1,442 research outputs found

    El uso del blending en la enseñanza de la técnica Phonics en Educación Primaria

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    El siguiente trabajo expone una propuesta de intervención en la cual se intenta introducir el blending para mejorar los resultados en la habilidad de la lectoescritura que la técnica Phonics pretende conseguir. Es un estudio de cómo conseguir que los alumnos entiendan la unión de los fonemas, que ya conocen por separado gracias a la técnica Phonics.Grado en Educación Primari

    Diagnostic delay and survival in squamous cell carcinoma of the oral cavity

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    The aim of this thesis was to identify the magnitude of the time intervals that define the pathway of the oral cancer patient from the beginning of the symptoms until diagnosis, and treatment, and to evaluate their impact on patients´ survival. For this purpose, we designed an observational survival study, with an ambispective component. In our study, the hospital interval was a relevant interval in the oral cancer patients´ pathway to treatment, representing a fourth of the overall interval, and showing a counterintuitive association, where those patients with short hospital intervals had significantly higher mortality, due to the waiting time paradox. Also, the overall time interval has shown a non-monotonic association with oral cancer mortality

    Vocabulario básico infantil español-amazige [Recurso electrónico]

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    Características del sistema: PC-Windows 98 / Me / 2000 / XPTit. tomado de la etiqueta del disc

    The portfolio in the teaching practice in primary education degree

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    This paper takes as a starting point the description and study of the main characteristics of the portfolio as a tool for learning and formative assessment, to expose the relevance of this technique in the Teaching Practice module in the degree in Primary Education. As an argument for the use of portfolio a proposal for the development, implementation and assessment of it is presented. This proposal will be taken by future teachers during their teaching practice period in Primary education classroom

