183 research outputs found

    Plataforma de valoración y venta de consolas, juegos y accesorios: versión web

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    Se trata de analizar, diseñar, implementar un sitio web (con versión para móviles y tablets en Android y IOS) que permita valorar y vender consolas, accesorios y juegos. El sitio web se implementará con un framework MVC y tecnologías RIA. Las versiones Android e IOS se implementaran de forma nativa para cada plataforma

    hipo_TESIS_Vlc. Valencia, imagined city

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    [EN] "hipo_TESIS_Vlc" is a choreographic exercise that visualises, using the collage technique, the imagined, planned and projected city of Valencia over the last 50 years. This work is part of the research project "Las ciudades y sus tesis. A historiographic and analytical repository of theses on Iberian cities 1970-2020" with a triple objective: to have a standard register of theses focused on urban studies of Iberian cities; to have a disciplinary and historiographic overview of the cities based on the theses produced and to have a comparative vision. The fragmentary vision of "urban scraps" offered by the "hipo_TESIS_Vlc" panel, then joined and woven together utilising a collage, represents a method of analysis and reflection that offers ideas that could be extrapolated to the urban studies of other cities. The main conclusions of the work focus on affirming that: the city, as a set of theses in recomposition, is a field of research to deepen a renewed vision of urban studies; the theses of cities constitute a record of the key references for the construction of their urban historiography and to recompose their past, often forgotten or invisibilised.[ES] hipo_TESIS_Vlc es un ejercicio coreográfico en el que se visualiza, mediante la técnica del collage, la ciudad imaginada, planificada y proyectada de Valencia en los últimos 50 años. Este trabajo forma parte del proyecto de investigación Las ciudades y sus tesis. Repositorio historiográfico y analítico de tesis de ciudades ibéricas 1970-2020 planteado con triple objetivo: tener un registro común de tesis centradas en estudios urbanos de ciudades ibéricas; disponer de una panorámica disciplinar e historiográfica de las ciudades a partir de las tesis realizadas y disponer de una visión comparada. La visión fragmentaria de retales urbanos ofrecida por el panel hipo_TESIS_Vlc , luego unida y tejida mediante un collage, supone un método de análisis y reflexión que ofrece ideas que podrían ser extrapolables a los estudios urbanos de otras ciudades. Las principales conclusiones del trabajo se centran en afirmar que: la ciudad, como conjunto de tesis en recomposición, es un campo de investigación para profundizar en una visión renovada de los estudios urbanos; las tesis de ciudades constituyen un acta de los referentes claves para la construcción de su historiografía urbana y para recomponer su pasado, a menudo olvidado o invisibilizado.Temes Córdovez, R.; Pérez Igualada, J.; Portalés Mañanós, A.; Palomares Figueres, MT.; Llop Torne, C. (2023). hipo_TESIS_Vlc. Valencia, ciudad imaginada. EGA Expresión Gráfica Arquitectónica. 28(49):276-285. https://doi.org/10.4995/ega.2023.20499276285284

    Young people and second chance: Changes in training and employment trajectories

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    El artículo analiza empíricamente el efecto de las Escuelas de Segunda Oportunidad (E2O) en las trayectorias formativas y laborales del alumnado egresado al finalizar el curso 2019-20. A partir de una base de datos de registro, proporcionada por las propias escuelas, de 1592 jóvenes, se analiza el efecto del perfil y del tipo de formación en la adquisición de competencias y en la situación de actividad de los jóvenes en diciembre del 2020. La estrategia de análisis seguida se basa en análisis descriptivos y en modelos de regresión. Los principales resultados apuntan a una elevada adquisición de competencias que se distribuyen de forma equitativa entre los distintos perfiles de alumnado, y un efecto positivo de estas competencias en la prevención de la situación de no trabajo y no estudio. El hacer un itinerario completo y un mayor número de horas de formación, en cambio, no contribuye a una mayor inserción laboral ni al reingreso a la formación. Los efectos más positivos se producen en los jóvenes que ya trabajaban o estudiaban antes de entrar en la E2O. A mayor edad mayor probabilidad de ingresar en el mercado de trabajo y a menor edad mayor probabilidad de retorno a la educación. El estudio pone en valor el papel de las E2O en la adquisición de competencias de los jóvenes vulnerables y apunta retos para la mejora de estos dispositivos de formación.This paper empirically analyses the effect of the Second Chance Schools (E2O) on the educational and employment trajectories of the students graduating from these schools at the end of the 2019-20 academic year. Using a record database provided by the schools themselves of 1592 young people, the study focuses on analyzing the effect of the profile and the kind of training on the acquisition of skills and on the young people's employment situation in December 2020. The analytical strategy is based on descriptive analyses and regression models. The main results point to a high acquisition of skills that are evenly distributed among the different student profiles, and a positive effect of these skills on the prevention of non-work and non-study status. On the other hand, doing a complete pathway and a higher number of training hours does not contribute to a higher labor market insertion and/or re-entry into training. The most positive effects occur in young people who were already working or studying before entering E2O. The older the age, the higher the probability of entering the labor market and the younger the age, the higher the probability of returning to education. The study highlights the role of E2O in the acquisition of skills of vulnerable young people and points out challenges for the improvement of these training schemes

