33 research outputs found

    Menopausal Transition and the Development of Rheumatoid Arthritis An Overview

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    Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic immune-mediated inflammatory illness caused by an accumulation of inflammatory infiltration in the synovial membrane, which leads to the progressive deterioration of joint architecture. Women are three times more likely than men to have RA, with more severe functional loss and disability. The purpose of this review is to study the shifts in the hormonal system brought on by menopause and their potential links with RA. Females are more likely to develop RA as a result of hereditary and environmental interactions of sex hormones and their effects on the immune system. Rapid declines in ovarian function and systemic estrogen have been linked to postmenopausal increases in proinflammatory cytokines such as IL-6, TNF-α, and IL-1ÎČ. The majority of the data from the literature review imply that female hormone characteristics that can be influenced by hereditary and environmental variables impact the development of autoimmune illnesses, including RA.&nbsp

    Anticipatory anti-colonial writing in R.K. Narayan's Swami and Friends and Mulk Raj Anand's Untouchable

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    This article uses the term “anticipatory anti-colonial writing” to discuss the workings of time in R.K. Narayan’s Swami and Friends and Mulk Raj Anand’s Untouchable. Both these first novels were published in 1935 with the support of British literary personalities (Graham Greene and E.M. Forster respectively) and both feature young protagonists who, in contrasting ways, are engaged in Indian resistance to colonial rule. This study examines the difference between Narayan’s local, though ironical, resistance to the homogenizing temporal demands of empire and Anand’s awkwardly modernist, socially committed vision. I argue that a form of anticipation that explicitly looks forward to decolonization via new and transnational literary forms is a crucial feature of Untouchable that is not found in Swami and Friends, despite the latter’s anti-colonial elements. Untouchable was intended to be a “bridge between the Ganges and the Thames” and anticipates postcolonial negotiations of time that critique global inequalities and rely upon the multidirectional global connections forged by modernism

    Endovascular strategy or open repair for ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm: one-year outcomes from the IMPROVE randomized trial.

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    AIMS: To report the longer term outcomes following either a strategy of endovascular repair first or open repair of ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm, which are necessary for both patient and clinical decision-making. METHODS AND RESULTS: This pragmatic multicentre (29 UK and 1 Canada) trial randomized 613 patients with a clinical diagnosis of ruptured aneurysm; 316 to an endovascular first strategy (if aortic morphology is suitable, open repair if not) and 297 to open repair. The principal 1-year outcome was mortality; secondary outcomes were re-interventions, hospital discharge, health-related quality-of-life (QoL) (EQ-5D), costs, Quality-Adjusted-Life-Years (QALYs), and cost-effectiveness [incremental net benefit (INB)]. At 1 year, all-cause mortality was 41.1% for the endovascular strategy group and 45.1% for the open repair group, odds ratio 0.85 [95% confidence interval (CI) 0.62, 1.17], P = 0.325, with similar re-intervention rates in each group. The endovascular strategy group and open repair groups had average total hospital stays of 17 and 26 days, respectively, P < 0.001. Patients surviving rupture had higher average EQ-5D utility scores in the endovascular strategy vs. open repair groups, mean differences 0.087 (95% CI 0.017, 0.158), 0.068 (95% CI -0.004, 0.140) at 3 and 12 months, respectively. There were indications that QALYs were higher and costs lower for the endovascular first strategy, combining to give an INB of £3877 (95% CI £253, £7408) or €4356 (95% CI €284, €8323). CONCLUSION: An endovascular first strategy for management of ruptured aneurysms does not offer a survival benefit over 1 year but offers patients faster discharge with better QoL and is cost-effective. CLINICAL TRIAL REGISTRATION: ISRCTN 48334791

    Variations in seasonal solar insolation are associated with a history of suicide attempts in bipolar I disorder

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    Background: Bipolar disorder is associated with circadian disruption and a high risk of suicidal behavior. In a previous exploratory study of patients with bipolar I disorder, we found that a history of suicide attempts was associated with differences between winter and summer levels of solar insolation. The purpose of this study was to confirm this finding using international data from 42% more collection sites and 25% more countries. Methods: Data analyzed were from 71 prior and new collection sites in 40 countries at a wide range of latitudes. The analysis included 4876 patients with bipolar I disorder, 45% more data than previously analyzed. Of the patients, 1496 (30.7%) had a history of suicide attempt. Solar insolation data, the amount of the sun’s electromagnetic energy striking the surface of the earth, was obtained for each onset location (479 locations in 64 countries). Results: This analysis confirmed the results of the exploratory study with the same best model and slightly better statistical significance. There was a significant inverse association between a history of suicide attempts and the ratio of mean winter insolation to mean summer insolation (mean winter insolation/mean summer insolation). This ratio is largest near the equator which has little change in solar insolation over the year, and smallest near the poles where the winter insolation is very small compared to the summer insolation. Other variables in the model associated with an increased risk of suicide attempts were a history of alcohol or substance abuse, female gender, and younger birth cohort. The winter/summer insolation ratio was also replaced with the ratio of minimum mean monthly insolation to the maximum mean monthly insolation to accommodate insolation patterns in the tropics, and nearly identical results were found. All estimated coefficients were significant at p &lt; 0.01. Conclusion: A large change in solar insolation, both between winter and summer and between the minimum and maximum monthly values, may increase the risk of suicide attempts in bipolar I disorder. With frequent circadian rhythm dysfunction and suicidal behavior in bipolar disorder, greater understanding of the optimal roles of daylight and electric lighting in circadian entrainment is needed

