707 research outputs found

    Non-imprisonment conditions on spacetime

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    The non-imprisonment conditions on spacetimes are studied. It is proved that the non-partial imprisonment property implies the distinction property. Moreover, it is proved that feeble distinction, a property which stays between weak distinction and causality, implies non-total imprisonment. As a result the non-imprisonment conditions can be included in the causal ladder of spacetimes. Finally, totally imprisoned causal curves are studied in detail, and results concerning the existence and properties of minimal invariant sets are obtained.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures. v2: improved results on totally imprisoned curves, a figure changed, some misprints fixe

    Effects of dietary cellobiose on the intestinal microbiota and excretion of nitrogen metabolites in healthy adult dogs

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    In order to evaluate the potential prebiotic effects of cellobiose, 10 healthy adult research beagle dogs received a complete diet containing 0, 0.5 and 1 g cellobiose/kg bodyweight (BW)/day. At the end of each feeding period, faeces, urine and blood of the dogs were collected. The results demonstrated a significant increase of faecal lactate concentrations, indicating a bacterial fermentation of cellobiose in the canine intestine. Along with this, a dose-dependent linear increase of the relative abundance of Lactobacillaceae in the faeces of the dogs was observed (p = 0.014). In addition, a dose-dependent increase (p < 0.05) of Alloprevotella, Bacteroides and Prevotella, and a linear decrease for unidentified Lachnospiraceae (p = 0.011) was observed when cellobiose was added to the diet, although the relative abundance of these genera was low (<1%) among all groups. The faecal pH was not affected by dietary cellobiose. Cellobiose seemed to modulate the excretion of nitrogen metabolites, as lower concentrations of phenol (p = 0.034) and 4-ethylphenol (p = 0.002) in the plasma of the dogs were measured during the supplementation periods. Urinary phenols and indoles, however, were not affected by the dietary supplementation of cellobiose. In conclusion, cellobiose seems to be fermented by the intestinal microbiota of dogs. Although no effect on the faecal pH was detected, the observed increase of microbial lactate production might lower the pH in the large intestine and consecutively modulate the intestinal absorption of nitrogen metabolites. Also, the observed changes of some bacterial genera might have been mediated by increased intestinal lactate concentrations or a higher relative abundance of lactobacilli. Whether these results could be considered as a prebiotic effect and used as a dietetic strategy in diseased animals to improve gut function or hepatic and renal nitrogen metabolism should be evaluated in future studies

    Compactness of the space of causal curves

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    We prove that the space of causal curves between compact subsets of a separable globally hyperbolic poset is itself compact in the Vietoris topology. Although this result implies the usual result in general relativity, its proof does not require the use of geometry or differentiable structure.Comment: 15 page

    A Note on Monotonically Metacompact Spaces

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    We show that any metacompact Moore space is monotonically metacompact and use that result to characterize monotone metacompactness in certain generalized ordered (GO)spaces. We show, for example, that a generalized ordered space with a sigma-closed-discrete dense subset is metrizable if and only if it is monotonically (countably) metacompact, that a monotonically (countably) metacompact GO-space is hereditarily paracompact, and that a locally countably compact GO-space is metrizable if and only if it is monotonically (countably) metacompact. We give an example of a non-metrizable LOTS that is monotonically metacompact, thereby answering a question posed by S. G. Popvassilev. We also give consistent examples showing that if there is a Souslin line, then there is one Souslin line that is monotonically countable metacompact, and another Souslin line that is not monotonically countably metacompact

    A Coboundary Morphism For The Grothendieck Spectral Sequence

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    Given an abelian category A\mathcal{A} with enough injectives we show that a short exact sequence of chain complexes of objects in A\mathcal{A} gives rise to a short exact sequence of Cartan-Eilenberg resolutions. Using this we construct coboundary morphisms between Grothendieck spectral sequences associated to objects in a short exact sequence. We show that the coboundary preserves the filtrations associated with the spectral sequences and give an application of these result to filtrations in sheaf cohomology.Comment: 18 page

