68 research outputs found

    Perhitungan faktor bentuk muatan inti dalam keadaan dasar menggunakan program Turbo pascal release 7,0

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    Have been discussing exitation mechnism of the electron-nucleuse on the scattering proses to get the section for electron scattering in the electric and magnetic multipol terms. By choosing electric multipol term for zero spin nucleuse, Ji=jf =Jo could probed electric scattering cross section that include Charge Nuclear Form Factor. By using harmonic spheric wave function and fermi distribution for ground state charge density distribution of nucleuse one could derived the explisit form of Ground State Charge Nuclear Form Factor. To be founded this equetion one then have been making programme step by step in Turbo Pascal language to compute values numerically the Groung State Charge Nuclear Form Factor. Those computation results were representated on graphics and compared for various nuclear with mass and atomic number. Computation results values numerically that representated on graphics, shows that it's appear with Fermi distribution of nuclear charge and harmonic well. Key Word : Nuclear Charge Form Factor, Turbo Pascal. Telah dibahas mekamisme eksitasi elektron pada proses hamburan elektron untuk mendapatkan bentuk eksplisit tampang lintang hamburan dalam suku multipol elektrik dan magnetik. Dengan memilih suku multipol elektrik untuk inti berspin nol, J, = Jf = J0, diperoleh tampan lintang hamburan elastik yang memuat Faktor Bentuk Muatan Inti. Dengan menggunakan fungsi hannonik bola dan model distribusi rapat muatan inti dalam keadaan dasar dad Fermi, diperoleh bentuk eksplisit Faktor Bentuk Muatan Intl dalam keadaan dasar. Berdasarkan bentuk eksplisit persamaan Faktor Bentuk Muatan Inti dalam keadaan dasar, dibuat langkah-langkah pemrograman dalam bahasa Turbo Pascal untuk menghitung Faktor Bentuk muatan Intl Elastik secara numerik. Hasil penghitungan secara numerik direpresentasikan dalam bentuk grafik, ternyata menghasilkan bentuk yang bersesuaian dengan grafik distribusi muatan inti Fermi dan distribusi muatan inti Fermi dengan fungsi gelombang hannonik bola. Kata kunci : Faktor Bentuk Muatan Inti, Turbo Pasca

    Pengaruh Kemasan, Kondisi Ruang Simpan dan Periode Simpan terhadap Viabilitas Benih Caisin Brassica Chinensis L.)

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    The objective of this trial was to determine the effect of the best packaging material, storage room condition and storage period for the seed viability of caisin. The trial was conducted at the seed laboratory of the Department of Agronomy and Horticulture, Faculty of Agriculture, Bogor Agriculture University in March- October 2005. The experiment was arranged in completely randomized design with three factors. The first factor was packaging materials (paper, polyethylene and aluminum foil); the second factor was storage room conditions (ambient room, Air Conditioned (AC) room and refrigerator); the third factor was storage periods (0, 3, 6, 9, 12 and 15 weeks). The result of this research showed that packaging materials gave significant effect on the dry weight of normal seedling. Storage periods gave very significant effect on germination percentage, dry weight of normal seedling, maximum growth capacity, and vigor index. The interaction between packaging materials, storage room conditions and storage periods gave very significant efflect on germination rate. Based on the dry weight of normal seedling, polyethylene and aluminum foil package gave the same result, on the other hand paper package gave the lowest dry weight of normal seedling than that aluminum foil package. Based on the germination percentage, dry weight of normal seedling, maximum growth capacity, and vigor index the seed viability of caisin did not decrease, even after 15 weeks of storage period


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    AbstractThis research aims to describe the design of e-learning Edmodo-based teachingmaterials in heat materials in Junior High School and obtain data on validity andstudents’ response. The Research and Development method was used in this research.The development of e-learning Edmodo-based teaching materials follows the Design ofDick and Carey learning system. The development of e-learning Edmodo-basedteaching materials involved seventh grader of Pelita Cemerlang Junior High School asrespondents. Data was collected by direct communications, indirect communication,and documenter techniques. Questionnaire was used as data instrument in order todetermine the validity and students’ response toward the teaching materials. The resultof the research shows that the e-learning Edmodo-based teaching materials is “valid”with an average value of validity of 3.62 in material aspect, design aspect, languageaspect, and media aspect. Students’ response are “very good” with the acquisition ofscores of 3.18 in the one-on-one trial, small group tryout, and field trial.Keywords: e-learning Edmodo, teaching materials, heat, Dick and Care

