365 research outputs found

    Opportunities for farming in alpine countries – pathways to truly grassland-based beef and milk production in Austria and Switzerland

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    Farming in the alpine countries of Austria and Switzerland fulfils important economic, socio-cultural and ecological functions for society. However, even though both Austria and Switzerland have increasingly focused their agricultural policy towards ecology, in both countries negative environmental impacts of agriculture still have to be reduced massively

    Validación a largo plazo de datos de nivel 3 de tierra de SMOS con medidas de ELBARA-II en la Valencia Anchor Station

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    Revista oficial de la Asociación Española de Teledetección[EN] The Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS) mission was launched on 2nd November 2009 with the objective of providing global estimations of soil moisture and sea salinity. The main activity of the Valencia Anchor Station (VAS) is currently to assist in a long-term validation of SMOS land products. This study focus on a level 3 SMOS data validation with in situ measurements carried out in the period 2010-2012 over the VAS. ELBARA-II radiometer is placed in the VAS area, observing a vineyard field considered as representative of a major proportion of an area of 50×50 km, enough to cover a SMOS footprint. Brightness temperatures (TB) acquired by ELBARA-II have been compared to those observed by SMOS at the same dates and time. They were also used for the L-MEB model inversion to retrieve soil moisture (SM), which later on have been compared to those provided by SMOS as level 3 data. A good correlation between both TB datasets was found, improving year by year, mainly due to the decrease of precipitations in the analyzed period and the mitigation of radio frequency interferences at L-band. The larger homogeneity of the radiometer footprint as compared to SMOS explains the higher variability of its TB. Periods of more intense precipitation (spring and autumn) also presented higher SM, which corroborates the consistency of SM retrieved from ELBARA-II’s observations. However, the results show that SMOS level 3 data underestimate SM as compared to ELBARA-II’s, probably due to the influence of the small soil fraction which is not cultivated in vineyards. SMOS estimations in descending orbit (6 pm) had better quality (higher correlation, lower RMSE and bias) than the ones in ascending orbit (6 am, when there is a higher soil moisture). Guardar / Salir Siguiente >[ES] La misión de SMOS (Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity) se lanzó el 2 de Noviembre de 2009 con el objetivo de proporcionar datos de humedad del suelo y salinidad del mar. La principal actividad de la conocida como Valencia Anchor Station(VAS) es asistir en la validación a largo plazo de productos de suelo de SMOS. El presente estudio se centra en una validación de datos de nivel 3 de SMOS en la VAS con medidas in situ tomadas en el periodo 2010-2012. El radiómetro ELBARA-II está situado dentro de los confines de la VAS, observando un campo de viñedos que se con-sidera representativo de una gran proporción de un área de 50×50 km, suficiente para cubrir un footprint de SMOS. Las temperaturas de brillo (TB) adquiridas por ELBARA-II se compararon con las observadas por SMOS en las mismas fechas y horas. También se utilizó la inversión del modelo L-MEB con el fin de obtener humedades de suelo (SM) que, posteriormente, se compararon con datos de nivel 3 de SMOS. Se ha encontrado una buena correlación entre ambas series de TB, con mejoras año tras año, achacable fundamentalmente a la disminución de precipitaciones en el perio-do objeto de estudio y a la mitigación de las interferencias por radiofrecuencia en banda L. La mayor homogeneidad del footprintdel radiómetro ELBARA-II frente al de SMOS explica la mayor variabilidad de sus TB. Los periodos de preci-pitación más intensa (primavera y otoño) también son de mayor SM, lo que corrobora la consistencia de los resultados de SM simulados a través de las observaciones del radiómetro. Sin embargo, se debe resaltar una subestimación por parte de SMOS de los valores de SM respecto a los obtenidos por ELBARA-II, presumiblemente debido a la influencia que la pequeña fracción de suelo no destinado al cultivo de la vid tiene sobre SMOS. Las estimaciones por parte de SMOS en órbita descendente (6 p.m.) resultaron de mayor calidad (mayor correlación y menores RMSE y bias) que en órbita ascendente (6 a.m., momento de mayor humedad de suelo).This work is carried out within the framework of the project MIDAS-7/UVEG Productos y Aplicaciones Avanzados de SMOS y Futuras Misiones (Parte UVEG) from the Spanish Research Programme on Space, Spanish Ministry for Economy and Competitiveness.Fernandez-Moran, R.; Wigneron, JP.; López-Baeza, E.; Miernecki, M.; Salgado-Hernanz, P.; Coll, M.; Kerr, YH.... (2015). Towards a long-term dataset of ELBARA-II measurements assisting SMOS level-3 land product and algorithm validation at the Valencia Anchor Station. Revista de Teledetección. (43):55-62. doi:10.4995/raet.2015.2297.SWORD55624