    Complete partial metric spaces have partially metrizable computational models

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    We show that the domain of formal balls of a complete partial metric space (X, p) can be endowed with a complete partial metric that extends p and induces the Scott topology. This result, that generalizes well-known constructions of Edalat and Heckmann [A computational model for metric spaces, Theoret. Comput. Sci. 193 (1998), pp. 53-73] and Heckmann [Approximation of metric spaces by partial metric spaces, Appl. Cat. Struct. 7 (1999), pp. 71-83] for metric spaces and improves a recent result of Romaguera and Valero [A quantitative computational model for complete partial metric spaces via formal balls, Math. Struct. Comput. Sci. 19 (2009), pp. 541-563], motivates a notion of a partially metrizable computational model which allows us to characterize those topological spaces that admit a compatible complete partial metric via this model.The authors acknowledge the support of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, under grant MTM2009-12872-C02-01.Romaguera Bonilla, S.; Tirado Peláez, P.; Valero Sierra, Ó. (2012). Complete partial metric spaces have partially metrizable computational models. International Journal of Computer Mathematics. 89(3):284-290. https://doi.org/10.1080/00207160.2011.559229S284290893ALI-AKBARI, M., HONARI, B., POURMAHDIAN, M., & REZAII, M. M. (2009). The space of formal balls and models of quasi-metric spaces. Mathematical Structures in Computer Science, 19(2), 337-355. doi:10.1017/s0960129509007439Edalat, A., & Heckmann, R. (1998). A computational model for metric spaces. Theoretical Computer Science, 193(1-2), 53-73. doi:10.1016/s0304-3975(96)00243-5Edalat, A., & Sünderhauf, P. (1999). Computable Banach spaces via domain theory. Theoretical Computer Science, 219(1-2), 169-184. doi:10.1016/s0304-3975(98)00288-6Flagg, B., & Kopperman, R. (1997). Computational Models for Ultrametric Spaces. Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, 6, 151-159. doi:10.1016/s1571-0661(05)80164-1Heckmann, R. (1999). Applied Categorical Structures, 7(1/2), 71-83. doi:10.1023/a:1008684018933Kopperman, R., Künzi, H.-P. A., & Waszkiewicz, P. (2004). Bounded complete models of topological spaces. Topology and its Applications, 139(1-3), 285-297. doi:10.1016/j.topol.2003.12.001Krötzsch, M. (2006). Generalized ultrametric spaces in quantitative domain theory. Theoretical Computer Science, 368(1-2), 30-49. doi:10.1016/j.tcs.2006.05.037Künzi, H.-P. A. (2001). Nonsymmetric Distances and Their Associated Topologies: About the Origins of Basic Ideas in the Area of Asymmetric Topology. History of Topology, 853-968. doi:10.1007/978-94-017-0470-0_3LAWSON, J. (1997). Spaces of maximal points. Mathematical Structures in Computer Science, 7(5), 543-555. doi:10.1017/s0960129597002363Martin, K. (1998). Domain theoretic models of topological spaces. Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, 13, 173-181. doi:10.1016/s1571-0661(05)80221-xMatthews, S. G.Partial metric topology. Procedings of the 8th Summer Conference on General Topology and Applications, Ann. New York Acad. Sci. 728 (1994), pp. 183–197Rodríguez-López, J., Romaguera, S., & Valero, O. (2008). Denotational semantics for programming languages, balanced quasi-metrics and fixed points. International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 85(3-4), 623-630. doi:10.1080/00207160701210653Romaguera, S., & Valero, O. (2009). A quasi-metric computational model from modular functions on monoids. International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 86(10-11), 1668-1677. doi:10.1080/00207160802691652ROMAGUERA, S., & VALERO, O. (2009). A quantitative computational model for complete partial metric spaces via formal balls. Mathematical Structures in Computer Science, 19(3), 541-563. doi:10.1017/s0960129509007671ROMAGUERA, S., & VALERO, O. (2010). Domain theoretic characterisations of quasi-metric completeness in terms of formal balls. Mathematical Structures in Computer Science, 20(3), 453-472. doi:10.1017/s0960129510000010Rutten, J. J. M. M. (1998). Weighted colimits and formal balls in generalized metric spaces. Topology and its Applications, 89(1-2), 179-202. doi:10.1016/s0166-8641(97)00224-1Schellekens, M. P. (2003). A characterization of partial metrizability: domains are quantifiable. Theoretical Computer Science, 305(1-3), 409-432. doi:10.1016/s0304-3975(02)00705-3Smyth, M. B. (2006). The constructive maximal point space and partial metrizability. Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, 137(1-3), 360-379. doi:10.1016/j.apal.2005.05.032Waszkiewicz, P. (2003). Applied Categorical Structures, 11(1), 41-67. doi:10.1023/a:1023012924892WASZKIEWICZ, P. (2006). Partial metrisability of continuous posets. Mathematical Structures in Computer Science, 16(02), 359. doi:10.1017/s096012950600519

