494 research outputs found

    Screening van herbiciden voor de boomkwekerij (in deze openbare versie worden de niet toegelaten middelen onder code vermeld) : resultaten praktijkproeven 2007-2009

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    In de boomteelt en ook die van vaste planten blijft onkruidbeheersing één van de belangrijkste kostenposten. Er zijn de afgelopen jaren veel ontwikkelingen geweest op het gebied van mechanische onkruidbestrijding en afdekmaterialen, maar vaak is het bedrijfseconomisch niet interessant om onkruid mechanisch de baas te blijven. Daarnaast is het resultaat van mechanische onkruidbestrijding sterk weersafhankelijk en is het niet op elk bedrijf mogelijk om (grote) machines in te zetten. Redenen waarom tot nu toe onkruid vaak chemisch bestreden wordt. In de afgelopen jaren is het middelenpakket aan herbiciden er niet groter op geworden. Door strengere toelatingseisen, die voortvloeien uit de nieuwe EU-verordening voor het op de markt brengen van gewasbeschermingsmiddelen, komen er minder middelen op de markt. Het beschermingsniveau voor het oppervlaktewater en voor niet-doelwitorganismen wordt versterkt en daarmee wordt het zelfs voor het huidige middelenpakket moeilijk om middelen op de markt te houde

    Host use of the elkhorn coral crab <i>Domecia acanthophora</i> (Brachyura : Domeciidae), with a phylogeny of the genus

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    Coral-dwelling crabs form a diverse community on coral reefs, and various families independently colonised scleractinian corals. Species of Domecia have a circumtropical distribution, with two known species in the Indo-Pacific, one in the West Atlantic and one in the East Atlantic. New host records for the West Atlantic species D. acanthophora are recorded from Guadeloupe, as well as the first dwellings in Acropora prolifera from Curaçao. Here we provide an overview of all known hosts of Domecia species and, based on COI mtDNA, the first phylogeny of the genus. The coral Orbicella faveolata and the sponge Callyspongia sp. are recorded as new hosts for D. acanthophora. Host records for this species now include eight scleractinian hosts, Millepora fire corals and records on sponges. Our phylogenetic reconstruction shows that D. acanthophora is closest to the wide-ranging Indo-Pacific species D. hispida, and more distantly related to D. glabra. Domecia acanthophora appears to be less host specific than its congeners D. hispida and D. glabra that predominantly associate with Pocillopora and Acropora corals, respectively. Differences in host-specificity between Indo-Pacific and Atlantic species are briefly discussed in the light of similar observations on other coral-dwelling crab species

    Засади та історія становлення соціального вчення Українського католицизму

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    In equine medicine the use of Botox® is experimental. Dosages are determined from human treatment-protocols and limited numbers of equine studies. Determination of target-muscle volume can be helpful to extrapolate human dosages. The aim of the study was to calculate a formula enabling the estimation of the deep digital flexor muscle (DDFM) volume based on distances between anatomical landmarks. Nineteen cadaveric limbs were collected and distance A (top of olecranon to Os carpi accessorium) and B (circumference of limb) were measured. Converting mathematical formulas, C was calculated: π × (((0.5B)/π)(2)) × A. DDFM volume was determined by water displacement. Linear Regression Analysis was used to analyse data. The line best fitting the observed points was: Ln(volume[ml]) = -1.89 + 0.98 × Ln(value C[cm(3)]). Correlation was highest when natural logarithm was applied to both variables and was 0.97. The calculated formula enables estimating DDFM volume of a living horse. This estimated volume can be useful to apply human Botox® treatment-protocols

    Hormonal changes of intimate partner violence perpetrators in response to brief social contact with women

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    This study investigated whether men with a history of real-life aggressive, dominant behavior show increases in testosterone and cortisol levels after brief social contact with women. Furthermore, we tested the prediction that such changes in hormones would be larger than those observed previously in young male students. Sixty-seven male participants convicted of intimate partner violence (IPV) either had brief social contact with a female confederate (experimental condition) or a male confederate (control condition). We also performed meta-analyses to investigate whether IPV perpetrators'' hormonal responses were larger than the typical responses of young male students in prior studies. All statistical analyses were preregistered. Change in testosterone did not differ across experimental conditions, and testosterone in the IPV perpetrators actually declined from baseline in the female confederate condition. Our meta-analysis showed that this testosterone decrease was different from the testosterone increase typically observed in young male students. The cortisol levels of IPV perpetrators did not change in response to contact with women. This result was consistent with our meta-analysis since young male students also did not experience a cortisol change in response to interactions with women. In sum, our findings provide no evidence that male IPV perpetrators exhibit larger hormone increases to brief interactions with women, although it is possible that the men in this sample did not perceive the social contact period as a courtship opportunity. These results suggest that hormone reactivity to social encounters may differ across subject populations and depend on how subjects perceive social situations within laboratory settings