    The remarkable properties of the symbiotic star AE Circinus

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    We present new optical spectroscopy and photometry, 2MASS infrared observations and 24 years of combined AAVSO and AFOEV photometry of the symbiotic star candidate \ae. The long-term light curve is characterized by outbursts lasting several years and having a slow decline of 2×104\sim 2 \times 10^{-4} mag/day. The whole range of variability of the star in the VV band is about 4 magnitudes. The periodogram of the photometric data reveals strong signals at \sim 342 and 171 days. The presence of the emission feature at λ\lambda 6830 \AA at minimum and the detection of absorption lines of a \sim K5 type star confirm the symbiotic classification and suggest that AE Cir is a new member of the small group of s-type yellow symbiotic stars. We estimate a distance of 9.4 kpc. Our spectrum taken at the high state shows a much flatter spectral energy distribution, the disappearance of the λ\lambda 6830 \AA emission feature and the weakness of the He II 4686 emission relative to the Balmer emission lines. Our observations indicate the presence of emission line flickering in time scales of minutes in 2001. The peculiar character of \ae is revealed in the visibility of the secondary star at the high and low state, the light curve resembling a dwarf nova superoutburst and the relatively short low states. The data are hard to reconciliate with standard models for symbiotic star outbursts.Comment: accepted for publication in MNRAS, 7 figure

    Microstructure of a Pd/ceria–zirconia catalyst after high-temperature aging

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    A model automotive exhaust catalyst, consisting of 2.25 wt% Pd supported on initially high-surface-area (88 m 2 /g) cerium–zirconium mixed oxide (Ce 0.5 Zr 0.5 O 2 ), was studied by X-ray diffraction (XRD), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), and transmission electron microscopy (TEM), following high-temperature (1150°C) redox aging. Spherical Pd particles with size varying from 30 to 80 nm in diameter were found to be embedded both within single grains and at interfaces between multiple grains of the mixed oxide. X-ray energy-dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) and microbeam electron diffraction show that these particles are pure Pd, with face-centeredcubic structure. These results, together with elemental distribution maps obtained by EDS imaging, provide detailed visualization of an encapsulation phenomenon previously reported on the basis of XRD and TGA measurements alone.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/44254/1/10562_2004_Article_326671.pd

    Bimetallic Ru-Au catalysts: Effect of the support

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    Ru-Au catalysts supported on SiO2 were characterized by using H2 and O2 chemisorption, wide-angle X-ray scattering, diffuse reflectance spectroscopy, and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. Catalytic activity was measured for the hydrogenolysis of propane and ethane. The hydrogenolysis activity of ruthenium decreased by two orders of magnitude with addition of gold. This suggested that Ru and Au did not exist as separate particles but formed bimetallic aggregates. Chemisorption and XPS experiments showed a surface composition similar to the bulk. A comparison was made with a previously studied Ru-Au-on-MgO system, on which an enrichment of Ru on the surface of bimetallic Ru-Au clusters was discovered. It is suggested that the strength of the metal-support interaction can affect the surface composition of multimetallic supported systems.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/24360/1/0000629.pd

    Magnesium oxide as a catalyst support: The influence of chlorine

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    The properties of MgO when used as a support material for Ru-Au catalysts have been investigated by thermal analysis, chemical analysis, surface area measurements and X-ray diffraction. During impregnation the support undergoes a bulk hydration but heating to 673 K restores the oxide. In a sample impregnated by water only, the dehydration occurs at 651 K and the surface area increases from 15 to> 300 m2 g-1, due to the formation of small pores. Great changes in the DTA peak temperature and in the surface area after dehydration are found in the catalysts and in MgO impregnated with HCl solutions. It is shown that these changes are accurately correlated to the amount of chlorine which remains in the solid (deriving from the metal precursor compounds or HCl). The formation of basic magnesium chlorides, shown by X-ray diffraction, seems to favour an easier release of water (i.e., lower DTA peak temperatures and lower apparent activation energies) and to reduce the formation of small pores.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/23933/1/0000179.pd

