910 research outputs found

    Evaluación del efecto barrera de las vías de transporte andaluzas al desplazamiento de la fauna como respuesta al cambio climático

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    Se evaluó el posible efecto barrera de las infraestructuras viarias de Andalucía al desplazamiento de las distribuciones futuras que previsiblemente tendrán que efectuar 20 especies amenazadas de tetrápodos no voladores para responder al cambio climático. Para elaborar los modelos ambientales se usó la función de favorabilidad y se consideraron dos modelos de circulación (CGCM2 y ECHAM4) y dos escenarios de emisiones (A2 y B2). Solo se ha predicho un desplazamiento de las áreas favorables en el futuro para Salamandra salamandra. La favorabilidad ambiental de S. salamandra se verá reducida en la mitad occidental, mientras que en el cuadrante nororiental se incrementará. El posible efecto barrera de las infraestructuras viarias para esta especie se evaluó teniendo en cuenta el posible flujo entre áreas separadas por ellas. Salamandra salamandra morenica tendrá que superar las barreras de la línea férrea Córdoba–Almorchón y del Ave Sevilla-Córdoba-Madrid para alcanzar las zonas más favorables situadas en el cuadrante nororiental.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    New Xeroseeta explanata population (Of Müller, 1774) (Mollusca: Gastropoda) located at the coast of Castellón (eastern Iberian peninsula)

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    Es comunica la localització de Xerosecta explanata (O. F. Müller, 1774) al litoral de Castelló, a Alcossebre, terme municipal d'Alcalà de Xivert (el Baix Maestrat). Aquesta espècie, exclusiva d'ambients dunars de la Mediterrània occidental, només havia estat citada a Castelló al terme de Peníscola (Bofill, 1915; Gasull, 1975, 1981) i, des d'aleshores ençà, no s'ha tornat a trobar. X. explanata presenta greus problemes de conservació per l'alteració de l'hàbitat on viu.We here communicate the localization of a new population of Xerosecta explanata (O. F. Müller, 1774) in Alcossebre municipality of Alcala de Xivert (el Baix Maestrat, Spain) at the Castellon province (Eastern Spain). In the province geographical scale, this species, exclusive of dune environments of the western Mediterranean, was so far mentioned only in Peníscola, several kilometes away (Bofill, 1915; Gasull 1975,1981), but has not been cited ever since. X explanata presents serious conservation problems due to strong habitat alteration

    Effects os a physical exercise program in the functional fitness and body composition of na elderly population

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    Introduction Exercise is a key mean for the maintenance of health, functional capacity, quality of life and independence in the elderly, being recommended the performance at least 3 sessions/week (ACSM, 2009). Although many elderly adhere to these recommendations, the absenteeism can be an impediment to exercise benefits. This study aimed to analyze the effects of a 3 months exercise program (3 sessions/week; 50-60’; 50-60%HRmax.), accounting for absenteeism, in elderly women. Methods Participants were 44 women ≥60 yrs clustered into 3 groups: Experimental 1 (E1: 20-59% sessions; n:13; age: 69,3±6,9 yrs); Experimental 2 (E2: =60% sessions; n:15; age: 70.9±5.6 yrs); Control (C: 0% sessions; n:16; age: 68.7±9.2 yrs). Anthropometry and DXA assessed body composition. Clinical analysis determined the lipid profile. Functional Fitness Test assessed physical fitness. POMS-SF questionnaire assessed the Mood States. The variation between pre post intervention were computed for all variables. Comparisons between groups were performed by ANOVA and Bonferroni post hoc test or by Kruskal-Wallis and Pair Wise Wilcoxon tests. The level of significance was set at p<0.05. Results There were significant differences between groups concerning variation in upper (p=.001,E2>C) and lower strength (p=.009,E2>C=E1), lower flexibility (p=.020,E2>C), aerobic endurance (pC) and speed/agility/balance (pC) and confusion (p=.027,E2<E1). Variations concerning body composition and lipid profile variables were not significantly different from 0 in any group. Discussion The women engaged in the exercise program improved their physical fitness and mood states even when there was 40% of absenteeism. The benefits were decreasing with increased absenteeism. This founds complement previous researches (Spidurso et al., 2005) showing a strong relationship among systematic exercise, improved physical fitness and a positive psychological state in elderly population. Food ingestion and medications were not controlled and the exercise program (50-60%HRmax) lasted 3 weeks. This suggests why body composition and lipid profile did not improve, since other studies (Tran et al. 1983)endorsed both caloric restriction and a long time exercise engagement at intensity =60%HRmax to improve these parameters. In conclusion, this study highlights the usefulness of programs adopting an active lifestyle through exercise because proved that exercise have benefices in physical fitness and mood state even with a high absenteeism

