18 research outputs found

    Testamentin peruuttaminen vapaamuotoisena oikeustoimena ja testamentin peruuttamistarkoituksen arviointi

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    Tutkielmassa kÀsitellÀÀn testamentin peruuttamistapoja sekÀ vapaamuotoiseen testamentin peruuttamiseen liittyviÀ ongelmia. Testamentin peruuttamista sÀÀtelee perintökaari. Perintökaaren mukaan testamentin peruuttamisen kannalta olennaista on, ettÀ testamentin peruuttaja ilmaisee testamentin peruuttamista koskevan tahdonilmaisun selvÀsti. MerkitystÀ ei ole sillÀ, missÀ muodossa testamentin peruuttamista koskeva tahdonilmaisu on annettu, kunhan peruuttamistarkoitus on perintökaaren tarkoittamalla tavalla ilmaistu selvÀsti. Tutkielmassa ei kÀsitellÀ keskinÀisen testamentin peruuttamiseen liittyviÀ kysymyksiÀ eikÀ myöskÀÀn testamentin peruuttamiskelpoisuuteen liittyviÀ kysymyksiÀ. Tutkielma rakentuu kolmen tutkimuskysymyksen varaan ja etenee tutkimuskysymysten mukaisesti. EnsimmÀinen tutkimuskysymys on, miten vapaamuotoiseen testamentin peruuttamiseen on pÀÀdytty. TÀtÀ tutkimuskysymystÀ kÀsiteltÀessÀ tutkielmassa perehdytÀÀn suomalaiseen ja ruotsalaiseen lainvalmisteluaineistoon. LisÀksi kÀsitellÀÀn oikeuskirjallisuutta, joka liittyy testamentin peruuttamiselta vaadittavaan muotoon. Toisena tutkimuskysymyksenÀ on, miten testamentin peruuttamistarkoitusta arvioidaan erilaisissa ristiriitatilanteissa, joissa testamentin tekijÀn peruuttamistarkoituksesta ei ole esittÀÀ riidatonta nÀyttöÀ. LisÀksi samaan tutkimuskysymykseen liittyvÀnÀ kysymyksenÀ on, minkÀlaisia tulkintaolettamia peruuttamistarkoituksesta on muodostunut oikeuskirjallisuudessa ja oikeuskÀytÀnnössÀ. TÀtÀ tutkimuskysymystÀ kÀsiteltÀessÀ tutkielmassa kÀsitellÀÀn erilaisia peruuttamistapoja ja niihin liittyvÀÀ oikeuskirjallisuutta ja oikeuskÀytÀntöÀ. Kolmantena tutkimuskysymyksenÀ on, minkÀlaisia ongelmakohtia vapaamuotoiseen testamentin peruuttamiseen liittyy ja olisiko testamentin vapaamuotoisesta peruuttamisesta syytÀ luopua. TÀmÀ tutkimuskysymys on nÀhtÀvissÀ tutkielman johtavimmaksi tutkimuskysymykseksi, joka on tausta-ajatuksena myös kÀsiteltÀessÀ ensimmÀistÀ ja toista tutkimuskysymystÀ. TÀtÀ tutkimuskysymystÀ kÀsiteltÀessÀ tutkielmassa pohditaan muotomÀÀrÀysten yleisiÀ funktioita ja niiden soveltumista testamentin peruuttamiseen. LisÀksi tutkielmassa luodaan yleinen katsaus Euroopassa vallitseviin testamentin peruuttamisjÀrjestelmiin. Tutkielma toteutettiin tutkimalla oikeuslÀhteitÀ ja tutkielma nojautuu oikeuslÀhdeoppiin. Tutkielma toteutettiin tÀten soveltaen lainopillisen tutkimuksen metodeja. Tutkielma sisÀltÀÀ piirteitÀ sekÀ kÀytÀnnöllisestÀ ettÀ teoreettisesta lainopista. Teoreettisen lainopin piirteet ilmenevÀt, kun tutkielmassa analysoidaan testamentin tekemisen ja peruuttamisen eroja niiden oikeusvaikutuksista kÀsin sekÀ tarkastellaan yleisesti muodon funktioiden soveltumista testamentin peruuttamiseen. Tutkielma sisÀltÀÀ myös kÀytÀnnöllisen lainopin piirteitÀ, sillÀ tutkielmassa kÀsitellÀÀn testamentin peruuttamisesta esitettyjÀ tulkintakannanottoja sekÀ tulkitaan testamentin peruuttamiseen liittyviÀ oikeussÀÀntöjÀ. Tutkielman johtopÀÀtöksenÀ on, ettÀ testamentin vapaamuotoiseen peruuttamiseen liittyy pitkÀlti samankaltaisia ongelmia kuin suullisen testamentin tekemiseen. Ne perusteet, joilla aikoinaan perusteltiin testamentin mÀÀrÀmuotoisuutta, soveltuvat myös testamentin peruuttamiseen. Tutkielman loppupuolella ehdotetaankin, ettÀ testamentin tÀysin vapaamuotoisesta peruuttamisesta olisi syytÀ luopua ja siirtyÀ Euroopassa yleiseen jÀrjestelmÀÀn, jossa testamentti voidaan peruuttaa joko testamentin muodossa tai testamentti hÀvittÀmÀllÀ

