1,368 research outputs found

    Report of the Working Group on Determining the Child\u27s Capacity to Make Decisions

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    [Preamble] As with adults, a lawyer has an ethical obligation to advocate the position of a child unless independent evidence exists that the child is unable to express a reasoned choice about issues that are relevant to the particular purpose for which the lawyer is representing the child. Where such evidence exists, the lawyer must engage in additional fact-finding to determine whether the child has, or may develop, the capacity to direct the lawyer\u27s action in the particular context

    In vivo glucose activation of the yeast plasma membrane ATPase

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    AbstractThe addition of glucose to yeast cells activates proton efflux mediated by the plasma membrane ATPase. Accordingly, the ATPase activity of purified plasma membranes is increased up to 10-fold. The activated ATPase has a more alkaline pH optimum, better affinity for ATP and greater sensitivity to vanadate than the non-activated enzyme. All these changes are reversed by washing the cells free of glucose. This suggests two states of the ATPase which are interconverted by a covalent modification. As glucose does not affect the phosphorylation of plasma membrane polypeptides, other type of covalent modification may be involved

    Structure, function and regulation of plasma membrane H+-ATPase

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    AbstractMost antigenic determinants of yeast ATPase are located within its N-terminal part. Amino acids 24–56, required for insertion at the plasma membrane, are highly accessible. The C-terminus behaves as a modulable auto-inhibitory domain in both yeast and plant ATPases. The expression of functional plant enzyme in yeast allows its mutational analysis. Plant tissues involved in active transport, such as the stomata guard cells, phloem, root epidermis and endodermis, are enriched in ATPase. One isoform is phloem-specific. The fact that auxin induces the synthesis of ATPase in corn coleoptiles provides molecular support to the ‘Acid growth’ theory

    La implantació del sistema de comunicació PECS en un estudi de cas únic diagnosticat com a TEL

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    Treball final de Grau en Mestre o Mestra d'Educació Infantil. Codi: MI1040. Curs acadèmic 2016-2017Aquest treball es centra en la intervenció sobre un alumne de quatre anys diagnosticat com a TEL i integrat en una aula ordinària. L’objectiu és millorar la comunicació mitjançant el sistema de comunicació PECS. Per tal de dur a terme aquesta intervenció es van haver de seguir uns passos d’acord amb el manual d’aquest material. A més, hi ha altres objectius específics als quals s’ha de prestar també molta atenció, com per exemple intentar aconseguir que l’alumne augmente el seu vocabulari, millorar la seva comunicació i també treballar per tal que aquest millore l’atenció. Aquest és un treball de cas únic en el qual s’ha utilitzat una metodologia tant qualitativa com quantitativa. La posada en marxa ha tingut una durada d’un total de dos mesos i mig. Finalment s’ha observat mitjançant registres que l’alumne ha ampliat el vocabulari i també han augmentat el nombre de peticions que realitza de forma autònoma.This work focuses on the intervention on a four-year child diagnosed as SLI and integrated into a regular classroom. The aim is to improve communication through the Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS). In order to carry out this procedure it is necessary to follow a few steps in accordance with the manual of this material. In addition, there are other specific aims to which we should pay a lot of attention as well as, for example try to increase the vocabulary, improve the communication and also work for that improves attention. This is a unique case in which quantitative and qualitative methodology have been used. The intervention has had duration of a total of two months and a half. Finally, it has been observed through the registers that the student has expanded the vocabulary and he has increased the number of requests performed autonomously

    Implementation of an attitude control board for CubeSat on one axis with inertial wheel activated by brushless motor

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    The following work belongs to the PLATHON project (PLATform of integrated simulation of Hardwar in the loop for Optical communications in Nanosatellites), conducted by the research group led by Dr. Javier Gago and Dr. David González at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia in Terrassa, ESEIAAT (Superior School of Industrial, Audiovisual, and Aeronautical Engineering of Terrassa). The main objective of PLATHON is to replicate a network system composed of CubeSats, which collect data and establish communication with various satellites in orbit. The project heavily relies on the participation of final-year undergraduate and master's degree students from different departments, who contribute significantly to its development. Specifically, this project consists of developing a method to obtain attitude control of the CubeSat using reaction wheels, with performance similar to commercial solutions. In addition to cost reduction, certain aspects will also be improved or adapted for the final implementation in the CubeSat. The methodology followed by this project is based on the research and application of theoretical statements for the operation of BLDC motors. Moreover, having access to the UPC facilities in Terrassa has allowed us to experience each situation in the laboratory and make informed decisions. Finally, the achieved result is a closed-loop voltage control that allows a range of motor speeds and depends on the input voltage. Furthermore, a printed circuit board has been developed to apply a sensing method based on Hall effect sensors. On the other hand, there have been some limitations, all of which are due to the small size of the BLDC motor used, a characteristic that has influenced most of the project's decisions. Nevertheless, this project can be used as a research foundation or as a starting point for other projects

    Desafío del territorio al trabajo social de ONG's, escuelas, etc.: Si no estás conmigo estás contra mí. El territorio como nuevo eje articulador del trabajo social.

