336 research outputs found

    Os processos de periferização, desperiferização e reperiferização e as transformações socioespaciais no aglomerado metropolitano de Curitiba

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    Resumo: Neste trabalho, sao analisadas tres diferentes espacialidades numa mesma porcao do Aglomerado Metropolitano de Curitiba, tendo como preocupacao central a comprovacao e a caracterizacao da ocorrencia de um triplo processo, que se revela por meio da periferizacao, da desperiferizacao e da reperiferizacao/nova periferizacao (P-D-R/NP). Para tanto, sao retomados epistemologicamente os conceitos de espaco, espacialidade e espacializacao, bem como de espaco urbano/metropolitano, para se chegar a um entendimento conceitual do que vem a ser as periferias urbanas na contemporaneidade, para o caso brasileiro. As periferias urbanas passam a ser entendidas, neste trabalho, pelos seus multiplos processos formadores e caracterizadores, levando-se em conta as condicoes economico-sociais que extrapolam as analises calcadas em concepcoes dualistas e geometrificadas, do tipo centro x periferia. Considera-se que nao sao as distancias fisicas as determinantes da condicao de periferizacao e sim as distancias economico-sociais e culturais. A partir desse posicionamento, foi possivel identificar os estagios do triplo processo de P-D-R/NP no recorte espacial escolhido: a periferizacao encontrada na Vila Liberdade e na Vila Zumbi, sendo que nessa ultima, as acoes de urbanizacao, regularizacao fundiaria e desenvolvimento socioambiental estao desencadeando um processo de desperiferizacao, principalmente por promoverem um intenso fluxo de pessoas . saida dos primeiros moradores e a chegada de outros com maior adaptacao as \formalidades. urbanas. Aqueles que saem, geralmente engrossam outras periferias ou ate mesmo formam novas periferias. Esse triplo processo e contextualizado em suas causas e consequencias, com enfase para as questoes de cunho economico-politico, com destaque para a logica da especulacao imobiliaria e para o corporativismo entre o Estado e as grandes empresas. E ressaltada a acao da Alphaville Urbanismo S/A com os seus empreendimentos no AMC, uma vez que essa empresa instalou, ao lado da Vila Zumbi, dois condominios horizontais fechados, voltados as camadas mais abastadas da sociedade metropolitana de Curitiba. O corporativismo estabelecido teve forca suficiente para provocar significativas mudancas no espaco analisado, neste trabalho. Entre essas mudancas, destaca-se a transformacao de parte da Area de Protecao Ambiental de Pinhais em Unidade Territorial de Planejamento, permitindo, nesse local, a instalacao dos CHFs Alphaville Graciosa e Pinheiros e consequente intervencao na entao ocupacao irregular Zumbi dos Palmares, com o intuito de minimizar os efeitos negativos que essa ocupacao poderia causar para o empreendimento imobiliario da Alphaville, em andamento no AMC

    Implementación de una aplicación móvil Android para mejorar la difusión de información turística en la ciudad de Tarapoto