    O sono e o temperamento do bebé: estudo exploratório

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Psicologia Clínica e da Saúde (Psicopatologia e Psicoterapias Dinâmicas), apresentada à Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação da Universidade de Coimbra.O presente estudo centra-se numa análise exploratória dos fenómenos depressivos no pós-parto que poderão estar associados a alterações nos padrões de sono e no temperamento do bebé. Deste modo, o seguinte trabalho tem como principal objetivo aprofundar a temática da depressão puerperal, por forma a compreender de que modo se relaciona com o sono e o temperamento do bebé. A depressão puerperal define-se como um episódio de depressão major ocorrendo no período de pós-parto e cujos sintomas surgem entre a quarta e a oitava semana após o nascimento do bebé. Considera-se de etiologia multideterminada podendo ter influências genéticas, psicológicas, culturais e fisiológicas. Apontam-se como fatores de risco a história prévia de depressão, a relação com a figura materna de identificação, o blues pós-parto, a falta de suporte emocional e social e a gravidez não planeada/não desejada. Alguns autores apresentam conclusões no sentido da atribuição de relação entre o comportamento de mães deprimidas e o desenvolvimento de psicopatologia nos filhos, defendendo que estes apresentam um maior risco de desenvolverem desordens comportamentais, afetivas, cognitivas e sociais. Com base nos objetivos, realizou-se uma recolha de amostra com recurso a quatro fontes de informação distintas para que houvesse dados relativos a todas as variáveis em estudo. Neste sentido, os instrumentos de recolha de dados foram: entrevista sociodemográfica, a Postpartum Depression Screnning Scale (PDSS-21) versão reduzida, o Questionário de Sono Infantil (QSI) validado no decorrer do estudo e o Questionário de Temperamento Difícil do Bebé (QTDB). Assim, a entrevista teve como objetivo o apuramento de informações relativas à mãe e ao bebé; a PDSS-21 foi utilizada no sentido de perceber como se sente a mãe depois do nascimento do bebé; o QSI permite conhecer os hábitos de sono do bebé; o QTDB como forma de avaliar a presença de temperamento difícil do bebé. A amostra é de conveniência e constituída por 160 mães e, respectivamente, 160 bebés com idades compreendidas entre 1 mês e 12 meses. Foram critérios de inclusão a mãe ter nacionalidade portuguesa e residir em Portugal e o bebé ter nascido no país. Os resultados sugerem que, de facto, a depressão puerperal poderá ter influências nos hábitos de sono e no temperamento do bebé. Indicando os dados mais significativos, podemos afirmar que a depressão está associada à percepção da mãe face à existência de dificuldades do bebé em dormir. Referir ainda a existência de um dado interessante: parece existir evidência de que as próprias dificuldades em dormir da mãe se correlacionam com os problemas de manutenção do sono no bebé. Quanto ao temperamento, a referida inferência pode estender-se a esta variável uma vez que os sintomas depressivos da mãe sugerem uma relação positiva e moderada com o temperamento difícil do bebé.The present study is based on an exploratory analysis of the postpartum depression phenomenons that might be associated with changes in babies sleeping patterns and temperament. The following work has as its main objective to deepen the postpartum depression thematic in order to comprehend in which way it is related to the baby’s sleep and temper. Postpartum depression is defined as an episode of major depression occurring during the postpartum period in which symptoms appear between the fourth and eighth week after the baby’s birth. Its etiology is considered to be multidetermined and may have genetic, psychological, cultural e physiological influences. A previous history of depression, the relationship with the mother figure, baby blues, lack of emotional and social support and non planned/wished pregnancy are being pointed as risk factors. Some authors present conclusions attributing the relation between the behavior of depressed mothers and the development of psychological pathology on their children, defending that children are at a greater risk of developing behavioral, affective, cognitive and social disorders. Based on the objectives, a population sample was gathered using four distinct sources of information so that data relative to all the study variables was available. The different instruments used on data collection were: a socio-demographic interview, the Postpartum Depression screening scale (PDSS-21) short version, the “Questionário do Sono Infantil” (QSI) validated during the study and the “Questionário de Temperamento Difícil do Bebé” (QTDB). The socio-demographic interview had the objective of collecting information about the mother and the baby; the PDSS-21 was utilized to understand how the mother felt after the baby’s birth; the QSI showed the baby’s sleeping habits and the QTDB was used to evaluate the presence of difficult temperament in the baby. The sample obtained was a convenience sample and it was constituted by 160 mothers and respectively 160 babies with ages between 1 month and 1 year. Inclusion criteria included Portuguese nationality mothers living in Portugal with babies born in the country. The results suggest that, in fact, postpartum depression might have influence on the baby’s sleeping habits and temperament. Highlighting the most significant data we can affirm that depression is associated with the mother’s perception on their baby’s difficulty in sleeping. This study also refers another interesting phenomenon: there might be some evidence that the mothers own sleeping difficulties correlate with the problems of the sleep preservation of the baby. Regarding the temperament, the inferred above could be extended to this variable because depressive symptoms in the mother suggest a positive and moderate relation with the baby’s difficult temperament

    PEO-PPO-PEO Tri-Block Copolymers for Gene Delivery Applications in Human Regenerative Medicine—An Overview

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    Lineal (poloxamers or Pluronic®) or X-shaped (poloxamines or Tetronic®) amphiphilic tri-block copolymers of poly(ethylene oxide) and poly(propylene oxide) (PEO-PPO-PEO) have been broadly explored for controlled drug delivery in different regenerative medicine approaches. The ability of these copolymers to self-assemble as micelles and to undergo sol-to-gel transitions upon heating has endowed the denomination of “smart” or “intelligent” systems. The use of PEO-PPO-PEO copolymers as gene delivery systems is a powerful emerging strategy to improve the performance of classical gene transfer vectors. This review summarizes the state of art of the application of PEO-PPO-PEO copolymers in both nonviral and viral gene transfer approaches and their potential as gene delivery systems in different regenerative medicine approaches

    Team similarity and favouritism: an exploration of the relationship between different types of similarity with the peers and managers and favouritism

