27 research outputs found

    Sensory perspectives of the consumption of chips-type snacks made from black bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L) and peanut (Arachis hypogaea Linn) flours by university students in the Toluca Valley

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    Objective: The objective of this study is to evaluate the sensory perspectives of chips-type snacks made from black bean dry (Phaseolus vulgaris L) and peanut (Arachis hypogaea Linn) flours in a university population. Design/methodology/approach: Two formulations were realized from peanut and black bean previously toasted and milled: 1) (PF) 50% peanut flour, 12.5% rice flour and 12.5 % cornstarch; 2) (BbF) 50% black bean flour, 12.5% wheat flour and 12.5% cornstarch. Each mixture of flours was extruded and fried until obtained chips-type snacks. A statistical-descriptive study was carried out from the observation of the eating habits of university students in the State of Mexico. On other hand, an affective test was tested to evaluate the acceptance of chips-type snacks made with PF and BbF in the categories of odor, taste, hardness, and easy to break. Findings/conclusion: According to the questionnaire, the female gender has higher snack consumption than the male population. On another hand, potato chips are in third place as the most consumed snacks for women they preferred to consume them in their houses. Peanut and chickpea flour are the most preferred by the female population. There was no significant difference (p˃0.05) between the snacks prepared with PF and BbF, but 60% of the consumer accepted both snacks. It is concluded that the chips-type snacks made with different formulations could be a healthy alternative for the students, also it kind of products have good acceptability. Finally knowing the sensory perspectives could provide important information for developing healthier and easier-to-eat snacks. Limitations on study/implications: More studies about the characterization of the chips-type snacks are required, also a mix of both legumes could be realized

    Patterns of ash (Fraxinus excelsior L.) colonization in mountain grasslands: the importance of management practices

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    International audienceWoody colonization of grasslands is often associated with changes in abiotic or biotic conditions or a combination of both. Widely used as fodder and litter in the past traditional agro-pastoral system, ash (Fraxinus excelsior L.) has now become a colonizing species of mountain grasslands in the French Pyrenees. Its present distribution is dependent on past human activities and it is locally controlled by propagule pressure and abiotic conditions. However, even when all favourable conditions are met, all the potentially colonizable grasslands are not invaded. We hypothesize that management practices should play a crucial role in the control of ash colonization. From empirical field surveys we have compared the botanical composition of a set of grasslands (present and former) differing in management practices and level of ash colonization. We have displayed a kind of successional gradient positively linked to both ash cover and height but not to the age of trees. We have tested the relationships between ash presence in grassland and management types i.e. cutting and/or grazing, management intensity and some grassland communities' features i.e. total and local specific richness and species heterogeneity. Mixed use (cutting and grazing) is negatively linked to ash presence in grassland whereas grazing alone positively. Mixed use and high grazing intensity are directly preventing ash seedlings establishment, when low grazing intensity is allowing ash seedlings establishment indirectly through herbaceous vegetation neglected by livestock. Our results show the existence of a limit between grasslands with and without established ashes corresponding to a threshold in the intensity of use. Under this threshold, when ash is established, the colonization process seems to become irreversible. Ash possesses the ability of compensatory growth and therefore under a high grazing intensity develops a subterranean vegetative reproduction. However the question remains at which stage of seedling development and grazing intensity these strategies could occur

    Pollination of Pagamea duckei Standl. (Rubiaceae): a functionally dioecious species

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    The floral biology, pollination and breeding system of Pagamea duckei Standl. (Rubiaceae) were studied at the Reserva Biológica da Campina, Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil. Floral morphology suggested that P. duckei is a distylous species. However, crossing experiments revealed that it is functionally dioecious. The flowers are actinomorphic, yellowish, produce nectar and a sweet odor, which is more intense in the morning. Anthesis started in the morning between 5.00 and 6.00 AM and extended until dusk, when the corolla tube abscissed. The flowers were visited mostly by bees of the genus Melipona. Pagamea duckei is not agamospermic and thus needs pollen vectors for effective pollination. The results of this study strengthen the idea that, in Pagamea, species with distylous flower morphology are actually functionally dioecious

