184 research outputs found

    El arte en la educación: perspectivas desde la sociedad red

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    La sociedad red constituye una transformación en los procesos educativos, al respecto, el conectivismo plantea una visión que atisba cambios en la labor tradicional del docente, así como una transformación en los procesos en el aula física y virtual. Las prácticas artísticas que incluyen hibridaciones con la tecnología pueden servir como un puente que permita detonar actividades educativas colaborativas en la consolidación de propuestas plásticas, y que, a su vez, utilicen el conectivismo para revisar desde el arte sus posibilidades.The network society constitutes a transformation in educational processes, in this regard, connectivism proposes a vision that glimpses changes in the traditional work of the teacher, as well as a transformation in the processes in the physical and virtual classroom. Artistic practices that include hybridizations with technology can serve as a bridge that allows collaborative educational activities to be triggered in the consolidation of plastic proposals, and that, in turn, use connectivism to review its possibilities from art

    Factors angiogènics en la retinopatia diabètica proliferativa

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    La retinopatia diabètica és la causa principal de ceguesa en els individus en edat laboral. Entre les primeres troballes histològiques, tenim el dany neuroretinià, l'engruiximent de la membrana basal dels capill. ars i la pèrdua dels pericits i de les cèll. ules endotelials. La neovascularització, punt clau en la retinopatia diabètica proliferativa (PDR), succeeix en els estadis avançats i és la causa principal de ceguesa en la diabetis tipus 1. L'edema macular és una altra complicació de la diabetis i que és responsable principal de la pèrdua de visió, principalment en els casos de diabetis tipus 2. L'extravasació del contingut vascular, com a conseqüència del trencament de la barrera hematoretinal, és el fet principal present en la seva patogènesi. Llevat dels controls repetits de glucèmia i de tensió arterial, el tractament per fotocoagulació per làser és l'única eina útil contra la progressió de la retinopatia diabètica. Per tant, diversos nous tractaments farmacològics, basats en la comprensió dels mecanismes patofisiològics de la retinopatia diabètica, han estat desenvolupats en els darrers anys. Hi ha una creixent evidència que suggereix que diversos factors angiogènics duen a terme una funció crucial en el desenvolupament de la PDR. Entre aquests, el factor de creixement endotelial vascular (VEGF) és el més rellevant. Altres factors de creixement o citocines, com són el factor de creixement semblant a la insulina de tipus i (IGF-I), el factor de creixement del hepatòcits (HGF), el factor de creixement bàsic dels fibroblasts (b-FGF), el factor de creixement derivat de les plaquetes (PDGF), les citocines proinflamatòries i les angiopoetines, també estan implicats en la patogènesi de la PDR.Diabetic retinopathy is the leading cause of legal blindness among working-aged individuals. Neuroretinal damage, thickening of the capillary basement membrane and a loss of pericytes and endothelial cells are among the earliest histological features. Neovascularization, the hallmark of proliferative diabetic retinopathy (PDR), occurs in the advanced stages and is the main cause of blindness in type 1 diabetes. Macular edema is another retinal complication of diabetes that is responsible for a major part of vision loss, particularly in type 2 diabetes. Vascular leakage, as a consequence of a breakdown in the blood retinal barrier, is the main event involved in its pathogenesis. Apart from controlling blood glucose and blood pressure, laser photocoagulation treatment is the only tool in the current armamentarium against diabetic retinopathy progression. Therefore, new pharmacological treatments, based on an understanding of the patho-physiological mechanisms of diabetic retinopathy, have been developed in recent years. There is mounting evidence to suggest that angiogenic factors play a crucial role in PDR development, with vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) being the most relevant. Other growth factors or cytokines, such as insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-1), hepatocyte growth factor (HGF), basic fibroblast growth factor (b-FGF), platelet derived growth factor (PDGF), pro-inflammatory cytokines and angiopoietins, are also involved in the pathogenesis of PDR

    The Genetic and Biochemical Blueprint of Endometrial Receptivity: Past, Present, and Future Factors Involved in Embryo Implantation Success