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    La complejidad creciente de las sociedades de hoy, la experiencia acumulada en años de trabajo social (TS) y su profesión, y el avance en la evaluación sobre lo que es y lo que conviene que realicen las y los trabajadores sociales, ha conducido a que cada vez menos se contenten éstos(-as) con convertir su profesión en una trabajo asistencialista que se quede en niveles marginales en relación con las dinámicas mayores de la sociedad. El presente escrito se propone mostrar en su Parte Primera –“Planteamiento del Problema”- que eso no sólo no es así, sino que la vocación del TS y su profesionista es radicalmente otra cosa de mucha mayor relevancia que lo coloca en la línea frontal de los problemas mayores de la sociedad contemporánea. Para mostrar esto, nuestro presente trabajo intentará ir al fondo de lo que es el TS. Lo que llevará a preguntarnos sobre su identidad profunda y peculiaridad propia, en cuanto profesión y en cuanto campo científico. Sólo yendo en profundidad a esta pregunta se podrán lograr respuestas también de fondo que cambien por completo tales percepciones absolutamente insuficientes. De ello se ocupa, desde un punto de vista teórico-metodológico, la Parte Segunda -“El territorio, marco teórico y eje articulador de la carrera de trabajo social”

    Impacts of land abandonment and climate variability on runoff generation and sediment transport in the Pisuerga headwaters (Cantabrian Mountains, Spain)

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    Producción CientíficaThe Atlantic mountains of Spain are suffering a strong landscape change due to a widespread and intensive emigration to urban areas since the 1950s. This process, representative of global developments in an imminent future, is dominated by urban societies and leads to deep landscape changes in which crop fields and grasslands are abandoned and progressively covered by forest and shrubs. These dynamics have caused in turn a decrease in the runoff and a general slowdown of geomorphological processes. The impacts of land cover change have been simultaneous to an irregularity in precipitation and a significant increase of temperatures. With this background, this paper assesses in detail the impact of landscape change occurred over the last decades (twentieth and twenty-first centuries) on the water and sediment yield in the Pisuerga catchment headwaters (Cantabrian Mountains, N Spain). We analyzed the different components of Global Change in a catchment of 233 km2 extent, that has passed from 15 to 2 habitants/km2, from multiple data sources. Evolution of land cover was reconstructed from aerial photographs, remote sensing and other resources. The climatic parameters have been studied through meteorological stations, and the hydrological and sedimentological responses over time are based on available runoff data and sedimentological analysis. Our results show a significant decrease in water and sediment transport mainly driven by vegetation increase occurred in a non-linear way, more intense immediately after abandonment. This fact opens the opportunity to control more accurately water resources in Mediterranean catchments through land use management.Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad - Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (project CGL2015-68144-R)Ministerio de Educación y Formación Profesional (grant FPU13/05837

    Aprender y argumentar España. La visión de la identidad española entre el alumnado al finalizar el bachillerato

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    Este trabajo forma parte de un estudio más amplio sobre la progresión del aprendizaje de la identidad nacional entre alumnado español de secundaria a partir del actual marco curricular y los libros de texto mayoritarios. Aquí se presentan los resultados provisionales de un análisis empírico de la visión del alumnado sobre la identidad española al acabar bachillerato y su capacidad de argumentar al respecto. Se ha realizado a partir de una muestra de cuestionarios y ejercicios de argumentación en un centro de secundaria

    Detection of Clouds in Multiple Wind Velocity Fields using Ground-based Infrared Sky Images

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    Horizontal atmospheric wind shear causes wind velocity fields to have different directions and speeds. In images of clouds acquired using ground-based sky imagers, clouds may be moving in different wind layers. To increase the performance of an intra-hour global solar irradiance forecasting algorithm, it is important to detect multiple layers of clouds. The information provided by a solar forecasting algorithm is necessary to optimize and schedule the solar generation resources and storage devices in a smart grid. This investigation studies the performance of unsupervised learning techniques when detecting the number of cloud layers in infrared sky images. The images are acquired using an innovative infrared sky imager mounted on a solar tracker. Different mixture models are used to infer the distribution of the cloud features. The optimal decision criterion to find the number of clusters in the mixture models is analyzed and compared between different Bayesian metrics and a sequential hidden Markov model. The motion vectors are computed using a weighted implementation of the Lucas-Kanade algorithm. The correlations between the cloud velocity vectors and temperatures are analyzed to find the method that leads to the most accurate results. We have found that the sequential hidden Markov model outperformed the detection accuracy of the Bayesian metrics