2,174 research outputs found

    Un retablo en Boadilla de Rioseco (Palencia) de Santiago Carnicero y Tomás Sierra

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    El ensamblador Santiago Carnicero y el escultor Tomás de Sierra colaboraron en varias obras para la zona de Tierra de Campos entre los años finales del siglo XVII y las primeras décadas del siguiente. En este artículo se da a conocer el retablo de la ermita del Amparo de Boadilla de Rioseco (Palencia) y su proceso constructivo, poniéndolo en relación con algunas otras obras de ambos artistas barrocos.The joiner Santiago Carnicero and the sculptor Tomás de Sierra collaborated in some works in the area of Tierra de Campos between the final years of the XVIIth century and the first decades of the next one. In this article is presented the altarpiece of the Amparo hermitage in Boadilla de Rioseco (Palencia) and its making process, putting it in relation with other Works from both Baroque artists

    El escultor Pedro de Bolduque: orígenes y primeras obras

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    El trabajo pretende ahondar en el conocimiento de los primeros años de Pedro de Bolduque, su nacimiento y formación en el taller de Maestre Mateo de Bolduque, la personalidad artística de su hermano mayor, Juan Mateo de Bolduque, y su participación en distintas obras hasta su asentamiento en Cuéllar (Segovia) a comienzos de la década de los 80 del siglo XVI. Se incluyen algunas aclaraciones sobre los retablos de Capillas (Palencia) y Santa María de Medina de Rioseco (Valladolid), donde estuvo bajo las órdenes de Juan de Juni, los dos principales conjuntos de estos primeros años.This paper tries to go deeper in the knowledge of Pedro de Bolduque's early years, his birth and his training in the workshop of Maestre Mateo de Bolduque, the artistic personality of his older brother, Juan Mateo de Bolduque, and his participation in different works until he settled down in Cuéllar (Segovia) at the beginning of the 80's, 16th Century. There are included some explanations about the altarpieces of Capillas (Palencia) and Santa María in Medina de Rioseco (Valladolid), where he was under the orders of Juan de Juni, the two main works of this early years

    Precisiones sobre unas tablas del Maestro de Becerril en Palencia y en Becerril de Campos

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    Se da a conocer una nueva obra del Maestro de Becerril, activo en Castilla en el primer tercio del siglo XVI. Por otra parte se revela la procedencia de dos de las tablas más importantes de este pintor, localizadas hoy en el Museo Diocesano de Palencia pero originarias de Carrión de los Condes y se determinan algunas de sus fuentes iconográficas.A new work by the Maestro de Becerril, who worked in Castile in the first third of the 16th century, is also revealed. On the other hand, we show the origins of two of his most important panels, housed today in the Diocesan Museum of Palencia, although originally painted in Carrión de los Condes and we establish some of his iconographic sources

    El crucifijo de las Agustinas Canónigas de Palencia, de Alejo de Vahia

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    Se da a conocer una nueva obra del prolífico escultor gótico Alejo de Vahía, activo en Becerril de Campos (Palencia) y ubicada en la clausura del convento de las Madres Agustinas Canónigas de Palencia. Además, se analizan el estilo y la tipología de sus crucificados, proponiéndose para esta pieza una cronología algo posterior al año 1500.A new work by the prolific gothic sculptor Alejo de Vahía active in Becerril de Campos (Palencia) is presented. The piece is placed inside the monastery of the closed order of the Agustinas Canónigas in Palencia. The style and typology of Vahia's crucifixes, are also analyzed, proposing for this work a chronology later than the year 1500

    Acervo escultórico emigrado. Sobre algunas esculturas del Sagrario de Málaga y la obra de Juan Sáez de Torrecilla

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    The parish of Santa María del Sagrario of Málaga reopened for cult in 1945, after its complete restoration. Inside it, several altarpieces and sculptures from Becerril de Campos (Palencia) were installed. This article studies those displaced works by identifying their origin and analysing the context of their production, paying special attention to the images and typologies related to Juan Sáez de Torrecilla. Through these works, it is possible to obtain a better understanding of the hybrid and interesting Palencia sculptural landscape between the 16th and 17th centuries.En 1945 se reabrió al culto la parroquia de Santa María del Sagrario de Málaga después de una completa restauración. En ella se instalaron varios retablos y esculturas procedentes de Becerril de Campos (Palencia). Este trabajo estudia aquellas obras emigradas, identifica su origen y analiza su contexto de creación, con especial atención a las tallas y tipologías relacionadas con Juan Sáez de Torrecilla. Gracias a ellas puede entenderse mejor el híbrido e interesante ambiente escultórico palentino en el tránsito entre los siglos XVI y XVII

    A design tool for high-resolution high-frequency cascade continuous- time Σ∆ modulators

