33 research outputs found

    The Creative Process of Enarotali Dreams, a Screenplay

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    This paper is about a project on a screenplay. In my screenplay, I talk about a girl from Java who has to work in remote area in Papua Island. The girl is a volunteer teacher who has to survive to teach the students who are very different from students in Java. To develop the screenplay, I used two theories, namely culture shock and maturation. I use these two theories because in the main character experiences culture shock and maturation whe she does her voluntary teaching in Papua. To collect data, I use survey to Eranotali, Papua and libary research on Papua and its cultures. I find the theories and survey as well as libary research help me during the creative process. The theories help me develop realistic characters; while the survey and library research help me picture Eranotali as realistic as possible. I believe that when the screenplay is made into film, the audience will get the feel of Enarotali and ‘experience\u27 the main character\u27s jurne


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    Berat jenis agregat dari berbagai sumber tidak akan sama, tergantung pada sifat fisik dan mekanik. Campuran beraspal panas dari berbagai sumber itu akan berbeda satu sama lain, Berat jenis akan mempengaruhi parameter-parameter pengujian Marshall berupa Stabilitas, Flow, VIM, VMA, VFB, kepadatan, (Spesifikasi Bina Marga tahun 2010 revisi 3). Penelitian ini akan mengkaji perbedaan campuran beraspal panas yang menggunakan bahan agregat dengan berat jenis (spesifik grafity) yang berbeda. Benda uji Marshall dibuat dengan menggunakan material batu pecah yang bersumber dari tiga tempat yaitu Kakaskasen Tomohon, Tateli Minahasa dan Matali Kotamobagu, dengan aspal penetrasi 60/70 ex Pertamina sebagai bahan pembentuk campuran beraspal panas. Setelah dilakukan pemeriksaan bahan selanjutnya dicari komposisi agregat yang memenuhi syarat untuk masing-masing campuran yaitu AC-WC dan dibuat campuran benda uji untuk 5 variasi kadar aspal untuk setiap sumber material. Hasil penelitian untuk ketiga material yang kadar aspalnya dibuat sama dan penambahan PC sebesar 1%, Maka nilai-nilai marshall menunjukkan angka yang berbeda, seperti berat jenis material Matali termasuk tinggi, sehingga berada di angka 2.7. pada pengujian Marshall di kadar aspal 6.5%, nilai stabilitas di dapat sebesar 2045 kg; flow = 2.70 mm; VIM = 3.53%; VMA = 17.67%; VFB = 80.10%; density =2.40 gr/cc; rasio filler = 0.85. Berat jenis material Tateli termasuk rendah, sehingga berada di angka 2.4 dan 2.3. pada pengujian Marshall di kadar aspal 6.5%, nilai stabilitas di dapat sebesar 1450 kg; flow= 3.01mm; VIM = 3.67%; VMA = 15.43%; VFB = 76.24%; density = 2.18 gr/cc; rasio filler = 1.41. Berat jenis material Kakaskasen termasuk rendah, sehingga berada di angka 2.4 dan 2.3. pada pengujian Marshall di kadar aspal 6.5%, nilai stabilitas di dapat sebesar 1535 kg, flow = 3.49mm; VIM = 4.58%; VMA=15.10%; VFB = 69.71%, density= 2.15 gr/cc; rasio filler = 1.07. Jika harga satuan pekerjaan Hotmix aspal diukur dalam satuan berat, maka dalam 1ton/m³ campuran yang dikalikan dengan harga satuan pekerjaan masih relatif menguntungkan.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa material Matali merupakan material yang memiliki nilai density terbesar yaitu kisaran 2.40 sedangkan material Tateli dan material Kakaskasen memiliki nilai density yang relatif rendah sehingga menghasilkan nilai yang hampir sama yaitu sebesar 2.18 dan 2.15. hal ini disebabkan semakin tinggi nilai berat jenis pada material maka nilai density semakin tinggi. Jika satuan pembayaran dari campuran beraspal panas diukur dari satuan berat, maka menggunakan agregat yang mempunyai berat jenis yang lebih besar relatif lebih mengguntungkan. Dari kesimpulan tersebut disarankan pada pekerjaan perkerasan jalan, jika sebaiknya menggunakan material yang berat jenis tinggi seperti material Matali Kata kunci: Besaran Marshall, Berat jenis, AC-WC, Material, Densit


