11 research outputs found

    Onderzoekingen omtrent levenswijze, economische betekenis en bestrijdingsmogelijkheden der stengelboorders van het suikerriet op Java

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    The most serious borers of cultivated sugar-cane in Java were the striped borer, Proceras sacchariphagus Bojer, and the shining borer, Chilotraea auricilia Dudg. Other common ones were the grey borer, Argyroploce schistaceana Sn., and the purple borer, Sesamia inferens Walk. The first two almost exclusively tunnelled in young weak internodes and diminished their yield of sugar. They diminished the weight of younger internodes and the sucrose content of older internodes, even if they were not themselves infested. Infestation was assessed by the percentage of visibly infested parts. Few canes had to be checked and the method was reasonably accurate in the field.Infestation varied between clones, and was higher with heavier N dressings and with rapidly growing good cane. It was probably associated with rind hardness and fibre content.Control with insecticides was effective, especially if concentrated on the youngest leaves

    Nature and assessment of losses caused by sugarcane borers

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    Onderzoekingen omtrent levenswijze, economische betekenis en bestrijdingsmogelijkheden der stengelboorders van het suikerriet op Java

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    The most serious borers of cultivated sugar-cane in Java were the striped borer, Proceras sacchariphagus Bojer, and the shining borer, Chilotraea auricilia Dudg. Other common ones were the grey borer, Argyroploce schistaceana Sn., and the purple borer, Sesamia inferens Walk. The first two almost exclusively tunnelled in young weak internodes and diminished their yield of sugar. They diminished the weight of younger internodes and the sucrose content of older internodes, even if they were not themselves infested. Infestation was assessed by the percentage of visibly infested parts. Few canes had to be checked and the method was reasonably accurate in the field.Infestation varied between clones, and was higher with heavier N dressings and with rapidly growing good cane. It was probably associated with rind hardness and fibre content.Control with insecticides was effective, especially if concentrated on the youngest leaves

    Comparação entre dois métodos para avaliação da infestação pelo complexo broca-podridões em cultivares de cana-de-açúcar

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    O presente trabalho foi desenvolvido na Estação Experimental de Piracicaba, SP, utilizando-se seis cultivares de cana-de-açúcar, com o objetivo de comparar a porcentagem de colmos infestados e a intensidade de infestação como técnicas para avaliar o ataque pelo complexo broca-podridões. As cultivares foram plantadas em abril de 1985, sendo as avaliações realizadas nos meses de maio, julho e setembro do ano seguinte. Com base nos resultados obtidos, constatou-se que não há diferenças entre as porcentagens de colmos infestados externa e internamente pelo complexo broca-podridões. A intensidade de infestação interna foi maior que a externa, verificando-se entre estes parâmetros uma correlação linear positiva e altamente significativa. Nem sempre se constatou correlação significativa entre porcentagem de colmos infestados e intensidade de infestação. A maior porcentagem de internódios infestados foi observada na região basal do colmo, e a menor na apical.This research was conducted at the Experimental Station of Piracicaba, São Paulo, Brazil. Six sugarcane cultivars were studied with the main purpose of comparing the percentage of infested stalks and the intensity of infestation by the borer - rot complex. The cultivars were planted in April of 1985 and the evaluations were made in May, July and September of 1986. The results indicated that there were no differences between the internal and external percentages of infested stalks. The internal and external intensities of infestation presented a positive and highly significant linear correlation. On the other hand, a significant correlation between the percentage of infested stalks and the intensity of infestation was not always found. The highest percentage of infested internodes was observed at the basal region of the stalk and the lowest at the apical one

    Avaliação e seleção de híbridos de cacaueiro em Rondônia Evaluation and selection of cacao hybrids in Rondônia

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    Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar e selecionar híbridos de cacaueiro, quanto a rendimento e qualidade de sementes, nas condições ecológicas do Município de Ouro Preto do Oeste, Rondônia. A seleção foi feita comparando-se, pelo teste de Duncan, as médias das medidas dos componentes de rendimento avaliados em um ensaio conduzido entre 1986 e 1991. O delineamento experimental usado foi o de blocos completos casualizados. Os melhores desempenhos, quanto aos caracteres avaliados, foram obtidos em cruzamentos que incluíram os clones POUND 7 e BE 10 (número total de frutos coletados), SCA 6 e PA 150 (número total de frutos sadios), PA 150 (peso total de sementes úmidas), IMC 67 e POUND 7 (peso médio de sementes úmidas por fruto). Na análise simultânea dos caracteres, os híbridos SCA 6 x ICS 1, PA 150 x SIC 328 e IMC 67 x BE 8 sobressaíram-se, em relação aos demais.<br>The goal of the present work was to evaluate and to select cacao hybrids with respect to seed yield and quality for ecological conditions of municipality of Ouro Preto do Oeste, Rondônia, Brazil. The selection was done comparing, by means of Duncan test, the yield measurement average in trial conducted from 1986 to 1991. A randomized complete block design was used. The best performance, considering total number of collected fruits, total number of healthy fruits, total weight of humid seeds and mean weight of humid seeds per fruit, were obtained from crosses involving POUND 7 and BE 10, SCA 6 and PA 150, PA 150, IMC 67 and POUND 7 clones, respectively. The hybrids SCA 6 x ICS 1, PA 150 x SIC 328 and IMC 67 x BE 8 were outstanding when compared to the others