3,908 research outputs found

    Thermal infrared research: Where are we now?

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    The use of infrared temperatures in agriculture and hydrology is based on the energy balance equation which is used to estimate evapotranspiration and crop stress over small areas within a field as well as large areas. For its full utilization, this measurement must be combined with other spectral data collected at a time resolution sufficient to detect changes in the agricultural or hydrological systems and at a spatial resolution with enough detail to sample within individual fields. The most stringent requirement is that the data be readily available to the user. The spatial resolution necessary for IR measurements to be incorporated into evapotranspiration models to accurately estimate field and regional transpiration or measure crop stress; methods to estimate crop stress and yield over large areas and different cultivars within a species; the temporal resolution adequate for detecting crop stress or inclusion in evapotranspiration models; and ancillary parameters for estimating thermal IR measurements must be investigated

    Urban Illusions

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    Urban Illusions is an immersive and interactive documentary experience that curates moments of reality in virtual environments to educate and expose viewers to a string of social and political issues that have been exposed in Baton Rouge. These moments also reflect a transformative time across the United States. The research and exhibition experiments with 360-degree videos and virtual reality to document issues occurring from racial tension stemming from prejudicial police violence and residual segregation that is still present in Baton Rouge. The intent of this work is to establish a methodology benefiting from modern technology in order to document real life through virtual space to inform the viewer about social problems in the everyday experience of disadvantaged groups across America. The methodology framework used for Urban Illusions has the potential to be utilized by other digital artists and collaborators to engage and educate the viewers about a multitude of contemporary concepts


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    Published in: Applied Engineering in Agriculture, Vol. 22(5): 723-728Biomass, Process heat, Ethanol production, Electricity, Combined heat and power, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,

    Multilevel measurements of surface temperature over undulating terrain planted to barley

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    A ground and aircraft program was conducted to extend ground based methods for measuring soil moisture and crop water stress to aircraft and satellite altitudes. A 260ha agricultural field in California was used over the 1977-78 growing season. For cloud free days ground based temperature measurements over bare soil were related to soil moisture content. Water stress resulted from too much water, not from lack of it, as was expected. A theoretical examination of the canopy air temperature difference as affected by vapor pressure deficit and net radiation was developed. This analysis shows why surface temperatures delineate crop water stress under conditions of low humidity, but not under high humidity conditions. Multilevel temperatures acquired from the ground, low and high altitude aircraft, and the Heat Capacity Mapping Mission (HCMM) spacecraft were compared for two day and one night overpasses. The U-2 and low altitude temperatures were within 0.5 C. The HCMM data were analyzed using both the pre- and post-launch calibrations, with the former being considerably closer in agreement with the aircraft data than the latter

    Electronic control/display interface technology

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    An effort to produce a representative workstation for the Space Station Data Management Test Bed that provides man/machine interface design options for consolidating, automating, and integrating the space station work station, and hardware/software technology demonstrations of space station applications is discussed. The workstation will emphasize the technologies of advanced graphics engines, advanced display/control medias, image management techniques, multifunction controls, and video disk utilizations

    The environment and host haloes of the brightest z~6 Lyman-break galaxies

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    By studying the large-scale structure of the bright high-redshift Lyman-break galaxy (LBG) population it is possible to gain an insight into the role of environment in galaxy formation physics in the early Universe. We measure the clustering of a sample of bright (-22.7<M_UV<-21.125) LBGs at z~6 and use a halo occupation distribution (HOD) model to measure their typical halo masses. We find that the clustering amplitude and corresponding HOD fits suggests that these sources are highly biased (b~8) objects in the densest regions of the high-redshift Universe. Coupled with the observed rapid evolution of the number density of these objects, our results suggest that the shape of high luminosity end of the luminosity function is related to feedback processes or dust obscuration in the early Universe - as opposed to a scenario where these sources are predominantly rare instances of the much more numerous M_UV ~ -19 population of galaxies caught in a particularly vigorous period of star formation. There is a slight tension between the number densities and clustering measurements, which we interpret this as a signal that a refinement of the model halo bias relation at high redshifts or the incorporation of quasi-linear effects may be needed for future attempts at modelling the clustering and number counts. Finally, the difference in number density between the fields (UltraVISTA has a surface density ~1.8 times greater than UDS) is shown to be consistent with the cosmic variance implied by the clustering measurements.Comment: 19 pages, 8 figures, accepted MNRAS 23rd March 201

    Chapter 1. The Nitrogen Cycle, Historical Perspective, and Current and Potential Future Concerns

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    Nitrogen (N) along with carbon and oxygen is the most complex and crucial of the elements essential for life. Supplementing grain and grass forage crops with organic and inorganic N fertilizers has long been recognized as a key to improving crop yields and economic returns. Globally. N fertilizer is largely used for cereal grain production and accounts for an estimated 40(1r of the increase in per capita food production in the past 50 years (Mosier et al.. 200 I). Smil (200 I) estimates that N fertilizer supplies up to 40% of the world\u27s dietary protein and dependence on N from the Haber-Bosch process will increase in the future. Nitrogen compounds also have been recognized for their many potential adverse impacts on the environment and health (Keeney. 2002)

    A Structural Break Approach to Analysing the Impact of the QE Portfolio Balance Channel on the US Stock Market

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    Following the 1929 Wall Street collapse, the initial response to the institutional failures and collapsing financial system was to allow the markets to self-correct, which led to a significant period of economic depression. In contrast the US (and UK) governments responded to the 2008 financial crisis with extra liquidity for the banking sector and a stimulus package, but why was there such a different response? Following a light touch approach to Bear Stearns and Lehmann’s, it became clear that without greater intervention, the effect would become contagious throughout the financial system. One of the most important forms of intervention was Quantitative Easing (QE) and historically low interest rates. This study finds that QE substantially reduced the Equity Risk Premium on S&P equities through a 9.6% rise in prices, thus reducing returns. Consequentially, this drives portfolios to seek risker asset classes to make up for the shortfall in returns. This suggests that the combination of low interest rates and QE, when compared to expansion alone, has had a marked change on equity prices and ERP. Furthermore, there is evidence that regime shifts support these findings. Such unforeseen consequences in the equity markets is of great interest to policy makers when deciding on a response to such exceptional circumstances, and researchers investigating monetary policy responses to the next inevitable extreme financial crisis

    Using the Red Clover Polyphenol Oxidase Gene to Inhibit Proteolytic Activity in Lucerne

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    Preserving high quality forage in cool humid regions of agricultural production remains a challenge due to potentially high levels of protein degradation during ensiling. Red clover is an exception maintaining its high protein levels during ensiling. Decreased proteolytic activity in red clover is due to polyphenol oxidase (PPO) activity and appropriate o-diphenol substrates (Jones et al., 1995, Sullivan et al., 2004). This work highlights potential strategies for utilising PPO as a means of decreasing proteolytic degradation during the ensiling of lucerne and other forages
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