2,611 research outputs found

    O tema cidadania na política brasileira de distribuição de livros didáticos de ciências

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    Neste trabalho apresentamos uma análise da categoria cidadania e ética presente no Programa Nacional do Livro Didático (PNLD), a política de avaliação e distribuição de livros didáticos do governo brasileiro para a educação pública. Para tanto, realizamos uma análise do conteúdo das questões propostas pelo programa, com base em modelos de cidadania científica disponíveis na literatura. Nossos resultados apontam para um predomínio do modelo procedimentalista na proposta de avaliação do programa, e para a valorização das virtudes de respeito à diversidade e da formação de uma opinião pública sobre a ciência

    Current-Voltage Characteristic of Electrospray Processes in Microfluidics

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    4 páginas, 4 figuras.-- PACS numbers: 47.65.-d, 47.55.db, 47.60.KzWe use a glass-based microfluidic device to study the electric current behavior of an electrospray process in the presence of a coflowing liquid. The current shows strong voltage dependence and weak flow rate dependence, in stark contrast to classical electrospray. By considering that the current is dominated by convection near the apex of the conical meniscus and driven by tangential electric stresses, we quantitatively capture the voltage and flow rate dependence of the current. Our results elucidate the influence of external field strength and open the way to achieve robust electric control of the current and of the drop size in microfluidics.We thank DPI2008-06624-C03-03 and NSF (DMR- 0847304 and CBET-0967293).Peer reviewe

    Tuning rules for robust FOPID controllers based on multi-objective optimization with FOPDT models

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    In this paper a set of optimally balanced tuning rules for fractional-order proportional-integral-derivative controllers is proposed. The control problem of minimizing at once the integrated absolute error for both the set-point and the load disturbance responses is addressed. The control problem is stated as a multi-objective optimization problem where a first-order-plus-dead-time process model subject to a robustness, maximum sensitivity based, constraint has been considered. A set of Pareto optimal solutions is obtained for different normalized dead times and then the optimal balance between the competing objectives is obtained by choosing the Nash solution among the Pareto-optimal ones. A curve fitting procedure has then been applied in order to generate suitable tuning rules. Several simulation results show the effectiveness of the proposed approach

    Event-based control of basic wastewater treatment plant control loops

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    [Abstract] This paper addresses the problem of basic control loops in wastewater treatment plants. By basic control loops we are referring to the traditional dissolved oxygen and nitrates. They are the basic controls more sophisticated control solutions can be based upon. Therefore it is important that these loops perform in an efficient way. The problem is addressed here within the framework provided by the Benchmark Simulation Model Number 1 (BSM1) and by the use of an event-based solution. It will be verified that the solution can slightly improve the performance of the already exiting controllers both at loop level as well as at plant operation level.[Resumen] Este documento aborda el problema de los bucles de control básicos en las plantas de tratamiento de aguas residuales. Por bucles de control básicos nos referimos a los tradicionales disueltos de oxígeno y nitratos. Son los controles básicos en los que se pueden basar las soluciones de control más sofisticadas. Por lo tanto, es importante que estos bucles funcionen de manera eficiente. El problema se aborda aquí dentro del marco provisto por el Número de modelo de simulación de referencia (BSM1) y por el uso de una solución basada en eventos. Se verificará que la solución puede mejorar ligeramente el rendimiento de los controladores que ya existen, tanto a nivel de bucle como a nivel de operación de la planta

    Dormancy within Staphylococcus epidermidis biofilms: an immunoproteomic characterization

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    Dormant bacteria within biofilms contribute to biofilm heterogeneity. Consequently, physiological heterogeneity of biofilms may influence host immune response and tolerance to antibiotics. Recently, we described an in vitro model to modulate dormancy in S. epidermidis biofilms. Here, we present a study based on immunoproteomics, where we compared the reactive profile of S. epidermidis biofilm proteins with prevented and induced dormancy, to human sera. A total of 19 immunoreactive proteins were identified by MALDI-TOF/TOF. Most of these proteins present molecular functions, such as catalytic activity and ion binding. CodY and GpmA proteins were more reactive to sera when biofilm dormancy was induced, while FtnA and ClpP were more reactive when dormancy was prevented. This is the first work identifying protein immunoreactivity differences between bacterial biofilms with induced or prevented dormancy. Considering the importance of dormancy within biofilms, further studies on these proteins may provide insights into the mechanisms related to dormancy and help improving current understanding on how dormancy affects the host immune response


