23 research outputs found

    Medicinal and veterinary plants of El Caurel (Galicia, northwest Spain)

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    [EN]A study of the medicinal and veterinary plants popularly used in El Caurel region (Lugo province, northwest Spain) and their relationships is reported. We obtained data for 85 species belonging to 31 families of vascular plants. Their vernacular names, properties, preparations, mode and popular uses are presented. © 1999 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.Fundación Caixa GaliciaPeer reviewe

    Circulating Tumor Cells Characterization Revealed TIMP1 as a Potential Therapeutic Target in Ovarian Cancer

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    Background: Recent studies showed a relevant role of hematogenous spread in ovarian cancer and the interest of circulating tumor cells (CTCs) monitoring as a prognosis marker. The aim of the present study was the characterization of CTCs from ovarian cancer patients, paying special attention to cell plasticity characteristics to better understand the biology of these cells. Methods: CTCs isolation was carried out in 38 patients with advanced high-grade serous ovarian cancer using in parallel CellSearch and an alternative EpCAM-based immunoisolation followed by RT-qPCR analysis to characterize these cells. Results: Epithelial CTCs were found in 21% of patients, being their presence higher in patients with extraperitoneal metastasis. Importantly, this population was characterized by the expression of epithelial markers as MUC1 and CK19, but also by genes associated with mesenchymal and more malignant features as TIMP1, CXCR4 and the stem markers CD24 and CD44. In addition, we evidenced the relevance of TIMP1 expression to promote tumor proliferation, suggesting its interest as a therapeutic target. Conclusions: Overall, we evidenced the utility of the molecular characterization of EpCAM+ CTCs from advanced ovarian cancer patients to identify biomarkers with potential applicability for disseminated disease detection and as therapeutic targets such as TIMP1Part of this research was supported by CIBERONC funds (CB16/12/00328)S

    Trends in hip fracture in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: Results from the Spanish National Inpatient Registry over a 17-year period (1999–2015). TREND-AR study

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    Purpose T o analyse trends in hip fracture (HF) rates in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) over an extended time period (17 years). Methods T his observational retrospective survey was performed by reviewing data from the National Surveillance System for Hospital Data, which includes more than 98% of Spanish hospitals. All hospitalisations of patients with RA and HF that were reported from 1999 to 2015 were analysed. Codes were selected using the Ninth International Classification of Diseases, Clinical Modification: ICD-9-CM: RA 714.0 to 714.9 and HF 820.0 to 820.3. The crude and age-adjusted incidence rate of HF was calculated by age and sex strata over the last 17 years. General lineal models were used to analyse trends. Results Between 1999 and 2015, 6656 HFs occurred in patients with RA of all ages (84.25% women, mean age 77.5 and 15.75% men, mean age 76.37). The ageadjusted osteoporotic HF rate was 221.85/100 000 RA persons/ year (women 227.97; men 179.06). The HF incidence rate increased yearly by 3.1% (95% CI 2.1 to 4.0) during the 1999–2015 period (p<0.001) and was more pronounced in men (3.5% (95% CI 2.1 to 4.9)) than in women (3.1% (95% CI 2.3 to 4.1)). The female to male ratio decreased from 1.54 in 1999 to 1.14 in 2015. The average length of hospital stays (ALHS) decreased (p<0.001) from 16.76 days (SD 15.3) in 1999 to 10.78 days (SD 7.72) in 2015. Age at the time of hospitalisation increased (p<0.001) from 75.3 years (SD 9.33) in 1999 to 79.92 years (SD 9.47) in 2015. There was a total of 326 (4.9%) deaths during admission, 247 (4.4%) in women and 79 (7.5%) in men (p<0.001). Conclusion I n Spain, despite the advances that have taken place in controlling disease activity and in treating osteoporosis, the incidence rate of HF increased in both male and female patients with RA.This work has a help for the research provided by the Society of Rheumatology of the Community of Madrid (SORCOM)

    Looking for a Better Characterization of Triple-Negative Breast Cancer by Means of Circulating Tumor Cells

