esta propuesta vincula los productos del banco con las necesidades de los clientes Silver logrando comunicar su rol como aliado financiero.The ‘Banco Interamericano de Finanzas’ (BanBif) is the fifth largest commercial bank in Peru and has been in the market for more than 30 years. Founded in 1990 and based in Lima, it is part of the Ignacio Fierro business group of Spanish origin. This group, better known as Grupo Fierro, emerged in the 1950s and today is present in different countries. Currently, it offers savings products (digital savings account, term deposit, CTS, assets, etc.), credit products (credit cards, freely available loans, mortgages, etc.), insurance and investment products, among others. In this case, their target audience is made up of adults over the age of 63, which they refer to as Silver clients. BanBif proposes the challenge of creating a customer loyalty campaign but without forgetting the branding, to create a value proposition aimed at its Silver clients. The aim of the campaign is to make their money profitable and establish a long-term relationship with the bank with a close communication tone, friendly and trustworthy. To achieve this objective, a market study was developed with adults over the age of 63 in Lima. This was done to learn about the lifestyle, needs and problems of older adults, especially in the financial field. For this, a mixed methodology was used, like social listening with surveys and interviews as instruments. The research findings made it possible to detect opportunities and needs in the public objective that led to the strategic development of the advertising communication campaign for BanBif called "Keep enjoying with BanBif". This proposal links the bank's products with the needs of the Silver clients, managing to communicate its role as a financial partner

    Sustainability Indicators in the Southwest of Iberian Peninsula. Highlighting the Euro-region EUROACE: The OTALEX-C Project.

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    EUROACE is the name given to the Euro-region covering Alentejo and Centro in Portugal and Extremadura in Spain, since the biophysical perspective, it is mainly characterized by the topography and climate of the southwest of the Iberian Peninsula. The evolution of these two variables have allowed developing a wide variety of soils and a considerable amount of their typologies diversity, as well. The OTALEX C Project team, a cooperation formed by the direct collaboration of Portuguese and Spanish entities creating an active cross-border cooperation (CBC) strategy, belonging to the three levels of administration: national, regional and local. Sharing common problems was enable to develop common solutions for the territories as the example of the OTALEX C Spatial Data Infrastructure (IDE OTALEX C) - a set of indicators that may contribute to the sustainability of the mentioned territory. Those indicators cover a lot of biophysical variables: hydrology, climate, soil, vegetation, and fauna, among many others. The criteria selection of such indicators was carried out taking into account the possibility of a constant updating on the EUROACE territory, as well as they adapting to the Sustainable Development Indicators (SDIs), which are used by the EU Sustainable Development Strategy (EUSDS). With the data collection procedure has been possible to relate soil, weather and vegetation, enabling to analyze issues regarding with the ecosystems functioning as well as their biodiversity and vegetal distribution on the soil, which along, with their structure shape the landscape, where the arboreal stratum constitutes one of they principal components. Major results show that those indicators are helpful tools for territorial management which favoring the conservation and sustainable development of the territories.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Projeto MGOV2 : Envolvimendo do cidadão no desenvolvimento de políticas públicas com o apoio de redes sociais e dispositivos móveis: caso do Brasil

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    The paper presents the design proposal for mgov2 as a technological model based on social networks and mobile devices as a tool to support public policy development at the municipal, state and federal levels, aiming to strengthen citizenship in Latin America and Caribbean - LAC . Raises some questions as necessary modeling solutions that use social networks as a mechanism of interaction between the politician and the citizen, with the purpose of enhancing the level of debate and exchange of information between them with the possibility of direct consultation to citizens through mobile phones. The methodology to be used involves research instruments and qualitative and quantitative assessments of the results of the use of social networking tools and mobile devices and the principles of Engineering of Mind. The expected results concern the citizen participation, local democracy and visibility of the current situation of eGovernment in Latin America.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativ

    Retinoblastoma seeds: Impact on American Joint Committee on Cancer clinical staging