    Treatment of type 2 diabetes by patient profile in the clinical practice of endocrinology in Spain: Delphi study results from the think twice program

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    Introduction: The aim of this Delphi study is to unveil the management of patients with type 2 diabetes (T2D) and different levels of complexity in the clinical practice in Spain. Methods: Based on the common management practices of T2D profiles reported by Spanish endocrinologists, a Delphi questionnaire of 55 statements was developed and responded to by a national panel (n = 101). Results: A consensus was reached for 30 of the 55 statements. Regarding overweight patients inadequately controlled with metformin, treatment with a sodium-glucose transport protein 2 inhibitor (SGLT2-I) is preferred over treatment with a dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitor (DPP4-I). If the patient is already being treated with a DPP4-I, an SGLT2-I is added on to the treatment regimen rather than replacing the DPP4-I. Conversely, if the treatment regimen includes a sulfonylurea, it is usually replaced by other antihyperglycemic agents. Current treatment trends in uncontrolled obese patients include the addition of an SGLT2-I or a glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonist (GLP1-RA) to background therapy. When the glycated hemoglobin target is not reached, triple therapy with metformin ? GLP1-RA ? SGLT2-I is initiated. Although SGLT2-Is are the treatment of choice in patients with T2D and heart failure or uncontrolled hypertension, no consensus was reached regarding the preferential use of SGLT2- Is or GLP1-RAs in patients with established cardiovascular disease. Conclusion: Consensus has been reached for a variety of statements regarding the management of several T2D profiles. Achieving a more homogeneous management of complex patients with T2D may require further evidence and a better understanding of the key drivers for treatment choice

    Targeting Nanomaterials to Head and Neck Cancer Cells Using a Fragment of the Shiga Toxin as a Potent Natural Ligand

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    Head and Neck Cancer (HNC) is the seventh most common cancer worldwide with a 5-year survival from diagnosis of 50%. Currently, HNC is diagnosed by a physical examination followed by an histological biopsy, with surgery being the primary treatment. Here, we propose the use of targeted nanotechnology in support of existing diagnostic and therapeutic tools to prevent recurrences of tumors with poorly defined or surgically inaccessible margins. We have designed an innocuous ligand-protein, based on the receptor-binding domain of the Shiga toxin (ShTxB), that specifically drives nanoparticles to HNC cells bearing the globotriaosylceramide receptor on their surfaces. Microscopy images show how, upon binding to the receptor, the ShTxB-coated nanoparticles cause the clustering of the globotriaosylceramide receptors, the protrusion of filopodia, and rippling of the membrane, ultimately allowing the penetration of the ShTxB nanoparticles directly into the cell cytoplasm, thus triggering a biomimetic cellular response indistinguishable from that triggered by the full-length Shiga toxin. This functionalization strategy is a clear example of how some toxin fragments can be used as natural biosensors for the detection of some localized cancers and to target nanomedicines to HNC lesions.Funding: This research was funded by ISCIII Projects ref. PI19/00349, DTS19/00033, co-funded by ERDF/ESF, “Investing in your future”; and MICINN Projects ref. CTM2017-84050-R, NanoBioApp, and HIPERNANO Research Networks (MINECO-17-MAT2016-81955-REDT and RED2018-102626-T), MCIU/AEI/FEDER, EU under project PGC2018-101464-B-100, COST action Nano2Clinic CA17140, and IDIVAL for the INNVAL19/12 and INNVAL20/13 projects and PREVAL18/02, PREVAL16/02 and 16/03. M.B.L. acknowledges NORTE 2020 (2014-2020 North Portugal Regional Operational Program), and the ERDF (European Regional Development Fund) Grant NORTE-01-0145-FEDER- 000019, and 2014-2020 INTERREG Cooperation Programme Spain–Portugal (POCTEP) through the project 0624-2IQBIONEURO-6-E

    Exposure and Knowledge of Sharps Injuries among Medical Students in Seven States of Mexico