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    The waters of Inner Ambon Bay is potential for various fishery businesses, which if developed will provide high economic value. One of the fishery businesses in Inner Ambon Bay is aquaculture using floating net cages. The purpose of this study is to analyze the feasibility of aquaculture in Ambon Dalam Bay, Waiheru Village and Poka Village based on financial aspects with criteria such as Revenue Cost Ratio (R/C), Return on Investment (ROI), Payback Period (PP), and Break Event Point (BEP). The results show that the floating net cage cultivation business is feasible to develop, with an average R/C value in Waiheru Village and Poka Village >1, the average ROI value in Waiheru Village for HDPE cages is 48.64% and wooden cages is 109.70%, while in Poka Village is 44.25% for HDPE cages and 124.01% for wooden cages. The average payback period for HDPE cages in Waiheru Village is 2.12207 years or 2 years and 1 month and Poka Village is 2.26239 years or 2 years and 3 months, while for wooden cages in Waiheru Village 0.94529 years or 11 months and Poka Village 0.84094 years or 10 months. The production BEP benefits because the amount of production or fish sold is greater than the production BEP and the selling price for each type of fish cultivated has exceeded the BEP price

    α-Mangostin Effectively Inhibits Chikungunya Virus Replication in HepG2 Cells

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    Chikungunya virus (CHIKV) is an arthropod-transmitted Alphavirus endemic to countries in Africa and Asia, including Indonesia, which causes debilitating arthralgia which can last several years. The rapid spread of CHIKV to new areas makes the discovery of antiviral agents a high priority. α-mangostin is a xanthone from mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana) pericarp and has antiviral activity against Hepatitis C and Dengue viruses. We investigated the antiviral activity of α-mangostin against CHIKV in HepG2 cells in pre-, post- and combination treatments compared to the common antiviral medicine ribavirin, as well their cytotoxicity. Our results show dose-responsive reductions in viral titer in all treatment regimes, with post- and combination treatments being more effective than pre-treatment only (IC50 = 7.79, 5.99 and 6.39 ”M, respectively), but with poor specificity (SI = 1.39, 1.81 and 1.70, respectively) compared to ribavirin. Neither compound showed a direct virucidal effect. These results suggest α-mangostin effectively inhibits CHIKV replication in this cell line


