78 research outputs found

    Phonon anomalies in pure and underdoped R{1-x}K{x}Fe{2}As{2} (R = Ba, Sr) investigated by Raman light scattering

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    We present a detailed temperature dependent Raman light scattering study of optical phonons in Ba{1-x}K{x}Fe{2}As{2} (x ~ 0.28, superconducting Tc ~ 29 K), Sr{1-x}K{x}Fe{2}As{2} (x ~ 0.15, Tc ~ 29 K) and non-superconducting BaFe{2}As{2} single crystals. In all samples we observe a strong continuous narrowing of the Raman-active Fe and As vibrations upon cooling below the spin-density-wave transition Ts. We attribute this effect to the opening of the spin-density-wave gap. The electron-phonon linewidths inferred from these data greatly exceed the predictions of ab-initio density functional calculations without spin polarization, which may imply that local magnetic moments survive well above Ts. A first-order structural transition accompanying the spin-density-wave transition induces discontinuous jumps in the phonon frequencies. These anomalies are increasingly suppressed for higher potassium concentrations. We also observe subtle phonon anomalies at the superconducting transition temperature Tc, with a behavior qualitatively similar to that in the cuprate superconductors.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figures, accepted versio

    Electronic structure, magnetic and dielectric properties of the edge-sharing copper-oxide chain compound NaCu2_{2}O2_{2}

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    We report an experimental study of \nco, a Mott insulator containing chains of edge-sharing CuO4_4 plaquettes, by polarized x-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS), resonant magnetic x-ray scattering (RMXS), magnetic susceptibility, and pyroelectric current measurements. The XAS data show that the valence holes reside exclusively on the Cu2+^{2+} sites within the copper-oxide spin chains and populate a dd-orbital polarized within the CuO4_4 plaquettes. The RMXS measurements confirm the presence of incommensurate magnetic order below a N\'eel temperature of TN=11.5T_N = 11.5 K, which was previously inferred from neutron powder diffraction and nuclear magnetic resonance data. In conjunction with the magnetic susceptibility and XAS data, they also demonstrate a new "orbital" selection rule for RMXS that is of general relevance for magnetic structure determinations by this technique. Dielectric property measurements reveal the absence of significant ferroelectric polarization below TNT_N, which is in striking contrast to corresponding observations on the isostructural compound \lco. The results are discussed in the context of current theories of multiferroicity.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figure

    Inelastic neutron and x-ray scattering as probes of the sign structure of the Fe-pnictide superconducting gap

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    Neutron spin-flip scattering observations of a resonance in the superconducting state is often taken as evidence of an unconventional superconducting state in which the gap changes sign Δ(k+Q)=−Δ(k)\Delta(k+Q)=-\Delta(k) for momentum transfers QQ which play an important role in the pairing. Recently questions regarding this identification for the Fe-pnictide superconductors have been raised and it has been suggested that Δ(k+Q)=Δ(k)\Delta(k+Q)=\Delta(k). Here we propose that inelastic neutron or x-ray scattering measurements of the spectral weight of a phonon of momentum QQ can distinguish between these two pairing scenarios.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Inelastic x-ray scattering investigations of lattice dynamics in SmFeAsO1−x_{1-x}Fy_y superconductors

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    We report measurements of the phonon density of states as measured with inelastic x-ray scattering in SmFeAsO1−x_{1-x}Fy_y powders. An unexpected strong renormalization of phonon branches around 23 meV is observed as fluorine is substituted for oxygen. Phonon dispersion measurements on SmFeAsO1−x_{1-x}Fy_y single crystals allow us to identify the 21 meV A1g_{1g} in-phase (Sm,As) and the 26 meV B1g_{1g} (Fe,O) modes to be responsible for this renormalization, and may reveal unusual electron-phonon coupling through the spin channel in iron-based superconductors.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, submitted for SNS2010 conference proceeding

    Anomalous dependence of the c-axis polarized Fe B1g_{1g} phonon mode with Fe and Se concentrations in Fe1+y_{1+y}Te1−x_{1-x}Sex_x