    The research of automobile electric control bus technology based on CAN/LIN mixed protocol

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    传统汽车电气控制系统中采用的点对点通信方式,对于电子化程度越来越高的汽车而言,将使其线束十分复杂,不仅增加了电气系统成本,而且会因为节点繁多使系统运行可靠性降低。总线网络能够大量减少控制线数,提高可靠性,因此,采用总线控制成为汽车电气控制系统技术发展的必然趋势。如何在汽车上建立基于总线技术的汽车电气控制系统问题自然成为汽车电子领域广受关注的研究热点。西门子公司已经利用PLC完成CAN总线控制系统,由于其具有抗干扰性强、线路简化、传输速率高、系统可任意扩展等优点,正受到国内外高度重视,但其成本高,很多国内汽车生产厂家不能接受。在这种情形下,福州源光亚明电器有限公司(沈阳中顺汽车供应商)委托厦门大...The traditional automobile electrical control system used in peer-to-peer communications, the freetly increased electronic level of automobiel makes the wiring harness more complicated by which not only increases costs, but also lower the reliability of system because of the various nodes. Bus network can decrease the number of the control lines and increase the reliability greatly. Therefore, the...学位:工学硕士院系专业:物理与机电工程学院机电工程系_测试计量技术及仪器学号:2005130175

    Nitrogen yield advantage from grass-legume mixtures is robust over a wide range of legume proportions and environmental conditions

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    Coordination of this project was supported by the EU Commission through COST Action 852 ‘Quality legume-based forage systems for contrasting environments‘. A636 contribution to the research leading to these results has been conducted as part of the Animal Change project which received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-20 13) under the grant agreement no. 266018.peer-reviewedCurrent challenges to global food security require sustainable intensification of agriculture through initiatives that include more efficient use of nitrogen (N), increased protein self-sufficiency through home-grown crops, and reduced N losses to the environment. Such challenges were addressed in a continental-scale field experiment conducted over three years, in which the amount of total nitrogen yield (Ntot) and the gain of N yield in mixtures as compared to grass monocultures (Ngainmix) was quantified from four-species grass-legume stands with greatly varying legume proportions. Stands consisted of monocultures and mixtures of two N2 fixing legumes and two non-fixing grasses.The amount of Ntot of mixtures was significantly greater (P ≤ 0.05) than that of grass monocultures at the majority of evaluated sites in all three years. Ntot and thus Ngainmix increased with increasing legume proportion up to one third of legumes. With higher legume percentages, Ntot and Ngainmix did not continue to increase. Thus, across sites and years, mixtures with one third proportion of legumes attained ~95% of the maximum Ntot acquired by any stand and had 57% higher Ntot than grass monocultures.Realized legume proportion in stands and the relative N gain in mixture (Ngainmix/Ntot in mixture) were most severely impaired by minimum site temperature (R = 0.70, P = 0.003 for legume proportion; R = 0.64, P = 0.010 for Ngainmix/Ntot in mixture). Nevertheless, the relative N gain in mixture was not correlated to site productivity (P = 0.500), suggesting that, within climatic restrictions, balanced grass-legume mixtures can benefit from comparable relative gains in N yield across largely differing productivity levels.We conclude that the use of grass-legume mixtures can substantially contribute to resource-efficient agricultural grassland systems over a wide range of productivity levels, implying important savings in N fertilizers and thus greenhouse gas emissions and a considerable potential for climate change mitigation.European Unio

    Illumination in symbiotic binary stars: Non-LTE photoionization models. II. Wind case

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    We describe a non-LTE photoionization code to calculate the wind structure and emergent spectrum of a red giant wind illuminated by the hot component of a symbiotic binary system. We consider spherically symmetric winds with several different velocity and temperature laws and derive predicted line fluxes as a function of the red giant mass loss rate, \mdot. Our models generally match observations of the symbiotic stars EG And and AG Peg for \mdot about 10^{-8} \msunyr to 10^{-7} \msunyr. The optically thick cross- section of the red giant wind as viewed from the hot component is a crucial parameter in these models. Winds with cross-sections of 2--3 red giant radii reproduce the observed fluxes, because the wind density is then high, about 10^9 cm^{-3}. Our models favor winds with acceleration regions that either lie far from the red giant photosphere or extend for 2--3 red giant radii.Comment: 51 pages, LaTeX including three tables, requires 15 Encapsulated Postscript figures, to appear in Ap