    Benefits of Exercise in Self Improvement in Elderly Patients With Cardiovascular Diseases

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    Introduction Physical Exercise (PE) seems positively influence the functional autonomy. The aim of this study was to investigate the benefits of a program to improve the EF functional autonomy in elderly patients with cardiovascular disorders. Methodology A total of 39 seniors, including 28 females and 11 males, with a mean age of 77 years, underwent a 90-day program EF. The program consisted of fine and gross motor control sessions, individual counseling, gait training and sensory stimulation. These sessions were held for 5 days per week with a duration of 55 minutes each. This study consisted of two phases: an initial, before the implementation of the program and the other end, after the application. In these moments, were taken several measures kinanthropometric (HR rest, maximal HR, systolic BP, diastolic BP, BMI, weight, Test March 6 mins Rikli & Jones) and performed a functional assessment of activities of daily living (AIV'S), with application Scale Lawton (1969). The comparison between the behavior of variables kinanthropometric and "score" total autonomy in IADL assessed'S (Scale Lawton, 1969) at baseline and the end was done by t test for related samples. And he made the comparison at the time of the initial and final behavior of the 9 items that constitute the scale of Lawton, through the sign test for Related Samples. Results When comparing the "score" of Autonomy at the beginning and end found a statistically significant increase of the values of autonomy, having seen an average increase of 7 (95% CI: 5.4 to 7.7). We also found statistically significant differences between the measures kinanthropometric the initial and final moments, when there was an average decrease in the following variables: 4.8 bpm in resting HR (95% CI: 1.2 - 8.3) and 1.1 HMG in systolic BP (95% CI: 1.5 - 2). It was also observed an average increase of 81.5 m in Test 6 Mins Walking (95% CI: 61.9 to 101.1). The results obtained by studying the behavior of each of the items of the Lawton Scale (1969) were also statistically significant differences in the ability to climb stairs (10.3% - 82.2%), ability to perform gear abroad (12.8% - 74.4%), ability to make purchases (2.6% - 41%), ability to wash, dry and put away clothes (0% - 48.7); ability to perform cleaning ( 0% - 48.7); cooking capacity (7.7% - 56.4%); ability of small arrangements (0% - 38.8%), ability to use the phone (76.9% - 89 7%) and ability to handle the money (48.7% - 64.1%). Discussion of Results The results of the study suggest that the comparison of the initial and final time kinanthropometric measures, an average decrease of 4.8 bpm (95% CI: 1.2 - 8.3) and resting HR in systolic BP of 1.1 HMG ( 95% CI: 1.5 - 2). Second, Michel (1) (2001) the EF has a positive impact on hypertension. It was also observed an average increase of 81.5 m in Test 6 Mins Walking (95% CI: 61.9 to 101.1). In the study by Sousa (2) et al. (2010) sought to compare the level of functional ability and practice of EF in adults and the elderly with chronic diseases were statistically significant differences in the re-test Test March 6 min, where there was an increase in the number of meters traveled. The results obtained in the "Score" of autonomy through the Lawton Scale (1969), we observed a statistically significant increase in the values of autonomy, having been an average increase of 7 (95% CI: 5.4 to 7.7). In the study by Correia (3) et al. (2010) found statistically significant improvement in functional capacity in elderly patients with diabetic disease practitioners EF.Os results for each of the items of the scale of Lawton, helped strengthen all results. In this context, it appears that this program EF was effective for the improvement of autonomy in IADL'S in locomotor capacity and cardiovascular endurance. However, it was not effective in reducing body weight

    Localitzada una nova població de Xerosecta explanata (O.F. Müller, 1774) (Mollusca: Gastropoda) al litoral de Castelló (est de la península Ibèrica)

