227 research outputs found

    Pancreatic alpha cell mass in European subjects with type 2 diabetes

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    AIMS/HYPOTHESIS: Type 2 diabetes is a bi-hormonal disease characterised by relative hypoinsulinaemia and hyperglucagonaemia with elevated blood glucose levels. Besides pancreatic beta cell defects, a low number of beta cells (low beta cell mass) may contribute to the insufficient secretion of insulin. In this study our aim was to determine whether the alpha cell mass is also altered. METHODS: Using a point counting method, we measured the ratio of alpha to beta cell areas in pancreas samples obtained at autopsy from 50 type 2 diabetic subjects, whose beta cell mass had previously been found to be 36% lower than that of 52 non-diabetic subjects. RESULTS: The topography of alpha and beta cells was similar in both groups: many alpha cells were localised in the centre of the islets and the ratio of alpha/beta cell areas increased with islet size. The average ratio was significantly higher in type 2 diabetic subjects (0.72) than in non-diabetic subjects (0.42), with, however, a large overlap between the two groups. In contrast, the alpha cell mass was virtually identical in type 2 diabetic subjects (366 mg) and non-diabetic subjects (342 mg), and was not influenced by sex, BMI or type of diabetes treatment. CONCLUSIONS: The higher proportion of alpha to beta cells in the islets of some type 2 diabetic subjects is due to a decrease in beta cell number rather than an increase in alpha cell number. This imbalance may contribute to alterations in the normal inhibitory influence exerted by beta cells on alpha cells, and lead to the relative hyperglucagonaemia observed in type 2 diabete

    Genetic and Environmental Sources of Variation in the Autogenous Chemical Defense of a Leaf Beetle

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    Chemical defense plays a central role for many herbivorous insects in their interactions with predators and host plants. The leaf beetle genus Oreina (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae) includes species able to both sequester pyrrolizidine alkaloids and autogenously produce cardenolides. Sequestered compounds are clearly related to patterns of host-plant use, but variation in de novo synthesized cardenolides is less obviously linked to the environment. In this study, intraspecific variation in cardenolide composition was examined by HPLC-MS analysis in 18 populations of Oreina speciosa spanning Europe from the Massif Central to the Balkans. This revealed the defense secretion to be a complex blend of up to 42 compounds per population. There was considerable geographical variation in the total sample of 50 compounds detected, with only 14 found in all sites. The environmental and genetic influences on defense chemistry were investigated by correlation with distance matrices based on habitat factors, host-plant use, and genetics (sequence data from COI, COII, and 16s rRNA). This demonstrated an influence of both genetics and host-plant use on the overall blend of cardenolides and on the presence of some of the individual compounds. The implications of this result are discussed for the evolution of defense chemistry and for the use of cardenolide compounds as markers of the evolutionary history of the specie

    An australian audit of vaccination status in children and adolescents with inflammatory bowel disease

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Children and adolescents with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) are at increased risk of vaccine preventable diseases (VPD). This includes invasive pneumococcal disease and influenza. The primary aim of this study was to describe compliance with current Australian guidelines for vaccination of children and adolescents diagnosed with IBD. A secondary aim was to review the serological screening for VPD.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A random sample of patients (0-18 years at diagnosis), were selected from the Victoria Australia state based Pediatric Inflammatory Bowel Disease Register. A multi-faceted retrospective review of immunization status was undertaken, with hospital records audited, a telephone interview survey conducted with consenting parents and the vaccination history was checked against the primary care physician and Australian Childhood Immunization Register (ACIR) records. The routine primary childhood vaccinations and administration of the recommended additional influenza and pneumococcal vaccines was clarified.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>This 2007 audit reviewed the immunization status of 101individuals on the Victorian Pediatric IBD database. Median age at diagnosis was 12.1 years, 50% were on active immunosuppressive therapy. 90% (38/42) [95% confidence intervals (CI) 77%; 97%] with complete immunization information were up-to-date with routine primary immunizations. Only 5% (5/101) [95% CI 2%; 11%] received a recommended pneumococcal vaccine booster and 10% (10/101) [95% CI 5%; 17%] had evidence of having ever received a seasonal influenza vaccine. Those living in rural Victoria (p = 0.005) and younger at the age of diagnosis (p = 0.002) were more likely to have ever received an influenza vaccine Serological testing, reviewing historical protection from VPD, identified 18% (17/94) with evidence of at least one serology sample.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This study highlights poor compliance in IBD patients for additional recommended vaccines. A multi-faceted approach is required to maximize protection from VPD in this vulnerable special risk population.</p

