89 research outputs found

    New distances of unresolved dwarf elliptical galaxies in the vicinity of the Local Group

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    We present Surface Brightness Fluctuation distances of nine early-type dwarf galaxies and the S0 galaxy NGC 4150 in the Local Volume based on deep B- and R-band CCD images obtained with the 2.56 metre Nordic Optical Telescope. Typically, six stellar fields at various galactocentric distances have been chosen for each galaxy as appropriately free of foreground stars and other contaminants, and Fourier analysed to determine the distances, which are found to lie in the range of 3 to 16 Mpc. The SBF method is thus demonstrated to efficiently measure distances from the ground with mid-aperture telescopes for galaxies for which only the tip of the red giant branch method in combination with the Hubble Space Telescope has been available until now. We obtained the following distance moduli: 28.11 +/- 0.15 mag (or 4.2 +/- 0.3 Mpc) for UGC 1703, 27.61 +/- 0.17 mag (or 3.3 +/- 0.3 Mpc) for KDG 61, 29.00 +/- 0.27 mag (or 6.3 +/- 0.8 Mpc) for UGCA 200, 27.74 +/- 0.18 mag (or 3.5 +/- 0.3 Mpc) for UGC 5442, 30.22 +/- 0.17 mag (or 11.1 +/- 0.9 Mpc) for UGC 5944, 30.79 +/- 0.11 mag (or 14.4 +/- 0.7 Mpc) for NGC 4150, 31.02 +/- 0.25 mag (or 16.0 +/- 1.9 Mpc) for BTS 128, 29.27 +/- 0.16 mag (or 7.1 +/- 0.6 Mpc) for UGC 7639, 30.19 +/- 0.23 mag (or 10.9 +/- 1.2 Mpc) for UGC 8799 with an alternative distance of 30.61 +/- 0.26 mag (or 13.2 +/- 1.7 Mpc), and 29.60 +/- 0.20 mag (or 8.3 +/- 0.8 Mpc) for UGC 8882.Comment: 14 pages, 13 figures (figures 1, 2 and 10 are of reduced quality), accepted for publication in A&

    LABOCA observations of nearby, active galaxies

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    We present large scale 870 micron maps of the nearby starburst galaxies NGC253, NGC4945 and the nearest giant elliptical radio galaxy Centaurus A (NGC 5128) obtained with the newly commissioned Large Apex Bolometer Camera (LABOCA) operated at the APEX telescope. Our continuum images reveal for the first time the distribution of cold dust at a angular resolution of 20" across the entire optical disks of NGC253 and NGC4945 out to a radial distance of 10' (7.5 kpc). In NGC5128 our LABOCA image also shows, for the first time at submillimeter wavelengths, the synchrotron emission associated with the radio jet and the inner radio lobes. From an analysis of the 870 micron emission in conjunction with ISO-LWS, IRAS and long wavelengths radio data we find temperatures for the cold dust in the disks of all three galaxies of 17-20 K, comparable to the dust temperatures in the disk of the Milky Way. The total gas mass in the three galaxies is determined to be 2.1, 4.2 and 2.8 x 10^9 solar masses for NGC253, NGC4945 and NGC5128, respectively. A detailed comparison between the gas masses derived from the dust continuum and the integrated CO(1-0) intensity in NGC253 suggests that changes of the CO luminosity to molecular mass conversion factor are mainly driven by a metallicity gradient and only to a lesser degree by variations of the CO excitation. An analysis of the synchrotron spectrum in the northern radio lobe of NGC5128 shows that the synchrotron emission from radio to the ultraviolet wavelengths is well described by a broken power law and that the break frequency is a function of the distance from the radio core as expected for aging electrons. We derive an outflow speed of ~0.5c at a distance of 2.6kpc from the center, consistent with the speed derived in the vicinity of the nucleus.Comment: 12 pages, 11 figures. Accepted for publication in A&

    Day-Scale Variability of 3C 279 and Searches for Correlations in Gamma-Ray, X-Ray, and Optical Bands

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    Light curves of 3C 279 are presented in optical (R-band), X-rays (RXTE/PCA), and gamma rays (CGRO/EGRET) for 1999 Jan-Feb and 2000 Jan-Mar. During both of those epochs the gamma-ray levels were high, and all three observed bands demonstrated substantial variation, on time scales as short as one day. Correlation analyses provided no consistent pattern, although a rather significant optical/gamma-ray correlation was seen in 1999, with a gamma-ray lag of ~2.5 days, and there are other suggestions of correlations in the light curves. For comparison, correlation analysis is also presented for the gamma-ray and X-ray light curves during the large gamma ray flare in 1996 Feb and the two gamma-bright weeks leading up to it; the correlation at that time was strong, with a gamma-ray/X-ray offset of no more than 1 day.Comment: 20 pages, including 7 figures; accepted by The Astrophysical Journa

    Dense Gas in Nearby Galaxies: XVII. The Distribution of Ammonia in NGC253, Maffei2 and IC342