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    Es comunica la localització de Xerosecta explanata (O. F. Müller, 1774) al litoral de Castelló, a Alcossebre, terme municipal d’Alcalà de Xivert (el Baix Maestrat). Aquesta espècie, exclusiva d’ambients dunars de la Mediterrània occidental, només havia estat citada a Castelló al terme de Peníscola (Bofill, 1915; Gasull, 1975, 1981) i, des d’aleshores ençà, no s’ha tornat a trobar. X. explanata presenta greus problemes de conservació per l’alteració de l’hàbitat on viu.New Xerosecta explanata population (OF Müller, 1774) (Mollusca: Gastropoda) located atthe coast of Castellón (eastern Iberian peninsula).We here communicate the localization of a new population of Xerosecta explanata (O. F. Müller, 1774) inAlcossebre municipality of Alcala de Xivert (el Baix Maestrat, Spain) at the Castellon province (Eastern Spain). In the province geographical scale, this species, exclusive of dune environments of the westernMediterranean, was so far mentioned only in Peníscola, several kilometes away (Bofill, 1915; Gasull 1975, 1981), but has not been cited ever since. X explanata presents serious conservation problems dueto strong habitat alteration

    Experimentos simples com estudantes universitários sobre a compreensão da cinética da reação e a degradação da matéria orgânica

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    O artigo destaca a investigação sobre os conceitos da velocidade de reação através da degradação da matéria orgânica realizada com estudantes do curso de Licenciatura em Biologia, mostrando a importância de experimentos simples no aprendizado de química orgânica. O objetivo do estudo foi apresentar esses experimentos realizados com materiais simples e como isso contribuir para que conceitos abstratos de química tornem-se significativos. Apresenta as variações de concepções dos estudantes sobre conceitos de cinética de reação e de reações onde há degradação, com a visão equivocada de que este tipo de reação observa-se apenas com reagentes químicos tradicionalmente utilizados em laboratórios equipados. Após os experimentos e as observações realizadas, constatou-se maior interesse no aprendizado de química bem como sua aplicação no cotidiano

    Communicating science: The making of a comics poster on biodeterioration

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    The History of Humanity can be traced by our Cultural Heritage. However, we are not the only ones who can appreciate our tangible legacies. Biodeterioration is well recognized in the field of cultural heritage conservation. Over the last few decades, it has been the object of both modest and ambitious studies, some aiming to identify one single agent, others trying to understand entire communities. Proper sampling and tools such as culture-dependent techniques, DNA analysis, protein and pigment identification studies, metabolomics and microscopy (in its various forms) are important allies and their combined results should be prized for the valuable data they provide. Coordinated efforts to implement standard practices and share relevant information and approved guidelines to better understand any cause-effect relationships are vital to address this issue. In an international symposium devoted to biodeterioration, the paragraph above is regarded as common sense and a poster on the topic would hardly deserve a second look. Comics have shown to deliver scientific information with accuracy and a higher impact as they are seen as lighter and more enjoyable to look at and read than the same amount of information delivered as a text form or even in graphics. Next is the detailed making of a comics poster intended to appeal to the attending public while also displaying accurate scientific context

    sdLDL as a potential biomarker in the diagnosis and prevention of cardiovascular disease in diabetics

