49 research outputs found
Complicaciones tras el enclavado de Ender en las fracturas trocantéreas
—Se realizó el análisis de las complicaciones de 100 casos consecutivos de pacientes
con fractura trocantérea del fémur intervenidos mediante clavos de Ender, con un seguimiento
postoperatorio medio de 10 meses. Hubo 75 mujeres y 25 hombres, con una media de edad de
81 años. Según la clasificación de Jensen un 27% eran estables y un 73% inestables. Se obtuvieron
un 32% de complicaciones y errores de técnica intraoperatorios, un 39% de migraciones distales,
un 3% de migraciones proximales y un 11% de consolidaciones viciosas en varo. Todo ello
se tradujo en un 21% de reintervenciones.The rate and type of complications following Ender nailing in a series of 100 consecutive
patients with trochanteric hip fractures were analysed. There were 75 women and 25 men
with a mean age of 81 years. According to Jensen classification, 27% were stable fractures and 73%
unstable. There were registered 32% of intraoperative complications and technical errors, 39% of
distal migration of nails, 3% of proximal migrations with perforations of the femoral head and
11% of healing malpositions in varus. The rale of reoperations was 21%
Evaluation and comparison of feeds on a combined economic-nutritional basis
Um método para avaliação dos alimentos em base econômico-nutritiva foi estabelecido nos Estados Unidos, usando os preços do milho e do farelo de soja para o cálculo do custo por unidade de energia e proteína. O custo dos outros nutrientes foi calculado na base de preços das fontes mais econômicas. No Brasil, também, o milho e farelo de soja são as fontes mais econômicas de energia e proteína. As flutuações de preços tornam difícil preparar uma tabela relacionando os preços destes ingredientes com o custo da energia e da proteína. Entretanto, simples equações foram desenvolvidas para este cálculo. O custo de 1.000 kcal de energia metabolizável, calculado com base nos preços de 1969, será dado pela fórmula 4,9a – b/14,4, e o do 1 kg de proteína, pela expressão 1,55b –a/0,59, em que a = custo da energia e proteína em 1 kg de milho, e b = custo da energia e proteína em 1 kg de farelo de soja. Equações similares poderão ser feitas para outras fontes de energia e proteína em países que não usam milho e farelo de soja como principais fontes.A procedure for evaluating rations on a combined economic-nutritional basis was developed in the United States using prices of corn and soybean meal to establish cost per unit of energy and protein. Costs of other nutrients were calculated from the price of their most economical source. In Brazil, also, corn and soybean meal are economical sources of energy and protein, and they are more suitable for use at high levels than are the alternative ingredients which are sometimes more economical. Wide price fluctuations in Brazil make it difficult to prepare a table relating corn and soybean meal prices to energy and protein costs. However, simplified equation have been developed to accomphis this. If α = cost of energy and protein in 1 kg of corn and b = cost of energy and protein in 1 kg of soybean meal, the cost of 1,000 kcal of metabolizable energy = 4.9a – b/14.4 and the cost of 1 kg of protein 1.55b – a/0.59. Similar equations could be developed for other sources of energy and protein in countries not using corn or soybean meal. Using these equations with prices prevailing in Porto Alegre, in 1969, it was calculated that energy accounted for 4.9% of the cost of ingredients of a broiler mash, protein 42.2%, minerals 6.5% and vitamins 1.9%
Garment smoothness appearance evaluation through computer vision
The measurement and evaluation of the appearance of wrinkling in textile products after domestic washing and drying is performed currently by the comparison of the fabric with the replicas. This kind of evaluation has certain drawbacks, the most significant of which are its subjectivity and its limitations when used with garments. In this paper, we present an automated wrinkling evaluation system. The system developed can process fabrics as well as any type of garment, independent of size or pattern on the material. The system allows us to label different parts of the garment. Thus, as different garment parts have different influence on human perception, this labeling enables the use of weighting, to improve the correlation with the human visual system. The system has been tested with different garments showing good performance and correlation with human perception. © The Author(s) 2012.Silvestre-Blanes, J.; Berenguer Sebastiá, JR.; Pérez Llorens, R.; Miralles, I.; Moreno Canton, J. (2012). Garment smoothness appearance evaluation through computer vision. Textile Research Journal. 82(3):299-309. doi:10.1177/0040517511424530S299309823López, F., Miguel Valiente, J., Manuel Prats, J., & Ferrer, A. (2008). Performance evaluation of soft color texture descriptors for surface grading using experimental design and logistic regression. Pattern Recognition, 41(5), 1744-1755. doi:10.1016/j.patcog.2007.09.011Villette, S. (2008). Simple imaging system to measure velocity and improve the quality of fertilizer spreading in agriculture. Journal of Electronic Imaging, 17(3), 031109. doi:10.1117/1.2956835Neri, F., & Tirronen, V. (2009). Memetic Differential Evolution Frameworks in Filter Design for Defect Detection in Paper Production. Studies in Computational Intelligence, 113-131. