165 research outputs found


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    AbstractHearing impairment disturbed speech development. This impacted to cognitive development and social emotion. Therefore, developing speech skill had to be done soon in oerder not to influence the aspect above. The speech skill of hearing impairment generally had some characteristics as the following : wrong interpretation toward the words written, inaccurate in reading sentence., low in understanding the meaning of metaphor and tending to think concretely. In the field, the fifth class of hearing impairment students in SDLB-B Karya Mulia II Surabaya got difficulty in reading comprehension. It seemed when the students were given reading ang exercise to do, they gave answer which was unsuitable to the reading. Based on the case above, this research observed the aplication influence of maternal reflektif method toward reading comprehension skill to hearing impairment students in SLB Surabaya with the general purpose to analyze the influence of maternal reflective method toward reading comprehension skill to hearing impairment students and the specific purpose to know the reading comprehension skill to hearing impairment students before and after intervention with maternal reflective method in SDLB-B Karya Mulia II Surabaya.The approach applied in this research was quntitative and the kind of research was pre experiment with the design “One group, pre-test – post-test design”. The data colection method used test and documentation and the data analysis technique was statistic non parametric with “sign-test” formula.The research result about maternal reflective method toward reading comprehension skill to hearing impairment students was Zh = 2.05 and Ztable = 1.96 to the significant level 5 %. It proved that Ho was refused and Ha was accepted so that it could be concluded that the application influence of maternal reflective method toward reading comprehension skill to hearing impairment students gave significant influence.Keywords : Maternal reflective method, reading comprehension skill


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    Latar Belakang dan Tujuan Penelitian Stunting merupakan tinggi badan menurut usia kurang dari -2SD di bawah standar deviasi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan berat badan lahir, riwayat pemberian ASI eksklusif dan riwayat pemberian makanan pendamping ASI (MP-ASI) terhadap kejadian stunting pada anak usia 24-59 bulan di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Andalas Padang. Metode Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian analitik observasional dengan pendekatan studi case control. Populasi terbagi menjadi dua, populasi kasus dan populasi kontrol. Besar sampel yaitu 30 orang yang diambil secara simple random sampling dengan perbandingan kasus : kontrol (1:1). Data diperoleh dari puskesmas dan hasil wawancara terpimpin dengan responden menggunakan kuesioner. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah univariat, bivariat, dan multivariat. Hasil Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara berat badan lahir (p=0,041;OR=4,333), waktu pemberian MP-ASI (p=0,004 ;OR=5,675), jenis MP-ASI (p=0,034;OR=3,755), porsi MP-ASI (p=0,003; OR=6,538) dengan kejadian stunting. Sedangkan riwayat pemberian ASI eksklusif (p=0,411;OR=1,833), frekuensi pemberian MP-ASI (p=0,288;OR=2,042), dan tekstur MP-ASI (p=0,196 ;OR=2,259) tidak memiliki hubungan yang bermakna dengan kejadian stunting. Kesimpulan Berat badan lahir rendah, waktu, jenis,dan porsi MP-ASI berhubungan bermakna dengan kejadian stunting

    Simulación de imágenes de microscopía de barrido por efecto túnel (STM) de moléculas orgánicas adsorbidas en superficies metálicas

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    En el presente trabajo de investigación doctoral se han simulado las imágenes de microscopía de barrido por efecto túnel (STM) de la molécula dianhídrido 3,4,9,10 perilen-tetracarboxílico (DAPTC) adsorbida en la superficie metálica Au(111) limpia y modificada con yodo (fases Au(111)-(÷3x÷3)R30°-I y Au(111)- c(px÷3-R30°)-I), utilizando la aproximación de Tersoff y Hamann. Los cálculos de la estructura electrónica del sistema de adsorción, así como del adsorbato y los substratos aislados, fueron efectuados con la Teoría de Funcionales de la Densidad en la Aproximación de Densidad Local (DFT-LDA) utilizando pseudopotenciales y bases de ondas planas. Las diversas imágenes de STM simuladas para el adsorbato, los substratos y los sistemas de adsorción son analizadas, indicando el efecto que sobre ellas tiene la diferencia de potencial punta-muestra, el valor de isosuperficie de la densidad local de estados integrada y la temperatura. Se encontró también que el grado de perturbación del espectro de densidad de estados desocupados del sistema de adsorción y el grado de ruptura de la simetría inducido por el substrato en las correspondientes imágenes de STM simuladas, permiten realizar una estimación cualitativa de la energía de interacción adsorbato-superficie. En este contexto el proceso de adsorción de la molécula DAPTC en las superficie Au(111) limpia fue caracterizado como una quimisorción débil, mientras que la adsorción sobre las superficies Au(111)- (÷3x÷3)R30°-I y Au(111)-c(px÷3-R30°)-I fueron considerados procesos de fisisorción. En imágenes de STM simuladas para estados desocupados de DAPTC adsorbido en las superficies metálicas modificadas con yodo, en condiciones de bajo voltaje y valores intermedios para la isosuperficie de la densidad local de estados integrada, se manifiesta el fenómeno de transparencia atómica