    Modality-specific and modality-general electrophysiological correlates of visual and auditory awareness: Evidence from a bimodal ERP experiment

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    To date, most studies on the event-related potential (ERP) correlates of conscious perception have examined a single perceptual modality. We compared electrophysiological correlates of visual and auditory awareness in the same experiment to test whether there are modality-specific and modality-general correlates of conscious perception. We used near threshold stimulation and analyzed event-related potentials in response to aware and unaware trials in visual, auditory and bimodal conditions. The results showed modality-specific negative amplitude correlates of conscious perception between 200 and 300 ms after stimulus onset. A combination of these auditory and visual awareness negativities was observed in the bimodal condition. A later positive amplitude difference, whose early part was modality-specific, possibly reflecting access to global workspace, and later part shared modality-general features, possibly indicating higher level cognitive processing involving the decision making, was also observed

    A Secreted BMP Antagonist, Cer1, Fine Tunes the Spatial Organization of the Ureteric Bud Tree during Mouse Kidney Development

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    The epithelial ureteric bud is critical for mammalian kidney development as it generates the ureter and the collecting duct system that induces nephrogenesis in dicrete locations in the kidney mesenchyme during its emergence. We show that a secreted Bmp antagonist Cerberus homologue (Cer1) fine tunes the organization of the ureteric tree during organogenesis in the mouse embryo. Both enhanced ureteric expression of Cer1 and Cer1 knock out enlarge kidney size, and these changes are associated with an altered three-dimensional structure of the ureteric tree as revealed by optical projection tomography. Enhanced Cer1 expression changes the ureteric bud branching programme so that more trifid and lateral branches rather than bifid ones develop, as seen in time-lapse organ culture. These changes may be the reasons for the modified spatial arrangement of the ureteric tree in the kidneys of Cer1+ embryos. Cer1 gain of function is associated with moderately elevated expression of Gdnf and Wnt11, which is also induced in the case of Cer1 deficiency, where Bmp4 expression is reduced, indicating the dependence of Bmp expression on Cer1. Cer1 binds at least Bmp2/4 and antagonizes Bmp signalling in cell culture. In line with this, supplementation of Bmp4 restored the ureteric bud tip number, which was reduced by Cer1+ to bring it closer to the normal, consistent with models suggesting that Bmp signalling inhibits ureteric bud development. Genetic reduction of Wnt11 inhibited the Cer1-stimulated kidney development, but Cer1 did not influence Wnt11 signalling in cell culture, although it did inhibit the Wnt3a-induced canonical Top Flash reporter to some extent. We conclude that Cer1 fine tunes the spatial organization of the ureteric tree by coordinating the activities of the growth-promoting ureteric bud signals Gndf and Wnt11 via Bmp-mediated antagonism and to some degree via the canonical Wnt signalling involved in branching

    Wnt-11 signalling, its role in cardiogenesis and identification of Wnt/ÎČ-catenin pathway target genes

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    Abstract Wnt genes encode secreted signalling molecules that control embryonic development including organogenesis, while dysregulated Wnt signalling is connected to many diseases such as cancer. Specifically, Wnts control a number of cellular processes such as proliferation, adhesion, differentiation and aging. Many Wnt proteins activate the canonical ÎČ-catenin signalling pathway that regulates transcription of a still poorly characterized set of target genes. Wnts also transduce their signaling in cells via ÎČ-catenin-independent “non-canonical” pathways, which are not well understood. In this study, Wnt-11 signalling mechanisms in a mammalian model cell line and roles of Wnt-11 in heart development were analyzed in detail. In addition the aim was to identify new Wnt target genes by direct chromatin immunoprecipitation and Affymetrix GeneChip assays in the model cells exposed to Wnt-3a. Our studies reveal that Wnt-11 signalling coordinates the activity of key cell signalling pathways, namely the canonical Wnt/ÎČ-catenin, the JNK/AP-1, the NF-ÎșB and PI3K/Akt pathways in the CHO cells. Analysis of the Wnt-11-deficient embryos revealed a crucial role in heart organogenesis. Wnt-11 signalling coordinates cell interactions during assembly of the myocardial wall and Wnt-11 localizes the expression of N-cadherin and ÎČ-catenin to specific cellular domains in the embryonic ventricular cardiomyocytes. Collectively these studies reveal that the mammalian Wnt-11 behaves as a non-canonical Wnt and that it is a critical factor in the coordination of heart development. Specifically, it controls components of the cell adhesion machinery. Analysis of the Wnt target genes revealed a highly context-dependent profile in the Wnt-regulated genes. Several new putative target genes were discovered. Out of the candidate Wnt target genes, Disabled-2 was identified as a potential new direct target for Wnt signalling

