515 research outputs found

    the contents of the search template for category level search in natural scenes

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    Visual search involves the matching of visual input to a ''search template,'' an internal representation of taskrelevant information. The present study investigated the contents of the search template during visual search for object categories in natural scenes, for which low-level features do not reliably distinguish targets from nontargets. Subjects were cued to detect people or cars in diverse photographs of real-world scenes. On a subset of trials, the cue was followed by task-irrelevant stimuli instead of scenes, directly followed by a dot that subjects were instructed to detect. We hypothesized that stimuli that matched the active search template would capture attention, resulting in faster detection of the dot when presented at the location of a template-matching stimulus. Results revealed that silhouettes of cars and people captured attention irrespective of their orientation (08, 908, or 1808). Interestingly, strong capture was observed for silhouettes of categorydiagnostic object parts, such as the wheel of a car. Finally, attentional capture was also observed for silhouettes presented at locations that were irrelevant to the search task. Together, these results indicate that search for familiar object categories in real-world scenes is mediated by spatially global search templates that consist of view-invariant shape representations of category-diagnostic object parts

    Privileged access to awareness for faces and objects of expertise

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    Access to visual awareness for human faces is strongly influenced by spatial orientation: Under continuous flash suppression (CFS), upright faces break into awareness more quickly than inverted faces. This effect of inversion for faces is larger than for a wide range of other animate and inanimate objects. Here we asked whether this apparently specific sensitivity to upright faces reflects face-specific detection mechanisms or whether it reflects perceptual expertise more generally. We tested car experts who varied in their degree of car and face expertise and measured the time upright and inverted faces, cars, and chairs needed to overcome CFS and break into awareness. Results showed that greater car expertise was correlated with larger car inversion effects under CFS. A similar relation between better discrimination performance and larger CFS inversion effects was found for faces. CFS inversion effects are thus modulated by perceptual expertise for both faces and cars. These results demonstrate that inversion effects in conscious access are not unique to faces but similarly exist for other objects of expertise. More generally, we interpret these findings as suggesting that access to awareness and exemplar-level discrimination rely on partially shared perceptual mechanisms. (PsycINFO Database Recor

    Herpes simplex virus infection induces necroptosis of neurons and astrocytes in human fetal organotypic brain slice cultures

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    Background: Herpes simplex virus (HSV) encephalitis (HSE) is a serious and potentially life-threatening disease, affecting both adults and newborns. Progress in understanding the virus and host factors involved in neonatal HSE has been hampered by the limitations of current brain models that do not fully recapitulate the tissue structure and cell composition of the developing human brain in health and disease. Here, we developed a human fetal organotypic brain slice culture (hfOBSC) model and determined its value in mimicking the HSE neuropathology in vitro. Methods: Cell viability and tissues integrity were determined by lactate dehydrogenase release in supernatant and immunohistological (IHC) analyses. Brain slices were infected with green fluorescent protein (GFP-) expressing HSV-1 and HSV-2. Virus replication and spread were determined by confocal microscopy, PCR and virus culture. Expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines and chemokines were detected by PCR. Cell tropism and HSV-induced neuropathology were determined by IHC analysis. Finally, the in situ data of HSV-infected hfOBSC were compared to the neuropathology detected in human HSE brain sections. Results: Slicing and serum-free culture conditions were optimized to maintain the viability and tissue architecture of ex vivo human fetal brain slices for at least 14 days at 37 °C in a CO2 incubator. The hfOBSC supported productive HSV-1 and HSV-2 infection, involving predominantly infection of neurons and astrocytes, leading to expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines and chemokines. Both viruses induced programmed cell death—especially necroptosis—in infected brain slices at later time points after infection. The virus spread, cell tropism and role of programmed cell death in HSV-induced cell death resembled the neuropathology of HSE. Conclusions: We developed a novel human brain culture model in which the viability of the major brain-resident cells—including neurons, microglia, astrocytes and oligodendrocytes—and the tissue architecture is maintained for at least 2 weeks in vitro under serum-free culture conditions. The close resemblance of cell tropism, spread and neurovirulence of HSV-1 and HSV-2 in the hfOBSC model with the neuropathological features of human HSE cases underscores its potential to detail the pathophysiology of other neurotropic viruses and as preclinical model to test novel therapeutic interventions.</p

    Herpes simplex virus infection induces necroptosis of neurons and astrocytes in human fetal organotypic brain slice cultures

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    Background: Herpes simplex virus (HSV) encephalitis (HSE) is a serious and potentially life-threatening disease, affecting both adults and newborns. Progress in understanding the virus and host factors involved in neonatal HSE has been hampered by the limitations of current brain models that do not fully recapitulate the tissue structure and cell composition of the developing human brain in health and disease. Here, we developed a human fetal organotypic brain slice culture (hfOBSC) model and determined its value in mimicking the HSE neuropathology in vitro. Methods: Cell viability and tissues integrity were determined by lactate dehydrogenase release in supernatant and immunohistological (IHC) analyses. Brain slices were infected with green fluorescent protein (GFP-) expressing HSV-1 and HSV-2. Virus replication and spread were determined by confocal microscopy, PCR and virus culture. Expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines and chemokines were detected by PCR. Cell tropism and HSV-induced neuropathology were determined by IHC analysis. Finally, the in situ data of HSV-infected hfOBSC were compared to the neuropathology detected in human HSE brain sections. Results: Slicing and serum-free culture conditions were optimized to maintain the viability and tissue architecture of ex vivo human fetal brain slices for at least 14 days at 37 °C in a CO2 incubator. The hfOBSC supported productive HSV-1 and HSV-2 infection, involving predominantly infection of neurons and astrocytes, leading to expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines and chemokines. Both viruses induced programmed cell death—especially necroptosis—in infected brain slices at later time points after infection. The virus spread, cell tropism and role of programmed cell death in HSV-induced cell death resembled the neuropathology of HSE. Conclusions: We developed a novel human brain culture model in which the viability of the major brain-resident cells—including neurons, microglia, astrocytes and oligodendrocytes—and the tissue architecture is maintained for at least 2 weeks in vitro under serum-free culture conditions. The close resemblance of cell tropism, spread and neurovirulence of HSV-1 and HSV-2 in the hfOBSC model with the neuropathological features of human HSE cases underscores its potential to detail the pathophysiology of other neurotropic viruses and as preclinical model to test novel therapeutic interventions.</p

