2,783 research outputs found

    The Higher Orders of the Theory of Strong Perturbations in Quantum Mechanics and the Secularity Problem

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    We solve the higher order equations of the theory of the strong perturbations in quantum mechanics given in M. Frasca, Phys. Rev. A 45, 43 (1992), by assuming that, at the leading order, the wave function goes adiabatically. This is accomplished by deriving the unitary operator of adiabatic evolution for the leading order. In this way it is possible to show that at least one of the causes of the problem of phase-mixing, whose effect is the polynomial increase in time of the perturbation terms normally called secularities, arises from the shifts of the perturbation energy levels due to the unperturbed part of the hamiltonian. An example is given for a two-level system that, anyway, shows a secularity at second order also in the standard theory of small perturbations. The theory is applied to the quantum analog of a classical problem that can become chaotic, a particle under the effect of two waves of different amplitudes, frequencies and wave numbers.Comment: 13 pages, Late

    A Quantum Many-Body Instability in the Thermodynamic Limit

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    Intrinsic decoherence in the thermodynamic limit is shown for a large class of many-body quantum systems in the unitary evolution in NMR and cavity QED. The effect largely depends on the inability of the system to recover the phases. Gaussian decaying in time of the fidelity is proved for spin systems and radiation-matter interaction.Comment: 11 pages, 1 figure. Final version accepted for publication in Modern Physics Letters

    Theory of dressed states in quantum optics

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    The dual Dyson series [M.Frasca, Phys. Rev. A {\bf 58}, 3439 (1998)], is used to develop a general perturbative method for the study of atom-field interaction in quantum optics. In fact, both Dyson series and its dual, through renormalization group methods to remove secular terms from the perturbation series, give the opportunity of a full study of the solution of the Schr\"{o}dinger equation in different ranges of the parameters of the given hamiltonian. In view of recent experiments with strong laser fields, this approach seems well-suited to give a clarification and an improvement of the applications of the dressed states as currently done through the eigenstates of the atom-field interaction, showing that these are just the leading order of the dual Dyson series when the Hamiltonian is expressed in the interaction picture. In order to exploit the method at the best, a study is accomplished of the well-known Jaynes-Cummings model in the rotating wave approximation, whose exact solution is known, comparing the perturbative solutions obtained by the Dyson series and its dual with the same approximations obtained by Taylor expanding the exact solution. Finally, a full perturbative study of high-order harmonic generation is given obtaining, through analytical expressions, a clear account of the power spectrum using a two-level model, even if the method can be successfully applied to a more general model that can account for ionization too. The analysis shows that to account for the power spectrum it is needed to go to first order in the perturbative analysis. The spectrum obtained gives a way to measure experimentally the shift of the energy levels of the atom interacting with the laser field by looking at the shifting of hyper-Raman lines.Comment: Revtex, 17 page

    New triple systems in the RasTyc sample of stellar X-ray sources

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    During the study of a large set of late-type stellar X-ray sources, we discovered a large fraction of multiple systems. In this paper we investigate the orbital elements and kinematic properties of three new spectroscopic triple systems as well as spectral types and astrophysical parameters (T_eff, log g, vsin i, log N(Li)) of their components. We conducted follow-up optical observations, both photometric and spectroscopic at high resolution, of these systems. We used a synthetic approach and the cross-correlation method to derive most of the stellar parameters. We estimated reliable radial velocities and deduced the orbital elements of the inner binaries. The comparison of the observed spectra with synthetic composite ones, obtained as the weighted sum of three spectra of non-active reference stars, allowed us to determine the stellar parameters for each component of these systems. We found all are only composed of main sequence stars. These three systems are certainly stable hierarchical triples composed of short-period inner binaries plus a tertiary component in a long-period orbit. From their kinematics and/or Lithium content, these systems result to be fairly young.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A (on July 22, 2008

