578 research outputs found

    PPARδ Activity in Cardiovascular Diseases: A Potential Pharmacological Target

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    Activation of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs), and particularly of PPARα and PPARγ, using selective agonists, is currently used in the treatment of metabolic diseases such as hypertriglyceridemia and type 2 diabetes mellitus. PPARα and PPARγ anti-inflammatory, antiproliferative and antiangiogenic properties in cardiovascular cells were extensively clarified in a variety of in vitro and in vivo models. In contrast, the role of PPARδ in cardiovascular system is poorly understood. Prostacyclin, the predominant prostanoid released by vascular cells, is a putative endogenous agonist for PPARδ, but only recently PPARδ selective synthetic agonists were found, improving studies about the physiological and pathophysiological roles of PPARδ activation. Recent reports suggest that the PPARδ activation may play a pivotal role to regulate inflammation, apoptosis, and cell proliferation, suggesting that this transcriptional factor could become an interesting pharmacological target to regulate cardiovascular cell apoptosis, proliferation, inflammation, and metabolism

    Scheduling of heat integrated multipurpose batch Processes

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    A systematic mathematical framework for scheduling the operation of multipurpose batch plants involving heat-integrated unit operations is presented. The approach advocated takes direct account of the trade-offs between maximal exploitation of heat-integration and others scheduling objectives and constraints. In this paper, heat transfer takes place directly between the fluids undergoing processing in the heat integrated unit operations, and therefore a degree of time overlap of these operations must be ensured. The modelling is based on the ERTN formalism and a discrete time MILP formulation


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    Praktik Pengalaman Lapangan (PPL) merupakan salah satu mata kuliah yang wajib ditempuh oleh mahasiswa S1 di Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta sebagai salah satu syarat dalam menyelesaikan kependidikan dengan gelar sarjana pendidikan. Visi dari Praktik Pengalaman Lapangan adalah sebagai wahana pembentukan calon guru atau tenaga kependidikan yang profesional sesuai dengan tuntutan era global sekarang ini. Dalam pelaksanaan PPL yang dilaksanakan di SMK N 2 DEPOK mulai dari tanggal 15 Juli 2016 sampai 15 September 2016, praktikan diberikan tugas oleh guru pembimbing lapangan untuk mengampu mata pelajaran “Mekanika Teknik” kelas X Program Keahlian Teknik Gambar Bangunan. Kegiatan Belajar Mengajar (KBM) dilakukan di dalam kelas. Kegiatan yang dilakukan selama PPL antara lain adalah mempersiapkan perangkat pembelajaran yang meliputi: Menyusun Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP), Menyusun materi ajar, Praktik mengajar terbimbing dan mandiri, mempelajari dan melaksanakan administrasi guru serta berpartisipasi dalam kegiatan sekolah yang meliputi: Penerimaan Peserta Didik Baru (PPDB), Masa Pengenalan Lingkungan Sekolah (MPLS), Syawalan dan Halal bihalal, Upacara bendera, dan Jumat Taqwa. Dari kegiatan PPL ini mahasiswa praktikan memperoleh pengalaman yang belum pernah diperoleh di perkuliahan, terutama pengalaman dalam mengajar di kelas. Dalam pelaksanaan program-program tersebut tidak pernah terlepas dari hambatan-hambatan akan tetapi dengan kerjasama dan komunikasi yang baik, maka hambatan-hambatan tersebut dapat teratasi

    Etude des pratiques et croyances alimentaires pour comprendre la malnutrition à Madagascar : intérêt de l''introduction de feuilles de Moringa oliefara

