286 research outputs found

    Thermal effects on the structure and relaxation properties of poly(monocyclopentyl itaconate)

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    [EN] The effect of thermal treatment and subsequent chemical structural modifications on the viscoelastic and dielectric properties of PMCPI (poly(monocyclopentyl itaconate)) was studied. The low temperature relaxation (gamma-relaxation) is unaffected by the thermal history or chemical modifications. The intermediate relaxation (beta-relaxation) is shifted by about 40 degrees C to higher temperature after thermal treatment. The alpha-relaxation (related to the glass transition temperature T-g) suffers more striking changes when moving to higher temperatures.Díaz Calleja, R.; Sanchis Sánchez, MJ.; Gargallo, L.; Radic, D. (1995). Thermal effects on the structure and relaxation properties of poly(monocyclopentyl itaconate). Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics. 196(11):3789-3796. doi:10.1002/macp.1995.021961129S378937961961

    Mutant prevention concentration of ozenoxacin for quinolone-susceptible or -resistant Staphylococcus aureus and Staphylococcus epidermidis

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    Ozenoxacin (OZN) belongs to a new generation of non-fluorinated quinolones for the topical treatment of skin infections which has shown to be effective in the treatment of susceptible and resistant Gram-positive cocci. The mutant prevention concentration (MPC) of ozenoxacin, levofloxacin and ciprofloxacin was determined in quinolone-susceptible and -resistant strains including methicillin-susceptible S. aureus, methicillin-resistant S. aureus, methicillin-susceptible S. epidermidis and methicillin-resistant S. epidermidis with different profile of mutation in the quinolone resistance determining regions (QRDR). The MPC value of OZN for the methicillin-susceptible S. aureus strain susceptible to quinolones, without mutations in QRDR, was 0.05 mg/L, being 280-fold lower than that observed with ciprofloxacin and levofloxacin. In methicillin-susceptible and-resistant S. aureus strains with mutations in the gyrA or/and grlA genes the MPC of OZN went from 0.1 to 6 mg/L, whereas the MPC of levofloxacin and ciprofloxacin was > 50 mg/L for the same strains. For methicillin-susceptible and-resistant S. epidermidis the results were similar to those abovementioned for S. aureus. According to our results, the MPC of OZN was far below the quantity of ozenoxacin achieved in the epidermal layer, suggesting that the in vivo selection of mutants, if it occurs, will take place at low frequency. Ozenoxacin is an excellent candidate for the treatment of bacterial infections caused by susceptible and quinolone-resistant staphylococci isolated usually from skin infections

    The Effect of Small Cosolutes that Mimic Molecular Crowding Conditions on the Stability of Triplexes Involving Duplex DNA

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    Triplex stability is studied in crowding conditions using small cosolutes (ethanol, acetonitrile and dimethylsulfoxide) by ultraviolet (UV), circular dichroism (CD) and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopies. The results indicate that the triplex is formed preferentially when the triplex forming oligonucleotide (TFO) is RNA. In addition, DNA triplexes (D:D\ub7D) are clearly less stable in cosolute solutions while the stability of the RNA triplexes (R:D\ub7D) is only slightly decreased. The kinetic of triplex formation with RNA-TFO is slower than with DNA-TFO and the thermal stability of the triplex is increased with the salt concentration in EtOH-water solutions. Accordingly, RNA could be considered a potential molecule to form a stable triplex for regulatory purposes in molecular crowding conditions

    Draft Genome Sequence of Saccharomonospora sp. Strain LRS4.154, a Moderately Halophilic Actinobacterium with the Biotechnologically Relevant Polyketide Synthase and Nonribosomal Peptide Synthetase Systems

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    The draft genome sequence of Saccharomonospora sp. strain LRS4.154, a moderately halophilic actinobacterium, has been determined. The genome has 4,860,108 bp, a G C content of 71.0%, and 4,525 open reading frames (ORFs). The clusters of PKS and NRPS genes, responsible for the biosynthesis of a large number of biomolecules, were identified in the genome

    The Effect of the Individual Species of the N Plasma on the Characteristics of InAsN Quantum Dots Grown by MBE

