566 research outputs found

    performances evaluation of a novel hadoop and spark based system of image retrieval for huge collections

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    A novel system of image retrieval, based on Hadoop and Spark, is presented. Managing and extracting information from Big Data is a challenging and fundamental task. For these reasons, the system is scalable and it is designed to be able to manage small collections of images as well as huge collections of images. Hadoop and Spark are based on the MapReduce framework, but they have different characteristics. The proposed system is designed to take advantage of these two technologies. The performances of the proposed system are evaluated and analysed in terms of computational cost in order to understand in which context it could be successfully used. The experimental results show that the proposed system is efficient for both small and huge collections

    P003. NSAIDs for symptomatic treatment of headache

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    Background and aims Clinical observations suggest that the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) for symptomatic treatment of headache is not in line with recommendations by international guidelines [1]. The aim of the study was to evaluate NSAIDs use for episodic headache at the Headache Centre of the Chieti University in the period: January 2000-February 2013

    Le grotte sommerse della costa neretina (Salento, S-E Italia)

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    ItOtto cavità sommerse sono state individuate,catastate,e cartografate,lungo la costa neretina (Golfo di Taranto,S-E Italia),dove se ne conoscevano altre 7.Tutte le cavità sono state individuate nei primi 20 m di profondità in tre diversi tratti di costa complessivamente lunghi circa 2 km.Tutte le cavità sommerse hanno scarso (massimo 30 m)ma complicato (a raggera,e su più piani)sviluppo planimetrico. L’erosione da acqua acida (probabilmente sulfurea)ha contribuito alla formazione delle cavità e alla zonazione del benthos che vive sulle pareti.Le concrezioni coralligene hanno contribuito a chiudere o a delimitare gli ingressi.Pseudostalattiti organogene (di natura coralligena)sono state individuate sia a livello degli ingressi che delle aree più interne (agglomerati claviformi di serpulidi tubicoli).EnEight submarine caves have been discovered along the Nardò coastline (S-E Ita- ly)where seven others were already known.All the caves have been individuated above the isobate of -20 m,in three different coastal traits surveyed,for a total length of about 2 Km.All the caves showed a short (maximum 30 m)but complex (star shaped,and on different levels)structural plant.The presence of acid water (possibly sulphuric)contributed to the formation of cavities on the ceiling and to the spatial distribution of the benthos on the cave walls.Coralligenous concretions contrib- uted to limit and/or to close the cave entrances.Organogenic pseudostalactites were present either at the entrances (where they have a coralligenous origin),and at the innermost portions of the caves (where they appeared club shaped and completely formed by strings of tubules of serpulid worms).Due to the conspicuous number of caves found (notwithstanding the survey was space and depth limited)the naturalistic value of the Nardò coastline grew and more detailed analysis become necessary for the evaluation of the ecological importance of the submarine cave importance

    Young people : a phenomenographic investigation into the ways they experience information

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    This study investigates the ways young people experience information. Having an understanding of what information means to young people is important for educators and library and information science (LIS) professionals if they are to develop information literacy skills in young people. To date the literature has revealed that scant attention has been paid to this area. This research study addresses a gap in the knowledge. The study used a phenomenographic research approach to elicit and describe the qualitatively different ways in which young people experienced information. A purposeful sample of forty one young people aged eleven to eighteen years participated in the study. The data, which were gathered through drawings and semi structured interviews, were subjected to a rigorous process of phenomenographic analysis. The outcome of phenomenographic analysis is an outcome space consisting of a finite set of categories of description which, with their relationships, explain the different ways people experience phenomena in the world. In this study six ways of experiencing information were identified: knowledge of sources of information; receiving information; process of finding information; store of unprocessed information; processing information; and use of information. The findings highlighted the fact that young people thought about information to a degree that has not always been acknowledged. In addition the findings challenged a number of commonly held assumptions, which have in the past invited criticism, for instance young people's attitude to ‘cutting and pasting' information and their poor evaluation of academic information. The findings also revealed a previously unrecognised type of information behaviour described in sub-category A of Category Two, ‘receiving information knowingly'. As a result of this research a more comprehensive picture of the way young people experience information to that currently available has been revealed, however the research also revealed the incompleteness of this picture and suggests the need for further research.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Le grotte sommerse dell’Area Marina Protetta "Porto Cesareo"