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    Traditionally, studies to address the characterization of mechanisms promoting tumor aggressiveness and progression have been focused only on primary tumor analyses, which could provide relevant information but have limitations to really characterize the more aggressive tumor population. To overcome these limitations, circulating tumor cells (CTCs) represent a noninvasive and valuable tool for real-time profiling of disseminated tumor cells. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to explore the value of CTC enumeration and characterization to identify markers associated with the outcome and the aggressiveness of triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC). For that aim, the CTC population from 32 patients diagnosed with TNBC was isolated and characterized. This population showed important cell plasticity in terms of expression of epithelia/mesenchymal and stemness markers, suggesting the relevance of epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT) intermediate phenotypes for efficient tumor dissemination. Importantly, the CTC signature demonstrated prognostic value to predict the patients' outcome and pointed to a relevant role of tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases 1 (TIMP1) and androgen receptor (AR) for TNBC biology. Furthermore, we also analyzed the usefulness of the AR and TIMP1 blockade to target TNBC proliferation and dissemination using in vitro and in vivo zebra fish and mouse models. Overall, the molecular characterization of CTCs from advanced TNBC patients identifies highly specific biomarkers with potential applicability as noninvasive prognostic markers and reinforced the value of TIMP1 and AR as potential therapeutic targets to tackle the most aggressive breast cancer

    Sobre la igualdad

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    El derecho y su relación con la moral según la teoría de J. A. Fichte

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    Caso de estudio. Agencias de viajes: nuevos retos en la industria del turismo

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    RESUMENEl caso muestra el ingreso de un recién graduado del programa Especialización en Administración a una empresa familiar dentro de un sector económico dinámico como el turismo, el cual se ve afectado por múltiples variables socioeconómicas comoel poder adquisitivo de la sociedad, la cultura de los diferentes pueblos y su concepción del turismo, la violencia y la tendencia mundial a la globalización que empuja constantemente a la masificación de los proveedores de productos y servicios mediante alianzas estratégicas entre los diferentes participantes de la cadena de valor de un mismo renglón o de diferentes segmentos con el fin de reducir costos y ser más competitivos y atractivos a los clientes.El recién graduado debe identificar el nuevo rol de las agencias de viaje dentro de la cadena de valor de la industria del turismo, de tal forma que la pequeña agencia de viajes sea unnegocio viable y sostenible en el largo plazo


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    This paper discusses the case of a recent graduate from a specialized business administration program who joins a family business engaged in the dynamic tourism industry. It shows how this industry is affected by multiple socieconomic factors such as the purchasing power of society, different cultures and concepts of tourism, violence, and the current globalization trend that constantly drives suppliers of goods and services to establish strategic alliances with other stakeholders in the chain of value in one or several industry segments not only to reduce costs, but also to be more competitive and attractive to customers. The new graduate needs to identify the new role of travel agencies within the chain of value in the tourism industry in order to turn his small travel agency into viable sustainable business on a long-term basis.El caso muestra el ingreso de un recién graduado del programa Especialización en Administración a una empresa familiar dentro de un sector económico dinámico como el turismo, el cual se ve afectado por múltiples variables socioeconómicas comoel poder adquisitivo de la sociedad, la cultura de los diferentes pueblos y su concepción del turismo, la violencia y la tendencia mundial a la globalización que empuja constantemente a la masificación de los proveedores de productos y servicios mediante alianzas estratégicas entre los diferentes participantes de la cadena de valor de un mismo renglón o de diferentes segmentos con el fin de reducir costos y ser más competitivos y atractivos a los clientes.El recién graduado debe identificar el nuevo rol de las agencias de viaje dentro de la cadena de valor de la industria del turismo, de tal forma que la pequeña agencia de viajes sea unnegocio viable y sostenible en el largo plazo


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    This paper discusses the case of a recent graduate from a specialized business administration program who joins a family business engaged in the dynamic tourism industry. It shows how this industry is affected by multiple socieconomic factors such as the purchasing power of society, different cultures and concepts of tourism, violence, and the current globalization trend that constantly drives suppliers of goods and services to establish strategic alliances with other stakeholders in the chain of value in one or several industry segments not only to reduce costs, but also to be more competitive and attractive to customers. The new graduate needs to identify the new role of travel agencies within the chain of value in the tourism industry in order to turn his small travel agency into viable sustainable business on a long-term basis.El caso muestra el ingreso de un recién graduado del programa Especialización en Administración a una empresa familiar dentro de un sector económico dinámico como el turismo, el cual se ve afectado por múltiples variables socioeconómicas comoel poder adquisitivo de la sociedad, la cultura de los diferentes pueblos y su concepción del turismo, la violencia y la tendencia mundial a la globalización que empuja constantemente a la masificación de los proveedores de productos y servicios mediante alianzas estratégicas entre los diferentes participantes de la cadena de valor de un mismo renglón o de diferentes segmentos con el fin de reducir costos y ser más competitivos y atractivos a los clientes.El recién graduado debe identificar el nuevo rol de las agencias de viaje dentro de la cadena de valor de la industria del turismo, de tal forma que la pequeña agencia de viajes sea unnegocio viable y sostenible en el largo plazo