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    The influence of the different species which constitute N plasma, such as atomic nitrogen, diatomic nitrogen and ionized species, on the morphological and optical characteristics of the InAsN quantum dots (QDs) has been studied in this work. We have performed several sets of growths modifying in each one the concentration of these species. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) and photoluminescence (PL) techniques have been used to perform the surface characterization and the optical analysis of these samples, respectively. Clearly, we have found a strong correlation between the structural and optical characteristics of the InAsN QDs with the plasma composition used during the growth. Ionized species favour the high density of QDs, atomic nitrogen increase dimensions of the QDs and molecular nitrogen does not almost affect the characteristics of these nanostructures. An increment of ionized species in the plasma yields a higher density of QDs, an increase in the atomic nitrogen increases the dimensions of the QDs and the molecular nitrogen flux used does not almost affect the characteristics of these nanostructures. Also, we have found that there is not redshift of the peak wavelength of the PL emission as we increase the atomic nitrogen concentration during the growth. This may be due to equal nitrogen incorporation into the quantum dots. We supposed that the mechanism dominating in it is possible that the nitrogen incorporation in these types of nanostructures depend on another growth parameter

    Spin and orbital magnetic moment of reconstructed √2 × √2R45º magnetite(001)

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    © 2015 American Physical Society. The surface of a magnetite single crystal with (001) orientation has been prepared by sputtering/annealing cycles providing the √2×2√2R45º reconstruction. The distribution of magnetic domains on the surface has been imaged by x-ray magnetic dichroism in a photoemission microscope. The easy axes are along the surface in-plane 110 directions. The near-surface magnetic moment was determined by applying the sum rules to XMCD spectra obtained with different kinetic energies of the secondary electrons. A reduced total moment of 3.3 μB and a ratio of about 0.10 between orbital and spin moment was found, which we attribute to the surface reconstruction.Peer Reviewe

    Movement representation strategies as a tool for educational innovation in physiotherapy students: a randomized single-blind controlled-pilot trial

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    Physiotherapy has a strictly theoretical body of knowledge, but for the most part, the physiotherapist’s learning is practical. The practical part is fundamental to acquire clinical skills that the physiotherapist will later use in professional practice. The main aim of this study was to assess the effectiveness of movement representation strategies (MRS) in the improvement of manual skills of physiotherapy students as an educational innovation strategy. We randomly assigned 30 participants to an action observation practice (AOP), motor imagery practice (MIP), or sham observation (SO) group. A high velocity, low amplitude lumbar manipulation technique that is widely used in clinical physiotherapy practice was taught in one session. The primary outcomes were required time and test score. The secondary outcomes were perceived mental fatigue and perceived difficulty for learning. The outcomes were assessed preintervention and immediately after the intervention (postintervention). The main results showed that both AOP and MIP improved the total time required and the test score, as well as entailed less perceived difficulty for learning. However, both strategies showed a higher level of mental fatigue after the intervention, which was higher in the MIP group. Based on the results obtained, it seems that the application of MRS promotes greater learning of manual motor tasks in physiotherapy students and could be used as educational innovation strategies

    Evaluation of the In desorption during the capped process in diluted nitride In(Ga)As quantum dots

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    Diluted nitride self-assembled In(Ga)AsN quantum dots (QDs) grown on GaAs substrates are potential candidates to emit in the windows of maximum transmittance for optical fibres (1.3-1.55 μm). In this paper, we analyse the effect of nitrogen addition on the indium desorption occurring during the capping process of InxGa1−xAs QDs (x = l and 0.7). The samples have been grown by molecular beam epitaxy and studied through transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and photoluminescence techniques. The composition distribution inside the dots was determined by statistical moiré analysis and measured by energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy. First, the addition of nitrogen in In(Ga)As QDs gave rise to a strong redshift in the emission peak, together with a large loss of intensity and monochromaticity. Moreover, these samples showed changes in the QDs morphology as well as an increase in the density of defects. The statistical compositional analysis displayed a normal distribution in InAs QDs with an average In content of 0.7. Nevertheless, the addition of Ga and/or N leads to a bimodal distribution of the Indium content with two separated QD populations. We suggest that the nitrogen incorporation enhances the indium fixation inside the QDs where the indium/gallium ratio plays an important role in this process. The strong redshift observed in the PL should be explained not only by the N incorporation but also by the higher In content inside the QD