    Calorimetric study of geopolymer binders based on natural pozzolan

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    This paper investigates the kinetics of geopolymerisation in an inorganic polymeric binder based on a natural pozzolan. The heat released by the exothermic geopolymerisation reaction process is monitored under isothermal temperature conditions, maintained in a differential scanning calorimeter using a water circulation cell. Calorimetric data are obtained isothermally at 65, 75, and 85 °C with various Na2O/Al2O3 and SiO2/Na2O molar ratios and in the presence and absence of small amounts of calcium aluminate cement (used as an efflorescence control admixture in these binder systems). The first stage of reaction, which is rapid and strongly exothermic, is shortened as the temperature increases. The total heat of reaction increases in the mixes containing calcium aluminate cement, but the apparent activation energy calculated using a pseudo-first-order reaction model is lower than without added calcium aluminate cement. At a constant overall SiO2/Na2O molar ratio, the apparent activation energy is decreased as the Na2O/Al2O3 molar ratio increases. Calcium aluminate cement, therefore, reduces the minimum energy required to initiate geopolymerisation reactions of this natural pozzolan and facilitates the progress of the reactions which lead to formation of a cementitious product

    Diabetes causes marked inhibition of mitochondrial metabolism in pancreatic β-cells

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    Diabetes is a global health problem caused primarily by the inability of pancreatic β-cells to secrete adequate levels of insulin. The molecular mechanisms underlying the progressive failure of β-cells to respond to glucose in type-2 diabetes remain unresolved. Using a combination of transcriptomics and proteomics, we find significant dysregulation of major metabolic pathways in islets of diabetic βV59M mice, a non-obese, eulipidaemic diabetes model. Multiple genes/proteins involved in glycolysis/gluconeogenesis are upregulated, whereas those involved in oxidative phosphorylation are downregulated. In isolated islets, glucose-induced increases in NADH and ATP are impaired and both oxidative and glycolytic glucose metabolism are reduced. INS-1 β-cells cultured chronically at high glucose show similar changes in protein expression and reduced glucose-stimulated oxygen consumption: targeted metabolomics reveals impaired metabolism. These data indicate hyperglycaemia induces metabolic changes in β-cells that markedly reduce mitochondrial metabolism and ATP synthesis. We propose this underlies the progressive failure of β-cells in diabetes.Peer reviewe

    HACD1, a regulator of membrane composition and fluidity, promotes myoblast fusion and skeletal muscle growth

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    The reduced diameter of skeletal myofibres is a hallmark of several congenital myopathies, yet the underlying cellular and molecular mechanisms remain elusive. In this study, we investigate the role of HACD1/PTPLA, which is involved in the elongation of the very long chain fatty acids, in muscle fibre formation. In humans and dogs, HACD1 deficiency leads to a congenital myopathy with fibre size disproportion associated with a generalized muscle weakness. Through analysis of HACD1-deficient Labradors, Hacd1-knockout mice, and Hacd1-deficient myoblasts, we provide evidence that HACD1 promotes myoblast fusion during muscle development and regeneration. We further demonstrate that in normal differentiating myoblasts, expression of the catalytically active HACD1 isoform, which is encoded by a muscle-enriched splice variant, yields decreased lysophosphatidylcholine content, a potent inhibitor of myoblast fusion, and increased concentrations of ≥C18 and monounsaturated fatty acids of phospholipids. These lipid modifications correlate with a reduction in plasma membrane rigidity. In conclusion, we propose that fusion impairment constitutes a novel, non-exclusive pathological mechanism operating in congenital myopathies and reveal that HACD1 is a key regulator of a lipid-dependent muscle fibre growth mechanism

    Postnatal Development of Numbers and Mean Sizes of Pancreatic Islets and Beta-Cells in Healthy Mice and GIPRdn Transgenic Diabetic Mice

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    The aim of this study was to examine postnatal islet and beta-cell expansion in healthy female control mice and its disturbances in diabetic GIPRdn transgenic mice, which exhibit an early reduction of beta-cell mass. Pancreata of female control and GIPRdn transgenic mice, aged 10, 45, 90 and 180 days were examined, using state-of-the-art quantitative-stereological methods. Total islet and beta-cell volumes, as well as their absolute numbers increased significantly until 90 days in control mice, and remained stable thereafter. The mean islet volumes of controls also increased slightly but significantly between 10 and 45 days of age, and then remained stable until 180 days. The total volume of isolated beta-cells, an indicator of islet neogenesis, and the number of proliferating (BrdU-positive) islet cells were highest in 10-day-old controls and declined significantly between 10 and 45 days. In GIPRdn transgenic mice, the numbers of islets and beta-cells were significantly reduced from 10 days of age onwards vs. controls, and no postnatal expansion of total islet and beta-cell volumes occurred due to a reduction in islet neogenesis whereas early islet-cell proliferation and apoptosis were unchanged as compared to control mice. Insulin secretion in response to pharmacological doses of GIP was preserved in GIPRdn transgenic mice, and serum insulin to pancreatic insulin content in response to GLP-1 and arginine was significantly higher in GIPRdn transgenic mice vs. controls. We could show that the increase in islet number is mainly responsible for expansion of islet and beta-cell mass in healthy control mice. GIPRdn transgenic mice show a disturbed expansion of the endocrine pancreas, due to perturbed islet neogenesis

    Gliclazide may have an antiapoptotic effect related to its antioxidant properties in human normal and cancer cells

