276 research outputs found

    The stellar mass ratio of GK Persei

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    We study the absorption lines present in the spectra of the long-period cataclysmic variable GK Per during its quiescent state, which are associated with the secondary star. By comparing quiescent data with outburst spectra we infer that the donor star appears identical during the two states and the inner face of the secondary star is not noticeably irradiated by flux from the accreting regions. We obtain new values for the radial velocity semi-amplitude of the secondary star, Kk = 120.5 +- 0.7 km/s, a projected rotational velocity, Vksin i = 61.5 +- 11.8 km/s and consequently a measurement of the stellar mass ratio of GK Per, q = Mk/Mwd = 0.55 +- 0.21. The inferred white dwarf radial velocities are greater than those measured traditionally using the wings of Doppler-broadened emission lines suspected to originate in an accretion disk, highlighting the unsuitability of emission lines for mass determinations in cataclysmic variables. We determine mass limits for both components in the binary, Mk >= 0.48 +- 0.32 Msolar and Mwd >= 0.87 +- 0.24 Msolar.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figures, accepted by MNRA

    Giant magnetoresistance of multiwall carbon nanotubes: modeling the tube/ferromagnetic-electrode burying contact

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    We report on the giant magnetoresistance (GMR) of multiwall carbon nanotubes with ultra small diameters. In particular, we consider the effect of the inter-wall interactions and the lead/nanotube coupling. Comparative studies have been performed to show that in the case when all walls are well coupled to the electrodes, the so-called inverse GMR can appear. The tendency towards a negative GMR depends on the inter-wall interaction and on the nanotube le ngth. If, however, the inner nanotubes are out of contact with one of the electrodes, the GMR remains positive even for relatively strong inter-wall interactions regardless of the outer nanotube length. These results shed additional light on recently reported experimental data, where an inverse GMR was found in some multiwall carbon nanotube samples.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Olympic legacy and cultural tourism: Exploring the facets of Athens' Olympic heritage

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    This study examines the effects of the Olympic Games on Athens’ cultural tourism and the city’s potential to leverage the Olympic legacy in synergy with its rich heritage in order to enhance its tourism product during the post-Games period. In doing so, a qualitative and interpretive approach was employed. This includes a literature review on Athens’ 2004 Olympics to identify the sport facilities and regeneration projects, which constitute the Olympic legacy and heritage. Based on that, an empirical analysis was undertaken, by collecting official documents about the 2004 Olympics, and conducting five semi-structured interviews with tourism/administrative officials. The findings indicate that the Olympiad contributed significantly to Athens’ built and human heritage, revealing the dimensions of new venues/facilities, infrastructure, transportation and aesthetic image of the city, and human capital enhancement. Hence, the Games affected to the multifaceted representation and reconstruction of the city’s identity and cultural heritage. However, the potential afforded from the post-Olympic Athens remains unrealised due to lack of strategic planning/management. The study concludes that there is a need to develop cross-leveraging synergies between the Olympic legacy and cultural tourism for the host city. Finally, a strategic planning framework for leveraging post-Games Olympic tourism is suggested in order to maximise the benefits of Olympic legacy and heritage in a host city’s tourism development

    Using behavior-analytic implicit tests to assess sexual interests among normal and sex-offender populations

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    The development of implicit tests for measuring biases and behavioral predispositions is a recent development within psychology. While such tests are usually researched within a social-cognitive paradigm, behavioral researchers have also begun to view these tests as potential tests of conditioning histories, including in the sexual domain. The objective of this paper is to illustrate the utility of a behavioral approach to implicit testing and means by which implicit tests can be built to the standards of behavioral psychologists. Research findings illustrating the short history of implicit testing within the experimental analysis of behavior are reviewed. Relevant parallel and overlapping research findings from the field of social cognition and on the Implicit Association Test are also outlined. New preliminary data obtained with both normal and sex offender populations are described in order to illustrate how behavior-analytically conceived implicit tests may have potential as investigative tools for assessing histories of sexual arousal conditioning and derived stimulus associations. It is concluded that popular implicit tests are likely sensitive to conditioned and derived stimulus associations in the history of the test-taker rather than 'unconscious cognitions', per se