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    Difusión de la información turística de la ciudad de Tarapoto mediante el uso de una aplicación móvil Android estudia el problema de la deficiente difusión de información turística de la ciudad de Tarapoto que los agentes y operadores turísticos poseen ante la competencia y el no tener una presencia sólida y confiable en el mundo globalizado para difundir información actualizada de todos los atractivos turísticos, transporte, hostelería y gastronomía de la ciudad de Tarapoto. La implementación de una aplicación móvil Android fue usada en la investigación como una herramienta estratégica para mejorar la difusión de la información turística de la ciudad de Tarapoto. La población utilizada fueron los turistas nacionales y extranjeros ubicados en la ciudad de Tarapoto; una parte de estos turistas se tomó como muestra, primero se aplicó una encuesta previa a la utilización de la aplicación, luego se realizó una pos encuesta, implementando la aplicación móvil Android. Esto se hizo con el fin de calificar la calidad de información turística que se está difundiendo, estos datos fueron usados posteriormente para la verificación de hipótesis, donde se demostró que la implementación de una aplicación móvil Android mejoró significativamente la difusión de la información turística de la ciudad de Tarapoto.Dissemination of tourist information of the city of Tarapoto through the use of an Android mobile application studies the problem of the deficient diffusion of tourist information of the city of Tarapoto that agents and tour operators have before the competition and not having a solid presence and reliable in the globalized world to disseminate up-to-date information on all the tourist, transport, hospitality and gastronomy attractions of the city of Tarapoto. The implementation of an Android mobile application was used in research as a strategic tool to improve the dissemination of tourist information in the city of Tarapoto. The population used were domestic and foreign tourists located in the city of Tarapoto; a part of these tourists was taken as a sample, first a survey was applied prior to the use of the application, then a post survey was carried out, implementing the Android mobile application. This was done in order to qualify the quality of tourist information that is being disseminated, these data were later used for the verification of hypotheses, where it was demonstrated that the implementation of an Android mobile application significantly improved the dissemination of tourist information of the city of Tarapoto.TesisAp

    Scaling Erica arborea transpiration from trees up to the stand using auxiliary micrometeorological information in a wax myrtle-tree heath cloud forest (La Gomera, Canary Islands)

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    We investigate evapotranspiration, sap flow and top soil water content variations in a wax myrtle-tree heath ('fayal-brezal' in Spanish) cloud forest in the Garajonay National Park (La Gomera, Canary Islands) over a 1-year period. We provide transpiration estimates for one of the representative species, the shrubby needle-like Erica arborea L., present in this relict subtropical forest. An ad hoc tree up to the stand scaling method that combines the sap flow and auxiliary reference evapotranspiration data is illustrated, showing to be useful when sap flow in a limited number of trees has been monitored. Individual dailybased scaling curves of the Gompertz type were necessary to explain the observed sap flow variability in E. arborea during the 1-year period investigated (r 2 ≥ 0.953 with mode of r 2 = 0.9999). The mean daily sap flow of an E. arborea individual amounted to 8.37 ± 5.65 kg day −1 tree −1 , with a maximum of 20.48 kg day −1 tree −1 , yielding an annual total of 3052.89 kg tree −1 . A comparison of the computed daily transpiration with the continuous micrometeorological time series monitored in the studied plot suggested that solar radiation was the main driving force of transpiration in E. arborea (cross correlation index = 0.94). Fog may also affect tree transpiration via its reduction of radiation and temperature, such that during foggy periods the mean daily water loss estimate of E. arborea was 5.35 ± 4.30 kg day −1 tree −1 , which sharply contrasted with the 2.4-fold average transpiration values obtained for fog-free days, i.e., 12.81 ± 4.33 kg day −1 tree −1 . The annual water balance rendered a 288 mm year −1 water input to the forest and evidenced the need for accurately quantifying the contribution of fog water dripping from the canopy

    Climatically induced changes in late Quaternary bathyal ostracod assemblages of the Camamu Basin, Brazil

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    Bathybic ostracods (i.e., bathyal and abyssal assemblages) are important indicators of temperature and productivity changes of Cenozoic marine ecosystems. The present work presents the first study on Quaternary ostracods of the Camamu Basin, off the state of Bahia, northeastern Brazilian continental margin. The analysis of 59 samples from the piston-core CMU 14 (14°24’S, 38°49’W; 965 m water depth), revealed rich and abundant assemblages. The 14C accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) dating indicates that the studied interval covers the last 108 kyr, corresponding to the oxygen stable isotope stages (MIS) 5 to 1. Comparison with data from previous publications allowed discernment of three groups of ostracod species in CMU 14: Pandemic Group of species registered in more than one oceanic basin; Atlantic/Mediterranean Group of species restricted to the Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean; and Brazilian Group of species restricted to the Brazilian continental margin). Four new species are herein proposed: Cytherella pindoramensis sp. nov., Ambocythere amadoi sp. nov., Pseudobosquetina pucketti sp. nov., and Bythoceratina bonaterrae sp. nov. Ostracod occurrences reveal the influence of glacial/interglacial cycles on assemblages composition. Interglacial stages 5 and 1 in the Camamu Basin are characterized by the association Bythocypris affinis–Cytherella pindoramensis sp. nov.– Cytheropteron perlaria–Bradleya dictyon; glacial stages (i.e., 2 to 4) register decreased diversity, possibly due to lower oceanic productivity