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    Aim To investigate whether the American Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC) clinical category cT2b needs to be subclassified by the type and distribution of retinoblastoma (RB) seeding. Methods Multicentre, international registry-based data were collected from RB centres enrolled between January 2001 and December 2013. 1054 RB eyes with vitreous or subretinal seeds from 18 ophthalmic oncology centres, in 13 countries within six continents were analysed. Local treatment failure was defined as the use of secondary enucleation or external beam radiation therapy (EBRT) and was estimated with the Kaplan-Meier method. Results Clinical category cT2b included 1054 eyes. Median age at presentation was 16.0 months. Of these, 428 (40.6%) eyes were salvaged, and 430 (40.8%) were treated with primary and 196 (18.6%) with secondary enucleation. Of the 592 eyes that had complete data for globe salvage analysis, the distribution of seeds was focal in 143 (24.2%) and diffuse in 449 (75.8%). The 5-year Kaplan-Meier cumulative globe-salvage (without EBRT) was 78% and 49% for eyes with focal and diffuse RB seeding, respectively. Cox proportional hazards regression analysis confirmed a higher local treatment failure risk with diffuse seeds as compared with focal seeds (hazard rate: 2.8; p<0.001). There was insufficient evidence to prove or disprove an association between vitreous seed type and local treatment failure risk(p=0.06). Conclusion This international, multicentre, registry-based analysis of RB eyes affirmed that eyes with diffuse intraocular distribution of RB seeds at diagnosis had a higher risk of local treatment failure when compared with focal seeds. Subclassification of AJCC RB category cT2b into focal vs diffuse seeds will improve prognostication for eye salvage.Fil: Tomar, Ankit Singh. New York Eye Cancer Center; Estados UnidosFil: Finger, Paul T.. New York Eye Cancer Center; Estados UnidosFil: Gallie, Brenda. University Of Toronto. Hospital For Sick Children; CanadáFil: Kivelä, Tero. University of Helsinki; Finlandia. Helsinki University Hospital; FinlandiaFil: Mallipatna, Ashwin. University Of Toronto. Hospital For Sick Children; Canadá. Narayana Nethralaya; IndiaFil: Zhang, Chengyue. Beijing Children's Hospital; ChinaFil: Zhao, Junyang. Beijing Children's Hospital; ChinaFil: Wilson, Matthew. University of Tennessee; Estados UnidosFil: Brennan, Rachel. St Jude Children's Research Hospital; Estados UnidosFil: Burges, Michala. University of Tennessee; Estados UnidosFil: Kim, Jonathan. Keck Medical School of the University of Southern California; Estados UnidosFil: Berry, Jesse L.. Children's Hospital Los Angeles; Estados UnidosFil: Jubran, Rima. Childrens Hospital Society of Los Angeles; Estados UnidosFil: Khetan, Vikas. Vitreo Retinal Services; IndiaFil: Ganeshan, Suganeswari. Vitreo Retinal Services; IndiaFil: Yarovoy, Andrey. Fyodorov Eye Microsurgery Federal State Institution; RusiaFil: Yarovaya, Vera. Fyodorov Eye Microsurgery Federal State Institution; RusiaFil: Kotova, Elena. Fyodorov Eye Microsurgery Federal State Institution; RusiaFil: Volodin, Denis. Fyodorov Eye Microsurgery Federal State Institution; RusiaFil: Yousef, Yacoub. King Hussein Cancer Center; JordaniaFil: Nummi, Kalle. University of Helsinki; Finlandia. Helsinki University Hospital; FinlandiaFil: Ushakova, Tatiana L.. N.N. Blokhin Russian Cancer Research Center; Rusia. Russian Academy of Postgraduate Medical Education; RusiaFil: Yugay, Olga V.. N.N. Blokhin Russian Cancer Research Center; RusiaFil: Polyakov, Vladimir G. N.N. Blokhin Russian Cancer Research Center; Rusia. Russian Academy of Sciences; RusiaFil: Ramirez Ortiz, Marco Antonio. Hospital Infantil de Mexico Federico Gomez; MéxicoFil: Esparza Aguiar, Elizabeth. Hospital Infantil de Mexico Federico Gomez; MéxicoFil: Chantada, Guillermo Luis. Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires. Hospital de Pediatría "Juan P. Garrahan"; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Schaiquevich, Paula Susana. Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires. Hospital de Pediatría "Juan P. Garrahan"; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Fandiño, Adriana Cristina. Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires. Hospital de Pediatría "Juan P. Garrahan"; ArgentinaFil: Yam, Jason C.. The Chinese University of Hong Kong Faculty of Medicine; Hong Kon