    Model Pemberdayaan Sentra Pisang berbasis Kearifan lokal dan Modal Sosial di Kabupaten Karanganyar, Jawa Tengah

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    Jenawi District is the largest supplier of bananas in Karanganyar Regency, in the process of empowering it to become a banana center based on local wisdom and social capital. This study aims to analyze local wisdom and social capital that play an important role in the empowerment of banana centers. This study chose an area in Menjing Village in Jenawi District, Karanganyar Regency, with the consideration that this area is the largest banana producer in Karanganyar Regency and has won first place in the best banana exhibition in Central Java province. This study adheres to the phenomenology paradigm with qualitative methods. This study uses a case study, which is an empirical inquiry investigating the strength of the values ​​of social capital and local wisdom in line with the empowerment of banana centers. The results showed that the values ​​of local wisdom and social capital of the community as a determinant of the success of the banana center empowerment process. This local wisdom is shown in the selection of plant seeds, banana cultivation, harvesting, preservation of local varieties, and maintaining land fertility. While the social capital entity in this study is seen from the aspect of participation in a network, reciprocity, trust, values, norms, solidarity, mutual cooperation, helping those in the local community. Local wisdom and social capital are the basis for developing a model for center empowerment


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    Gangguan kognitif merupakan masalah yang sering terjadi pada golongan usia lanjut. Adanya penurunan fungsi kognitif berpengaruh terhadap penurunan fungsi otak. Al-Qur’an merupakan As-Syifa yaitu obat penyembuh dari berbagai penyakit. Membaca dapat menjadi salah satu aktifitas yang mampu mempengaruhi fungsi kognitif seseorang. Berobat dengan Al-Qur’an adalah perkara yang sudah ditetapkan dalam syariat. Tujuan Penelitian untuk mengetahui hubungan intensitas membaca Al-Qur’an dengan fungsi kognitif lansia. Metode penelitian jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif korelatif dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Populasi berjumlah 102 lansia. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah lansia yang bisa membaca Al-Qur’an yang berjumlah 51 orang, teknik penganbilan sampel yang digunakan teknik purposive sampling. Analisis yang digunakan univariat dan bivariat menggunakan fishers exact dengan α =5%. Hasil Penelitian didapatkan intensitas membaca Al-Qur’an dengan Fungsi kognitif lansia dengan p value = 0,000 dengan nilai Cmax tingkat keeratan 0,734 yang berarti kuat. Simpulan bahwa terdapat hubungan antara intensitas membaca Al-Qur’an dengan fungsi kognitif lansia di wilayah RW 03 Kelurahan Jatimurni. Saran lansia diharapkan aktif membaca Al-Qur’an setiap  harinya baik sebelum shalat fardhu maupun setelah shalat fardhu minimal dengan intensitas waktu kurang lebih 5 menit

    Model Pemberdayaan Sentra Pisang berbasis Kearifan lokal dan Modal Sosial di Kabupaten Karanganyar, Jawa Tengah

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    Jenawi District is the largest supplier of bananas in Karanganyar Regency, in the process of empowering it to become a banana center based on local wisdom and social capital. This study aims to analyze local wisdom and social capital that play an important role in the empowerment of banana centers. This study chose an area in Menjing Village in Jenawi District, Karanganyar Regency, with the consideration that this area is the largest banana producer in Karanganyar Regency and has won first place in the best banana exhibition in Central Java province. This study adheres to the phenomenology paradigm with qualitative methods. This study uses a case study, which is an empirical inquiry investigating the strength of the values ​​of social capital and local wisdom in line with the empowerment of banana centers. The results showed that the values ​​of local wisdom and social capital of the community as a determinant of the success of the banana center empowerment process. This local wisdom is shown in the selection of plant seeds, banana cultivation, harvesting, preservation of local varieties, and maintaining land fertility. While the social capital entity in this study is seen from the aspect of participation in a network, reciprocity, trust, values, norms, solidarity, mutual cooperation, helping those in the local community. Local wisdom and social capital are the basis for developing a model for center empowerment