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    In the field of assisted reproductive technology, endometrial receptivity is a crucial aspect that affects implantation rates in in-vitro fertilization procedures; in fact, impaired endometrial receptivity has been identified as the rate-limiting step for favorable pregnancy outcomes once factors regarding embryo quality have been optimized. The endometrium is a dynamic tissue that undergoes proliferative and secretory changes in each menstrual cycle, acquiring a short and transient period of embryo receptivity known as the Window of Implantation. Precise embryo-endometrial synchrony is necessary to achieve a successful pregnancy, and it involves complex and multifactorial processes related to morphological, biochemical, and genetic changes. On that behalf, defining the receptive window of each patient for personalized embryo transfer is a current goal. Here, we review different indicators of endometrial receptivity throughout the menstrual cycle, spotlighting the opening of the window of implantation: classical histological and biochemical markers, genetic factors, leading-edge transcriptomic signatures and miRNA profiles, and novel features such as the microbiome and secretome. Understanding the molecular mechanisms behind endometrial receptivity will facilitate the optimization and improvement of infertility treatments

    Obligaciones y deberes de las entidades bancarias frente a los consumidores en la comercialización de préstamos hipotecarios

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    En este trabajo vamos a analizar las distintas obligaciones que tienen las entidades de crédito en la fase precontractual previa a la concesión de préstamos hipotecarios, la normativa que se encarga de regular esta materia y las posibles consecuencias de su incumplimiento. Las principales obligaciones que tienen las entidades de crédito en la fase precontractual son: la transparencia en la publicidad de préstamos o créditos hipotecarios; la información precontractual que se ha de facilitar al potencial cliente antes de la celebración de un préstamo hipotecario; el deber que tienen las entidades de crédito de asesorar y advertir a los consumidores sobre los riesgos y las consecuencias que la contratación de un préstamo hipotecario conllevan; y, por último, el deber que tienen las entidades de crédito de evaluar la solvencia del consumidor antes de la concesión del préstamo o crédito hipotecario. En cuanto a la regulación de estas obligaciones, la normativa es muy amplia y dispersa, ya que existen numerosas normas tanto estatales como comunitarias, que regulan esta materia. En el ámbito estatal las principales normas son: la Orden EHA/1718/2010, de 11 de junio, de regulación y control de la publicidad de los servicios y productos bancarios y la Orden EHA/2899/2011, de 28 de octubre, de transparencia y protección del cliente de servicios bancarios. En el ámbito europeo destaca la Directiva 2014/17/UE del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo, de 4 de febrero de 2014, sobre los contratos de crédito celebrados con los consumidores para bienes inmuebles de uso residencial y por la que se modifican las Directivas 2008/48/CE y 2013/36/UE y el Reglamento (UE) nº 1093/2010; Directiva que aún está pendiente de plena transposición

    Importancia de la Banca en México

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    The objective of the study was to analyze the importance of banking in Mexico. The banking system in Mexico is the result of a complex transformation of processes as deregulation, expansion, crisis, nationalization, foreign ownership and privatization. In 1983, commercial banks were transformed into national credit; later, in 1985 with the purpose of rationalize and optimize their operations, their number decreased. Since 1988 the country began a process of economic and financial reform. Gradually, selective credit drawers were removed and interest rates (Solis, 1997) were liberalized. Between 1991 and 1992, the 18 banks which had hitherto belonged to the government were divested. For some experts, the privatization mechanism was inappropriate because it benefited brokerage firms that, in some cases, were property of former directors of the commercial banks. In addition, the newly privatized banks took advantage of the inadequate regulation and supervision to foster an excessive increase in credit (above the real dynamics of the economy), joined to the precarious risk assessment practices and technological underdevelopment in the banking sector at that time (De la Cruz and Alcántara, 2011). Two years later, in 1994, capital outflows and currency imbalances were consequence of political events that contaminated the economic environment at the time, which significantly reduced the market liquidity. This was worsened by the issuance of short-term government bonds denominated in dollars and free convertibility, which caused a rapid decline of international reserves and an economic crisis. Both the crisis and the devaluation of the currency (in December 1994) increased the bank nonperforming loans (NPLs). In addition, rising interest rates and higher unemployment, exacerbated the breach of obligations of debtors, causing serious problems in the banking sector, forcing the government to speed up the entry of foreign capital into the sector with the aim to find alternative sources of funding (Clavellina, 2013)

    Notch Signaling in the Astroglial Phenotype: Relevance to Glutamatergic Transmission