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    A census of submarine caves has been carried out along the coast of the Marine Protected Area “Porto Cesareo” in the Gulf of Taranto (South East Italy). The work carried out from September 2007 to June 2010, allowed us to record 11 new caves, formerly unknown, which have to be added to those recently listed by DENITTO and BELMONTE (2008). Maps and rough description of the 11 submerged caves have been deposited at the Regional Catalogue of Karstic structures. The geomorphologic phenomenon (submarine caves) were practically undescribed in the MPA, and after the present results a new habitat, of great naturalistic interest, has been added to those described and already protected by the MPA. The scuba expeditions in the caves of the MPA deal with the biological aspects (fauna and community structure) only marginally, and more deeply with the topography. A small number of submerged caves has been proposed, being in the accessible part of the MPA, for scuba tourism. In the next future, both a study on the biology of MPA submarine caves, and a study on the tourism impact on submarine caves will be proposed to complete the investigation here presented

    TCNQ physisorption on the Bi2Se3 topological insulator

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    Topological insulators are promising candidates for spintronic applications due to their topologically protected, spin-momentum locked and gapless surface states. The breaking of the time-reversal symmetry after the introduction of magnetic impurities, such as 3d transition metal atoms embedded in two-dimensional molecular networks, could lead to several phenomena interesting for device fabrication. The first step towards the fabrication of metal-organic coordination networks on the surface of a topological insulator is to investigate the adsorption of the pure molecular layer, which is the aim of this study. Here, the effect of the deposition of the electron acceptor 7,7,8,8-tetracyanoquinodimethane (TCNQ) molecules on the surface of a prototypical topological insulator, bismuth selenide (Bi2Se3), is investigated. Scanning tunneling microscope images at low-temperature reveal the formation of a highly ordered two-dimensional molecular network. The essentially unperturbed electronic structure of the topological insulator observed by photoemission spectroscopy measurements demonstrates a negligible charge transfer between the molecular layer and the substrate. Density functional theory calculations confirm the picture of a weakly interacting adsorbed molecular layer. These results reveal significant potential of TCNQ for the realization of metal-organic coordination networks on the topological insulator surface

    BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations in central and southern Italian patients