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    Experimental and clinical studies suggest that gliclazide may protect pancreatic β-cells from apoptosis induced by an oxidative stress. However, the precise mechanism(s) of this action are not fully understood and requires further clarification. Therefore, using human normal and cancer cells we examined whether the anti-apoptotic effects of this sulfonylurea is due to its free radical scavenger properties. Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) as a model trigger of oxidative stress was used to induce cell death. Our experiments were performed on human normal cell line (human umbilical vein endothelial cell line, HUVEC-c) and human cancer cell lines (human mammary gland cell line, Hs578T; human pancreatic duct epithelioid carcinoma cell line, PANC-1). To assess the effect of gliclazide the cells were pre-treated with the drug. The 3-[4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl]-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide assay was employed to measure the impact of gliclazide on cell viability. Generation of reactive oxygen species, mitochondrial membrane potential (∆Ψm), and intracellular Ca2+ concentration [Ca2+] were monitored. Furthermore, the morphological changes associated with apoptosis were determined using double staining with Hoechst 33258-propidium iodide (PI). Gliclazide protects the tested cells from H2O2-induced cell death most likely throughout the inhibition of ROS production. Moreover, the drug restored loss of ΔΨm and diminished intracellular [Ca2+] evoked by H2O2. Double staining with Hoechst 33258-PI revealed that pre-treatment with gliclazide diminished the number of apoptotic cells. Our findings indicate that gliclazide may protect both normal and cancer human cells against apoptosis induced by H2O2. It appears that the anti-apoptotic effect of the drug is most likely associated with reduction of oxidative stress

    Comparative performances of machine learning methods for classifying Crohn Disease patients using genome-wide genotyping data

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    Abstract: Crohn Disease (CD) is a complex genetic disorder for which more than 140 genes have been identified using genome wide association studies (GWAS). However, the genetic architecture of the trait remains largely unknown. The recent development of machine learning (ML) approaches incited us to apply them to classify healthy and diseased people according to their genomic information. The Immunochip dataset containing 18,227 CD patients and 34,050 healthy controls enrolled and genotyped by the international Inflammatory Bowel Disease genetic consortium (IIBDGC) has been re-analyzed using a set of ML methods: penalized logistic regression (LR), gradient boosted trees (GBT) and artificial neural networks (NN). The main score used to compare the methods was the Area Under the ROC Curve (AUC) statistics. The impact of quality control (QC), imputing and coding methods on LR results showed that QC methods and imputation of missing genotypes may artificially increase the scores. At the opposite, neither the patient/control ratio nor marker preselection or coding strategies significantly affected the results. LR methods, including Lasso, Ridge and ElasticNet provided similar results with a maximum AUC of 0.80. GBT methods like XGBoost, LightGBM and CatBoost, together with dense NN with one or more hidden layers, provided similar AUC values, suggesting limited epistatic effects in the genetic architecture of the trait. ML methods detected near all the genetic variants previously identified by GWAS among the best predictors plus additional predictors with lower effects. The robustness and complementarity of the different methods are also studied. Compared to LR, non-linear models such as GBT or NN may provide robust complementary approaches to identify and classify genetic markers

    Regeneration of Pancreatic Non-β Endocrine Cells in Adult Mice following a Single Diabetes-Inducing Dose of Streptozotocin

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    The non-β endocrine cells in pancreatic islets play an essential counterpart and regulatory role to the insulin-producing β-cells in the regulation of blood-glucose homeostasis. While significant progress has been made towards the understanding of β-cell regeneration in adults, very little is known about the regeneration of the non-β endocrine cells such as glucagon-producing α-cells and somatostatin producing δ-cells. Previous studies have noted the increase of α-cell composition in diabetes patients and in animal models. It is thus our hypothesis that non-β-cells such as α-cells and δ-cells in adults can regenerate, and that the regeneration accelerates in diabetic conditions. To test this hypothesis, we examined islet cell composition in a streptozotocin (STZ)-induced diabetes mouse model in detail. Our data showed the number of α-cells in each islet increased following STZ-mediated β-cell destruction, peaked at Day 6, which was about 3 times that of normal islets. In addition, we found δ-cell numbers doubled by Day 6 following STZ treatment. These data suggest α- and δ-cell regeneration occurred rapidly following a single diabetes-inducing dose of STZ in mice. Using in vivo BrdU labeling techniques, we demonstrated α- and δ-cell regeneration involved cell proliferation. Co-staining of the islets with the proliferating cell marker Ki67 showed α- and δ-cells could replicate, suggesting self-duplication played a role in their regeneration. Furthermore, Pdx1+/Insulin− cells were detected following STZ treatment, indicating the involvement of endocrine progenitor cells in the regeneration of these non-β cells. This is further confirmed by the detection of Pdx1+/glucagon+ cells and Pdx1+/somatostatin+ cells following STZ treatment. Taken together, our study demonstrated adult α- and δ-cells could regenerate, and both self-duplication and regeneration from endocrine precursor cells were involved in their regeneration