281 research outputs found
Analisis Shari’ah Compliance Pada Trading Forex Online
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana operasional trading forex online baik yang Islami maupun yang konvensional dan kesesuaiannya dengan prisip-prinsip bay‟ Sharf dalam Islam, selain itu artikel ini juga menganalisa unsur-unsur syariah compliance yang ada pada trading tersebut. Ide dan pemikiran tentang rancangan konsep trading forex online yang Islami juga menjadi fokus dalam penelitian ini. Pendekatan yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan deskriptif atas data kualitatif di mana akan dijelaskan fakta yang terjadi di dalam operasional trading forex online untuk kemudian dilihat kesesuaiannya dengan prinsip-prinsip Islam secara komprehensif. Temuan penelitian ini adalah bahwa meskipun sekilas Islamic forex trading berbeda dengan conventional forex trading, namun masih terkesan bias di mana secara teknis hampir tidak terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara kedua type transaksi tersebut. Artinya meskipun para broker akun forex Islami menawarkan transaksi tanpa elemen Rollever Interest, namun sebagian besar dari mereka masih mengenakan fee lainnya atas trader yang melakukan open positon lebih dari semalam, atau mengenakan kadar spread yang lebih tinggi menggantikan rollever intere
The fulfillment of the rights of women and children in divorce decisions at the Syar'iyah Court during the COVID-19 pandemic
This study seeks to describe the fulfillment of the rights of women and children in the Syar'iyah Court during the Covid-19 period and the efforts made by judges in seeking to protect the rights of women and children. The type of research used is empirical legal research with the aim of obtaining concrete information regarding the fulfillment of the rights of women and children during the COVID-19 period at the Syar'iyah Court. The legal materials used consist of primary legal materials, secondary legal materials and tertiary legal materials. Data analysis was carried out qualitatively by describing the data obtained from literature studies and studies at the Syar'iyah Court. The results showed that the protection of the rights of women and children during the COVID-19 period was very low. The rights that should be obtained such as 'iddah and mut'ah living and the cost of living for children are neglected. Economic limitations due to covid-19, the loss of husband's job is the main reason so that the rights of women and children are not obtained as they should. Efforts made by judges in optimizing the rights of women and children are by delaying the implementation of the divorce pledge, making peace agreements related to the husband's responsibilities towards women and their children, giving directions to claim their rights in the reconciliation lawsuit and using ex officio rights if women do not ask for their rights in the reconciliation lawsuit
Teori Belajar Sosial
Beberapa tahun terakhir suatu inovasi pendidikan telah muncul dengan cara mempengaruhi pengorganisasian kelas. Para guru melaksanakan program-program pembelajaran yang memungkinkan siswa diorganisasi menjadi kelompok-kelompok kecil untuk menyelesaikan sebuah pekerjaan, memecahkan masalah, mengerjakan suatu tugas, atau mengerjakan kegiatan praktek. Belajar kooperatif didasarkan pada hubungan antara motivasi, hubungan interpersonal, dan pencapaian tujuan khusus
Doktor Perubatan Wanita Melayu: Halangan Terhadap Program Latihan Perubatan Pakar
Literatur menunjukkan bahawa jumlah doktor pakar perubatan di kalangan
wanita Melayu kecil berbanding lelaki. Kurangnya jumlah doktor pakar tersebut
dikatakan mereka mempunyai banyak halangan untuk mengikuti kursus lanjutan
pakar. Oleh yang demikian kajian ini dijalankan bertujuan untuk memahami
pengalaman mengenai halangan kepada doktor wanita untuk mengikuti latihan
formal dalam bidang perubatan pakar.