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    INTRODUCTION: Germline BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations account for most hereditary breast/ovarian cancers and are associated with male breast cancer. Furthermore, constitutional mutations in these genes may occur in breast/ovarian cancer patients that do not meet stringent criteria of autosomal-dominant predisposition. The relevance of BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations in such patients is still debated. OBJECTIVES: We sought to determine the impact of BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations in a population of patients from central and southern Italy. We analyzed the BRCA1 and BRCA2 coding regions in 136 unrelated probands: 117 females with breast/ovarian cancer and 19 males with breast cancer. This population of patients was mostly representative of cases who are at risk for hereditary susceptibility, but who do not meet stringent criteria of autosomal-dominant predisposition. METHODS: Probands, subclassified as follows, were consecutively recruited depending on informed consent from patients attending breast cancer clinics in Rome and Naples. Selection criteria for females were as follows: breast cancer with breast cancer family history [one to two first-/second-degree relative(s), n = 55]; breast cancer diagnosed before age 40 years (no breast/ovarian cancer family history, n = 28); bilateral breast cancer (regardless of age and family history, n =10); breast cancer associated with gastrointestinal, pancreatic or uterine cancers [synchronous/metachronous or in first-degree relative(s), n = 9]; breast or ovarian cancer with family history of breast-ovarian/ovarian cancer (at least 1 first-/ second-degree relative, n = 10); and ovarian cancer with no breast/ovarian cancer family history (n = 5). Males with breast cancer were recruited regardless of age and family history. BRCA1 exon 11 and BRCA2 exons 10 and 11 were screened by PTT. Coding BRCA1 exons 2, 3, 5-10 and 12-24 and BRCA2 exons 2-9 and 12-27 were screened by SSCP. Primers are listed in Table 1. In 27 cases, analyzed by PTT along the entire BRCA1 coding sequence, BRCA1 SSCP analysis was limited to exons 2, 5, 20 and 24. Mutations were verified by sequence analysis on two independent blood samples. RESULTS: Deleterious germline BRCA1/BRCA2 mutations were detected in 11 out of 136 cases (8%). Only three BRCA2 mutations were novel. One BRCA2 mutation recurred in two unrelated probands. Table 2 shows the mutations and data concerning carriers and their families. Table 3 shows correlations between BRCA1/BRCA2 mutations and sex, age at disease diagnosis and familial clustering of breast/ovarian cancer in the total patient population. Table 4 shows the proportions of BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations in females with site-specific breast and breast-ovarian/ovarian cancer. Table 5 shows the frequency of BRCA1/BRCA2 mutations in males. BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations, respectively, accounted for four out of 68 (6%) and one out of 68 (1%) cases diagnosed before age 50 years, and for one out of 68 (1%) and five out of 68 (7%) cases diagnosed after age 50 years. BRCA1 mutations were found in five out of 117 females (4%) and in none of 19 males (0%), and BRCA2 mutations were found in four out of 117 females (3%) and in two out of 19 males (10%). The proportions of BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations coincided in site-specific female breast cancers (four out of 102; ie 4% each). BRCA1 and BRCA2 equally contributed to female breast cancers, with no familial clustering in those diagnosed before age 40 years (one out of 28; 4% each), and to female breast cancers, all ages, with familial clustering in one to two relatives (three out of 55; ie 5% each). In the latter subset of cases, BRCA1 mostly accounted for tumours diagnosed before age 40 years (two out of eight; 25%), and BRCA2 for tumours diagnosed after age 50 years (three out of 34; 9%). Regardless of family history, the respective contributions of BRCA1 and BRCA2 to site-specific female breast cancers diagnosed before age 40 years were 8% (three out of 36) and 3% (one out of 36). One BRCA1 mutation was detected among the 15 female probands from breast-ovarian/ovarian cancer families (7%). Among male breast cancers, BRCA2 mutations were identified in one out of five (20%) cases with family history and in one out of 14 (7%) apparently sporadic cases. No BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutations were found in female probands with nonfamilial bilateral breast cancer (10 cases) or in those with breast cancer associated with gastrointestinal, pancreatic or uterine cancers, synchronous/metachronous or in first-degree relative(s) (nine cases). These cases were all diagnosed after age 40 years. DISCUSSION: Our results indicate a lack of relevant founder effects for BRCA1- and BRCA2-related disease in the sample of patients studied, which is consistent with other Italian studies and with ethnical and historical data. Overall, the contribution of BRCA1 and BRCA2 to breast/ovarian cancer in Italian patients appears to be less significant than in patients from communities with founder mutations. The present study is in agreement with direct estimates on other outbred populations, indicating that 7-10% of all female breast cancers that occur in patients aged under 40 years are due to BRCA1/BRCA2. We found that BRCA1 and BRCA2 equally contributed to site-specific breast cancers who had one/two breast cancer-affected first-/second-degree relative(s) or who were diagnosed within age 40 years in the absence of family history. This is consistent with recent data that indicated that the respective frequencies of BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations are comparable in early onset breast cancer. Considering the total population of patients analyzed here, however, BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations were mostly found in cases with disease diagnosis before and after age 50 years, respectively. Moreover, in cases with familial clustering of site-specific breast cancer, BRCA1 mostly accounted for tumours diagnosed before age 40 years, and BRCA2 for tumours diagnosed after age 50 years. This is in agreement with a trend, which has been observed in other populations, for the proportion of cases with BRCA2 mutations to increase, and the proportion with mutations in BRCA1 to decrease, as the age at cancer onset increases. As in other studies, the frequency of BRCA1/BRCA2 mutations taken together was lower than the estimated frequencies at comparable ages for all susceptibility alleles derived from the Contraceptive and Steroid Hormones (CASH) study. The discrepancy between direct data deriving from BRCA1/BRCA2 mutational analysis and CASH estimates could be due to several factors, including contribution of gene(s) other than BRCA1/BRCA2, differences between populations and relative insensitivity of mutational screening. Only BRCA1 mutations were found in breast/ovarian and site-specific ovarian cancer families. BRCA2, but not BRCA1 mutations were found in the male breast cancers. The overall proportion of males with BRCA2 mutations was high when compared with data from other studies on outbred populations, but was low compared with data from populations with founder effects. The present results should be regarded as an approximation, because the following types of mutation are predicted to escape detection by the screening strategy used: mutations in noncoding regions; missense mutations within BRCA1 exon 11 and BRCA2 exons 10 and 11; large gene deletions; and mutations within the first and last 180 nucleotides of the amplicons analyzed by PTT