    A decomposition theorem for BV functions

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    The Jordan decomposition states that a function f: R \u2192 R is of bounded variation if and only if it can be written as the dierence of two monotone increasing functions. In this paper we generalize this property to real valued BV functions of many variables, extending naturally the concept of monotone function. Our result is an extension of a result obtained by Alberti, Bianchini and Crippa. A counterexample is given which prevents further extensions

    On two-dimensional surface attractors and repellers on 3-manifolds

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    We show that if f:M3M3f: M^3\to M^3 is an AA-diffeomorphism with a surface two-dimensional attractor or repeller B\mathcal B and MB2 M^2_ \mathcal B is a supporting surface for B \mathcal B, then B=MB2\mathcal B = M^2_{\mathcal B} and there is k1k\geq 1 such that: 1) MB2M^2_{\mathcal B} is a union M12...Mk2M^2_1\cup...\cup M^2_k of disjoint tame surfaces such that every Mi2M^2_i is homeomorphic to the 2-torus T2T^2. 2) the restriction of fkf^k to Mi2M^2_i (i{1,...,k})(i\in\{1,...,k\}) is conjugate to Anosov automorphism of T2T^2

    On chains in HH-closed topological pospaces

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    We study chains in an HH-closed topological partially ordered space. We give sufficient conditions for a maximal chain LL in an HH-closed topological partially ordered space such that LL contains a maximal (minimal) element. Also we give sufficient conditions for a linearly ordered topological partially ordered space to be HH-closed. We prove that any HH-closed topological semilattice contains a zero. We show that a linearly ordered HH-closed topological semilattice is an HH-closed topological pospace and show that in the general case this is not true. We construct an example an HH-closed topological pospace with a non-HH-closed maximal chain and give sufficient conditions that a maximal chain of an HH-closed topological pospace is an HH-closed topological pospace.Comment: We have rewritten and substantially expanded the manuscrip

    Bounded and unitary elements in pro-C^*-algebras

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    A pro-C^*-algebra is a (projective) limit of C^*-algebras in the category of topological *-algebras. From the perspective of non-commutative geometry, pro-C^*-algebras can be seen as non-commutative k-spaces. An element of a pro-C^*-algebra is bounded if there is a uniform bound for the norm of its images under any continuous *-homomorphism into a C^*-algebra. The *-subalgebra consisting of the bounded elements turns out to be a C^*-algebra. In this paper, we investigate pro-C^*-algebras from a categorical point of view. We study the functor (-)_b that assigns to a pro-C^*-algebra the C^*-algebra of its bounded elements, which is the dual of the Stone-\v{C}ech-compactification. We show that (-)_b is a coreflector, and it preserves exact sequences. A generalization of the Gelfand-duality for commutative unital pro-C^*-algebras is also presented.Comment: v2 (accepted