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    Event: Microtechnologies for the New Millennium, 2007, Maspalomas, Gran Canaria, SpainThis paper introduces a CAD methodology to assist the de signer in the implementation of continuous-time (CT) cas- cade Σ∆ modulators. The salient features of this methodology ar e: (a) flexible behavioral modeling for optimum accuracy- efficiency trade-offs at different stages of the top-down synthesis process; (b) direct synthesis in the continuous-time domain for minimum circuit complexity and sensitivity; a nd (c) mixed knowledge-based and optimization-based architec- tural exploration and specification transmission for enhanced circuit performance. The applicability of this methodology will be illustrated via the design of a 12 bit 20 MHz CT Σ∆ modulator in a 1.2V 130nm CMOS technology.Ministerio de Ciencia y Educación TEC2004-01752/MICMinisterio de Industria, Turismo y Comercio FIT-330100-2006-134 SPIRIT Projec

    Effects of thinning intensity on radial growth patterns and temperature sensitivity in Pinus canariensis afforestations on Tenerife Island, Spain

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s13595-011-0125-8The suitability of thinning to prevent forest growth decline from global warming has been 25 scarcely tested in the Macaronesian Canary pine (Pinus canariensis Sweet ex Spreng.). We used tree-ring series from dominant, codominant, and overtopped trees to study the 27 effects of thinning intensity on basal area increments (BAI) and climate sensitivity on windward 28 (wet) and leeward (dry) slopes on Tenerife, Canary Islands. Three replicated blocks of control, 29 light thinning, and heavy thinning stands were set on each slope in 1988, and cores were 30 extracted in 2007. Heavy thinning induced growth release and increased BAI, mainly on dominant and 32 codominant trees, whereas light thinning effects were negligible; their impacts were more intense 33 on windward. Temperature sensitivity was hardly affected by thinning on leeward, where climate 34 control was stronger. On windward, thinning enhanced the influence of summer temperatures. 35 Upper crown classes were overall more sensitive, but overtopped trees responded better in 36 summer. Thinning intensity and aspect greatly influence growth on Canary pine afforestations, but 38 individual responses are highly dependent on crown classes. In addition, thinning may be less 39 effective to modify growth conditions on leeward slopes, at least if it is not intense.We thank A. González, S. Lamas, P. Manso, I. Outeda, B. Rodríguez-Morales and A. Soliño for laboratory assistance, N. Muñoz for statistical advice, and two anonymous reviewers for providing valuable comments on the manuscript. The staff of Corona Forestal Natural Park of Tenerife facilitated site accession. We gratefully acknowledge the effort 380 of staff and technicians that designed and executed the thinning experiment in 1988. V. Rozas benefited by a visiting fellowship to the University of La Laguna, funded by Consellería de Innovación e Industria, Xunta de Galicia, and research contracts by INIA-Xunta de Galicia and 383 CSIC. This research was partially funded by Consellería de Innovación e Industria, Xunta de Galicia (PGIDIT06PXIB502262PR) and INIA, Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (RTA2006-00117)

    Effects of Plyometric, Strength and Change of Direction Training on High-School Basketball Player's Physical Fitness

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    The study aim was to compare the effects of a 7-week plyometric, strength and change of direction (COD) training program on basketball-specific performance measures in high-school players. Forty male players were randomly assigned to one of the four groups: plyometric (PG, n = 10), strength (SG, n = 10), COD (CODG, n = 10), and control group training (CG, n = 10). Two training sessions were performed at weekly intervals before basketball training. Performance of the counter movement jump (CMJ), Abalakov jump (ABKJ), 10 m zig-zag sprint, 20 m in line sprint (measurements at 10 and 20 m), and sit and reach flexibility test (SRFT) was assessed before and after the intervention. A 4 (group) x 2 (time) repeated measures analysis of variances (ANOVA) was conducted for each variable. Bonferroni post-hoc tests were used when the interaction was significant. Significant (all p < 0.05) time x group interaction was noted for SRFT, CMJ, ABK, sprint, and zig-zag 10 m, in favor of the experimental groups compared to the control group. However, improvements in physical fitness were similar between the three experimental groups. In conclusion, 7 weeks of specific plyometric, strength and COD training produced similar medium to large improvements in physical fitness of high-school basketball players

    Production of Docosahexaenoic Acid and Odd-Chain Fatty Acids by Microalgae Schizochytrium limacinum Grown on Waste-Derived Volatile Fatty Acids

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    Heterotrophic microalgae are recognized as a source of bioactive compounds. However, there are still some drawbacks for their use at an industrial scale associated with the high cost of glucose, the main carbon source in heterotrophic cultures. In recent years, significant efforts have been made to investigate more sustainable carbon sources to produce biomass. In this study, the capacity of Schizochytrium limacinum to grow on waste-derived volatile fatty acids and the effect that their use produces on biomass and fatty acids profiles were investigated. Acetic, propionic, butyric, valeric and caproic acid were evaluated independently, as well as in a synthetic mixture (VFA). The use of acetic and butyric resulted in a good biomass productivity, while the use of valeric and propionic acid resulted in higher content of odd-chain fatty acids (OCFA), increasingly investigated due to their potential benefits for human health. The use of industrial waste-derived VFA as a potential carbon source was validated through the utilization of biowaste derived effluents from a volatile fatty acid platform. The biomass produced was of 18.5 g/L, 54.0% lipids, 46.3% docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and 25.0% OCFA, concluding that waste derived VFA can produce DHA and OCFA in a suitable ratio of DHA/OCFA with potential industrial applications.The authors would like to thank the European project VOLATILE. The project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 720777