15,286 research outputs found

    Physical Properties of the Narrow-Line Region of Low-Mass Active Galaxies

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    We present spectroscopic observations of 27 active galactic nuclei (AGN) with some of the lowest black hole (BH) masses known. We use the high spectral resolution and small aperture of our Keck data, taken with the Echellette Spectrograph and Imager, to isolate the narrow-line regions (NLRs) of these low-mass BHs. We investigate their emission-line properties and compare them with those of AGN with higher-mass black holes. While we are unable to determine absolute metallicities, some of our objects plausibly represent examples of the low-metallicity AGN described by Groves et al. (2006), based on their [N II]/H_alpha ratios and their consistency with the Kewley & Ellison (2008) mass-metallicity relation. We find tentative evidence for steeper far-UV spectral slopes in lower-mass systems. Overall, NLR emission lines in these low-mass AGN exhibit trends similar to those seen in AGN with higher-mass BHs, such as increasing blueshifts and broadening with increasing ionization potential. Additionally, we see evidence of an intermediate line region whose intensity correlates with L/L_Edd, as seen in higher-mass AGN. We highlight the interesting trend that, at least in these low-mass AGN, the [O III] equivalent width (EW) is highest in symmetric NLR lines with no blue wing. This trend of increasing [O III] EW with line symmetry could be explained by a high covering factor of lower ionization gas in the NLR. In general, low-mass AGN preserve many well-known trends in the structure of the NLR, while exhibiting steeper ionizing continuum slopes and somewhat lower gas-phase metallicities.Comment: 46 pages, 14 figures, 7 table

    The Bright and the Dark Side of Malin 1

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    Malin 1 has long been considered a prototype giant, dark matter dominated Low Surface Brightness galaxy. Two recent studies, one based on a re-analysis of VLA HI observations and the other on an archival Hubble I-band image, throw a new light on this enigmatic galaxy and on its dark/luminous matter properties.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, to appear in the Proceedings of the 41st ESLAB Symposium "The Impact of HST on European Astronomy", 29 May to 1 June 2007, ESTEC, Noordwijk, N

    A digitalized solar ultraviolet spectrum

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    Digitalized solar ultraviolet spectrum obtained in rocket experiments for use in analysis of upper atmosphere experiment

    Polarized Broad H-alpha Emission from the LINER Nucleus of NGC 1052

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    Optical spectropolarimetry of the nucleus of the LINER NGC 1052, obtained at the Keck Observatory, reveals a rise in polarization in the wings of the H-alpha line profile. The polarization vector of H-alpha is offset by 67 degrees from the parsec-scale radio axis and by 83 degrees from the kiloparsec-scale radio axis, roughly in accord with expectations for scattering within the opening cone of an obscuring torus. The broad component of H-alpha has FWHM ~ 2100 km/s in total flux and FWHM ~ 5000 km/s in polarized light. Scattering by electrons is the mechanism most likely responsible for this broadening, and we find T_e ~ 10^5 K for the scattering medium, similar to values observed in Seyfert 2 nuclei. This is the first detection of a polarized broad emission line in a LINER, demonstrating that unified models of active galactic nuclei are applicable to at least some LINERs.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, prepared using the emulateapj style file, accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal Letter

    HAMEV and SQRED: Fortran 77 Subroutines for Computing the Eigenvalues of Hamiltonian Matrices Using Van Loanss Square Reduced Method

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    This paper describes LAPACK-based Fortran 77 subroutines for the reduction of a Hamiltonian matrix to square-reduced form and the approximation of all its eigenvalues using the implicit version of Van Loan's method. The transformation of the Hamilto- nian matrix to a square-reduced Hamiltonian uses only orthogonal symplectic similarity transformations. The eigenvalues can then be determined by applying the Hessenberg QR iteration to a matrix of half the order of the Hamiltonian matrix and taking the square roots of the computed values. Using scaling strategies similar to those suggested for algebraic Riccati equations can in some cases improve the accuracy of the computed eigenvalues. We demonstrate the performance of the subroutines for several examples and show how they can be used to solve some control-theoretic problems

    The Voluntary Adjustment of Railroad Obligations

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    Automatic memory management techniques eliminate many programming errors that are both hard to find and to correct. However, these techniques are not yet used in embedded systems with hard realtime applications. The reason is that current methods for automatic memory management have a number of drawbacks. The two major ones are: (1) not being able to always guarantee short real-time deadlines and (2) using large amounts of extra memory. Memory is usually a scarce resource in embedded applications. In this paper we present a new technique, Real-Time Reference Counting (RTRC) that overcomes the current problems and makes automatic memory management attractive also for hard real-time applications. The main contribution of RTRC is that often all memory can be used to store live objects. This should be compared to a memory overhead of about 500% for garbage collectors based on copying techniques and about 50% for garbage collectors based on mark-and-sweep techniques

    Functional impairment of human resident cardiac stem cells by the cardiotoxic antineoplastic agent trastuzumab

