
We show that if f:M3M3f: M^3\to M^3 is an AA-diffeomorphism with a surface two-dimensional attractor or repeller B\mathcal B and MB2 M^2_ \mathcal B is a supporting surface for B \mathcal B, then B=MB2\mathcal B = M^2_{\mathcal B} and there is k1k\geq 1 such that: 1) MB2M^2_{\mathcal B} is a union M12...Mk2M^2_1\cup...\cup M^2_k of disjoint tame surfaces such that every Mi2M^2_i is homeomorphic to the 2-torus T2T^2. 2) the restriction of fkf^k to Mi2M^2_i (i{1,...,k})(i\in\{1,...,k\}) is conjugate to Anosov automorphism of T2T^2

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