48 research outputs found

    Hereditary neuropathy with liability to pressure palsies as a possible predisposing factor to the development of Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy

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    Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP) is a symmetric distal muscle weakness and sensory deficit accompanied with diminished or absent deep tendon reflexes. Hereditary neuropathy with liability to pressure palsies (HNPP) is a hereditary neuropathy presenting with transient muscle weakness and sensory symptoms after exposure to pressure or prolonged use in the affected area

    Using salt bath nitrocarburizing with post-oxidation for achieving better properties of steel parts

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    Utjecaj parametara toplinske obrade na svojstva brzoreznog čelika PM S390 MC

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    Svojstva konkretnog brzoreznog čelika bitno ovise o primijenjenim parametrima toplinske obrade. U radu su provedena ispitivanja na brzoreznom čeliku proizvedenim metalurgijom praha PM S390 MC koji je toplinski obrađen sa dvije temperature austenitizacije, a za svaku temperaturu austenitizacije varirana su tri različita ciklusa popuštanja. Utjecaj promatranih čimbenika na svojstva čelika procijenjen je na osnovi ispitivanja: mikrostrukture, tvrdoće, lomne žilavosti, tlačne i zarezne čvrstoće. Dobiveni rezultati upućuju da parametri toplinske obrade značajno utječu na ispitivana svojstva brzoreznog čelika te da će njihov odabir ovisiti o traženim svojstvima konkretnog alata

    Wide-Geographic and Long-Term Analysis of the Role of Pathogens in the Decline of Pinna nobilis to Critically Endangered Species

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    A mass mortality event (MME) affecting the fan mussel Pinna nobilis was first detected in Spain in autumn 2016 and spread north- and eastward through the Mediterranean Sea. Various pathogens have been blamed for contributing to the MME, with emphasis in Haplosporidium pinnae, Mycobacterium sp. and Vibrio spp. In this study, samples from 762 fan mussels (necropsies from 263 individuals, mantle biopsies from 499) of various health conditions, with wide geographic and age range, taken before and during the MME spread from various environments along Mediterranean Sea, were used to assess the role of pathogens in the MME. The number of samples processed by both histological and molecular methods was 83. The most important factor playing a main role on the onset of the mass mortality of P. nobilis throughout the Mediterranean Sea was the infection by H. pinnae. It was the only non-detected pathogen before the MME while, during MME spreading, its prevalence was higher in sick and dead individuals than in asymptomatic ones, in MME-affected areas than in non-affected sites, and it was not associated with host size, infecting both juveniles and adults. Conversely, infection with mycobacteria was independent from the period (before or during MME), from the affection of the area by MME and from the host health condition, and it was associated with host size. Gram (-) bacteria neither appeared associated with MME.En prens

    Exploring manycore architectures for next-generation HPC systems through the MANGO approach

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    [EN] The Horizon 2020 MANGO project aims at exploring deeply heterogeneous accelerators for use in High-Performance Computing systems running multiple applications with different Quality of Service (QoS) levels. The main goal of the project is to exploit customization to adapt computing resources to reach the desired QoS. For this purpose, it explores different but interrelated mechanisms across the architecture and system software. In particular, in this paper we focus on the runtime resource management, the thermal management, and support provided for parallel programming, as well as introducing three applications on which the project foreground will be validated.This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 671668.Flich Cardo, J.; Agosta, G.; Ampletzer, P.; Atienza-Alonso, D.; Brandolese, C.; Cappe, E.; Cilardo, A.... (2018). Exploring manycore architectures for next-generation HPC systems through the MANGO approach. Microprocessors and Microsystems. 61:154-170. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.micpro.2018.05.011S1541706

    Analiza udarnih oštećenja pretkrilce velikog putničkog aviona

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    Ovaj se rad bavi analizom oštećenja unutarnjeg pretkrilca zrakoplova Airbus A320 između pozicija WFX 2650 i WFX 3225. U uvodu je dan osvrt na način na koji dolazi do oštećenja uzrokovanih sudarom sa pticama i gdje su najveći rizici da se takvo što dogodi. Drugo poglavlje detaljnije opisuje koji dio konstrukcije je modeliran i kako je sam model izveden. Pobliže je objašnjeno koja su pojednostavnjenja uzeta u obzir i iz kojih razloga, a i pokazano je kako je modeliran udarač koji u analizi služi kao zamjena za pticu. Treće poglavlje govori o tome koje parametre materijala i kako treba definirati za izvođenje jedne ovakve analize. Govori se i o materijalnim modelima koji su upotrebljeni i čija je upotreba bila razmatrana tokom izrade rada. U četvrtom poglavlju ukratko su nabrojane i objašnjene vrste nelinearnosti do kojih dolazi prilikom numeričkih simulacija ovakvih događaja. Sažeto je opisana i metoda kojom je izvršena analiza i pokazane su neke njene prednosti i nedostaci. \Navedeni su početni uvijeti analize i pretpostavke na kojima se oni temelje. I na kraju su prikazani rezultati dobiveni za šest slučaja opterećenja

    Characteristics of Warm Baths for the quenching of Tool Steels

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