12 research outputs found

    C to U Editing Stimulates A to I Editing in the Anticodon Loop of a Cytoplasmic Threonyl tRNA in Trypanosoma brucei

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    Editing of tRNAs is widespread in nature and either changes the decoding properties or restores the folding of a tRNA. Unlike the phylogenetically disperse adenosine (A) to inosine (I) editing, cytosine (C) to uridine (U) editing has only been previously described in organellar tRNAs. We have shown that cytoplasmic tRNAThr(AGU) undergoes two distinct editing events in the anticodon loop: C to U and A to I. In vivo, every inosine-containing tRNAThr is also C to U edited at position 32. In vitro, C to U editing stimulates conversion of A to I at the wobble base. Although the in vivo and in vitro requirements differ, in both cases, the C to U change plays a key role in A to I editing. Due to an unusual abundance of A34-containing tRNAs, our results also suggest that the unedited and edited tRNAs are functional, each dedicated to decoding a specific threonine codon. C to U editing of cytoplasmic tRNA expands the editing repertoire in eukaryotic cells, and when coupled to A to I changes, leads to an interrelation between editing sites

    Predicting climate change using response theory: global averages and spatial patterns

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    The provision of accurate methods for predicting the climate response to anthropogenic and natural forcings is a key contemporary scientific challenge. Using a simplified and efficient open-source general circulation model of the atmosphere featuring O(105105) degrees of freedom, we show how it is possible to approach such a problem using nonequilibrium statistical mechanics. Response theory allows one to practically compute the time-dependent measure supported on the pullback attractor of the climate system, whose dynamics is non-autonomous as a result of time-dependent forcings. We propose a simple yet efficient method for predicting—at any lead time and in an ensemble sense—the change in climate properties resulting from increase in the concentration of CO22 using test perturbation model runs. We assess strengths and limitations of the response theory in predicting the changes in the globally averaged values of surface temperature and of the yearly total precipitation, as well as in their spatial patterns. The quality of the predictions obtained for the surface temperature fields is rather good, while in the case of precipitation a good skill is observed only for the global average. We also show how it is possible to define accurately concepts like the inertia of the climate system or to predict when climate change is detectable given a scenario of forcing. Our analysis can be extended for dealing with more complex portfolios of forcings and can be adapted to treat, in principle, any climate observable. Our conclusion is that climate change is indeed a problem that can be effectively seen through a statistical mechanical lens, and that there is great potential for optimizing the current coordinated modelling exercises run for the preparation of the subsequent reports of the Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change

    The C-terminal end of the Trypanosoma brucei editing deaminase plays a critical role in tRNA binding

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    Adenosine to inosine editing at the wobble position allows decoding of multiple codons by a single tRNA. This reaction is catalyzed by adenosine deaminases acting on tRNA (ADATs) and is essential for viability. In bacteria, the anticodon-specific enzyme is a homodimer that recognizes a single tRNA substrate (tRNAArgACG) and can efficiently deaminate short anticodon stem–loop mimics of this tRNA in vitro. The eukaryal enzyme is composed of two nonidentical subunits, ADAT2 and ADAT3, which upon heterodimerization, recognize seven to eight different tRNAs as substrates, depending on the organism, and require a full-length tRNA for activity. Although crystallographic data have provided clues to why the bacterial deaminase can utilize short substrates, residues that provide substrate binding and recognition with the eukaryotic enzymes are not currently known. In the present study, we have used a combination of mutagenesis, binding studies, and kinetic analysis to explore the contribution of individual residues in Trypanosoma brucei ADAT2 (TbADAT2) to tRNA recognition. We show that deletion of the last 10 amino acids at the C terminus of TbADAT2 abolishes tRNA binding. In addition, single alanine replacements of a string of positively charged amino acids (KRKRK) lead to binding defects that correlate with losses in enzyme activity. This region, which we have termed the KR-domain, provides a first glance at key residues involved in tRNA binding by eukaryotic tRNA editing deaminases