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    Background: Medical students are vulnerable to accidental exposure to blood-borne pathogens when performing clinical activities. Knowledge of both the prevalence of exposure and necessary reporting procedures is important to minimize the risk of harm to medical students. Methods: A cross-sectional online survey of medical students from 19 universities from seven states in Mexico was utilized to determinethe prevalence of needle stick injuries amongst medical students and the associated reporting procedures. Results: We included 312 respondents; of these, 52.24% were men and 47.76% were women, and the mean age was 23.19 years (SD ± 2.11 years). Nearly all of them (94.23%) were medical students doing clerkships in public hospitals. Mean knowledge score of blood-borne pathogens was 3.6 (SD ± 1.16) on a scale of 0-10 designed specifically for this study. Thirty-five per cent of the respondents had sustained a needle stick injury at some point during their medical school training, and 33.97% reported some type of mucocutaneous exposure. Overall, the non-reporting rate of needle stick injury was 48.34%. Approximately 25% of the respondents were not familiar with reporting procedures in the event of a needle stick injury or mucocutaneous exposure; 61.50% had received information from their hospital about the standard protocol to follow after a blood or body fluid exposure. Conclusion: In this Mexican population of medical students, there is a high risk of suffering needle stick injuries  during medical training. Furthermore, knowledge regarding prevention, evaluation, and reporting of needle stick injuries is suboptimal

    Multi-domain case-based module for customer support

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    [EN] Technology management centres provide technological and customer support services for private or public organisations. Commonly, these centres offer support by using a helpdesk software that facilitates the work of their operators. In this paper, a CBR module that acts as a solution recommender for customer support environments is presented. The CBR module is flexible and multi-domain, in order to be easily integrable with any existing helpdesk software in the company. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.This work was partially supported by CONSOLIDER-INGENIO 2010 under grant CSD2007-00022 and by the Spanish government and FEDER funds under PROFIT FIT-340001-2004-11, CICYT TIN2005-03395 and TIN2006-14630-C0301 projectsHeras Barberá, SM.; Garcia Pardo Gimenez De Los Galanes, JA.; Ramos-Garijo Font De Mora, R.; Palomares Chust, A.; Botti, V.; Rebollo Pedruelo, M.; Julian Inglada, VJ. (2009). Multi-domain case-based module for customer support. Expert Systems with Applications. 36(3):6866-6873. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eswa.2008.08.003S6866687336

    Genetic structure of Cannabis sativa var. indica cultivars based on genomic SSR (gSSR) markers: implications for breeding and germplasm management

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    [EN] Cannabis saliva L. is cultivated for its fiber or seeds (var. saliva; hemp), or for its high content in cannabinoids (var. indica; marijuana). Knowledge of the genetic structure of C. sativa var. indica is important for selection and breeding of cultivars with medicinal interest. We used six genomic SSRs (gSSRs) for genotyping 154 individual plants of 20 cultivars of C. sativa var. indica, plus two cultivars of C. sativa var. sativa. A very high polymorphism was observed, with an average of 17 alleles and 23.8 genotypes per locus. Expected (H-e) and observed (H-o) heterozygosities were high, with average values of 0.753 and 0.429, respectively. In some cultivars H-e and H-o presented similar values, while in others H-e was considerably higher than H-o suggesting that consanguinity and fixation had taken place during its development. In addition, some cultivars had a reduced number of alleles per locus (in some cases only two) indicating that a genetic bottleneck had taken place during its development. Gene flow (Nm) between both botanical varieties was high, with Nm = 1.736. The molecular analysis of variance (AMOVA) revealed that only 31.94% of the molecular variation observed was caused by differences among cultivars, while the variation among plants of the same cultivar was of 37.11%, and within individual variation, due to heterozygosity, was of 30.96%. This indicates that a large variation exists within cultivars, which can be exploited for selection, but also complicates germplasm management and regeneration. The population structure analysis identified 14 genetic clusters, with most individuals of a single cultivar clustering together. This analysis, together with UPGMA cluster analysis shows that the two C. saliva var. saliva cultivars studied are differentiated from C. sativa var. indica, and that some cultivars of C. saliva var. indica seem to represent different selections from a common original cultivar. Our results represent the first comprehensive study of intra-varietal diversity in C. sativa var. indica and provide information of relevance for selection, breeding, and germplasm conservation, as well as for forensic studies in this crop.Soler Aleixandre, S.; Gramazio, P.; Figás-Moreno, MDR.; Vilanova Navarro, S.; Rosa-Martínez, E.; Llosa, ER.; Borràs-Palomares, D.... (2017). Genetic structure of Cannabis sativa var. indica cultivars based on genomic SSR (gSSR) markers: implications for breeding and germplasm management. Industrial Crops and Products. 104:171-178. doi:10.1016/j.indcrop.2017.04.043S17117810

