293 research outputs found
Testing Theoretical Models for the Higher-Order Moments of Dark Halo Distribution
Using high--resolution N--body simulations, we test two theoretical models,
based either on spherical or on ellipsoidal collapse model, for the
higher--order moments of the dark matter halo distribution in CDM models. We
find that a theoretical model based on spherical collapse describes accurately
the simulated counts--in--cells moments for haloes of several mass ranges. It
appears that the model using ellipsoidal collapse instead of spherical collapse
in defining dark haloes is unable to improve the models for the higher--order
moments of halo distribution, for haloes much smaller than (the mass
scale on which the fluctuation of the density field has a rms about 1). Both
models are particularly accurate for the descendants of haloes selected at high
redshift, and so are quite useful in interpreting the high--order moments of
galaxies. As an application we use the theoretical model to predict the
higher--order moments of the Lyman break galaxies observed at and
their descendants at lower redshifts.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figures, MN2e LaTex class, Accepted for publication in
MNRAS, Major change
Galaxias enanas del grupo local
Las galaxias satélite de la VÃa Láctea son de especial importancia para el estudio de la formación y evolución de galaxias, asà como para el estudio de la materia oscura. En este artÃculo de revisión se presentan algunas propiedades estructurales del Grupo Local y de las galaxias enanas esferoidales que componen este sistema, con especial énfasis en las galaxias satélite de la VÃa Láctea y su distribución espacial en el disco de satélites. Adicionalmente se presentan los estudios recientes más relevantes relacionados con el problema de la formación del disco de satélites de la VÃa Láctea.The satellite galaxies of the Milky Way are very important both for the studies of the formation and evolution of galaxies and for the research on the dark matter problem. In the present review paper some structural properties of the Local Group, as well as of the dwarf spheroidal galaxies that compose this astrophysical system are presented. Special emphasis is paid to the satellite galaxies of the Milky Way and their spatial distribution on the disk of satellites (DoS). Furthermore, the more relevant recent studies related to the formation of the disk of satellites of the Milky Way are mentioned
On the Distribution of Haloes, Galaxies and Mass
The stochasticity in the distribution of dark haloes in the cosmic density
field is reflected in the distribution function which gives
the probability of finding haloes in a volume with mass density
contrast . We study the properties of this function using
high-resolution -body simulations, and find that is
significantly non-Poisson. The ratio between the variance and the mean goes
from (Poisson) at to (sub-Poisson) at
to (super-Poisson) at . The mean bias
relation is found to be well described by halo bias models based on the
Press-Schechter formalism. The sub-Poisson variance can be explained as a
result of halo-exclusion while the super-Poisson variance at high
may be explained as a result of halo clustering. A simple phenomenological
model is proposed to describe the behavior of the variance as a function of
. Galaxy distribution in the cosmic density field predicted by
semi-analytic models of galaxy formation shows similar stochastic behavior. We
discuss the implications of the stochasticity in halo bias to the modelling of
higher-order moments of dark haloes and of galaxies.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, Latex using MN2e style. Minor changes. Accepted
for publication in MNRA
Millennium Simulation Dark Matter Haloes: Multi-fractal and Lacunarity Analysis with Homogeneity Transition
We investigate from the fractal viewpoint the way in which the dark matter is
grouped at z = 0 in the Millennium dark matter cosmological simulation. The
determination of the cross to homogeneity in the Millennium Simulation data is
described from the behaviour of the fractal dimension and the lacunarity. We
use the sliding window technique to calculate the fractal mass-radius
dimension, the pre-factor F and the lacunarity of this fractal relation.