    Role of A-site cations in the metal-insulator transition in Pr0.5Ca0.5CoO3−γ (γ≈0)

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    6 páginas, 4 figuras, 1 tabla.-- PACS number(s): 71.30.+h, 61.05.fm, 75.30.Kz, 75.47.DeRemarkable structural changes take place during the metal to insulator first-order transition in Pr0.50Ca0.50CoO3: a contraction of the unit-cell volume, the bending of the Co-O-Co bond angle, and a decrease in (Pr,Ca)-O bond distance. However, the Co-O bond length and the volume of the CoO6 octahedra remain almost unaltered during the transition. In view of these data and the absence of transition in (Nd2/3La1/3)0.5Ca0.5CoO3, we review the current spin-state transition picture, emphasizing that an active role is played by the A-site Pr cations that could be related with the effect of Pr in 123 superconducting cuprates.Financial support from MICINN (Spanish government) under Projects No. MAT2006-11080-C02-02 and No. NANOSELECT CSD2007-00041, Generalitat de Catalunya (Grant No. 2005-GRQ-00509) and FAME European Network of Excellence is acknowledged.Peer reviewe


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    A Doença de Wilson (DW), é uma desordem hereditária de transmissão genéticaautossômica recessiva, que altera o metabolismo hepático do cobre e ocasiona seu acúmulo em órgãos e tecidos. Embora alterações na Ressonância Magnética de Encéfalo (RM) não façam parte dos critérios diagnósticos as mesmas podem ser sensíveis para detectar alterações em pacientes com a doença. Os autores descrevem o caso de uma paciente de 22 anos com manifestações neurológicas progressivas cujo diagnóstico de DW foi suspeitado pelas manifestações clínicas associadas ‘as anormalidades na RM. Paciente apresentava alterações no putamen, caudato e tálamo além do chamado sinal do “face do panda gigante” no mesencéfalo. Um sinal considerado característico da DW.Unitermos: doença de Wilson, ressonância magnética, sinal da “face do panda”, anel de Kayser-Fleische

    Bioerosion on late Quaternary Planktonic Foraminifera related to paleoproductivity in the western South Atlantic

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    Planktonic Foraminifera are widely used in paleoceanographic reconstructions, although studies of their trophic interactions are still rare, especially those focusing on predation. Drilling holes are the most frequent traces of bioerosion in foraminifer tests, but environmental factors that control bioerosion are not yet understood. To determine if paleoceanographic variables are associated with bioerosion rates in late Quaternary planktonic foraminifers of the western South Atlantic, geochemical and assemblage analyses were made on a 46 kyr record from a piston core. An age model was constructed based on 10 AMS 14C dates. To reconstruct the paleoproductivity, δ13C, benthic/planktonic foraminifer and the relative abundances of Globigerina bulloides and Globigerinoides ruber (high and low productivity, respectively) were used. Bioeroded tests were counted and found in 21 of the 25 identified species, with frequencies ranging from 8.84% to 16.7%. Bioerosion was different in two groups identified by cluster analysis, with a higher intensity during glacial times, showing a strong correlation with paleoceanographic fluctuations. Paleoproductivity estimates and bioerosion rates show a significant correlation, suggesting that bioerosion is more frequent in eutrophic environments and more inhibited in oligotrophic conditions. However, even with a strong correlation between bioerosion and productivity, there is also a negative correlation with sea surface temperature in the study area. Since conditions that promote higher productivity are accompanied by a decrease in surface temperature, the precise distinction between the influence of both variables is hampered. Further research will allow us to explore the potential of planktonic foraminiferal bioerosion as a tool in paleoceanographic studies