    Recoil Polarization for Delta Excitation in Pion Electroproduction

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    We measured angular distributions of recoil-polarization response functions for neutral pion electroproduction for W=1.23 GeV at Q^2=1.0 (GeV/c)^2, obtaining 14 separated response functions plus 2 Rosenbluth combinations; of these, 12 have been observed for the first time. Dynamical models do not describe quantities governed by imaginary parts of interference products well, indicating the need for adjusting magnitudes and phases for nonresonant amplitudes. We performed a nearly model-independent multipole analysis and obtained values for Re(S1+/M1+)=-(6.84+/-0.15)% and Re(E1+/M1+)=-(2.91+/-0.19)% that are distinctly different from those from the traditional Legendre analysis based upon M1+ dominance and sp truncation.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, for PR

    Origin and Evolution of Saturn's Ring System

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    The origin and long-term evolution of Saturn's rings is still an unsolved problem in modern planetary science. In this chapter we review the current state of our knowledge on this long-standing question for the main rings (A, Cassini Division, B, C), the F Ring, and the diffuse rings (E and G). During the Voyager era, models of evolutionary processes affecting the rings on long time scales (erosion, viscous spreading, accretion, ballistic transport, etc.) had suggested that Saturn's rings are not older than 100 My. In addition, Saturn's large system of diffuse rings has been thought to be the result of material loss from one or more of Saturn's satellites. In the Cassini era, high spatial and spectral resolution data have allowed progress to be made on some of these questions. Discoveries such as the ''propellers'' in the A ring, the shape of ring-embedded moonlets, the clumps in the F Ring, and Enceladus' plume provide new constraints on evolutionary processes in Saturn's rings. At the same time, advances in numerical simulations over the last 20 years have opened the way to realistic models of the rings's fine scale structure, and progress in our understanding of the formation of the Solar System provides a better-defined historical context in which to understand ring formation. All these elements have important implications for the origin and long-term evolution of Saturn's rings. They strengthen the idea that Saturn's rings are very dynamical and rapidly evolving, while new arguments suggest that the rings could be older than previously believed, provided that they are regularly renewed. Key evolutionary processes, timescales and possible scenarios for the rings's origin are reviewed in the light of tComment: Chapter 17 of the book ''Saturn After Cassini-Huygens'' Saturn from Cassini-Huygens, Dougherty, M.K.; Esposito, L.W.; Krimigis, S.M. (Ed.) (2009) 537-57

    A new measurement of the structure functions PLLPTT/epsilonP_{LL}-P_{TT}/epsilon and PLTP_{LT} in virtual Compton scattering at Q2=Q^2= 0.33 (GeV/c)2^2

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    The cross section of the epepγep \to e' p' \gamma reaction has been measured at Q2=0.33Q^2 = 0.33 (GeV/c)2^2. The experiment was performed using the electron beam of the MAMI accelerator and the standard detector setup of the A1 Collaboration. The cross section is analyzed using the low-energy theorem for virtual Compton scattering, yielding a new determination of the two structure functions P_LL}-P_{TT}/epsilon and PLTP_{LT} which are linear combinations of the generalized polarizabilities of the proton. We find somewhat larger values than in the previous investigation at the same Q2Q^2. This difference, however, is purely due to our more refined analysis of the data. The results tend to confirm the non-trivial Q2Q^2-evolution of the generalized polarizabilities and call for more measurements in the low-Q2Q^2 region (\le 1 (GeV/c)2^2).Comment: 9 pages, 10 figures. EPJA version. slight revisions in the text and figure

    Scaling Tests of the Cross Section for Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering

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    We present the first measurements of the \vec{e}p->epg cross section in the deeply virtual Compton scattering (DVCS) regime and the valence quark region. The Q^2 dependence (from 1.5 to 2.3 GeV^2) of the helicity-dependent cross section indicates the twist-2 dominance of DVCS, proving that generalized parton distributions (GPDs) are accessible to experiment at moderate Q^2. The helicity-independent cross section is also measured at Q^2=2.3 GeV^2. We present the first model-independent measurement of linear combinations of GPDs and GPD integrals up to the twist-3 approximation.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, 2 tables. Text shortened for publication. References added. One figure remove

    Exclusive Neutral Pion Electroproduction in the Deeply Virtual Regime

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    We present measurements of the ep->ep pi^0 cross section extracted at two values of four-momentum transfer Q^2=1.9 GeV^2 and Q^2=2.3 GeV^2 at Jefferson Lab Hall A. The kinematic range allows to study the evolution of the extracted hadronic tensor as a function of Q^2 and W. Results will be confronted with Regge inspired calculations and GPD predictions. An intepretation of our data within the framework of semi-inclusive deep inelastic scattering has also been attempted