Besides, we determinate the multi-fractal dimension and the lacunarity
spectrum, including their dependence with radial distance. This calculations
show a radial distance dependency of all the fractal quantities, with
heterogeneity clustering of dark matter haloes up to depths of 100 Mpc/h. The
dark matter haloes clustering in the Millennium Simulation shows a radial
distance dependency, with two regions clearly defined. The lacunarity spectrum
for values of the structure parameter q >= 1 shows regions with relative
maxima, revealing the formation of clusters and voids in the dark matter haloes
distribution. With the use of the multi-fractal dimension and the lacunarity
spectrum, the transition to homogeneity at depths between 100 Mpc/h and 120
Mpc/h for the Millennium Simulation dark matter haloes is detected.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figures, MNRAS - Accepte
Recovering the nonlinear density field from the galaxy distribution with a Poisson-Lognormal filter
We present a general expression for a lognormal filter given an arbitrary
nonlinear galaxy bias. We derive this filter as the maximum a posteriori
solution assuming a lognormal prior distribution for the matter field with a
given mean field and modeling the observed galaxy distribution by a Poissonian
process. We have performed a three-dimensional implementation of this filter
with a very efficient Newton-Krylov inversion scheme. Furthermore, we have
tested it with a dark matter N-body simulation assuming a unit galaxy bias
relation and compared the results with previous density field estimators like
the inverse weighting scheme and Wiener filtering. Our results show good
agreement with the underlying dark matter field for overdensities even above
delta~1000 which exceeds by one order of magnitude the regime in which the
lognormal is expected to be valid. The reason is that for our filter the
lognormal assumption enters as a prior distribution function, but the maximum a
posteriori solution is also conditioned on the data. We find that the lognormal
filter is superior to the previous filtering schemes in terms of higher
correlation coefficients and smaller Euclidean distances to the underlying
matter field. We also show how it is able to recover the positive tail of the
matter density field distribution for a unit bias relation down to scales of
about >~2 Mpc/h.Comment: 17 pages, 9 figures, 1 tabl
The abundance of lensing protoclusters
Weak gravitational lensing provides a potentially powerful method for the
detection of clusters. In addition to cluster candidates, a large number of
objects with possibly no optical or X-ray component have been detected in
shear-selected samples. We develop an analytic model to investigate the claim
of Weinberg & Kamionkowski (2002) that unvirialised protoclusters account for a
significant number of these so-called "dark" lenses. In our model, a
protocluster consists of a small virialised region surrounded by in-falling
matter. We find that, in order for a protocluster to simultaneously escape
X-ray detection and create a detectable weak lensing signal, it must have a
small virial mass (~10^{13} \Msun) and large total mass (~ 10^{15} \Msun), with
a relatively flat density profile outside of the virial radius. Such objects
would be characterized by rising tangential shear profiles well beyond the
virial radius. We use a semi-analytic approach based on the excursion set
formalism to estimate the abundance of lensing protoclusters with a low
probability of X-ray detection. We find that they are extremely rare,
accounting for less than 0.4 per cent of the total lenses in a survey with
background galaxy density n = 30 arcmin^{-2} and an intrinsic ellipticity
dispersion of 0.3. We conclude that lensing protoclusters with undetectable
X-Ray luminosities are too rare to account for a significant number of dark
lenses.Comment: 18 pages, 10 figures, version accepted by MNRAS (minor changes in
response to referee
The ionizing background at the end of overlap
One of the most sought-after signatures of reionization is a rapid increase
in the ionizing background (usually measured through the Lyman-alpha optical
depth toward distant quasars). Conventional wisdom associates this with the
"overlap" phase when ionized bubbles merge, allowing each source to affect a
much larger volume. We argue that this picture fails to describe the transition
to the post-overlap Universe, where Lyman-limit systems absorb ionizing photons
over moderate lengthscales (20-100 Mpc). Using an analytic model, we compute
the probability distribution of the amplitude of the ionizing background
throughout reionization, including both discrete ionized bubbles and
Lyman-limit systems (parameterized by an attenuation length). We show that
overlap does not by itself cause a rapid increase in the ionizing background or
a rapid decrease in the mean Lyman-alpha transmission toward distant quasars.
More detailed semi-numeric models support these conclusions. We argue that
rapid changes should instead be interpreted as evolution in the attenuation
length itself, which may or may not be directly related to overlap.Comment: submitted to MNRAS, 7 pages, 5 figure
Work and heat fluctuations in two-state systems: a trajectory thermodynamics formalism
Two-state models provide phenomenological descriptions of many different
systems, ranging from physics to chemistry and biology. We investigate work
fluctuations in an ensemble of two-state systems driven out of equilibrium
under the action of an external perturbation. We calculate the probability
density P(W) that a work equal to W is exerted upon the system along a given
non-equilibrium trajectory and introduce a trajectory thermodynamics formalism
to quantify work fluctuations in the large-size limit. We then define a
trajectory entropy S(W) that counts the number of non-equilibrium trajectories
P(W)=exp(S(W)/kT) with work equal to W. A trajectory free-energy F(W) can also
be defined, which has a minimum at a value of the work that has to be
efficiently sampled to quantitatively test the Jarzynski equality. Within this
formalism a Lagrange multiplier is also introduced, the inverse of which plays
the role of a trajectory temperature. Our solution for P(W) exactly satisfies
the fluctuation theorem by Crooks and allows us to investigate
heat-fluctuations for a protocol that is invariant under time reversal. The
heat distribution is then characterized by a Gaussian component (describing
small and frequent heat exchange events) and exponential tails (describing the
statistics of large deviations and rare events). For the latter, the width of
the exponential tails is related to the aforementioned trajectory temperature.
Finite-size effects to the large-N theory and the recovery of work
distributions for finite N are also discussed. Finally, we pay particular
attention to the case of magnetic nanoparticle systems under the action of a
magnetic field H where work and heat fluctuations are predicted to be
observable in ramping experiments in micro-SQUIDs.Comment: 28 pages, 14 figures (Latex
Incidence of WHO stage 3 and 4 conditions following initiation of Anti-Retroviral Therapy in resource limited settings
To determine the incidence of WHO clinical stage 3 and 4 conditions during early anti-retroviral therapy (ART) in resource limited settings (RLS)
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