    Evaluación de competencias de higiene industrial en la asignatura de Seguridad e Higiene Industrial

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    El modelo de convergencia europeo requiere un proceso de aprendizaje por competencias, entendidas como actitudes o capacidades para realizar determinadas tareas propias de cada titulación, que preparan al alumno para responder a las demandas de su entorno profesional y laboral y que permiten concretar los resultados de su aprendizaje. El portafolio es una herramienta pedagógica de evaluación que recopila todas las evidencias de aprendizaje y trabajos diversos que realiza un estudiante o grupo de estudiantes a lo largo de un proceso educativo determinado. En este sentido, viene a ser un complemento natural para las innovaciones educativas basadas en competencias. En esta investigación se propone un sistema de evaluación basado en el uso del portafolio como técnica para evaluar competencias de Higiene Industrial, en una asignatura obligatoria, Seguridad e Higiene Industrial, de segundo ciclo de la titulación de Ingeniero Químico de la Universidad de Alicante. La asignatura tiene una carga lectiva de 4,5 créditos, repartidos 3 teóricos y 1,5 prácticos. La experiencia se realizó en los cursos académicos 2010/11

    Surgical treatment of the rhizarthrosis by the technique of Burton - Pellegrini

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    Introducción: Las artroplastias de resección e interposición con el tendón del flexor carpi radialis (FCR) son procedimientos ampliamente aplicados en el tratamiento de la rizartrosis del pulgar. Se han publicado numerosas variantes, entre las que se encuentra la técnica de Burton y Pellegrini descrita en 1986, con buenos resultados clínicos y funcionales. Material y Métodos: Estudio retrospectivo de 23 artroplastias de resección interposición mediante la técnica de Burton-Pellegrini. Se analiza la movilidad y función del pulgar, alivio del dolor, así como la capacidad para actividades de la vida diaria mediante Quick DASH. Evaluamos la evolución radiográfica del espacio de trapeciectomía y las modificaciones de la articulación metacarpofalángica. Se contrasta la utilidad de variaciones técnicas como el empleo de tendón completo y ausencia de fijación intermetacarpiana con aguja de Kirschner. Resultados:En la mayoría de los pacientes se experimenta una importante mejora del dolor (82,6% tienen dolor ausente u ocasional) y oposición del pulgar a la base del 5º dedo (73,91%). No observamos inestabilidad clínica ni radiográfica del 1º metacarpiano. El espacio de trapeciectomía disminuyó de 9,8 a 4,4 mm en el seguimiento, pero en ningún caso se produjo contacto entre el metacarpiano y el escafoides. Las modificaciones técnicas no alteran el resultado clínico. Una paciente se intervino de capsulodesis en segundo tiempo por falta de corrección de la hiperextensión metacarpofalángica. Recogemos un mal resultado por la lesión de la rama sensitiva del nervio mediano. Conclusiones: El procedimiento de Burton y Pellegrini empleando el tendón completo del FCR proporciona resultados clínicos buenos y reproducibles en el alivio del dolor y la función del pulgar, en pacientes con rizartrosis.Introduction: The resection and interposition arthroplasty with the tendón of flexor carpi radialis (FCR) are procedures widely applied in the treatment of rhizarthrosis thumb. Numerous variants have been published, among which is the technique described by Burton and Pellegrini in 1986, with good clinical and functional results. Material and Methods: A retrospective study of 23 resection interposition arthroplasty using the technique of BurtonPellegrini. We analyze the mobility and function of the thumb, pain relief and the capacity for activities of daily living using Quick DASH. We evaluated the radiographic changes trapeziectomy space and changes in the metacarpophalangeal joint. It contrasts the usefulness of technical variations such as full employment and absence of tendon fixation with Kirschner wire intermetacarpal. Results: In most patients experienced significant improvement in pain (82.6% had absent or occasional pain) and oppose the thumb to the base of the 5th finger (73.91%). We did not observe clinical or radiographic instability of 1 metacarpal. Trapeziectomy space decreased from 9.8 to 4.4 mm in the monitoring, but in no case was contact between the metacarpal and scaphoid. Technical changes do not alter the clinical outcome. One patient was operated on in second half by capsulodesis Uncorrected metacarpophalangeal hyperextension. We collect a bad result for injury to the sensory branch of the median nerve. Conclusions: The procedure of Burton and Pellegrini complete using FCR tendon provides good clinical outcomes and reproducible pain relief and function of the thumb in patients with rhizarthrosis