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    Há tempos o homem busca o adequado conhecimento dos processos hidrológicos para retirar deles o melhor aproveitamento. Simulações de vazões são bastante utilizadas e sugeridas para a gestão sustentável dos recursos hídricos. As redes neurais artificiais (RNAs) são modelos empíricos amplamente utilizados para modelar o processo chuva-vazão. O presente estudo tem por objetivo aplicar e testar a viabilidade de utilização de RNAs como uma opção para simular a vazão na bacia hidrográfica do Rio Itapemirim (BHRI), ES. Nesta pesquisa foi avaliada a capacidade da rede neural em modelar o processo chuva-vazão em base diária, usando 34 anos de dados pluviométricos e fluviométricos, em 12 sub-bacias. Três tipos de vazões foram simuladas: vazão diária total (q), vazão diária de escoamento superficial (qSup) e vazão diária referente ao escoamento subterrâneo (qSub). No processo de treinamento das redes foram testadas diversas combinações de dados de entrada, incluindo dados de precipitação e evapotranspiração potencial, em três sub-bacias: Paineiras (maior área); Rive (área intermediária) e Usina Fortaleza (menor área). As redes treinadas nessas sub-bacias foram testadas também nas outras sub-bacias. Os resultados mostram que as RNAs possuem maior eficiência nas bacias onde foram treinadas. O modelo composto pelas precipitações dos 5 dias anteriores e dos 30 dias antecedentes acumulados, (Pt, Pt-1, Pt-2, Pt-3, Pt-4, Pt-5, P30) simulou melhor a vazão diária total em todas as sub-bacias nas quais foi treinado, com NSE de 0,861, 0,837 e 0,711 para Paineiras, Rive e Usina Fortaleza, respectivamente. Ao treinar a rede para Paineiras e depois extrapolar para as sub-bacias de áreas menores (Lajinha, Iuna, Ibitirama e Usina Fortaleza), os resultados se mostraram insatisfatórios, Em virtude desses resultados insatisfatórios foram realizados testes para sub-bacias de áreas menores, com o intuito de verificar se a extrapolação de uma sub-bacia menor para uma menor apresentaria resultados melhores. As redes treinadas para Rive (área intermediária) apresentou resultados melhores quando testadas nas outras sub-bacias, indicando a provável influência da escala das bacias nesse tipo de comportamento. Em relação à separação do escoamento superficial e subterrâneo, a simulação do escoamento superficial apresentou melhores resultados do que o escoamento de base. Comparando-se os valores obtidos com a entrada da vazão total na rede e a separação da mesma em escoamento superficial e subterrâneo, os valores foram semelhantes para Paineiras, apresentando NSE de 0,861 e 0,902, respectivamente, indicando que não há melhoria expressiva ao simular as vazões separadamente. A partir dos testes realizados, pode-se concluir que é possível estimar a vazão diária na BHRI, de forma satisfatória, utilizando RNAs e dados de precipitação como variáveis de entrada. Palavras-chave: rede neural artificial; simulação de vazão; processo chuva-vazão; modelagem

    FOPI/FOPID Tuning Rule Based on a Fractional Order Model for the Process

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    This paper deals with the design of a control system based on fractional order models and fractional order proportional-integral-derivative (FOPID) controllers and fractional-order proportional-integral (FOPI) controllers. The controller design takes into account the trade-off between robustness and performance as well as the trade-off between the load disturbance rejection and set-point tracking tasks. The fractional order process model is able to represent an extensive range of dynamics, including over-damped and oscillatory behaviors and this simplifies the process modelling. The tuning of the FOPID and FOPI controllers is achieved by using an optimization, as a first step, and in a second step, several fitting functions were used to capture the behavior of the optimal parameters of the controllers. In this way, a new set of tuning rules called FOMCoRoT (Fractional Order Model and Controllers Robust Tuning) is obtained for both FOPID and FOPI controllers. Simulation examples show the effectiveness of the proposed control strategy based on fractional calculus

    Southern Annular Mode-like changes in southwestern Patagonia at centennial timescales over the last three millennia

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    Late twentieth-century instrumental records reveal a persistent southward shift of the Southern Westerly Winds during austral summer and autumn associated with a positive trend of the Southern Annular Mode (SAM) and contemporaneous with glacial recession, steady increases in atmospheric temperatures and CO2 concentrations at a global scale. However, despite the clear importance of the SAM in the modern/future climate, very little is known regarding its behaviour during pre-Industrial times. Here we present a stratigraphic record from Lago Cipreses (51S), southwestern Patagonia, that reveals recurrent B200-year long dry/warm phases over the last three millennia, which we interpret as positive SAM-like states. These correspond in timing with the Industrial revolution, the Mediaeval Climate Anomaly, the Roman and Late Bronze Age Warm Periods and alternate with cold/wet multicentennial phases in European palaeoclimate records. We conclude that SAM-like changes at centennial timescales in southwestern Patagonia represent in-phase interhemispheric coupling of palaeoclimate over the last 3,000 years through atmospheric teleconnections.Fil: Moreno, Patricio. Universidad de Chile; ChileFil: Vilanova, Isabel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales "Bernardino Rivadavia"; ArgentinaFil: Villa Martinez, R.. Universidad de Chile; ChileFil: Garreaud, R. D.. Universidad de Chile; ChileFil: Rojas, M.. Universidad de Chile; ChileFil: De Pol Holz, R.. Universidad de Chile; Chil

    Hydrogen sensors on the basis of SnO2-TiO2 systems

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    AbstractIn this study we compare sensor responses to H2 in air using two types of sensing materials: SnO2 bulk doped with TiO2 and mechanical mixtures of SnO2 and TiO2. The materials were analyzed in the broad range of working temperatures and H2 concentrations. Thermal stability of SnO2 bulk doped with TiO2 was studied by in-situ XRD at 700°C