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    The main purpose of this study is to understand the relationship between the similarity in working groups with the perceived unfairness and justice violation in the workplace (favouritism). This research aims to answer the question of which types of similarity - demographic or perceived – most affects the perception of justice, including different types of justice – distributive, procedural, interpersonal and informational as well as the quality of the relationship developed with the manager – Leader Member Exchange (LMX). Additionally, it is considered that the relationship between similarity and perception of similarity also relates to turnover intention and that the role played by common goals and shared results also impact favouritism and turnover intention in diverse teams. As methodology, questionnaires were distributed (139 participants) in a multinational company with a multicultural environment. The respondents were mainly located in Netherlands, Germany and UK. They were part of teams with three or more members and did not have direct reports. A hierarchical linear regression was applied in order to test the hypotheses. The main results indicate that perceived similarity explains the perception of favouritism whilst demographic similarity has a limited influence explaining the perception of favouritism. Furthermore, the way of organising the work and the shared results in the team contribute to the perception of favouritism. Finally, all the variables that explain favouritism also influence the turnover intention.O principal objectivo deste estudo é perceber a relação entre semelhança nos grupos de trabalho e a percepção de injustiça no local de trabalho (favoritismo). Este estudo pretende ainda identificar quais os tipos de semelhança – demográfica ou percebida – que mais afectam a percepção de diferentes tipos de justiça – distributiva, processual, interpessoal e informacional bem como a qualidade da relação desenvolvida com a chefia – Leader Member Exchange (LMX). Adicionalmente, este trabalho considera que a relação entre semelhança e percepção de semelhança também se relaciona com a intenção de deixar a equipa (turnover intention) e que o papel desempenhado por objectivos colectivos e resultados partilhados tem impacto na percepção de favoritismo e no turnover intention em equipas que apresentam diversidade. Na metodologia foram distribuídos inquéritos (139 participantes) numa empresa multinacional com um ambiente multicultural. Os participantes encontravam-se localizados maioritariamente na Holanda, Alemanha e Inglaterra. Estes participantes integravam equipas com três ou mais membros e não tinham subordinados alocados a si. Para testar as hipóteses foram aplicadas regressões lineares. Os resultados principais indicam que a percepção de semelhança se relaciona com a percepção de favoritismo enquanto a semelhança demográfica tem uma influência limitada na explicação da percepção de favoritismo. Salienta-se que a forma de organizar o trabalho e os prémios nas equipas contribuem para a percepção de favoritismo e que todas as variáveis que explicam o favoritismo também influenciam a intenção de deixar a equipa

    Supramolecular Cyclodextrin-Based Hydrogels for Controlled Gene Delivery

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    Controlled delivery of gene transfer vectors is a powerful strategy to enhance the temporal and spatial presentation of therapeutic agents in a defined target. Hydrogels are adapted biomaterials for gene delivery capable of acting as a localized depot of genes while maintaining the long term local availability of DNA vectors at a specific location. Supramolecular hydrogels based on cyclodextrins (CDs) have attracted considerable attention as potential biomaterials in a broad range of drug delivery applications. Their unique characteristics of thixotropicity and low cytotoxicity due to their production under mild conditions make them potential candidates to form injectable delivery systems. This work aims to provide an overview of the use of CD-based polypseudorotaxane hydrogels as controlled gene delivery systems for different applications in regenerative medicine

    Evaluación del uso de las APPs que abordan los procesos creativos en la educación artística formal

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    El creciente uso de TIC y aprendizaje móvil en contextos educativos impulsó a una investigación cuyo objeto de estudio son las posibilidades de Apps como recursos en procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje, referentes a disciplinas artísticas en la etapa de ESO. Parte del estudio se centra en el análisis de Apps para dispositivos móviles para comprobar si favorecen el aprendizaje de contenidos de las asignaturas relacionadas con disciplinas artísticas, y fomentan los procesos creativos. Las Apps seleccionadas están condicionadas al perfil de alumnos, que cursan en enseñanza pública. Se diseñó una herramienta de evaluación basada en criterios y estándares para analizar Apps. Se profundizó en el desarrollo y fomento de la creatividad a través de las Apps seleccionadas. La metodología de la investigación se fundamenta en la evaluación compresiva. Se concluyen una serie de Apps de utilidad didáctica para desarrollar en la ESO procesos creativos, metodologías activas y aprendizaje cooperativo.Departamento de PedagogíaDoctorado en Investigación Transdisciplinar en Educació