62 research outputs found

    Degradasi Methyl Orange Menggunakan Fotokatalis Tio2-n : Kajian Pengaruh Sinar dan Konsentrasi Tio2-n

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui degradasi methyl orange menggunakan fotokatalis TiO2-N dengan mempelajari pengaruh sinar UV dan sinar matahari serta variasi konsentrasi TiO2-N yang digunakan. Sintesis fotokatalis TiO2-N dilakukan dengan perbandingan mol TiO2:urea 10:0,1 menggunakan metode sonikasi. Karakterisasi fotokatalis dilakukan dengan menggunakan UV-DRS. Untuk mengetahui pengaruh sinar, aktivitas fotokatalis TiO2-N diuji menggunakan 25 mL larutan methyl orange 10 mg/L dengan TiO2-N sebesar 3,2 g/L pada kondisi gelap, di bawah sinar UV, dan di bawah sinar matahari. Variasi konsentrasi TiO2-N yang digunakan sebesar 1,6; 3,2; 4,8; 6,4; dan 8,0 g/L pada penyinaran sinar UV maupun sinar matahari selama 3 jam. Konsentrasi larutan methyl orange setelah penyinaran ditentukan menggunakan spektrofotometer UV-Vis pada panjang gelombang 464,3 nm. Karakterisasi UV-DRS menghasilkan bahwa energi band gap dari TiO2-N sebesar 3,34 eV. Dari hasil penelitian, diperoleh bahwa penyinaran dengan sinar matahari menghasilkan degradasi lebih besar daripada sinar UV. Berdasarkan hasil uji statistika, konsentrasi TiO2-N yang paling optimum untuk degradasi methyl orange adalah sebesar 3,2 g/L dengan persen degradasi sebesar 93,93%


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    Abstract— The OVO application can be downloaded on the Android platform via Google Play, Google play has a review feature on the application product to be downloaded, so that the review can be viewed or accessed by anyone, With these reviews, potential users of the application will see how important it is to consider using an application, problems regarding reviews or sentiment analysis of applications processed using text mining. The purpose of this study is to provide information to prospective OVO application users before using the application which can be seen from the results of giving reviews based on rating or stars (*) in the OVO application review column on Google Play and the authors categorize them into 3 classes, the first class ( 1 to 5 stars, second class (1 and 5 stars) third class by providing labeling grouping (1&2 stars are negative labels, 3 stars are neutral labels and 4&5 stars are positive labels) testing using the k-nearest neighbor method by finding the value of k from the k value of 1-10 to get the highest accuracy value, in order to obtain the highest accuracy value of 84.86% in the 2nd class test and giving a value of k 1 which means that the 1st and 5th star tests get positive values so that they can give a good impression to prospective application users OV

    Studi Kasus : Asuhan Keperawatan pada Pasien dengan HIV Stadium 1 di Rumah Sakit Daerah Gunung Jati Kota Cirebon

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    Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is one of the retro viruses that infects white blood cells which has an impact on a weakened immune system, damage to the function of cluster of differentiation 4 positive (CD4+) cells as well as other immune cells. CD4 count below 200, opportunistic infections and not taking treatment can exacerbate chronic conditions throughout life. The purpose of this study was to analyze nursing care for Mr. B with Stage 1 HIV at the Seroja Polyclinic, Gunung Jati Hospital, Cirebon City. The research design used was a descriptive case study including assessment, data analysis, nursing diagnoses, interventions, implementation and evaluation. This research was conducted in the seroja room of Gunung Jati Hospital, Cirebon City. Based on the results obtained, based on the assessment data, two nursing problems emerged, namely hyperthermia, related to the disease process marked by fever and secondly the risk of opportunistic infections associated with decreased immune system which was marked with a CD4 value close to 200. Actions taken were monitoring body temperature and collaborating on drug administration with doctors, providing health education about HIV, adherence to taking medication and advising regular eating patterns and adequate rest. It is recommended that health workers provide education about HIV/AIDS care and also provide medication taking assistance to prevent non-adherence in taking medication, social and spiritual

    Plasma Proteomic Variables Related to COVID-19 Severity: An Untargeted nLC-MS/MS Investigation

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    Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection leads to a wide range of clinical manifestations and determines the need for personalized and precision medicine. To better understand the biological determinants of this heterogeneity, we explored the plasma proteome of 43 COVID-19 patients with different outcomes by an untargeted liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry approach. The comparison between asymptomatic or pauci-symptomatic subjects (MILDs), and hospitalised patients in need of oxygen support therapy (SEVEREs) highlighted 29 proteins emerged as differentially expressed: 12 overexpressed in MILDs and 17 in SEVEREs. Moreover, a supervised analysis based on a decision-tree recognised three proteins (Fetuin-A, Ig lambda-2chain-C-region, Vitronectin) that are able to robustly discriminate between the two classes independently from the infection stage. In silico functional annotation of the 29 deregulated proteins pinpointed several functions possibly related to the severity; no pathway was associated exclusively to MILDs, while several only to SEVEREs, and some associated to both MILDs and SEVEREs; SARS-CoV-2 signalling pathway was significantly enriched by proteins up-expressed in SEVEREs (SAA1/2, CRP, HP, LRG1) and in MILDs (GSN, HRG). In conclusion, our analysis could provide key information for 'proteomically' defining possible upstream mechanisms and mediators triggering or limiting the domino effect of the immune-related response and characterizing severe exacerbations

    Intercalation of small molecules into DNA in chromatin is primarily controlled by superhelical constraint

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    The restricted access of regulatory factors to their binding sites on DNA wrapped around the nucleosomes is generally interpreted in terms of molecular shielding exerted by nucleosomal structure and internucleosomal interactions. Binding of proteins to DNA often includes intercalation of hydrophobic amino acids into the DNA. To assess the role of constrained superhelicity in limiting these interactions, we studied the binding of small molecule intercalators to chromatin in close to native conditions by laser scanning cytometry. We demonstrate that the nucleosome-constrained superhelical configuration of DNA is the main barrier to intercalation. As a result, intercalating compounds are virtually excluded from the nucleosome-occupied regions of the chromatin. Binding of intercalators to extranucleosomal regions is limited to a smaller degree, in line with the existence of net supercoiling in the regions comprising linker and nucleosome free DNA. Its relaxation by inducing as few as a single nick per ~50 kb increases intercalation in the entire chromatin loop, demonstrating the possibility for long-distance effects of regulatory potential
