209 research outputs found

    A note on affine toric varieties

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    AbstractLet k be an arbitrary field and Γ a toric set in the affine space Akn given parametrically by monomials. Using linear algebra we give necessary and sufficient conditions for Γ to be an affine toric variety, and show some applications

    Uso de simuladores y herramientas de programación para facilitar la comprensión de la operación de los sistemas eléctricos

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    Congreso Universitario de Innovación Educativa En las Enseñanzas Técnicas, CUIEET (26º. 2018. Gijón

    El Control Interno En La Gestión Administrativa Del Área De Tesorería De La Gerencia Sub Regional – Bagua- Año 2016

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    El trabajo de investigación, tuvo por objetivo general: Analizar si el Control Interno influye a la gestión administrativa del Área de Tesorería de la Gerencia Sub Regional Bagua. La investigación es de tipo descriptivo porque se direcciona a describir el estado de la variable del control interno con la gestión que se aplica en el área de tesorería, se trabajó con una muestra por conveniencia de 19 trabajadores a una población total de 112, al cual se aplicó la técnica de la encuesta y se recogió información a través de una guía de encuesta con alternativas. La información fue recogida, procesada y tabulada apoyándose en el programa del Excel. En los resultados control interno del Área de Tesorería de la Gerencia Sub Regional se ha determinado que es deficiente porque no es adecuado el control de los ingresos recaudados, de gastos y carece de eficiencia porque los reglamentos de gestión no están actualizados así como el manual de organización y funciones no se actualiza además cuenta con un personal que no está capacitado para ejercer correctamente sus funciones. El contenido de la investigación comprende desde la realidad problemática, objetivos, hipótesis, métodos de investigación, resultados hasta las conclusiones y recomendaciones para el mejoramiento de las actividades del área de tesorería

    Influencia de la deshidratación aguda sobre el comportamiento de la frecuencia cardíaca, el consumo de oxígeno, el lactato sanguíneo y el peso corporal en corredores de fondo

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    Las carreras de larga distancia o de fondo son actividades físicas en donde se presenta una alta generación de calor como producto del intenso metabolismo que los músculos deben desarrollar para mantener su actividad contráctil durante el tiempo que sean requeridos. Para la disipación del calor generado se utilizan varios mecanismos, entre ellos: la radiación, la conducción, la convección y la evaporación del sudor sobre la piel del atleta. Este último mecanismo de refrigeración adquiere una importancia crucial cuando la temperatura ambiental y/o la generación de calor por el organismo son elevadas. El agua utilizada en forma de sudor para la termorregulación proviene de los diferentes compartimentos hídricos del organismo, de modo que, al recurrirse a este mecanismo de control de la temperatura, se provocará un déficit hídrico y una serie de desajustes del normal equilibrio orgánico

    Estado de hidratación y capacidad de trabajo físico

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    RESUMEN: Se describen los principios fisiológicos que determinan el equilibrio hídrico del organismo; los procesos por los cuales se restablece, una vez perdido, tal equilibrio; las características y la eficacia de las bebidas rehidratantes, según la duración, intensidad y magnitud del esfuerzo físico en diversas condiciones ambientale

    Incursión de Nuevas Fuerzas Políticas en las elecciones en Colombia 2006-2014 : Papel del Partido de la U y del Centro Democrático

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    El propósito de este trabajo consiste en determinar que Colombia es un claro ejemplo de que el sistema político ha experimentado cambios a través del tiempo, pasando de un sistema bipartidista liderado por el Partido Conservador y el Partido Liberal Colombiano, a un sistema político mucho más pluralista. La incidencia de nuevas fuerzas políticas en Colombia desde las elecciones legislativas del año 2006, tiene un antecedente fundamental que fue la reforma de 2003, que exigió a los movimientos y partidos políticos una serie de reglas para mantener la personería jurídica.The purpose of this work is to determine that Colombia is a clear example that the political system has undergone changes over time, moving from a two-party system led by the Conservative Party and the Liberal Party of Colombia, to a much more pluralistic political system . The incidence of new political forces in Colombia since the legislative elections of 2006, has a fundamental antecedent was the 2003 reform, which required movements and political parties a set of rules to maintain legal status.Politólogo (a)Pregrad

    Significance of long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids in human health

