10 research outputs found

    Genetic and maternal determinants of effective dispersal: The effect of sire genotype and size at birth in side-blotched lizards

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    We assessed genetic factors on progeny dispersal due to sire color morph genotypes in a field pedigree and lab crosses, and we measured maternal effects by studying both natural and experimentally induced egg size variation. Progeny were released into nature upon hatching, but we recorded dispersal distance at maturity, which reflects effective dispersal after viability selection has run its course. Progeny dispersal was significantly affected by sire genotype. Progeny from orange sires dispersed the farthest. Progeny from blue sires dispersed intermediate distances. Progeny from yellow sires were the most philopatric. Sire genotype effects interacted with egg size. In particular, enlarged progeny from orange sires dispersed farther, while enlarged progeny from yellow sires were more philopatric. Progeny from blue sires were unaffected by egg size manipulations. Egg manipulations and natural variation generally had concordant effects indicative of causation. However, asymmetry of gigantization and miniaturization on progeny dispersal from some sire genotypes suggest the involvement of maternal factors besides egg size. Results of laboratory crosses with progeny released into nature confirmed key sire genotype effects and identified additional maternal effects that modulated dispersal as a function of progeny gender. We discuss the adaptive implications of progeny dispersal in the context of male (rock-paper-scissors) and female strategies (r- and K-density cycle) that are associated with color morphs. © 2006 by The University of Chicago

    Density cycles and an offspring quantity and quality game driven by natural selection

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    A long-standing hypothesis posits that natural selection can favour two female strategies when density cycles. At low density, females producing many smaller progeny are favoured when the intrinsic rate of increase, r, governs population growth. At peak density, females producing fewer, high-quality, progeny are favoured when the carrying capacity, K, is exceeded and the population crashes. Here we report on the first example of a genetic r versus K selection game that promotes stable population cycles in lizards. Decade-long fitness studies and game theory demonstrated that two throat-colour morphs were refined by selection in which the strength of natural selection varied with density. Orange-throated females, r strategists, produced many eggs and were favoured at low density. Conversely, yellow-throated females, K strategists, produced large eggs and were favoured at high density. Progeny size should also be under negative frequency-dependent selection in that large progeny will have a survival advantage when rare, but the advantage disappears when they become common. We confirmed this prediction by seeding field plots with rare and common giant hatchlings. Thus, intrinsic causes of frequency- and density-dependent selection promotes an evolutionary game with two-generation oscillations

    Does a polymorphic species have a ‘polymorphic’ diet? A case study from a lacertid lizard

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    Lizards are ideal for studying colour polymorphism, because some species are polymorphic and the morphs often have different ecological or reproductive strategies. We studied the feeding habits of six polymorphic populations of Podarcis muralis to test whether morphs differed in their diet. Some taxa were selected in a similar way by all morphs, but selection on other taxa varied and was characteristic of each morph. Diet was most different for the red and yellow morphs. Two hypotheses could explain these differences: active segregation in the trophic niche or active segregation in space dependent on spatial heterogeneity in prey availability. The former is improbable because P. muralis is considered an opportunistic feeder, whereas the latter could occur if the morphs adopted alternative territorial strategies with consequent spatial segregation