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    Pemanfaatan sumberdaya perikanan di Kabupaten Kepulauan Sitaro sudah mencapai 94,19% (pemanfaatan penuh) kondisi ini dapat berdampak pada usaha penangkapan ikan. Penggunaan alat tangkap yang efisien merupakan upaya untuk mempertahankan keberlanjutan usaha penangkapan ikan. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk menghitung efisiensi teknis alat tangkap dominan yang digunakan masyarakat nelayan dengan menggunakan metode Data Envelopment Analyisis (DEA). Penelitian dilakukan di desa nelayan yaitu Buhias, Matole, Pahepa dan Tapile, yang merupakan kawasan pulau-pulau kecil di Kabupaten Kepulauan Sitaro. Alat tangkap yang dominan digunakan oleh nelayan dalam memanfaatkan sumberdaya perikanan adalah jaring ikan cakalang (soma hetung), pukat cincin (purse seine), jaring insang, jaring ikan layang (soma talang) dan pancing. Faktor input yang digunakan dalam analisis efisiensi penangkapan ikan meliputi investasi, biaya tetap, biaya variabel, lamanya waktu melaut (trip/jam) dan kekuatan mesin. Faktor output meliputi pendapatan dan jumlah tenaga kerja. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat tiga alat tangkap yang efisien dalam penggunaan input dengan nilai 100 % yaitu jaring cakalang (soma hetung), purse seine, dan pancing. Dua alat tangkap lainnya yang kurang efisien (nilai di bawah100 %) adalah jaring ikan layang (91.50%) dan jaring insang (88,90%). Agar usaha penangkapan ikan berkelanjutan, maka pengurangan penggunaan input perlu dikurangi pada kedua alat tangkap tersebut.Utilization of fishery resources in the District of Sitaro Islands has reached 94.19% (full utilization) and impacted on fishing effort. In order to maintain sustainability fishing, efficient fishing gears should be applied. This study evaluated the technical efficiency of dominant fishing gears of fishermen in Buhias, Matole, Pahepa and Tapile (coastal villages in the region of small islands in Sitaro) by using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). Dominant fishing gears used by the fishermen are round skipjack net (soma hetung), purse seine, gill nets, round scad net (soma talang) and hand line. Input factors used in this analysis cover investment, fixed costs, variable costs, length of fishing (trip/hour) and power of engine; while output factors include income and number of fishermen. The results showed that three efficient fishing gears in using inputs 100% are round skipjack net (soma hetung), purse seine and hand line. The other two gears i.e., gill net and roundscad net (soma talang) are less efficient, due to the input using under 100% (round scad net 91.50% and gill net 88.90%). Therefore the using of inputs on those gears should be reduced for a sustainable fishing effort

    Antiviral activities of curcumin and 6‐gingerol against infection of four dengue virus serotypes in A549 human cell line in vitro

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    Dengue virus (DENV) is the most geographically widespread arbovirus causing dengue disease epidemics in tropical and subtropical regions. Nature provides abundant plants as a source for lead molecules against various diseases including DENV infection. We investigated the antiviral effect of curcumin and 6‐gingerol, the major active constituent of turmeric (Curcuma longa Linn.) and ginger (Zingiber officinale Roscoe), respectively, against all four serotypes of DENV infecting human lung epithelial carcinoma (A549) cell line in vitro. Both compounds generated cell cytotoxicity to A549 cells at CC50 values of 108 ”M for curcumin and 210 ”M for 6‐gingerol. The compound curcumin showed antiviral properties as described by IC50 of 20.60, 13.95, 25.54, and 12.35 ”M, while 6‐gingerol of 14.70, 14.17, 78.76, and 112.84 ”M for DENV‐1, ‐2, ‐3, and ‐4, respectively. Different levels of antiviral properties were observed between DENV serotypes. Our findings suggest that the antiviral assay of compounds against DENV should be performed to all four serotypes and not limited to a particular serotype. In conclusion, curcumin and 6‐gingerol exhibit antiviral properties against DENV infection and could provide a new therapeutic approach for dengue disease treatment strategies

    Whole genome sequencing of Indonesian dengue virus isolates using next-generation sequencing

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    Indonesia is a tropical country and hyperendemic for dengue. The disease prevalently affected Indonesian and it caused high morbidity and substantial economic burden. This vector-borne viral disease is caused by infection of dengue viruses (DENVs), which are the member of Flaviviridae family. While most of dengue studies in Indonesia focused on the epidemiology, the clinical aspects, the vectors, and to certain extent the virology, there were still gaps in the DENVs genomic aspects. Considering their high mutation rate, the DENVs were known for their high genetic diversity and it might affect the characteristics of the viruses. Comprehensive DENV genomic data were thus important for many aspects of disease management, including virus surveillance, pathogenesis, diagnostics, antiviral drug design, and vaccine development. We established in this study a method for DENV whole genome sequencing using the advanced Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) and Nextera XT DNA library preparation kit, coupled with simplified bioinformatic analysis methods. The Indonesian DENVs from four serotypes were isolated from patients’ sera, while library was prepared from enriched templates and sequenced using Illumina NGS. Our study highlighted the potential of a robust NGS method in producing whole genome sequence of DENVs, which would be important for future dengue studies