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-01636-3_7Carfagni, M., Furferi, R., & Governi, L. (2005). A real-time machine-vision system for monitoring the textile raising process. Computers in Industry, 56(8-9), 831-842. doi:10.1016/j.compind.2005.05.010Wang, W., Wong, Y. S., & Hong, G. S. (2005). Flank wear measurement by successive image analysis. Computers in Industry, 56(8-9), 816-830. doi:10.1016/j.compind.2005.05.009Cho, C.-S., Chung, B.-M., & Park, M.-J. (2005). Development of Real-Time Vision-Based Fabric Inspection System. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 52(4), 1073-1079. doi:10.1109/tie.2005.851648Kawabata, S., Mori, M., & Niwa, M. (1997). An experiment on human sensory measurement and its objective measurement. International Journal of Clothing Science and Technology, 9(3), 203-206. doi:10.1108/09556229710168324Fan, J., Lu, D., Macalpine, J. M. K., & Hui, C. L. P. (1999). Objective Evaluation of Pucker in Three-Dimensional Garment Seams. Textile Research Journal, 69(7), 467-472. doi:10.1177/004051759906900701Fan, J., & Liu, F. (2000). Objective Evaluation of Garment Seams Using 3D Laser Scanning Technology. Textile Research Journal, 70(11), 1025-1030. doi:10.1177/004051750007001114Yang, X. B., & Huang, X. B. (2003). Evaluating Fabric Wrinkle Degree with a Photometric Stereo Method. Textile Research Journal, 73(5), 451-454. doi:10.1177/004051750307300513Kang, T. J., Kim, S. C., Sul, I. H., Youn, J. R., & Chung, K. (2005). Fabric Surface Roughness Evaluation Using Wavelet-Fractal Method. Textile Research Journal, 75(11), 751-760. doi:10.1177/0040517505058855Mohri, M., Ravandi, S. A. H., & Youssefi, M. (2005). Objective evaluation of wrinkled fabric using radon transform. Journal of the Textile Institute, 96(6), 365-370. doi:10.1533/joti.2004.0066Zaouali, R., Msahli, S., El Abed, B., & Sakli, F. (2007). Objective evaluation of multidirectional fabric wrinkling using image analysis. Journal of the Textile Institute, 98(5), 443-451. doi:10.1080/00405000701489156Yu, W., Yao, M., & Xu, B. (2009). 3-D Surface Reconstruction and Evaluation of Wrinkled Fabrics by Stereo Vision. Textile Research Journal, 79(1), 36-46. doi:10.1177/004051750809049
Dissolved inorganic nutrients and chlorophyll on the narrow continental shelf of Eastern Brazil
The eastern Brazilian continental shelf is narrow and subject to the influence of a western boundary current system, presenting lower biological productivity than other regions. In this study, the distribution of water masses, dissolved inorganic nutrients, chlorophyll-a and total suspended solids (TSS) on the inner shelf (< 35 m depth), between Itacaré and Canavieiras, eastern Brazil, is presented. Sampling surveys were carried out in March and August 2006 and March 2007. Tropical water (TW) prevailed during March 2006 and August 2007 with the lower salinity waters (< 36) found in most samples taken in March 2007, reflecting the influence of continental outflow and rain in coastal waters. Low concentrations of dissolved inorganic nutrients and Chl-a found were typical of TW and results suggested that the inner shelf waters were depleted in dissolved inorganic nitrogen in August 2006 and March 2007, and in phosphate in March 2006, potentially affecting phytoplankton growth. Stratification of the water column was observed due to differences in dissolved nutrient concentrations, chlorophyll-a and TSS when comparing surface and bottom samples, possibly the result of a colder water intrusion and mixing on the bottom shelf and a deep chlorophyll maximum and/or sediment resuspension effect. Despite this stratification, oceanographic processes such as lateral mixing driven by the Brazil Current as well as a northward alongshore drift driven by winds and tides transporting Coastal Water can lead to an enhanced mixing of these waters promoting some heterogeneity in this oligotrophic environment
Integrative field scale phenotyping for investigating metabolic components of water stress within a vineyard
There is currently a high requirement for field phenotyping methodologies/technologies to determine quantitative traits related to crop yield and plant stress responses under field conditions.
We employed an unmanned aerial vehicle equipped with a thermal camera as a high-throughput phenotyping platform to obtain canopy level data of the vines under three irrigation treatments. High-resolution imagery (< 2.5 cm/pixel) was employed to estimate the canopy conductance (g c ) via the leaf energy balance model. In parallel, physiological stress measurements at leaf and stem level as well as leaf sampling for primary and secondary metabolome analysis were performed.
Aerial g c correlated significantly with leaf stomatal conductance (g s ) and stem sap flow, benchmarking the quality of our remote sensing technique. Metabolome profiles were subsequently linked with g c and g s via partial least square modelling. By this approach malate and flavonols, which have previously been implicated to play a role in stomatal function under controlled greenhouse conditions within model species, were demonstrated to also be relevant in field conditions.
We propose an integrative methodology combining metabolomics, organ-level physiology and UAV-based remote sensing of the whole canopy responses to water stress within a vineyard. Finally, we discuss the general utility of this integrative methodology for broad field phenotyping