78 research outputs found

    Quantifying ice cliff evolution with multi-temporal point clouds on the debris-covered Khumbu Glacier, Nepal

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    Measurements of glacier ice cliff evolution are sparse, but where they do exist, they indicate that such areas of exposed ice contribute a disproportionate amount of melt to the glacier ablation budget. We used Structure from Motion photogrammetry with Multi-View Stereo to derive 3-D point clouds for nine ice cliffs on Khumbu Glacier, Nepal (in November 2015, May 2016 and October 2016). By differencing these clouds, we could quantify the magnitude, seasonality and spatial variability of ice cliff retreat. Mean retreat rates of 0.30–1.49 cm d−1 were observed during the winter interval (November 2015–May 2016) and 0.74–5.18 cm d−1 were observed during the summer (May 2016–October 2016). Four ice cliffs, which all featured supraglacial ponds, persisted over the full study period. In contrast, ice cliffs without a pond or with a steep back-slope degraded over the same period. The rate of thermo-erosional undercutting was over double that of subaerial retreat. Overall, 3-D topographic differencing allowed an improved process-based understanding of cliff evolution and cliff-pond coupling, which will become increasingly important for monitoring and modelling the evolution of thinning debris-covered glaciers

    Seasonally stable temperature gradients through supraglacial debris in the Everest region of Nepal, Central Himalaya

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    Rock debris covers about 30% of glacier ablation areas in the Central Himalaya and modifies the impact of atmospheric conditions on mass balance. The thermal properties of supraglacial debris are diurnally variable but remain poorly constrained for monsoon-influenced glaciers over the timescale of the ablation season. We measured vertical debris profile temperatures at 12 sites on four glaciers in the Everest region with debris thickness ranging from 0.08–2.8 m. Typically, the length of the ice ablation season beneath supraglacial debris was 160 days (15 May to 22 October)—a month longer than the monsoon season. Debris temperature gradients were approximately linear (r2 > 0.83), measured as –40°C m–1 where debris was up to 0.1 m thick, –20°C m–1 for debris 0.1–0.5 m thick, and –4°C m–1 for debris greater than 0.5 m thick. Our results demonstrate that the influence of supraglacial debris on the temperature of the underlying ice surface, and therefore melt, is stable at a seasonal timescale and can be estimated from near-surface temperature. These results have the potential to greatly improve the representation of ablation in calculations of debris-covered glacier mass balance and projections of their response to climate change.Peer reviewe

    Omicron variant infection in inflammatory rheumatological conditions – outcomes from a COVID-19 naive population in Aotearoa New Zealand

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    Background: Due to geographic isolation and border controls Aotearoa New Zealand (AoNZ) attained high levels of population coronavirus disease-19 (COVID-19) vaccination before widespread transmission of COVID-19. We describe outcomes of SARS-CoV-2 infection (Omicron variant) in people with inflammatory rheumatic diseases in this unique setting. Methods: This observational study included people with inflammatory rheumatic disease and SARS-CoV-2 infection in AoNZ between 1 February and 30 April 2022. Data were collected via the Global Rheumatology Alliance Registry including demographic and rheumatic disease characteristics, and COVID-19 vaccination status and outcomes. Multivariable logistic regression was used to explore associations of demographic and clinical factors with COVID-19 hospitalisation and death. Findings: Of the 1599 cases included, 96% were from three hospitals that systematically identified people with inflammatory rheumatic disease and COVID-19. At time of COVID-19, 1513 cases (94.6%) had received at least two COVID-19 vaccinations. Hospitalisation occurred for 104 (6.5%) cases and 10 (0.6%) patients died. Lower frequency of hospitalisation was seen in cases who had received at least two vaccinations (5.9%), compared to the unvaccinated (20.6%) or those with a single vaccine dose (10.7%). In multivariable adjusted models, people with gout or connective tissue diseases (CTD) had increased risk of the combined outcome of hospitalisation/death, compared to people with inflammatory arthritis. Glucocorticoid and rituximab use were associated with increased rates of hospitalisation/death. All patients who died had three or more co-morbidities or were over 60 years old. Interpretation: In this cohort with inflammatory rheumatic diseases and high vaccination rates, severe outcomes from SARS-CoV-2 Omicron variant were relatively infrequent. The outcome of Omicron variant infection among vaccinated but SARS-CoV-2 infection-naive people with inflammatory rheumatic disease without other known risk factors were favourable. Funding: Financial support from the American College of Rheumatology (ACR) and European Alliance of Associations for Rheumatology (EULAR) included management of COVID-19 Global Rheumatology Alliance funds