Kajian melibatkan doktor dan pakar perubatan wanita yang mempunyai
pengalaman bekerja sekurang-kurangnya lima tahun . Temuduga secara
mendalam (in-depth interview) dengan sembilan orang informan telah dijalankan
bertujuan untuk mengumpul data kajian . Mereka merupakan lima orang doktor
perubatan dan empat orang pakar perubatan wanita dalam bidang Perbidanan dan Sakit Puan serta Kepakaran Kanak-kanak
The Effectiveness of STAD-Type Cooperative Learning Model Based on Online Media in Comprehending Physics Concepts
The concept comprehension of physics learning becomes the most important aspect that must be considered due to the conditions in the COVID-19 pandemic, the school implements online learning system that has potential to cause misconceptions among students. This research aims at finding out the effectiveness of STAD-type Cooperative Learning Model based on online media in comprehending physical concepts in class X MIA 1 SMAN 1 Tinambung. The research type is quasi-experiment that the data collection applied the concept comprehending test. The data were then analyzed using independent sample t-test. The results revealed that there was a difference in comprehending the concept among students who were taught using online media-based on the STAD-type in cooperative learning model with students who were taught using conventional learning based on online media. The results of effectiveness test conducted by comparing variance values showed that cooperative learning of STAD type effectively improved the concept comprehension. The findings in this study imply that the learning process during the Covid-19 pandemic can implement a media based on STAD-type cooperative learning model so that students still have appropriate comprehension of the learning material concept
The Effectiveness of STAD-Type Cooperative Learning Model Based on Online Media in Comprehending Physics Concepts
The concept comprehension of physics learning becomes the most important aspect that must be considered due to the conditions in the COVID-19 pandemic, the school implements online learning system that has potential to cause misconceptions among students. This research aims at finding out the effectiveness of STAD-type Cooperative Learning Model based on online media in comprehending physical concepts in class X MIA 1 SMAN 1 Tinambung. The research type is quasi-experiment that the data collection applied the concept comprehending test. The data were then analyzed using independent sample t-test. The results revealed that there was a difference in comprehending the concept among students who were taught using online media-based on the STAD-type in cooperative learning model with students who were taught using conventional learning based on online media. The results of effectiveness test conducted by comparing variance values showed that cooperative learning of STAD type effectively improved the concept comprehension. The findings in this study imply that the learning process during the Covid-19 pandemic can implement a media based on STAD-type cooperative learning model so that students still have appropriate comprehension of the learning material concept
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan hasil belajar antara kelas dengan perlakuan Guided Inquiry dan kelas dengan perlakuan Discovery Learning serta mengetahui perbandingan kedua model pembelajaran yang digunakan pada setiap kelas. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian quasi eksperimen dengan desain Counterbalance Design, desain yang menyamakan kelompok eksperimen dan perbandingan. Instrument yang digunakan tes hasil belajar fisika dengan subjek kelas XI IPA. Tes hasil belajar terdiri atas soal pilihan ganda sebanyak 20 nomor. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis menggunakan analisis data deskripsif dan inferensial dengan aplikasi SPSS. Hasil penelitian menujukkan bahwa kelas XI IPA 1 lebih unggul dari kelas XI IPA 2, hal ini dilihat dari nilai hasil belajar pada proses penelitian. Sehingga dari keenam rumusan masalah, hanya hipotesis pertama tidak ada perbedaan hasil belajar, selanjutnya dihipotesis kedua sampai keenam terdapat perbedaan antara hasil belajar kelas XI IPA 1 dan kelas XI IPA 2. Model Guided Inquiry lebih unggul dibanding Model Discovery Learning
Rafiqah, Khalifatur. 2016. "Abnormal Behaviour in the Main Characters of ‘Confessions’ Movie: Assesment on Psychology of Literature". Thesis, Department of Japanese Studies, Faculty of Humanities, Diponegoro University, Semarang. The First Advisor, Drs. Moh. Muzakka, M.Hum. The Second Advisor, Budi Mulyadi, S.Pd. M.Hum.
The author to do research about Confessions movie, based on the social problem related to a person about abnormal behaviour. Based on that, the author tried to explained that the structure of the Confessions movie and abnormal behaviour in the main characters. The main purpose of this research is to reveal abnormal behavioural has experienced by the main characters. There are two important things to reach the purpose of this research. First, the structure of Confessions movie analysis, especially character and characterization, plot, setting, and theme. Second, the psychology of literature analysis with abnormal psychology theory.
The method used in this research is the psychology of literature. Through the literature study with survey book and decomentary research technique. Stage of data analysis was done by collecting the data obtained, after it analyzed the structural theory and psychology literature as well as assisted with the theory of abnormal psychology.
The result outline of the analysis in this research was founded a few of abnormal symptom based on abnormal behaviour system (DSM-IV) by Laura A. King, reflected by Yuko Moriguchi and Shuya Watanbe behaviour. Yuko Moriguchi have experienced some problem in a mood disorder, anxiety disorder, schizoid, and obsessive-compulsive. Shuya Watanabe have experienced a mood disorder, anxiety disorder, schizotypal, histrionic, narcissistic, and anti-social.
Keywords : Abnormal behaviour, Psychology of literature, Confessions movie
Uji Toksisitas Fraksi Etanol Tanaman Obat yang Digunakan Masyarakat Menggunakan Metode Brine Shrimp Lethality Test
Telah dilakukan penelitian tentang Uji Toksisitas Fraksi Etanol Tanaman Obat Yang Digunakan Masyarakat dengan Menggunakan Metode Brine Shrimp Lethality Test (BSLT). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah terdapat efek toksisitas terhadap larva Artemia dan mengetahui nilai LC50 yang terkandung dalam ekstrak etanol daun kedondong pagar terhadap Larva Udang (Artemia salina Leach). Metode yang digunakan Brine Shrimp Lethality Test (BSLT). Uji ini terdiri dari 3 perlakuan konsentrasi yaitu 1000 ppm, 100 ppm, 10 ppm beserta kontol negatif yang masing-masing dilakukan tiga kali pengulangan ( Triplo). Pada tiap konsentrasi menggunakan 15 ekor larva berumur 48 jam. Nilai LC50 didapatkan dari analisa probit. Nilai LC50 dari ekstrak etanol kedondong pagar 49,24 ppm. Dari nilai LC50 ekstrak etanol daun kedondong pagar dapat dilihat bahwa keduanya diklasifikasikan sebagai toksik sehingga berpotensi sebagai antikanker
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