18,890 research outputs found

    A Tandem Fluid Network with L\'evy Input in Heavy Traffic

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    In this paper we study the stationary workload distribution of a fluid tandem queue in heavy traffic. We consider different types of L\'evy input, covering compound Poisson, α\alpha-stable L\'evy motion (with 1<α<21<\alpha<2), and Brownian motion. In our analysis we separately deal with L\'evy input processes with increments that have finite and infinite variance. A distinguishing feature of this paper is that we do not only consider the usual heavy-traffic regime, in which the load at one of the nodes goes to unity, but also a regime in which we simultaneously let the load of both servers tend to one, which, as it turns out, leads to entirely different heavy-traffic asymptotics. Numerical experiments indicate that under specific conditions the resulting simultaneous heavy-traffic approximation significantly outperforms the usual heavy-traffic approximation

    Evidence of amplitude modulation due to Resonant Mode Coupling in the delta Scuti star KIC5892969

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    A study of the star KIC5892969 observed by the Kepler satellite is presented. Its three highest amplitude modes present a strong amplitude modulation. The aim of this work is to investigate amplitude variations in this star and their possible cause. Using the 4 years-long observations available, we obtained the frequency content of the full light curve. Then, we studied the amplitude and phase variations with time using shorter time stamps. The results obtained are compared with the predicted ones for resonant mode coupling of an unstable mode with lower frequency stable modes. Our conclusion is that resonant mode coupling is consistent as an amplitude limitation mechanism in several modes of KIC5892969 and we discuss to which extent it might play an important role for other delta Scuti stars

    Improving the accuracy of 1D SNMR surveys using the multi-central-loop configuration

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    Temeljna svrha i cilj ovoga rada bilo je ispitati koliko su potrošači skloni dijeljenju svojih turističkih iskustva s drugima te putem kojih medija. Osim navedenog, drugi cilj provedenog istraživanja bilo je utvrditi koliko su potrošačima važna iskustva i komentari drugih posjetitelja u procesu donošenja odluke o kupnji. Istraživanje je provedeno metodom ispitivanja, a kao instrument korišten je anketni upitnik sastavljen od 22 pitanja. Utvrđivanjem problema istraživanja, postavljene su tri hipoteze. Od tri hipoteze, u potpunosti je dokazana samo prva koja pretpostavlja da su potrošačima tuđa iskustva i komentari od velike važnosti kod planiranja i odabira putovanja. Druga hipoteza je djelomično potvrđena, tj. potvrđeno je da su potrošači skloni dijeliti svoja iskustva s drugima u situaciji kada su jako zadovoljni dok s druge strane nije potvrđeno kako su potrošači skloni dijeliti svoja iskustva u situaciji kada su nezadovoljni uslugom ili proizvodom. Na kraju, potvrđena je i treća hipoteza koja pretpostavlja kako su potrošači skloni dijeljenju vlastitog turističkog iskustva putem više društvenih medija, iako je utvrđeno kako najveći broj ispitanika ne dijeli svoja turistička iskustva. Istraživano je i mišljenje ispitanika o turističkoj destinaciji iz snova, a iznenađujuće, najveći broj ispitanika je navelo hrvatske destinacije kao svoje destinacije iz snova kao i one koje su im dosada pružile najnezaboravnije turističko iskustvo. Potrebno je provesti detaljnija istraživanja kako bi se detaljnije istražilo novije društvene medije koji su dostupni potrošačima za dijeljenje svog iskustva

    Improving the accuracy of 1D SNMR surveys using the multi-central-loop configuration

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    A multi-central loop configuration has been studied through forward and inverse modelling of synthetics and real data. This set-up takes advantage of the multichannel features of the NMR device and consists of using several (2 to 3) additional receiver loops displayed concentrically with the main transmitter/receiver loop, which all record the NMR signal simultaneously within a single acquisition. If the loop diameters are chosen appropriately, the kernel sensitivity distributions for each receiver loop can show complementary features. Inverting simultaneously the data sets obtained through each different receiver loop can then enhance the accuracy of the final model. To do so, a 1D QT inversion scheme in the frequency domain dedicated to the inversion of multiple data sets is being used. One challenging feature is to adapt the regularization of the inverse process so as to handle correctly the noise originating from different data sets. The efficiency of this multi-central loop acquisition set-up and procedure is being assessed through the forward and inverse modelling of several scenarios implying varying aquifer characteristics. Finally a field case is being presented that was conducted on a low noise level site located in Germany, where conditions were favourable to the implementation and testing of circular multi-central loop configurations.We also introduce a new method for determining NMR parameters, named the prediction-focused-approach (PFA), that is based on statistical analysis of a large number of simple models. We observe, using synthetic examples, that the effciency of the method benefits from the use of the multi-central-loop configurations