    The effect of aortic morphology on peri-operative mortality of ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm

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    Aims To investigate whether aneurysm shape and extent, which indicate whether a patient with ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm (rAAA) is eligible for endovascular repair (EVAR), influence the outcome of both EVAR and open surgical repair. Methods and results The influence of six morphological parameters (maximum aortic diameter, aneurysm neck diameter, length and conicality, proximal neck angle, and maximum common iliac diameter) on mortality and reinterventions within 30 days was investigated in rAAA patients randomized before morphological assessment in the Immediate Management of the Patient with Rupture: Open Versus Endovascular strategies (IMPROVE) trial. Patients with a proven diagnosis of rAAA, who underwent repair and had their admission computerized tomography scan submitted to the core laboratory, were included. Among 458 patients (364 men, mean age 76 years), who had either EVAR (n = 177) or open repair (n = 281) started, there were 155 deaths and 88 re-interventions within 30 days of randomization analysed according to a pre-specified plan. The mean maximum aortic diameter was 8.6 cm. There were no substantial correlations between the six morphological variables. Aneurysm neck length was shorter in those undergoing open repair (vs. EVAR). Aneurysm neck length (mean 23.3, SD 16.1 mm) was inversely associated with mortality for open repair and overall: adjusted OR 0.72 (95% CI 0.57, 0.92) for each 16 mm (SD) increase in length. There were no convincing associations of morphological parameters with reinterventions. Conclusion Short aneurysm necks adversely influence mortality after open repair of rAAA and preclude conventional EVAR. This may help explain why observational studies, but not randomized trials, have shown an early survival benefit for EVAR. Clinical trial registration: ISRCTN 48334791

    Study on the Synthesis of ZnO Nanoparticles Using <i>Azadirachta indica</i> Extracts for the Fabrication of a Gas Sensor

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    This paper compared the effects of A. indica plant proteins over chemical methods in the morphology of zinc oxide nanoparticles (ZnO NPs) prepared by a co-precipitation method, and ethanol sensing performance of prepared thin films deposited over a fluorene-doped tin oxide (FTO) bind glass substrate using spray pyrolysis technique. The average crystallite sizes and diameters of the grain-sized cluster ZnO NPs were 25 and (701.79 ± 176.21) nm for an undoped sample and 20 and (489.99 ± 112.96) nm for A. india dye-doped sample. The fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) analysis confirmed the formation of the Zn–O bond at 450 cm−1, and also showed the presence of plant proteins due to A. indica dye extracts. ZnO NPs films exhibited good response (up to 51 and 72% for without and with A. indica dye-doped extracts, respectively) toward ethanol vapors with quick response-recovery characteristics at a temperature of 250 °C for undoped and 225 °C for A. indica dye-doped ZnO thin films. The interaction of A. indica dye extracts helps to decrease the operating temperature and increased the response and recovery rates of the sensor, which may be due to an increase in the specific surface area, resulting in adsorption of more oxygen and hence high response results

    Unravelling the synergistic interaction of Thrips tabaci and newly recorded, Thrips parvispinus with Alternaria porri (Ellis.) Cif., inciting onion purple blotch

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    Onion purple blotch is the most indispensable foliar disease of crop and has become a major concern for farmers and research fraternity. An attempt to investigate the role of injury in parasitism by Alternaria porri indicated that disease incidence and severity enhance considerably with injury. Thrips injured plants inoculated with A. porri presented 100% incidence and 52–72% severity while mechanically injured plants inoculated with A. porri showed 60–70% incidence and 28–34% severity. The uninjured plants showed considerably less disease incidence (30–40%) and severity (10–16%). Injured inoculated plants presented reduced leaf length and leaf area while the leaf diameter remained unaffected. The lesion number, lesion length and size was substantially enhanced with concomitant infestation of pest and pathogen. Thrips tabaci injury led to more pronounced symptoms of purple blotch compared to Thrips parvispinus injury. There was substantial decrease in photosynthetic rate and chlorophyll content with stress imposed on plant whilst the relative stress injury was enhanced. The induction of injury and inoculation of A. porri had an impact on the concentration of total phenolics, total soluble sugars, total proteins and hydrogen peroxide in onion leaves. A. porri combined with injury caused a more pronounced decrease in total soluble sugars and total protein content while enhancement in total phenolics and hydrogen peroxide content compared to uninjured plants. The dynamic nature of morpho-physiological and biochemical changes owing to stress conditions imposed on onion plant adds an extra layer of complexity in understanding the onion plant physiology and their ability to work out in response to challenging environment conditions