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    As doenças cardiovasculares (DCV) são a principal causa de morbilidade e mortalidade a nível mundial. De entre os fatores de risco conhecidos para as DCV, destacam-se a dislipidemia, a hipertensão, a diabetes e o excesso de peso/obesidade. As lipoproteínas de baixa densidade (LDL) constituem um dos marcadores bioquímicos recomendados para diagnosticar as DCV. No entanto, as lipoproteínas mais pequenas e mais densas - small dense LDL (sdLDL) - parecem ter um efeito mais aterogénico, refletindo-se num risco acrescido de DCV. O doseamento de sdLDL tem demonstrado em diferentes estudos um aumento da sua concentração em indivíduos com Diabetes Mellitus do tipo 2. Este estudo pretende investigar esta associação na população portuguesa, tendo por base uma população do estudo e_COR. Foram determinados alguns parâmetros bioquímicos no sangue e reunidos dados clínicos através de questionários. As análises estatísticas foram realizadas através do programa IMB SPSS Statistics 22. Os resultados deste estudo evidenciaram que os indivíduos diabéticos apresentam níveis de sdLDL superiores aos não diabéticos, registando-se uma forte associação entre o rácio sdLDL/LDL e a diabetes. A determinação deste rácio pode vir assim a ser considerada como um potencial biomarcador para diagnóstico de DCV em diabéticos, embora sejam necessários mais estudos epidemiológicos para uma conclusão mais definitiva.Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) are the leading cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Among the known risk factors for CVD we highlight dyslipidemia, hypertension, diabetes and overweight. The Low-density lipoproteins (LDL) are one of the recommended biochemical markers to diagnose CVD. However, the small dense lipoproteins (sdLDL) appears to have a more atherogenic effect, reflecting increased risk of CVD. Quantification of sdLDL have demonstrated in different studies an increase of its concentration in individuals with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. In the present study, we propose to investigate this association in the Portuguese population, using the e_COR sample. The biochemical parameters were determined in the blood and clinical data was collected through questionnaires. Statistical analyzes were performed using the IMB SPSS 22 Statistics program. Results showed that diabetic subjets have higher levels of sdLDL than non-diabetics, with a strong association between the sdLDL/LDL ratio and diabetes. Determination of this ratio may thus be considered as a potential biomarker for diagnosis of CVD in diabetics, although more epidemiological studies are needed for a more definitive conclusion.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Videokymography assessment of vocal fold vibration before and after hydration

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    Keeping the body hydrated is one of the factors that contribute to organic and functional laryngeal health, especially for professional voice users. Hydration is considered an important factor for the prevention and treatment of dysphonias. There is no objective evaluation that quantifies water present in the vocal fold tissue. AIM: To evaluate changes in vocal folds investigated through videokymography after internal and external hydration of voice professionals. STUDY DESIGN: Clinical prospective. MATERIAL AND METHOD: We assessed six male professional voice users after leaving the workplace (six hours) and without having drunk water for the past four hours. We conducted ENT evaluation, comprising the first laryngeal assessment with laryngoscopy with and without stroboscopic and videokymography. These people were submitted to external and internal laryngeal hydration. They drank two glasses of hydrating solution with electrolytes, Passion Fruit Flavor (total of 300 ml), at room temperature, and external hydration with inhalation of saline solution at 0.9% during 10 minutes. Using videokymography we evaluated the time of open and closed phases during phonation, defining a quotient between these two parameters. RESULTS: We found five subjects with reduced or increased quotient. CONCLUSION: Videokymography was able to detect differences at the vibrating characteristics of vocal folds before and after hydration.Manter o corpo hidratado é um dos fatores que contribuem para a saúde orgânica e funcional da laringe, principalmente nos profissionais da voz. Sabe-se que a hidratação é considerada fator muito importante na prevenção e tratamento de disfonias, porém não existem formas objetivas e não-invasivas de avaliação da quantidade de água nos tecidos da prega vocal. OBJETIVO: Avaliar as modificações na vibração da onda mucosa nas pregas vocais com o uso da videoquimografia após hidratação interna e externa em profissionais da voz. FORMA DE ESTUDO: Clínico prospectivo. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Seis profissionais da voz, do sexo masculino, após a jornada de seis horas de trabalho sem ingestão de líquidos por um período de 4 horas, foram avaliados pelo médico otorrinolaringologista, utilizando-se a laringoscopia com e sem estroboscopia e videoquimografia. Os indivíduos foram avaliados antes e após terem sido submetidos à hidratação laríngea interna (ingestão de 300 ml de solução aquosa com eletrólitos, em temperatura ambiente) e externa (com inalação de solução salina a 0,9% durante 10 minutos). Com o uso do videoquimógrafo, avaliamos o tempo de fase aberta e fechada durante fonação fazendo um quociente entre estes dois parâmetros. RESULTADOS: Encontramos cinco indivíduos com quociente reduzido e um aumentado. CONCLUSÃO: A videoquimografia foi capaz de detectar diferenças nas características vibratórias na onda mucosa das pregas vocais após hidratação da laringe.UNIFESP-EPMUNIFESP, EPMSciEL