    Dynamical decoherence in a cavity with a large number of two-level atoms

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    We consider a large number of two-level atoms interacting with the mode of a cavity in the rotating-wave approximation (Tavis-Cummings model). We apply the Holstein-Primakoff transformation to study the model in the limit of the number of two-level atoms, all in their ground state, becoming very large. The unitary evolution that we obtain in this approximation is applied to a macroscopic superposition state showing that, when the coherent states forming the superposition are enough distant, then the state collapses on a single coherent state describing a classical radiation mode. This appear as a true dynamical effect that could be observed in experiments with cavities.Comment: 9 pages, no figures. This submission substitutes paper quant-ph/0212148 that was withdrawn. Version accepted for publication in Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular & Optical Physic

    Extension of Kalman-Yakubovich-Popov lemma to descriptor systems

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    The young active star SAO 51891 (V383 Lac)

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    Our aim is investigating surface inhomogeneities of the young late-type star SAO51891, from photosphere to upper chromosphere, analyzing contemporaneous high-resolution spectra and broad-band photometry. The FOCES@CAHA spectral range is used to determine spectral classification and derive vsini and Vrad. The Li abundance is measured to estimate the age. The BVRIJHKs bands are used to construct the SED. The variations of our BV fluxes and Teff are used to infer the presence of photospheric spots and observe their behavior over time. The chromospheric activity is studied applying the spectral subtraction technique to Halpha, CaII H&K, Heps, and CaII IRT lines. We find SAO51891 to be a young K0-1V star with Li abundance close to the Pleiades upper envelope, confirming its youth (~100 Myr), also inferred from its kinematical membership to the Local Association. We detect no IR excess from SED analysis, and rotational modulation of luminosity, Teff, CaII, and Heps total fluxes. A spot model with two active regions, ~240 K cooler than the surrounding photosphere, fits our light/Teff curves, and reproduces the small-amplitude Vrad variations. The anti-correlation of light curves and chromospheric diagnostics indicates plages spatially associated with spots. The large amplitude observed in the Heps-flux curve suggests that this line is very sensitive to the plage presence. Finally, SAO51891 is a young active star, lacking significant amounts of circumstellar dust or any evidence for low mass companions. The spots turn out to be larger and warmer than those in less active MS stars. The Vrad variation produced by spots has an amplitude comparable with those induced by Jupiter-mass planets orbiting close to the star. SAO51891 is a good example of star where the detection of planets may be hampered by the high activity level.Comment: 16 pages, 12 figures, 7 tables, accepted by Astronomy and Astrophysics; abstract here was shortene

    Radiation and temperature effects on electronic components investigated under the CSTI high capacity power project

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    The effects of nuclear radiation and high temperature environments must be fully known and understood for the electronic components and materials used in both the Power Conditioning and Control subsystem and the reactor Instrumentation and Control subsystem of future high capacity nuclear space power systems. This knowledge is required by the designer of these subsystems in order to develop highly reliable, long-life power systems for future NASA missions. A review and summary of the experimental results obtained for the electronic components and materials investigated under the power management element of the Civilian Space Technology Initiative (CSTI) high capacity power project are presented: (1) neutron, gamma ray, and temperature effects on power semiconductor switches, (2) temperature and frequency effects on soft magnetic materials; and (3) temperature effects on rare earth permanent magnets

    Thermodynamic Limit and Decoherence: Rigorous Results

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    Time evolution operator in quantum mechanics can be changed into a statistical operator by a Wick rotation. This strict relation between statistical mechanics and quantum evolution can reveal deep results when the thermodynamic limit is considered. These results translate in a set of theorems proving that these effects can be effectively at work producing an emerging classical world without recurring to any external entity that in some cases cannot be properly defined. In a many-body system has been recently shown that Gaussian decay of the coherence is the rule with a duration of recurrence more and more small as the number of particles increases. This effect has been observed experimentally. More generally, a theorem about coherence of bulk matter can be proved. All this takes us to the conclusion that a well definite boundary for the quantum to classical world does exist and that can be drawn by the thermodynamic limit, extending in this way the deep link between statistical mechanics and quantum evolution to a high degree.Comment: 5 pages, no figures. Contribution to proceedings of DICE 2006 (Piombino, Italy, September 11-15, 2006
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