    An investig-ation into the epidemiology of chikungunya virus across neglected regions of Indonesia

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    Funder: US-CDCBackground: Chikungunya virus (CHIKV) is an important emerging and re-emerging public health problem worldwide. In Indonesia, where the virus is endemic, epidemiological information from outside of the main islands of Java and Bali is limited. Methodology/Principal Findings: Four hundred and seventy nine acutely febrile patients presenting between September 2017–2019 were recruited from three city hospitals situated in Ambon, Maluku; Banjarmasin, Kalimantan; and Batam, Batam Island as part of a multi-site observational study. CHIKV RNA was detected in a single serum sample while a separate sample was IgM positive. IgG seroprevalence was also low across all three sites, ranging from 1.4–3.2%. The single RT-PCR positive sample from this study and 24 archived samples collected during other recent outbreaks throughout Indonesia were subjected to complete coding region sequencing to assess the genetic diversity of Indonesian strains. Phylogenetic analysis revealed all to be of a single clade, which was distinct from CHIKV strains recently reported from neighbouring regions including the Philippines and the Pacific Islands. Conclusions/Significance: Chikungunya virus strains from recent outbreaks across Indonesia all belong to a single clade. However, low-level seroprevalence and molecular detection of CHIKV across the three study sites appears to contrast with the generally high seroprevalences that have been reported for non-outbreak settings in Java and Bali, and may account for the relative lack of CHIKV epidemiological data from other regions of Indonesia

    Remembering the Sea: Personal and Communal Recollections of Maritime Life in Jizan and the Farasan Islands, Saudi Arabia

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    This is the final version of the article. Available from the publisher via the DOI in this record.People create narratives of their maritime past through the remembering and forgetting of seafaring experiences, and through the retention and disposal of maritime artefacts that function mnemonically to evoke or suppress those experiences. The sustenance and reproduction of the resulting narratives depends further on effective media of intergenerational transmission; otherwise, they are lost. Rapid socio-economic transformation across Saudi Arabia in the age of oil has disrupted longstanding seafaring economies in the Red Sea archipelago of the Farasan Islands, and the nearby mainland port of Jizan. Vestiges of wooden boatbuilding activity are few; long-distance dhow trade with South Asia, the Arabian-Persian Gulf and East Africa has ceased; and a once substantial pearling and nacre (mother of pearl) collection industry has dwindled to a tiny group of hobbyists: no youth dive today. This widespread withdrawal from seafaring activity among many people in these formerly maritime-oriented communities has diminished the salience of such activity in cultural memory, and has set in motion narrative creation processes, through which memories are filtered and selected, and objects preserved, discarded, or lost. This paper is a product of the encounter of the authors with keepers of maritime memories and objects in the Farasan Islands and Jizan. An older generation of men recall memories of their experiences as boat builders, captains, seafarers, pearl divers and fishermen. Their recounted memories are inscribed, and Arabic seafaring terms recorded. The extent of the retention of maritime material cultural items as memorials is also assessed, and the rîle of individual, communal and state actors in that retention is considered. Through this reflection, it becomes clear that the extra-biological memory and archive of the region’s maritime past is sparse; that intergenerational transmission is failing; that the participation of state agencies in maritime heritage creation is highly limited; and that, as a result, memories current among the older generation have limited prospect of survival. These memories, recorded and interpreted here, identify the Farasan Islands as a former centre of the pearling industry in the Red Sea, and identify them and Jizan as open to far-reaching maritime-mediated cultural influences in an era before the imposition of the attributes of the modern nation-state.This study was funded by the Golden Web Foundation (UK registered charity number 1100608), with additional support from the Seven Pillars of Wisdom Trust (UK registered charity number 208669)