    Supraglacial ponds regulate runoff from Himalayan debris-covered glaciers

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    Meltwater and runoff from glaciers in High Mountain Asia is a vital freshwater resource for one fifth of the Earth's population. Between 13% and 36% of the region's glacierized areas exhibit surface debris cover and associated supraglacial ponds whose hydrological buffering roles remain unconstrained. We present a high-resolution meltwater hydrograph from the extensively debris-covered Khumbu Glacier, Nepal, spanning a seven-month period in 2014. Supraglacial ponds and accompanying debris cover modulate proglacial discharge by acting as transient and evolving reservoirs. Diurnally, the supraglacial pond system may store >23% of observed mean daily discharge, with mean recession constants ranging from 31 to 108 hours. Given projections of increased debris-cover and supraglacial pond extent across High Mountain Asia, we conclude that runoff regimes may become progressively buffered by the presence of supraglacial reservoirs. Incorporation of these processes is critical to improve predictions of the region's freshwater resource availability and cascading environmental effects downstream

    Diagnostische Bedeutung der Proteinbindung von Plasmacortisol, bestimmt durch Dextrangelfiltration

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    1. Mittels Dextrangelfiltration wurde nach Inkubation von markiertem Cortisol und Plasma der proteingebundene und der sog. freie Anteil (%) des endogenen Plasmacortisols ermittelt und bei gleichzeitiger fluorimetrischer Bestimmung der 11-OHCS auch die Menge proteingebundenen, bzw. sog. freien Cortisols (µg-%) berechnet. 2. Die diagnostische Brauchbarkeit der Methode wurde bei Patienten mit Nebennierenrindeninsuffizienz, mit Hypophysentumoren, nach Hypophysektomie, mit Cushing-Syndrom mit der fluorimetrischen Bestimmung der 11-OHCS verglichen. Die einfache Bestimmung der Cortisolbindung war bei hypophysektomierten Patienten der Bestimmung der 11-OHCS überlegen und entsprach der aufwendigeren ACTH-Belastung. 3. Falsch hohe fluorimetrische 11-OHCS-Spiegel im Plasma unter Spirolacton- oder Oestrogenbehandlung und in der Gravidität lassen sich durch Bestimmung der Cortisolbindung klären. Bei Schilddrüsenüberfunktion war das sog. freie Cortisol im Plasma relativ und absolut vermehrt, bei Schilddrüsenunterfunktion fand sich eine Zunahme des plasmaproteingebundenen Cortisols.1. Following incubation of labeled cortisol and plasma the percentages of protein bound and socalled free endogenous cortisol were determined by means of dextran gel filtration. 2. The diagnostic value of this method was compared with fluorimetric determinations of 11-OHCS for patients with adrenal insufficiency, Cushing-Syndrome, pituitary tumors and after hypophysectomy. In hypophysectomized patients the simple determination of protein bound cortisol was found to correlate well with diagnostic ACTH-infusion tests and to be more sensitive than fluorimetric determinations of 11-OHCS in 9 a.m. plasma. 3. Falsely elevated fluorimetric values of plasma 11-OHCS in patients treated with spirolactone or estrogens, resp. during pregnancy may be recognized through determination of cortisol binding. — In thyrotoxicosis socalled free cortisol was elevated, both relatively and absolutely; in hypothyroidism an increase of protein bound cortisol was found
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