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    This work aims at understanding why a high proportion of Malagasy population suffer frommal nutrition, while Madagascar is rich on natural resources, like Moringa oleifera leaves (MO). The hypothesis is that malnutrition is related not only on poverty but also on food beliefs and behaviour. The studies integrating sociopsychology, food sciences and nutrition were conducted on three phases. First, nutritional and sensory characterizations of MO powder showed variations of protein, fat, amino acids, fatty acids, calcium, magnesium and iron contents and organoleptic proprieties depending on locations. Secondly, a study of food beliefs and practices was performed in two regions in urban and rural zones. It showed that Malagasy food is mostly based on carbohydrates foods and that leafy vegetables are not considered as nutritious. Food attitudes and behaviours were mostly based on sanitary proprieties of food than on the equilibrium of nutrients and the caloric characters. The determinants factors of food choice of the Malagasy population were identified: availability, price, satiating power, habit and preference. Finally, four formulations combining cassava roots and MO were evaluated by school age children: the sweet product with 1.2% of MO was the most accepted and chosen in front of the others containing less MO and not sweet. It is possible to contribute to fight against malnutrition by proposing cheap foods containing MO and by integrating information about MO in nutrition education programs adapted to each target area.Cette thèse vise à comprendre pourquoi une grande partie de la population malgache souffre de malnutrition alors que le pays est connu pour ses richesses en ressources naturelles, comme les feuilles de Moringa oleifera (MO). L’hypothèse principale est que la malnutrition est liée non seulement à la pauvreté, mais aussi aux croyances et comportements alimentaires. Une démarche en trois phases a été utilisée. La caractérisation nutritionnelle et sensorielle des poudres de MO a tout d’abord montré des variations des taux en protéine, lipides, acides aminés et gras, calcium, magnésium et fer et des propriétés organoleptiques en fonction du lieu d’origine de MO. Des études de croyances et pratiques alimentaires ont ensuite été réalisées dans deux régions en zones rurales et urbaines. Elles ont montré que les aliments glucidiques dominent dans l’alimentation. En revanche, les légumes-feuilles ne sont pas considérés comme nutritives. Les attitudes et comportements alimentaires sont plus basés sur les propriétés sanitaires des aliments que sur l’équilibre en nutriments et le caractère énergétique. Les facteurs déterminants le choix alimentaire de la population ont été identifiés:disponibilité, prix, pouvoir rassasiant, habitude et préférence. Enfin, quatre formulations combinant manioc et MO ont été évaluées par des enfants : le produit avec 1,2 % de poudre de MO et sucré est le plus accepté et choisi face aux autres qui contiennent moins de MO et non sucrés. Il serait possible de contribuer dans la lutte contre la malnutrition en proposant des produits pas chers et incorporant le MO avec des programmes d’éducations adaptés à chaque zone cible

    Three-dimensional modelling of trace species in the Arctic lower stratosphere

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    A three-dimensional radiative-dynamical-chemical model has been developed and used to study some aspects of modeling the polar lower stratosphere. The model includes a comprehensive gas-phase chemistry scheme as well as a treatment of heterogeneous reactions occurring on the surface of polar stratospheric clouds. Tracer transport is treated by an accurate, nondispersive scheme with little diffusion suited to the representation of strong gradients. Results from a model simulation of early February 1990 are presented and used to illustrate the importance of the model transport scheme. The model simulation is also used to examine the potential for Arctic ozone destruction and the relative contributions of the chemical cycles responsible

    Laboratory scale study of an industrial phosphate and thermal treatment for polluted dredged sediments

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    International audienceDredged sediments are being chemically treated with phosphoric acid on an industrial scale. The effectiveness of the treatment was evaluated by performing the chemical reaction in a tubular reactor, followed by convective drying and maturation of the treated sediment at ambient temperature and finally thermal destruction of the organic matter by calcinations (500 degrees C-900 degrees C). The influence of acid concentration and calcination temperature on the specific surface area of the sediment was investigated. The stabilization of the heavy metals was evaluated by leaching tests and sequential extraction procedures. The phosphoric acid treatment is effective in reducing heavy metal mobility, a prerequisite for recycling the sediments in various construction materials

    Réussite Thérapeutique De Perforation Iatrogène En Endodontie Dans La Région Analamanga, Boeny, Atsimo Andrefana (Madagascar)

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    AbstractIntroduction: Perforations are defined in endodontics as a pathological or iatrogenic communication between the canal space and the periodontium. It is the second cause of failure of endodontic treatment. The aim of this research is to evaluate the therapeutic success of iatrogenic perforations in endodontics of Malagasy practitioners in the Analamanga, Boeny and Atsimo Andrefana regions through a survey of 125 practitioners from May to June. 2021.Method: A descriptive retrospective cross-sectional multicenter study was developed. A simple random sampling was carried out for the choice of the Odontostomatologists surveyed and a sampling by convenience for the choice of 3 regions.Results: The study revealed that 12.6% of practitioners had a success rate > 75% during the perforation treatment. Calcium hydroxide has been the most widely used filling material by Malagasy Odontostomatologists, yet practitioners using BiodentineTM have achieved a success rate > 50%.Conclusion: The preservation of a tooth with an endodontic perforation is possible with a variable success rate depending on the filling product used Keywords: endodontic perforation, treatment, success rat