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    The central few 100 pc of galaxies often contain large amounts of molecular gas. The chemical and physical properties of these extragalactic star formation regions differ from those in galactic disks, but are poorly constrained. This study aims to develop a better knowledge of the spatial distribution and kinetic temperature of the dense neutral gas associated with the nuclear regions of three prototypical spiral galaxies, NGC253, IC342, and Maffei2. VLA CnD and D configuration measurements have been made of three ammonia (NH3) inversion transitions. The (J,K)=(1,1) and (2,2) transitions of NH3 were imaged toward IC342 and Maffei2. The (3,3) transition was imaged toward NGC253. The entire flux obtained from single-antenna measurements is recovered for all three galaxies observed. Derived lower limits to the kinetic temperatures determined for the giant molecular clouds in the centers of these galaxies are between 25 and 50K. There is good agreement between the distributions of NH3 and other H2 tracers, such as rare CO isotopologues or HCN, suggesting that NH3 is representative of the distribution of dense gas. The "Western Peak" in IC342 is seen in the (6,6) line but not in lower transitions, suggesting maser emission in the (6,6) transition.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figures, latex format, accepted by A&

    Optical and radio variability of the BL Lac object AO 0235+16: a possible 5-6 year periodicity

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    New optical and radio data on the BL Lacertae object AO 0235+16 have been collected in the last four years by a wide international collaboration, which confirm the intense activity of this source. The optical data also include the results of the Whole Earth Blazar Telescope (WEBT) first-light campaign organized in November 1997. The optical spectrum is observed to basically steepen when the source gets fainter. We have investigated the existence of typical variability time scales and of possible correlations between the optical and radio emissions by means of visual inspection, Discrete Correlation Function analysis, and Discrete Fourier Transform technique. The major radio outbursts are found to repeat quasi-regularly with a periodicity of about 5.7 years; this period is also in agreement with the occurrence of some of the major optical outbursts, but not all of them.Comment: to be published in A&

    Multi-Epoch Multiwavelength Spectra and Models for Blazar 3C~279

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    Of the blazars detected by EGRET in GeV gamma rays, 3C 279 is not only the best-observed by EGRET, but also one of the best-monitored at lower frequencies. We have assembled eleven spectra, from GHz radio through GeV gamma rays, from the time intervals of EGRET observations. Although some of the data have appeared in previous publications, most are new, including data taken during the high states in early 1999 and early 2000. All of the spectra show substantial gamma-ray contribution to the total luminosity of the object; in a high state, the gamma-ray luminosity dominates over that at all other frequencies by a factor of more than 10. There is no clear pattern of time correlation; different bands do not always rise and fall together, even in the optical, X-ray, and gamma-ray bands. The spectra are modeled using a leptonic jet, with combined synchrotron self-Compton + external Compton gamma-ray production. Spectral variability of 3C 279 is consistent with variations of the bulk Lorentz factor of the jet, accompanied by changes in the spectral shape of the electron distribution. Our modeling results are consistent with the UV spectrum of 3C 279 being dominated by accretion disk radiation during times of low gamma-ray intensity.Comment: 39 pages including 13 figures; data tables not included (see ApJ web version or contact author

    Long-term optical monitoring of TeV emitting blazars I. Data analysis

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    We present ten years of R-band monitoring data of 31 northern blazars which were either detected at very high-energy (VHE) gamma rays or listed as potential VHE gamma-ray emitters. The data comprise 11 820 photometric data points in the R-band obtained in 2002-2012. We analyzed the light curves by determining their power spectral density (PSD) slopes assuming a power-law dependence with a single slope beta and a Gaussian probability density function (PDF). We used the multiple fragments variance function (MFVF) combined with a forward-casting approach and likelihood analysis to determine the slopes and perform extensive simulations to estimate the uncertainties of the derived slopes. We also looked for periodic variations via Fourier analysis and quantified the false alarm probability through a large number of simulations. Comparing the obtained PSD slopes to values in the literature, we find the slopes in the radio band to be steeper than those in the optical and gamma rays. Our periodicity search yielded one target, Mrk 421, with a significant (p < 5%) period. Finding one significant period among 31 targets is consistent with the expected false alarm rate, but the period found in Mrk 421 is very strong and deserves further consideration

    Managerial Views of Corporate Impacts and Dependencies on Ecosystem Services : A Case of International and Domestic Forestry Companies in China

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    A line of research is emerging investigating the private sector impacts and dependencies on critical biodiversity and ecosystem services, and related business risks and opportunities. While the ecosystem services narrative is being forwarded globally as a key paradigm for promoting business sustainability, there is scarce knowledge of how these issues are considered at managerial level. This study thus investigates managerial views of corporate sustainability after the ecosystem services concept. We analyse interviews conducted with 20 managers from domestic and international forestry companies operating with a plantation-based business model in China. Content analysis was employed to analyse the data, with a focus on four key areas: (1) interviewee familiarity with the ecosystem services concept; (2) their views of corporate dependencies and impacts on ecosystem services; (3) related business risks and opportunities; and (4) viability of existing instruments and practices that can be employed in detecting and addressing business impacts and dependencies on ecosystem services. Through an inductive approach to the empirical findings, we refined a framework that holds operational value for developing company response strategies to ecosystem services impact/dependence assessment, ensuring that all issues are addressed comprehensively, and that related risks and opportunities are properly acknowledged.Peer reviewe
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