    Contorted and ordinary body postures in the human brain

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    Social interaction and comprehension of non-verbal behaviour requires a representation of people’s bodies. Research into the neural underpinnings of body representation implicates several brain regions including extrastriate and fusiform body areas (EBA and FBA), superior temporal sulcus (STS), inferior frontal gyrus (IFG) and inferior parietal lobule (IPL). The different roles played by these regions in parsing familiar and unfamiliar body postures remain unclear. We examined the responses of this body observation network to static images of ordinary and contorted postures by using a repetition suppression design in functional neuroimaging. Participants were scanned whilst observing static images of a contortionist or a group of objects in either ordinary or unusual configurations, presented from different viewpoints. Greater activity emerged in EBA and FBA when participants viewed contorted compared to ordinary body postures. Repeated presentation of the same posture from different viewpoints lead to suppressed responses in the fusiform gyrus as well as three regions that are characteristically activated by observing moving bodies, namely STS, IFG and IPL. These four regions did not distinguish the image viewpoint or the plausibility of the posture. Together, these data define a broad cortical network for processing static body postures, including regions classically associated with action observation

    Multivoxel Pattern Analysis Reveals Auditory Motion Information in MT+ of Both Congenitally Blind and Sighted Individuals

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    Cross-modal plasticity refers to the recruitment of cortical regions involved in the processing of one modality (e.g. vision) for processing other modalities (e.g. audition). The principles determining how and where cross-modal plasticity occurs remain poorly understood. Here, we investigate these principles by testing responses to auditory motion in visual motion area MT+ of congenitally blind and sighted individuals. Replicating previous reports, we find that MT+ as a whole shows a strong and selective responses to auditory motion in congenitally blind but not sighted individuals, suggesting that the emergence of this univariate response depends on experience. Importantly, however, multivoxel pattern analyses showed that MT+ contained information about different auditory motion conditions in both blind and sighted individuals. These results were specific to MT+ and not found in early visual cortex. Basic sensitivity to auditory motion in MT+ is thus experience-independent, which may be a basis for the region's strong cross-modal recruitment in congenital blindness

    How instructions modify perception: An fMRI study investigating brain areas involved in attributing human agency

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    Behavioural studies suggest that the processing of movement stimuli is influenced by beliefs about the agency behind these actions. The current study examined how activity in social and action related brain areas differs when participants were instructed that identicalmovement stimuli were either human or computer generated.Participants viewed a series of point-light animation figures derived frommotion-capture recordings of amoving actor, while functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) was used to monitor patterns of neural activity. The stimuli were scrambled to produce a range of stimulus realism categories; furthermore, before each trial participants were told that they were about to view either a recording of human movement or a computersimulated pattern of movement. Behavioural results suggested that agency instructions influenced participants' perceptions of the stimuli. The fMRI analysis indicated different functions within the paracingulate cortex: ventral paracingulate cortex was more active for human compared to computer agency instructed trials across all stimulus types, whereas dorsal paracingulate cortex was activated more highly in conflicting conditions (human instruction, lowrealismor vice versa). These findings support the hypothesis that ventral paracingulate encodes stimuli deemed to be of human origin,whereas dorsal paracingulate cortex is involvedmore in the ascertainment of human or intentional agency during the observation of ambiguous stimuli. Our results highlight the importance of prior instructions or beliefs on movement processing and the role of the paracingulate cortex in integrating prior knowledge with bottom-up stimuli

    An observational study of end-tidal carbon dioxide trends in general anesthesia

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    PURPOSE: Despite growing evidence supporting the potential benefits of higher end-tidal carbon dioxide (ETCO METHODS: This retrospective, observational, multicentre study included 317,445 adult patients who received general anesthesia for non-cardiothoracic procedures between January 2008 and September 2016. The primary outcome was a time-weighted average area-under-the-curve (TWA-AUC) for four ETCO RESULTS: Both TWA-AUC and median ETCO CONCLUSIONS: Between 2008 and 2016, intraoperative ETC

    Double aortic arch with double aneuploidy—rare anomaly in combined Down and Klinefelter syndrome

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    A 14-month-old boy with double aneuploidy and a double aortic arch suffered from frequently recurrent severe feeding and respiratory problems. Chromosomal analysis showed a 48,XXY + 21 karyotype: a double aneuploidy of Down syndrome (DS) and Klinefelter syndrome (KS). Only four cases of double aneuploidy (DS + KS) associated with congenital heart defects have been published of which none had a double aortic arch. Our case report should draw attention to the possibility of a double aortic arch in patients with severe feeding and respiratory problems and a double aneuploidy
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