    Observation of noise correlated by the Hawking effect in a water tank

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    We measured the power spectrum and two-point correlation function for the randomly fluctuating free surface on the downstream side of a stationary flow with a maximum Froude number Fmax0.85F_{\rm max} \approx 0.85 reached above a localised obstacle. On such a flow the scattering of incident long wavelength modes is analogous to that responsible for black hole radiation (the Hawking effect). Our measurements of the noise show a clear correlation between pairs of modes of opposite energies. We also measure the scattering coefficients by applying the same analysis of correlations to waves produced by a wave maker.Comment: 11 pages, 14 figures. several points clarified; two new subsections in the Supplemental Material on the wave equation and the links with experiments in BEC

    Stellar Oscillations Network Group

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    Stellar Oscillations Network Group (SONG) is an initiative aimed at designing and building a network of 1m-class telescopes dedicated to asteroseismology and planet hunting. SONG will have 8 identical telescope nodes each equipped with a high-resolution spectrograph and an iodine cell for obtaining precision radial velocities and a CCD camera for guiding and imaging purposes. The main asteroseismology targets for the network are the brightest (V<6) stars. In order to improve performance and reduce maintenance costs the instrumentation will only have very few modes of operation. In this contribution we describe the motivations for establishing a network, the basic outline of SONG and the expected performance.Comment: Proc. Vienna Workshop on the Future of Asteroseismology, 20 - 22 September 2006. Comm. in Asteroseismology, Vol. 150, in the pres

    The accretion disk in the post period-minimum cataclysmic variable SDSS J080434.20+510349.2

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    This study of SDSS0804 is primarily concerned with the double-hump shape in the light curve and its connection with the accretion disk in this bounce-back system. Time-resolved photometric and spectroscopic observations were obtained to analyze the behavior of the system between superoutbursts. A geometric model of a binary system containing a disk with two outer annuli spiral density waves was applied to explain the light curve and the Doppler tomography. Observations were carried out during 2008-2009, after the object's magnitude decreased to V~17.7(0.1) from the March 2006 eruption. The light curve clearly shows a sinusoid-like variability with a 0.07 mag amplitude and a 42.48 min periodicity, which is half of the orbital period of the system. In Sept. 2010, the system underwent yet another superoutburst and returned to its quiescent level by the beginning of 2012. This light curve once again showed a double-humps, but with a significantly smaller ~0.01mag amplitude. Other types of variability like a "mini-outburst" or SDSS1238-like features were not detected. Doppler tomograms, obtained from spectroscopic data during the same period of time, show a large accretion disk with uneven brightness, implying the presence of spiral waves. We constructed a geometric model of a bounce-back system containing two spiral density waves in the outer annuli of the disk to reproduce the observed light curves. The Doppler tomograms and the double-hump-shape light curves in quiescence can be explained by a model system containing a massive >0.7Msun white dwarf with a surface temperature of ~12000K, a late-type brown dwarf, and an accretion disk with two outer annuli spirals. According to this model, the accretion disk should be large, extending to the 2:1 resonance radius, and cool (~2500K). The inner parts of the disk should be optically thin in the continuum or totally void.Comment: 12 pages, 15 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Depolarization regions of nonzero volume in bianisotropic homogenized composites

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    In conventional approaches to the homogenization of random particulate composites, the component phase particles are often treated mathematically as vanishingly small, point-like entities. The electromagnetic responses of these component phase particles are provided by depolarization dyadics which derive from the singularity of the corresponding dyadic Green functions. Through neglecting the spatial extent of the depolarization region, important information may be lost, particularly relating to coherent scattering losses. We present an extension to the strong-property-fluctuation theory in which depolarization regions of nonzero volume and ellipsoidal geometry are accommodated. Therein, both the size and spatial distribution of the component phase particles are taken into account. The analysis is developed within the most general linear setting of bianisotropic homogenized composite mediums (HCMs). Numerical studies of the constitutive parameters are presented for representative examples of HCM; both Lorentz-reciprocal and Lorentz-nonreciprocal HCMs are considered. These studies reveal that estimates of the HCM constitutive parameters in relation to volume fraction, particle eccentricity, particle orientation and correlation length are all significantly influenced by the size of the component phase particles