    Haunted Landscapes: Nature, Supernature and the Environment

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    The Haunted Landscapes Symposium was organised as a literary event by staff from the writing course at Falmouth University. The symposium included an exhibition of paintings, prints and photographs, curated and selected by Laurence North and Neil Mcleod. Artists selected to exhibit also presented papers within the symposium's academic panels

    Лексична лакуна як об'єкт лінгвістичних досліджень

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    В статье осуществлен теоретический обзор проблемы лакунарности, как одного из основных вопросов при реконструкции языковой картины мира. Представлена классификация лексических лакун на материале сопоставления украинского, русского и английского языка.В статті зроблено теоретичний огляд проблеми лакунарності як одного з основних питань при реконструкції мовної картини світу. Представлена класифікація лексичних лакун на матеріалі зіставлення української, російської та англійської мови.This paper is a theoretical review on lacunarity as one of the main problems in reconstruction of the linguistic picture of the world. A classification of lexical lacunae has been suggested using the material of comparison of the Ukrainian, Russian and English languages

    Perioperative SARS-CoV-2 infections increase mortality, pulmonary complications, and thromboembolic events : a Dutch, multicenter, matched-cohort clinical study

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    Background: A direct comparison of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 positive patients with a severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 negative control group undergoing an operative intervention during the current pandemic is lacking, and a reliable estimate of the assumed difference in morbidity and mortality between both patient categories remains unknown. Methods: We included all consecutive patients with a confirmed pre- or postoperative severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 positive status (operated in 27 hospitals) and negative control patients (operated in 4 hospitals) undergoing emergency or elective operations. A propensity score-matched comparison of clinical outcomes was performed between severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 positive and negative tested patients (control group). Primary outcome was overall 30-day mortality rate between both groups. Main secondary outcomes were overall, pulmonary, and thromboembolic complications. Results: In total, 161 severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 positive and 342 control severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 negative patients were included in this study. The 30-day overall postoperative mortality rate was greater in the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 positive cohort compared with the negative control group (16% vs 4% respectively; P = .007). After propensity score matching, the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 positive group consisted of 123 patients (median 70 years of age [interquartile range 59-77] and 55% male) were compared with 196 patients in the matched control group (median 69 years (interquartile range 58-75] and 53% male). The 30-day mortality rate and risk were greater in the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 positive group compared with the matched control group (12% vs 4%; P = .009 and odds ratio 3.4 [95% confidence interval 1.5-8.5]; P = .005, respectively). Overall, pulmonary and thromboembolic complications occurred more often in severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 positive patients (P < .01). Conclusion: Patients diagnosed with perioperative severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 have an increased risk of 30-day mortality, pulmonary complications, and thromboembolic events. These findings serve as an evidence-based argument to postpone elective surgery and selected emergency cases. (C) 2020 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Inc

    Triaging borderline/mild dyskaryotic Pap cytology with p16/Ki-67 dual-stained cytology testing: Cross-sectional and longitudinal outcome study

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    Background: Women with borderline/mildly dyskaryotic (BMD) cytology smears are currently followed up with repeat testing at 6 and 18 months. The objective of this study is to analyse the cross-sectional and longitudinal performance of p16/Ki-67 dual-stained cytology for the detection of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) grade 3 or worse (CIN3+) and CIN2+ in women with BMD, and to compare the results with baseline human papillomavirus (HPV) testing. Methods: Conventional Pap cytology specimens of 256 women with BMD were dual stained for p16/Ki-67 retrospectively, and compared with baseline HPV results and long-term follow-up results. Results: p16/Ki-67 dual-stained cytology showed a sensitivity of 100%, a specificity of 64.4% and a negative predictive value (NPV) of 100.% for CIN3+. Human papillomavirus testing demonstrated similar sensitivity (96.3%), and NPV (99.1%), but a significantly lower specificity (57.6%; P=0.024) for CIN3+. Sensitivity, specificity and NPV for CIN2+ of dual-stained cytology were 89.7%, 73.1% and 95.1%, respectively, which was similar when compared with HPV testing. Dual-stained cytology showed a significant lower referral rate than HPV testing (43.6% vs 49.1%; P=0.043). During long-term follow-up, no CIN3+ lesions developed in HPV-positive, dual-stained negative women. Conclusions: Comparable sensitivity and NPV of dual-stained cytology for CIN3+, combined with a significantly higher specificity, makes p16/Ki-67 dual-stained cytology a viable alternative to HPV testing for triaging BMD