    Long-term CD4+ T-cell count evolution after switching from regimens including HIV nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NRTI) plus protease inhibitors to regimens containing NRTI plus non-NRTI or only NRTI

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    BACKGROUND: Data regarding CD4+ recovery after switching from protease inhibitor (PI)-based regimens to regimens not containing PI are scarce. METHODS: Subjects with virological success on first-PI-regimens who switched to NNRTI therapy (NNRTI group) or to nucleoside reverse transcriptase (NRTI)-only (NRTI group) were studied. The effect of the switch on the ongoing CD4+ trend was assessed by two-phase linear regression (TPLR), allowing us to evaluate whether a change in the CD4+ trend (hinge) occurred and the time of its occurrence. Furthermore, we described the evolution of the frequencies in CD4-count classes across four relevant time-points (baseline, before and immediately after the switch, and last visit). Finally, we explored whether the CD4+ counts evolved differently in patients who switched to NNRTI or NRTI-only regimens by considering: the overall CD4+ trends, the time to CD4+ 65 500/mm3 after the switch, and the area-under-the-curve (AUC) of the CD4+ after the switch. RESULTS: Eight hundred and ninety-six patients, followed for a median of 2,121 days, were included. At TPLR, hinges occurred in 581/844 (68.9%), but in only 40/581 (6.9%) within a time interval (180 days) compatible with a possible relationship to the switch; furthermore, in 19/40 cases, CD4+ counts appeared to decrease after the hinges. In comparison with the NNRTI group, the NRTI group showed CD4+ count greater at baseline (P = 0.0234) and before the switch (P 64 0.0001), superior CD4+ T-cell increases after HAART was started, lower probability of not achieving CD4+ 65 500/mm3 (P = 0.0024), and, finally, no significant differences in the CD4+ T-cell AUC after the switch after adjusting for possible confounders (propensity score and pre-switch AUC). Persistence at CD4+ < 200/mm3 was observed in 34/435 (7.5%) patients, and a decrease below this level was found in only 10/259 (3.9%) with baseline CD4+ 65 350/mm3. CONCLUSIONS: Switching from first-line PI to NNRTI- or NRTI-based regimens did not seem to impair CD4+ trend over long-term follow-up. Although the greater CD4+ increases in patients who switched to the NRTI-only regimen was due to higher CD4+ counts before the switch, several statistical analyses consistently showed that switching to this regimen did not damage the ongoing immune-reconstitution. Lastly, the observation that CD4+ T-cell counts remained low or decreased in the long term despite virological success merits further investigation