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    Glutamate (Glu), the major excitatory neurotransmitter, elicits its action through the activation of membrane receptors and transporters expressed in neurons and glial cells. Glial glutamate transporters, EAAT1 and EAAT2, remove this transmitter from the synaptic cleft preventing an excitotoxic insult. The Notch pathway is a signaling system involved in neuro- and gliogenesis. Radial glia (RG) generates neurons, oligodendrocytes, and astrocytes in a spatial and temporal pattern, in which Notch represses neurogenesis, maintaining the self-renewal potential of RG. Astrogenesis depends on several stimuli, Notch being a master regulator of the differentiation process. The cAMP-PKA-CREB signaling cascade cross talks with the Notch pathway, acting synergistically by reducing progenitor markers and inducing astrocytic differentiation. Notch1 mRNA is upregulated in a PKA/γ-secretase/NICD/CSL-dependent manner, suggesting a feedback loop to keep Notch active until astrocytic differentiation is complete. Glial differentiation is also modulated by PKC, which acts over NICD. In RG cells and astrocytes enwrapping glutamatergic synapses, EAAT1 transcriptional regulation is mediated by PKC, increasing Notch expression and its receptor intracellular traffic. It is clear that Notch represents an activity-dependent molecular key in RG cells that enable them to shape glutamatergic transmission through the expression of genes involved in glial/neuronal interactions

    Interaction Networks Help to Infer the Vulnerability of the Saproxylic Beetle Communities That Inhabit Tree Hollows in Mediterranean Forests

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    Insect communities are facing contrasting responses due to global change. However, knowledge on impacts of communities’ reorganizations is scarce. Network approaches could help to envision community changes in different environmental scenarios. Saproxylic beetles were selected to examine long-term variations in insect interaction/diversity patterns and their vulnerability to global change. We evaluated interannual differences in network patterns in the tree hollow–saproxylic beetle interaction using absolute samplings over an 11-year interval in three Mediterranean woodland types. We explored saproxylic communities’ vulnerability to microhabitat loss via simulated extinctions and by recreating threat scenarios based on decreasing microhabitat suitability. Although temporal diversity patterns varied between woodland types, network descriptors showed an interaction decline. The temporal beta-diversity of interactions depended more on interaction than on species turnover. Interaction and diversity temporal shifts promoted less specialized and more vulnerable networks, which is particularly worrisome in the riparian woodland. Network procedures evidenced that saproxylic communities are more vulnerable today than 11 years ago irrespective of whether species richness increased or decreased, and the situation could worsen in the future depending on tree hollow suitability. Network approaches were useful for predicting saproxylic communities’ vulnerability across temporal scenarios and, thus, for providing valuable information for management and conservation programs.Grants PID2020-115140RB-I00 and CGL2009-09656 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033

    Un acercamiento al capital social y al turismo desde el enfoque mixto y mapeo de actores

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    integral y metodologías que incluyan a los diferentes actores que forman parte de dicha actividad. En este artículo se propone un acercamiento metodológico basado en el enfoque mixto y en el mapeo de actores para conocer el capital social de los actores sociales, públicos y privados; ya que este tipo de capital puede ser afectado por la actividad turística. A diferencia de otras investigaciones que lo excluyen, la contribución de esta propuesta es integrar al turista como parte del análisis; asimismo, identificar a quienes participan en esta actividad y posicionarlos respecto a ésta. Una de las principales conclusiones es que al tomar en cuenta el punto de vista de todos los actores relacionados con el turismo, se reduce el sesgo del análisis sobre esta actividad, pues las investigaciones sólo se limitan a conocer la perspectiva de un tipo de actor; algunas de ellas el público, otras el privado y unas más el social, pero no los integran a todos en un mismo estudio

    Attitudes towards politics in university students, their correlations with age, economical stratum and education , and differences according their gender in the city of Bucaramanga (Colombia)