    Producción científica en el Laboratorio Central de Líquido Cefalorraquídeo

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    Fundamento: El Laboratorio Central de Líquido Cefalorraquídeo arriba casi a sus 17 años de fundado, como una entidad de ciencia e innovación tecnológica que se distingue por su prolífera producción científica. Objetivo: caracterizar la producción científica investigadores y alumnos ayudantes en el Laboratorio Central de Líquido Cefalorraquídeo. Métodos: estudio bibliométrico, descriptivo, de las publicaciones científicas del Laboratorio Central de Líquido Cefalorraquídeo, adscrito a la Facultad de Ciencias Médicas Miguel Enríquez, Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de La Habana. Se analizó la producción científica correspondiente al período comprendido desde abril de 2004 hasta febrero de 2020, según las bases de datos de Google Académico, Scopus y PubMed. Se obtuvieron las variables reportadas por Publish or perish versión 7 avanzada, como los índices h y sus variantes. También se hizo el análisis de redes por VOSviewer, versión 1.6.13. Resultados: se publicaron en total 426 artículos. El investigador fundador mostró un índice h (dado por Google Académico) de 20, el cual disminuyó a medida que se fueron integrando otros autores al grupo. Hubo dos autores con idéntico índice h, pero con índice g superior, o sea, que acumuló un mayor número de citas para igual número de trabajos incluidos en el índice, y el alcance h y g fue inversamente proporcional a los años de experiencia, y por tanto, al número de publicaciones de autores con índice h=1 o superior. Conclusión: La producción científica ha sido amplia, sostenible en número y demuestra lo que ha logrado el equipo con un trabajo sistemático de impacto.Background: The Central Cerebrospinal Fluid Laboratory is almost 17 years old, as an entity of science and technological innovation that is distinguished by its prolific scientific production. Objective: to characterize the scientific production of researchers and assistant students in the Central Laboratory of Cerebrospinal Fluid. Methods: bibliometric, descriptive study of the scientific publications of the Cerebrospinal Fluid Central Laboratory, attached to the Miguel Enríquez Faculty of Medical Sciences, Havana University of Medical Sciences. The scientific production from April 2004 to February 2020 was analyzed, according to the Google Scholar, Scopus and PubMed databases. The variables reported by Publish or perish version 7 advanced were obtained, such as h indices and their variants. The network analysis was also done by VOSviewer, version 1.6.13. Results: a total of 426 articles were published. The founding researcher showed an h-index (given by Google Scholar) of 20, which decreased as other authors joined the group. There were two authors with the same h-index, but with a higher g-index, that is, they accumulated a greater number of citations for the same number of works included in the index, and the h and g scope was inversely proportional to the years of experience, and therefore, to the number of publications of authors with index h = 1 or higher. Conclusion: Scientific production has been extensive, sustainable in number and shows what the team has achieved with systematic impact work

    Producción científica en el Laboratorio Central de Líquido Cefalorraquídeo

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    Fundamento: El Laboratorio Central de Líquido Cefalorraquídeo arriba casi a sus 17 años de fundado, como una entidad de ciencia e innovación tecnológica que se distingue por su prolífera producción científica. Objetivo: caracterizar la producción científica investigadores y alumnos ayudantes en el Laboratorio Central de Líquido Cefalorraquídeo. Métodos: estudio bibliométrico, descriptivo, de las publicaciones científicas del Laboratorio Central de Líquido Cefalorraquídeo, adscrito a la Facultad de Ciencias Médicas Miguel Enríquez, Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de La Habana. Se analizó la producción científica correspondiente al período comprendido desde abril de 2004 hasta febrero de 2020, según las bases de datos de Google Académico, Scopus y PubMed. Se obtuvieron las variables reportadas por Publish or perish versión 7 avanzada, como los índices h y sus variantes. También se hizo el análisis de redes por VOSviewer, versión 1.6.13. Resultados: se publicaron en total 426 artículos. El investigador fundador mostró un índice h (dado por Google Académico) de 20, el cual disminuyó a medida que se fueron integrando otros autores al grupo. Hubo dos autores con idéntico índice h, pero con índice g superior, o sea, que acumuló un mayor número de citas para igual número de trabajos incluidos en el índice, y el alcance h y g fue inversamente proporcional a los años de experiencia, y por tanto, al número de publicaciones de autores con índice h=1 o superior. Conclusión: La producción científica ha sido amplia, sostenible en número y demuestra lo que ha logrado el equipo con un trabajo sistemático de impacto.Background: The Central Cerebrospinal Fluid Laboratory is almost 17 years old, as an entity of science and technological innovation that is distinguished by its prolific scientific production. Objective: to characterize the scientific production of researchers and assistant students in the Central Laboratory of Cerebrospinal Fluid. Methods: bibliometric, descriptive study of the scientific publications of the Cerebrospinal Fluid Central Laboratory, attached to the Miguel Enríquez Faculty of Medical Sciences, Havana University of Medical Sciences. The scientific production from April 2004 to February 2020 was analyzed, according to the Google Scholar, Scopus and PubMed databases. The variables reported by Publish or perish version 7 advanced were obtained, such as h indices and their variants. The network analysis was also done by VOSviewer, version 1.6.13. Results: a total of 426 articles were published. The founding researcher showed an h-index (given by Google Scholar) of 20, which decreased as other authors joined the group. There were two authors with the same h-index, but with a higher g-index, that is, they accumulated a greater number of citations for the same number of works included in the index, and the h and g scope was inversely proportional to the years of experience, and therefore, to the number of publications of authors with index h = 1 or higher. Conclusion: Scientific production has been extensive, sustainable in number and shows what the team has achieved with systematic impact work