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    In the last decades, the development of new technologies applied to lipidomics has revitalized the analysis of lipid profile alterations and the understanding of the underlying molecular mechanisms of lipid metabolism, together with their involvement in the occurrence of human disease. Of particular interest is the study of omega-3 and omega-6 long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LC-PUFAs), notably EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid, 20:5n-3), DHA (docosahexaenoic acid, 22:6n-3), and ARA (arachidonic acid, 20:4n-6), and their transformation into bioactive lipid mediators. In this sense, new families of PUFA-derived lipid mediators, including resolvins derived from EPA and DHA, and protectins and maresins derived from DHA, are being increasingly investigated because of their active role in the “return to homeostasis” process and resolution of inflammation. Recent findings reviewed in the present study highlight that the omega-6 fatty acid ARA appears increased, and omega-3 EPA and DHA decreased in most cancer tissues compared to normal ones, and that increments in omega-3 LC-PUFAs consumption and an omega-6/omega-3 ratio of 2–4:1, are associated with a reduced risk of breast, prostate, colon and renal cancers. Along with their lipid-lowering properties, omega-3 LC-PUFAs also exert cardioprotective functions, such as reducing platelet aggregation and inflammation, and controlling the presence of DHA in our body, especially in our liver and brain, which is crucial for optimal brain functionality. Considering that DHA is the principal omega-3 FA in cortical gray matter, the importance of DHA intake and its derived lipid mediators have been recently reported in patients with major depressive and bipolar disorders, Alzheimer disease, Parkinson’s disease, and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. The present study reviews the relationships between major diseases occurring today in the Western world and LC-PUFAs. More specifically this review focuses on the dietary omega-3 LC-PUFAs and the omega-6/omega-3 balance, in a wide range of inflammation disorders, including autoimmune diseases. This review suggests that the current recommendations of consumption and/or supplementation of omega-3 FAs are specific to particular groups of age and physiological status, and still need more fine tuning for overall human health and well being

    Echium acanthocarpum hairy root cultures, a suitable system for polyunsaturated fatty acid studies and production

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The therapeutic and health promoting role of highly unsaturated fatty acids (HUFAs) from fish, <it>i.e. </it>eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA, 20:5n-3) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA, 22:6n-3) are well known. These same benefits may however be shared by some of their precursors, the polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), such as stearidonic acid (SDA, 18:4 n-3). In order to obtain alternative sources for the large-scale production of PUFAs, new searches are being conducted focusing on higher plants oils which can contain these n-3 and n-6 C18 precursors, <it>i.e. </it>SDA and GLA (18:3n-6, γ-linolenic acid).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The establishment of the novel <it>Echium acanthocarpum </it>hairy root cultures represents a powerful tool in order to research the accumulation and metabolism of fatty acids (FAs) in a plant particularly rich in GLA and SDA. Furthermore, this study constitutes the first example of a <it>Boraginaceae </it>species hairy root induction and establishment for FA studies and production. The dominant PUFAs, 18:2n-6 (LA, linoleic acid) and 18:3n-6 (GLA), accounted for about 50% of total FAs obtained, while the n-3 PUFAs, 18:3n-3 (ALA, α-linolenic acid) and 18:4n-3 (SDA), represented approximately 5% of the total. Production of FAs did not parallel hairy root growth, and the optimal productivity was always associated with the highest biomass density during the culture period. Assuming a compromise between FA production and hairy root biomass, it was determined that sampling times 4 and 5 gave the most useful FA yields. Total lipid amounts were in general comparable between the different hairy root lines (29.75 and 60.95 mg/g DW), with the major lipid classes being triacylglycerols. The FAs were chiefly stored in the hairy roots with very minute amounts being released into the liquid nutrient medium.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The novel results presented here show the utility and high potential of <it>E. acanthocarpum </it>hairy roots. They are capable of biosynthesizing and accumulating a large range of polyunsaturated FAs, including the target GLA and SDA fatty acids in appreciable quantities.</p

    Optimal Adjustments on the Market Dispatch Solution to Supply System Losses

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    This paper proposes an Optimal Power Flow (OPF) problem to obtain a balanced power system operating condition from the solution of a market dispatch. The goal of this OPF problem is to correct the system power imbalance due to transmission losses. The solution provided by the proposed OPF problem corresponds to the generation power adjustments required to achieve the system power balance in an economically optimal manner. The performance of the proposed model is tested on the IEEE One Area RTS-96 benchmark system. The obtained base-case operating condition is compared with others obtained by two variations of the proposed model

    SDE-based wind speed models with Weibull distribution and exponential autocorrelation

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    This paper discusses three approaches to construct wind speed models based on Stochastic Differential Equations (SDEs). The methods are applied to construct models able to simulate wind speed trajectories that are statistically described by means of the Weibull distribution and the exponential autocorrelation. The ability of the three models to reproduce stochastic processes with the above indicated statistical properties is duly studied and compared. With this aim, wind speed measurements recorded in a weather station located in Ireland are analyzed. The parameters obtained in this analysis are used to set up the developed models. Finally, the statistical properties of the trajectories generated by the three models are compared with the statistical properties of the considered wind speed data set