    Analisis Yuridis Pencantuman Klausula Eksonerasi Pada Tiket Kereta Api Onlin (Kai Access))

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    Pencantuman klausula baku pada perjanjian menyebabkan kedudukan antara konsumen dengan pelaku usaha tidak seimbang, sehingga dapat mengakibatkan kerugian pada salah satu pihak. Larangan pencantuman klausula baku diatur pada Pasal 18 Ayat (1) huruf g Undang-Undang Nomor 8 tahun 1999 Tentang Perlindungan konsumen. Hasil penelitian yang didapat oleh penulis adalah pelaku usaha masih mencantumkan klausula eksonerasi yang sudah jelas dilarang oleh peraturan yang berlaku di Indonesia yaitu Undang-Undang Nomor 8 Tahun 1999 Tentang Perlindungan Konsumen. Selain itu isi dalam ketentuan reservasi tiket kereta api online angka 2 termasuk klausula eksonerasi karena menyatakan pengalihan tanggung jawab dan jika ada kerugian yang dialami konsumen maka sesuai prinsip pertanggung jawaban mutlak (strict liability) pihak PT. Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) memiliki kewajiban untuk bertanggung jawab. Kesimpulan yang didapat oleh penulis yaitu ketentuan tiket kereta api online melalui aplikasi KAI ACCESS terkait pencantuman klausula eksonerasi tidak sesuai dengan Pasal 18 ayat (1) huruf g Undang-Undang Nomor 8 Tahun 1999 Tentang Perlindungan Konsumen dan merujuk merujuk pada prinsip tanggung jawab mutlak, pihak PT. Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) memiliki kewajiban untuk bertanggung jawab apabila konsumen mengalami kerugian yang timbul akibat jasa pengangkutan penumpang yang diselenggarakan tanpa ada atau tidaknya kesalahan pengangkut. Diharapkan kepada pihak PT. Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) dapat membuat ketentuan sesuai dengan peraturan yang berlaku di Indonesia dan diharapkan kepada Menteri Perdagangan dapat melakukan pengawasan terhadap pencantuman klausula eksonerasi yang dicantumkan oleh PT. Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) pada ketentuan reservasi tiket kereta api online. Kata kunci: Perjanjian, Klausula baku, Klausula eksoneras


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    The purpose of this study was to determine whether financial rewards, professional training, social values, work environment and labor market considerations influence accounting students at UMSIDA and UBHARA in choosing a career as a public accountant. The population or subjects in this study consisted of students of accounting study programs at Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo University and Bhayangkara University Surabaya class 2018. In this study, quantitative methods were used by distributing online questionnaires to accounting students at UMSIDA and UBHARA. Obtained as many as 80 respondents using the Slovin formula in sampling in this study. Partially, the results provide evidence that professional training and work environment influence career choices as public accountants by accounting students of UMSIDA and PBARA. On the other hand, financial rewards, social values, and labor market considerations cannot influence career choices as public accountants by accounting students of UMSIDA and UBAR


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    Maksud dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis distribusi potensial dan medan listrik suatu isolator tegangan tinggi berdasarkan sebuah program yang diraneang dengan mengkombinasikan perangkat lunak GiD 9.0.2 dan MATLAB 7.0.4 untuk menghitung dan menampilkan distribusi potensial dan medan listrik menggunakan metode Metode Elemen Hingga (Finite Element Method). Berdasarkan hasil simulasi. program mampu menghitung dan menampilkan distribusi potensial. vektor medan listrik dalam panah. vektor medan listrik dalam garis dan konsentrasi medan listrik dari isolator yang disimulasikan. Distribusi potensial yang dihasilkan menunjukkan perubahan sesuai dengan bentuk elektroda maupun koeflSien dielektris benda yang dilaluinya. Analisis hasil simulasi menunjukkan bahwa umur isolator dengan bentuk geometri tudung bergelombang (alternate shed) akan lebih lama daripada tudung lurus (straight shed) karena distribusi medan listrik isolator tudung lurus yang kurang baik
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