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    We report an investigation of the lattice dynamical properties in a range of Fe1+y_{1+y}Te1−x_{1-x}Sex_{x} compounds, with special emphasis on the c-axis polarized vibration of Fe with B1g_{1g} symmetry, a Raman active mode common to all families of Fe-based superconductors. We have carried out a systematic study of the temperature dependence of this phonon mode as a function of Se xx and excess Fe yy concentrations. In parent compound Fe1+y_{1+y}Te, we observe an unconventional broadening of the phonon between room temperature and magnetic ordering temperature TNT_N. The situation smoothly evolves towards a regular anharmonic behavior as Te is substituted for Se and long range magnetic order is replaced by superconductivity. Irrespective to Se contents, excess Fe is shown to provide an additional damping channel for the B1g_{1g} phonon at low temperatures. We performed Density Functional Theory (DFT) ab-initio calculations within the local density approximation (LDA) to calcuate the phonon frequencies including magnetic polarization and Fe non-stoichiometry in the Virtual Crystal Approximation (VCA). We obtained a good agreement with the measured phonon frequencies in the Fe-deficient samples, while the effects of Fe excess are poorly reproduced. This may be due to excess Fe-induced local magnetism and low energy magnetic fluctuations that can not be treated accurately within these approaches. As recently revealed by neutron scattering and μ\mu-SR studies, these phenomena occur in the temperature range where anomalous decay of the B1g_{1g} phonon is observed, and suggests a peculiar coupling of this mode with local moments and spin fluctuations in Fe1+y_{1+y}Te1−x_{1-x}Sex_{x}

    Raman light scattering study and microstructural analysis of epitaxial films of the electron-doped superconductor La_{2-x}Ce_{x}CuO_{4}

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    We present a detailed temperature-dependent Raman light scattering study of optical phonons in molecular-beam-epitaxy-grown films of the electron-doped superconductor La_{2-x}Ce_{x}CuO_{4} close to optimal doping (x ~ 0.08, T_c = 29 K and x ~ 0.1, T_c = 27 K). The main focus of this work is a detailed characterization and microstructural analysis of the films. Based on micro-Raman spectroscopy in combination with x-ray diffraction, energy-dispersive x-ray analysis, and scanning electron microscopy, some of the observed phonon modes can be attributed to micron-sized inclusions of Cu_{2}O. In the slightly underdoped film (x ~ 0.08), both the Cu_{2}O modes and others that can be assigned to the La_{2-x}Ce_{x}CuO_{4} matrix show pronounced softening and narrowing upon cooling below T ~ T_c. Based on control measurements on commercial Cu_{2}O powders and on a comparison to prior Raman scattering studies of other high-temperature superconductors, we speculate that proximity effects at La_{2-x}Ce_{x}CuO_{4}/Cu_{2}O interfaces may be responsible for these anomalies. Experiments on the slightly overdoped La_{2-x}Ce_{x}CuO_{4} film (x ~ 0.1) did not reveal comparable phonon anomalies.Comment: 7 pages, 8 figure

    Microalbuminuria among Type 1 and Type 2 diabetic patients of African origin in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania

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    BACKGROUND: The prevalences and risk factors of microalbuminuria are not full described among black African diabetic patients. This study aimed at determining the prevalence of microalbuminuria among African diabetes patients in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, and relate to socio-demographic features as well as clinical parameters. METHODS: Cross sectional study on 91 Type 1 and 153 Type 2 diabetic patients. Two overnight urine samples per patient were analysed. Albumin concentration was measured by an automated immunoturbidity assay. Average albumin excretion rate (AER) was used and were categorised as normalbuminuria (AER < 20 ug/min), microalbuminuria (AER 20–200 ug/min), and macroalbuminuria (AER > 200 ug/min). Information obtained also included age, diabetes duration, sex, body mass index, blood pressure, serum total cholesterol, high-density and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, triglycerides, serum creatinine, and glycated hemoglobin A(1c). RESULTS: Overall prevalence of microalbuminuria was 10.7% and macroalbuminuria 4.9%. In Type 1 patients microalbuminuria was 12% and macroalbuminuria 1%. Among Type 2 patients, 9.8% had microalbuminuria, and 7.2% had macroalbuminuria. Type 2 patients with abnormal albumin excretion rate had significantly longer diabetes duration 7.5 (0.2–24 yrs) than those with normal albumin excretion rate 3 (0–25 yrs), p < 0.001. Systolic and diastolic blood pressure among Type 2 patients with abnormal albumin excretion rate were significantly higher than in those with normal albumin excretion rate, (p < 0.001). No significant differences in body mass index, glycaemic control, and cholesterol levels was found among patients with normal compared with those with elevated albumin excretion rate either in Type 1 or Type 2 patients. A stepwise multiple linear regression analysis among Type 2 patients, revealed AER (natural log AER) as the dependent variable to be predicted by [odds ratio (95% confidence interval)] diabetes duration 0.090 (0.049, 0.131), p < 0.0001, systolic blood pressure 0.012 (0.003–0.021), p < 0.010 and serum creatinine 0.021 (0.012, 0.030). CONCLUSION: The prevalence of micro and macroalbuminuria is higher among African Type 1 patients with relatively short diabetes duration compared with prevalences among Caucasians. In Type 2 patients, the prevalence is in accordance with findings in Caucasians. The present study detects, however, a much lower prevalence than previously demonstrated in studies from sub-Saharan Africa. Abnormal AER was significantly related to diabetes duration and systolic blood pressure