    Debilidades de las autoridades electorales. El caso de los organismos electorales administrativos (2000-2013)

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    Within this thesis we identify the empirical elements that produce conflict in electoral authority appointments at national and local level. These are analized with the help of two theories that complement each other, the minimalist approach and electoral governance. The minimalist approach provides the theoretical basis where the origin of electoral autonomous bodies relies. Whereas the concept of electoral governance works as a base to analyse conflicts that generated the applicability of principles such as reelection, ineligibility, term duration, stepped renewal of posts, qualified majority voting, and gender quota.En la presente tesis identificamos los elementos empíricos que ocasionan los conflictos en la designación de las autoridades electorales a nivel nacional y sub nacional. Los cuales son analizados a la luz de dos teorías complementarias, el enfoque minimalista y la gobernanza electoral. El enfoque minimalista aporta los fundamentos teóricos conceptuales que dan origen a la creación de los organismos electorales autónomos. Mientras que el concepto de gobernanza electoral, sirve de base para el análisis de los conflictos que generaron la aplicación de los principios de reelección, inelegibilidad, permanencia en el cargo, renovación escalonada, mayoría calificada y alternancia de género

    Jenis-Jenis Foraminifera Bentik di Teluk Bayur Padang, Sumatra Barat

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    A study on benthic Foraminifera in Padang, West Sumatra was conducted from June 2012 to January 2013. The main purpose of this study was to determine the types spesies of benthic foraminifera at Teluk Bayur, Padang, West Sumatra. Samples of foraminifera were collected purposively at Teluk Bayur. A total of six spesies of foraminifera (Quinqueloculina lamarckiana, Triloculina fichteliana, Miliolina subrotunda, Spiroloculina communis, Operculina ammonoides and Operculina complanata) was collected that belong to 2 Suborder (Miliolina and Rotaliina), 3 family (Hauerinidae, Spiroloculinidae, and Nummulitidae), and 5 genera. The highest number of individuals was from suborder Rotaliina (Operculina complanata 64.597 individuals).Keywords : Foraminifera, Benthic, Teluk Bayu

    UABICI Walking Intervention Related To BMI, BP And Emotional Attitude

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    INTRODUCTION: Physical activity is defined as bodily activity that results in energy expenditure. Exercise refers to physical activity that is structured to meet specific fitness gains. Maintaining a physically active lifestyle has been associated with health outcomes that include benefits to cognitive function. Exercise can increase levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and other growth factors, stimulate neurogenesis, and improve learning and mental performance. The American College of Sports Medicine recommends that most adults engage in a regular exercise regime in order to maintain health and wellbeing. PURPOSE: Apply at UABC Valle Dorado developed Program every last Sunday of each month that consists in two activities: One was walking 5km /at 5 METs and the other was cycling 10 km with low effort. Every participant did a route by walking or cycling. A monthly intervention with promotion, prevention and measurement of BMI, BP. That activity was done 75 times. METHODS: Participants were 150 students and family members over 18 years old. The design was, observational and correlational. Medicine school students were checking before the physical activity BP, BMI, warm exercises to experience equilibrium, for about 15 minutes with jumping jacks, pushups, before walking. 5METS/ 5km Psychology students applied violent survey. Since 1st UABICI until the last 75th August 2017. RESULTS: Mean age was 22 years old. Participants on baseline mean BMI was 27.5 (5.1) kg/m2 with 38.1 normal, 29.9 % overweight, and 30.0% obese. At the end of the intervention, the participants reduced BMI, 26.4 with 40 % normal, 32% overweight and 28% obese. BP was normal. CONCLUSION: Participants were 98 percent students and only 2 percentage of teachers, that achieved lower obesity parameters compared with the initial measure. Some students started to form groups of cycling and walking, at the time they noticed the results

    Pemanfaatan Pekarangan Dengan Menerapkan Vertical Garden di Desa Padaasih, Kecamatan Conggeang, Kabupaten Sumedang

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    House decreases more and more especially in urban areas and there are even houses that do not have a house. Though the yard is very beneficial for nature and society. One way to use the yard is to make a vertical garden. Vertical garden is an agricultural method that utilizes vertical space. Vertical space is a potential land when horizontal space (land) is increasingly limited. The vertical garden training program in Padaasih Village is a socialization and training program for making vertical gardens using home yards. The vertical garden training activity aims to increase public knowledge, especially housewives, in the making and benefits of vertical gardens. Aimed at housewives because it is the right target to find out how to manufacture and benefit from verticalgarden. This dedication activity can increase the knowledge of Padaasih Village community about the importance of using the yard through a vertical garden training program. The program ran smoothly because the number of PKK attendees was 15 and represented each hamlet and the program was completed in accordance with the planned time. Judging from the post-test that was distributed from those who initially did not know how to make a vertical garden into a tofu and 2 residents had applied it in their respective homes. Keywords: Padaasih Village, vertical space, yards&nbsp