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    El objetivo de este estudio correlacional- transversal fue caracterizar las actitudes hacia la política, correlacionándolas con la edad, el estrato socioeconómico y el nivel educativo de los participantes, asi como sus diferencias según el género, en un grupo de estudiantes universitarios de la ciudad de Bucaramanga (Colombia). Se utilizó una escala de actitud validada para tal fin (álvarez,2012). Los resultados muestran que las actitudes más desfavorables fueron las de la satisfacción con la democracia, el interés y comprensión de los asuntos políticos, la confianza política y la implicación política. Las más favorables fueron la valoración de los líderes y partidos políticos, la eficacia política, la ideología política, la participación electoral y política y la influencia política; finalmente la actitud con posiciones tanto favorables como desfavorables fue el optimismo político. La edad, el estrato y los semestres de carrera cursados se correlacionaron con las actitudes de forma débil o muy débil, directa e indirectamente (-0.10&lt;x&lt;-0.25; 0.10&lt;x&lt;0.25). No se hallaron diferencias en las actitudes políticas según el género, al obtenerse valores t (0,0457&lt;t&lt;0,4373) inferiores al esperado (t&ge;1.645, con p&lt;0.05 y gl=30).The aim of this cross correlational study was to characterize the attitudes toward politics, their correlations with age, socioeconomic strata and educational level, and gender differences into a group of university students in the city of Bucaramanga (Colombia ). A validated attitude scale was used (Álvarez, 2012). The results show that attitudes were unfavorable in satisfaction with democracy, interest and understanding of political affairs, political trust and political involvement. The most favorable were, the assessment of leaders and political parties, political efficacy, political ideology, political and electoral participation and political influence, and finally positions the attitude was both favorable and unfavorable political optimism. Age, stratum, schooling career semesters were correlated with attitudes so weak or very weak, directly and indirectly (-0.10 <x <-0.25, 0.10 <x <0.25). The gender either differed in the attitudes, with values t (0.0457 <p <0.4373) lower than expected (p ≥1.645, with p <0.05 and df = 30

    Growth analysis of three lines of barley for forage production : in the valley of Mexico

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    Los objetivos del estudio fueron construir curvas de acumulación de forraje, y determinar el momento óptimo de corte para forraje de tres líneas de cebada, durante dos ciclos de crecimiento. Los cortes se iniciaron a los 43 días después de la siembra (DDS) y hasta que se alcanzó la máxima acumulación de materia seca. La acumulación de forraje, composición morfológica, índice de área foliar, altura de planta e intercepción luminosa se evaluaron semanalmente. Los datos de los experimentos se analizaron con SAS, para un diseño experimental de bloques al azar en arreglo de parcelas divididas con tres repeticiones. La radiación interceptada y el índice de área foliar pueden ser criterios utilizados para determinar el momento óptimo de corte. El momento óptimo de corte en el segundo ciclo de cultivo fue a los 70 DDS, con valores de intercepción luminosa de 94, 95 y 91%, con índices de área foliar de 7, 5 y 3 y alturas de 88, 82 y 59 cm para Esp x O'Connor, Esp x Cp y Lenetah (p &lt; 0,05), en el estado de elongación del tallo. El período óptimo de desarrollo para corte de forraje verde o henificado en cebada es la etapa de elongación del tallo, debido a que en esta etapa se registró la mayor cantidad de hojas, intercepción luminosa e índice de área foliar. Desde el punto de vista de rendimiento total se recomienda cosechar en el inicio del estado masoso del grano que es cuando se tiene la mayor cantidad de forraje y grano.The objectives of the research were to generate forage accumulation curves, and to determine the optimal cutting time for forage for three lines of barley, during two growth cycles. Cuttings started 43 days after sowing (DAS), and until the maximum accumulation of dry matter was reached. Forage accumulation, morphological composition, leaf area index, plant height and light interception were evaluated weekly. Data from the experiments were analyzed using SAS software, using a randomized block design and a split-plot arrangement with three replicates. Intercepted radiation and leaf area can be used to determine the optimal cutting time. The optimal cutting time in the second growth cycle was 70 DAS, with intercepted radiation values of 94, 95, and 91%, leaf area indices of 7, 5, and 3, and heights of 88, 82 and 59 cm for Esp x O'Connor, Esp x CP and Lenetah (p &lt; 0.05), respectively, at the stem elongation stage. The optimum period or optimum phenological stage for cutting of green forage or haying is the stem elongation stage, due to high values of leaves number, light interception and leaf area index recorded in this phenological stage. Since a point of view of total dry matter yield it is recommended to harvest at the beginning of grain dough stage, when the grain yield and dry matter yield are the highest.Fil: Wilson García, Claudia Yanet. Texcoco (México). Colegio de PostgraduadosFil: Hernández Garay, Alfonso. Texcoco (México). Colegio de PostgraduadosFil: Ortega Cerrilla, María Esther. Texcoco (México). Colegio de PostgraduadosFil: Bárcena Gama, Ricardo. Texcoco (México). Colegio de PostgraduadosFil: Zaragoza Ramírez, José Luis. Universidad Autónoma Chapingo (México)Fil: Aranda Osorio, Gilberto. Universidad Autónoma Chapingo (México