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    Trastuzumab (TZM), a monoclonal antibody against the ERBB2 protein, increases survival in ERBB2-positive breast cancer patients. Its clinical use, however, is limited by cardiotoxicity. We sought to evaluate whether TZM cardiotoxicity involves inhibition of human adult cardiac-derived stem cells, in addition to previously reported direct adverse effects on cardiomyocytes. To test this idea, we exposed human cardiosphere-derived cells (hCDCs), a natural mixture of cardiac stem cells and supporting cells that has been shown to exert potent regenerative effects, to TZM and tested the effects in vitro and in vivo. We found that ERBB2 mRNA and protein are expressed in hCDCs at levels comparable to those in human myocardium. Although clinically relevant concentrations of TZM had no effect on proliferation, apoptosis, or size of the c-kit-positive hCDC subpopulation, in vitro assays demonstrated diminished potential for cardiogenic differentiation and impaired ability to form microvascular networks in TZM-treated cells. The functional benefit of hCDCs injected into the border zone of acutely infarcted mouse hearts was abrogated by TZM: infarcted animals treated with TZM + hCDCs had a lower ejection fraction, thinner infarct scar, and reduced capillary density in the infarct border zone compared with animals that received hCDCs alone (n = 12 per group). Collectively, these results indicate that TZM inhibits the cardiomyogenic and angiogenic capacities of hCDCs in vitro and abrogates the morphological and functional benefits of hCDC transplantation in vivo. Thus, TZM impairs the function of human resident cardiac stem cells, potentially contributing to TZM cardiotoxicity

    Erratum to: The contribution of bank regulation and fair value accounting to procyclical leverage

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    Abstract Our analysis of how banks’ responses to asset price changes can result in procyclical leverage reveals that, for banks with a binding regulatory leverage constraint, absent differences in regulatory risk weights across assets, procyclical leverage does not occur. For banks without a binding constraint, fair value and bank regulation both can contribute to procyclical leverage. Empirical findings based on a large sample of U.S. commercial banks reveal that bank regulation explains procyclical leverage for banks relatively close to the regulatory leverage constraint and contributes to procyclical leverage for those that are not. We also show that fair value accounting does not contribute to procyclical leverage

    A Search for Ultraviolet Emission from LINERs

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    We have obtained Hubble Space Telescope WFPC2 2200 A and optical V-band images of 20 low-luminosity active galactic nuclei, most of which are spectroscopically classified as LINERs, in order to search for a possible photoionizing continuum. Six (30%) of the galaxies are detected in the UV. Two of the detected galaxies (NGC 3642 and NGC 4203) have compact, unresolved nuclear UV sources, while the remaining four UV sources (in NGC 4569, NGC 5005, NGC 6500, and NGC 7743) are spatially extended. Combining our sample with that of Maoz et al. (1995), we find that the probability of detection of a nuclear UV source is greatest for galaxies having low internal reddening and low inclination, and we conclude that dust obscuration is the dominant factor determining whether or not a UV source is detected. Large emission-line equivalent widths and the presence of broad-line emission also increase the likelihood of detection of nuclear UV emission. Our results suggest that the majority of LINERs harbor obscured nuclear UV sources, which may be either accretion-powered active nuclei or young star clusters. Under the assumption that the compact UV sources in NGC 3642 and NGC 4203 have nonstellar power-law spectra extending into the extreme ultraviolet, the extrapolated ionizing fluxes are sufficiently strong to photoionize the narrow-line regions of these objects. The V-band images of many galaxies in our sample reveal remarkably strong dust lanes which may be responsible for obscuring some UV sources.Comment: 25 pages, 4 figures, 3 tables, LaTeX, AASTeX v4.0 style file, accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal, additional figures available at http://astro.berkeley.edu/~barth/papers/u

    Observational evidence for the convective transport of dust over the central United States

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    Bulk aerosol composition and aerosol size distributions measured aboard the DC-8 aircraft during the Deep Convective Clouds and Chemistry Experiment mission in May/June 2012 were used to investigate the transport of mineral dust through nine storms encountered over Colorado and Oklahoma. Measurements made at low altitudes (\u3c5 km mean sea level (MSL)) in the storm inflow region were compared to those made in cirrus anvils (altitude \u3e 9 km MSL). Storm mean outflow Ca2+ mass concentrations and total coarse (1 µm \u3c diameter \u3c 5 µm) aerosol volume (Vc) were comparable to mean inflow values as demonstrated by average outflow/inflow ratios greater than 0.5. A positive relationship between Ca2+, Vc, ice water content, and large (diameter \u3e 50 µm) ice particle number concentrations was not evident; thus, the influence of ice shatter on these measurements was assumed small. Mean inflow aerosol number concentrations calculated over a diameter range (0.5 µm \u3c diameter \u3c 5.0 µm) relevant for proxy ice nuclei (NPIN) were ~15–300 times higher than ice particle concentrations for all storms. Ratios of predicted interstitial NPIN (calculated as the difference between inflow NPIN and ice particle concentrations) and inflow NPIN were consistent with those calculated for Ca2+ and Vc and indicated that on average less than 10% of the ingested NPIN were activated as ice nuclei during anvil formation. Deep convection may therefore represent an efficient transport mechanism for dust to the upper troposphere where these particles can function as ice nuclei cirrus forming in situ
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