    Modality-specific and modality-general electrophysiological correlates of visual and auditory awareness : Evidence from a bimodal ERP experiment

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    To date, most studies on the event-related potential (ERP) correlates of conscious perception have examined a single perceptual modality. We compared electrophysiological correlates of visual and auditory awareness in the same experiment to test whether there are modality-specific and modality-general correlates of conscious perception. We used near threshold stimulation and analyzed event-related potentials in response to aware and unaware trials in visual, auditory and bimodal conditions. The results showed modality-specific negative amplitude correlates of conscious perception between 200 and 300 ms after stimulus onset. A combination of these auditory and visual awareness negativities was observed in the bimodal condition. A later positive amplitude difference, whose early part was modality-specific, possibly reflecting access to global workspace, and later part shared modality-general features, possibly indicating higher level cognitive processing involving the decision making, was also observed.CC BY 4.0© 2022 The AuthorsCorresponding author: Department of Psychology, University of Turku, 20014, Turku, Finland. E-mail address: [email protected] (D. Filimonov).This research did not receive any specific grant from funding agencies in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.</p

    Implanttirekisterin laajennus : Implanttirekisteriin tehtÀvÀ ilmoitus hammasimplanttien asentamisesta ja poistamisesta

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    Liite : STAKES : Ohje nro 2 : Terveydenhuollon laitteet ja tarvikkeet : Implanttirekisteriin tehtÀvÀ ilmoitus hammasplantist

    Negative Dream Affect Predicts Stronger Affect Reactivity and Weaker Affect Regulation in Wakefulness

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    Sleep is assumed to play an important role in waking affective processing and affect regulation. Dreaming—the subjective experiences one has during sleep—has been further theorized to reflect, or even contribute to, the regulation of affect in the waking state. However, the role of dream affect in waking affect regulation has rarely been studied directly. Here, we investigated how dream affect relates to waking affect reactivity and regulation at a between-person level

    Recurrent Processing in V1/V2 Contributes ot Categorization of Natural Scenes

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    Humans are able to categorize complex natural scenes very rapidly and effortlessly, which has led to an assumption that such ultra-rapid categorization is driven by feedforward activation of ventral brain areas. However, recent accounts of visual perception stress the role of recurrent interactions that start rapidly after the activation of V1. To study whether or not recurrent processes play a causal role in categorization, we applied fMRI-guided transcranial magnetic stimulation on early visual cortex (V1/V2) and lateral occipital cortex (LO) while the participants categorized natural images as containing animals or not. The results showed that V1/V2 contributed to categorization speed and to subjective perception during a long activity period before and after the contribution of LO had started. This pattern of results suggests that recurrent interactions in visual cortex between areas along the ventral stream and striate cortex play a causal role in categorization and perception of natural scenes

    Secreted Wnt antagonist Dickkopf-1 controls kidney papilla development coordinated by Wnt-7b signalling

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    AbstractWnt signalling regulates several aspects of kidney development such as nephrogenesis, ureteric bud branching and organisation of the collecting duct cells. We addressed the potential involvement of Dickkopf-1 (Dkk1), a secreted Wnt pathway antagonist. Dkk1 is expressed in the developing mouse kidney by pretubular cell aggregates and the nephrons derived from them. Besides the mesenchyme cells, the epithelial ureteric bud and more mature ureteric bud derivatives in the medulla and the papilla tip express the Dkk1 gene. To reveal the potential roles of Dkk1, we generated a floxed allele and used three Cre lines to inactivate Dkk1 function in the developing kidney. Interestingly, Dkk1 deficiency induced by Pax8Cre in the kidneys led in newborn mice to an overgrown papilla that was generated by stimulated proliferation of the collecting duct and loop of Henle cells, implying a role for Dkk1 in the collecting duct and/or loop of Henle development. Since Pax8Cre-induced Dkk1 deficiency reduced marker gene expression, Scnn1b in the collecting duct and Slc12a1 in the loop of Henle, these results together with the extended papilla phenotype are likely reasons for the decreased amount of ions and urine produced by Dkk1-deficient kidneys in the adult. Recombinant Dkk1 protein in cultured cells inhibited Wnt-7b-induced canonical Wnt signalling, which is critical for collecting duct and loop of Henle development. Moreover, Dkk1 deficiency led to an increase in the expression of canonical Wnt signalling of target Lef-1 gene expression in the stromal cells of the developing papilla. Based on the results, we propose that Dkk1 controls the degree of Wnt-7b signalling in the papilla to coordinate kidney organogenesis