    Assessment of quality of care given to diabetic patients at Jimma University Specialized Hospital diabetes follow-up clinic, Jimma, Ethiopia

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Sub-Saharan Africa is currently enduring the heaviest global burden of diabetes and diabetes care in such resource poor countries is far below standards. This study aims to describe the gaps in the care of Ethiopian diabetic patients at Jimma University Specialized Hospital.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>329 diabetic patients were selected as participants in the study, aged 15 years or greater, who have been active in follow-up for their diabetes for more than 1 year at the hospital. They were interviewed for their demographic characters and relevant clinical profiles. Their charts were simultaneously reviewed for characters related to diabetes and related morbidities. Descriptive statistics was used for most variables and Chi-square test, where necessary, was used to test the association among various variables. P-value of < 0.05 was used as statistical significance.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Blood glucose determination was done for 98.5% of patients at each of the last three visits, but none ever had glycosylated haemoglobin results. The mean fasting blood sugar (FBS) level was 171.7 ± 63.6 mg/dl and 73.1% of patients had mean FBS levels above 130 mg/dl. Over 44% of patients have already been diagnosed to be hypertensive and 64.1% had mean systolic BP of > 130 and/or diastolic > 80 mmHg over the last three visits. Diabetes eye and neurologic evaluations were ever done for 42.9% and 9.4% of patients respectively. About 66% had urine test for albumin, but only 28.2% had renal function testing over the last 5 years. The rates for lipid test, electrocardiography, echocardiography, or ultrasound of the kidneys during the same time were < 5% for each. Diabetic neuropathy (25.0%) and retinopathy (23.1%) were the most common chronic complications documented among those evaluated for complications.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The overall aspects of diabetes care at the hospital were far below any recommended standards. Hence, urgent action to improve care for patients with diabetes is mandatory. Future studies examining patterns and prevalence of chronic complications using appropriate parameters is strongly recommended to see the true burden of diabetes.</p

    Ultrafast transient generation of spin-densitywave order in the normal state of BaFe2As2 driven by coherent lattice vibrations

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    The interplay among charge, spin and lattice degrees of freedom in solids gives rise to intriguing macroscopic quantum phenomena such as colossal magnetoresistance, multiferroicity and high-temperature superconductivity. Strong coupling or competition between various orders in these systems presents the key to manipulate their functional properties by means of external perturbations such as electric and magnetic fields or pressure. Ultrashort and intense optical pulses have emerged as an interesting tool to investigate elementary dynamics and control material properties by melting an existing order. Here, we employ few-cycle multi-terahertz pulses to resonantly probe the evolution of the spin-density-wave (SDW) gap of the pnictide compound BaFe2As2 following excitation with a femtosecond optical pulse. When starting in the low-temperature ground state, optical excitation results in a melting of the SDW order, followed by ultrafast recovery. In contrast, the SDW gap is induced when we excite the normal state above the transition temperature. Very surprisingly, the transient ordering quasi-adiabatically follows a coherent lattice oscillation at a frequency as high as 5.5 THz. Our results attest to a pronounced spin-phonon coupling in pnictides that supports rapid development of a macroscopic order on small vibrational displacement even without breaking the symmetry of the crystal
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