204 research outputs found

    Choice-Nash Equilibria

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    We provide existence results for equilibria of games where players employ abstract (non binary) choice rules. Such results are shown to encompass as a relevant instance that of games where players have (non-transitive) SSB (Skew-Symmetric Bilinear) preferences, as will as other well-known transitive (e. g. Nash´s) and non-transitive (e. g. Shafer and Sonnenschein´s) models in the literature. Further, our general model contains games where players display procedural rationality.


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    We analyze the long-run outcome of markets in which boundedly rational firms with a decreasingreturns to scale technology compete in prices. The behavior of these firms is based on limitation ofsuccess and experimentation. In this framework, we introduce a new approach to model boundedlyrational behavior, based on the idea of behavioral principles, i.e. formal descriptions. Even with thesimplest ones, the result is that the prices announced are a strict refinement of the set of Nashequilibria. With more sophisticated behavioral principles, the long-run outcome corresponds to theconcept of central prices (wich are also Nash equilibria) introduced here. This is a robust andclear-cut prediction wich, under quadratic costs and arbitrary demand, essentially coincides with theWalrasian equilibrium.evolution, mutation, imitation

    Acuerdos de empleo y pactos locales: el pacto por el empleo del Vallés occidental.

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    Das artille on employment paris al company level shaw a mor/el of new contents in collective bargaining, linkingemployment withflexiblility of working time, moderation of wages and competitiveness. For this reason this kind q/fta cts are denominated as "Elexecurity A/so Local Employment Pacís al `~ ¡ Ls/a ponen ci cl fue presentada el 28 de Oc/ubre en Bruselas en ci Seminario LA NECOCÍTATION COLLECIIVE DANS LA GOSTRUCTION DE LA NORME SOCIAL DE L'EMJ'LOL, oíganízadopo,-eílns/hnto SiíídicatEuíapeo, de la Confedenzcitin Europea de Sind,cw/cz.r. Los autores, Martín Artítcs y Rajada De Alós son Profisores del Dcpaulam ¡it de Sociologia, (Tnn'eit/at An/ononia Barcelona, Crup Y 5/udis (¿UIT. YPe¡eJ¿dar es profesor del Depar/a¡neo/a de Ciencias Polí/icas y Sociología de la Universidad Pompetí [`abra de Ba,relona. (uade,,ío de Re/cíc:icníes Lzíbo,-ales 207 2000, [7: 207-224 Martín Artjles, A.; De Alós-Monen II.; Jóda¡; Pepe Acuerdos dc empleo y paclos locales:... territorial level coníd extent it Jo another companies aud sectors. This are tite main meanzng of "best firactices".Este articulo trata sobre los acuerdos de empleo en el nivel de empresa. Í)ichos pactos o acuerdos vinculan estrechamente la negociación del empleo con laflexihilización del tiempo de trabajo, con la moderación salarial y con la mejora de la productivida. En este sentido se denominan pactos "Flexecucity 1 porque mt ercambian flexibilidad por seguridad en el empleo. Hay que añadir que los Pactos Locales pueden contribuir a la extensión de estos acuerdos a otras empresas y sectores, de a/ii la idea de "buenas prácticas

    Characterizations of perfect recall

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    This paper considers the condition of perfect recall for the class of arbitrarily large discrete extensive form games. The known definitions of perfect recall are shown to be equivalent even beyond finite games. Further, a qualitatively new characterization in terms of choices is obtained. In particular, an extensive form game satisfies perfect recall if and only if the set of choices, viewed as sets of ultimate outcomes, fulfill the Trivial Intersection property, that is, any two choices with nonempty intersection are ordered by set inclusion

    Visions of the World by Pepper and its application to Health Education

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    INTRODUCCIÓN: Las metáforas impregnan nuestra vida cotidiana y no sólo el lenguaje también el pensamiento y la acción. La enfermera usa las metáforas como recurso didáctico para facilitar la comunicación y la comprensión de conceptos abstractos. Los usuarios expresan sus vivencias de salud o enfermedad a través de metáforas de su ámbito personal y cotidiano. La comprensión del uso de las metáforas en Educación para la Salud (EpS) requiere examinar también los paradigmas dentro de los cuales las metáforas son construidas. Este estudio pretende conocer las metáforas básicas o “visones del mundo” que utilizan la enfermera en la consulta de atención primaria en sus intervenciones educativas-asistenciales con usuarios afectados enfermedades crónicas

    The Category of Node-and-Choice Forms, with Subcategories for Choice-Sequence Forms and Choice-Set Forms

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    The literature specifies extensive-form games in many styles, and eventually I hope to formally translate games across those styles. Toward that end, this paper defines NCF\mathbf{NCF}, the category of node-and-choice forms. The category's objects are extensive forms in essentially any style, and the category's isomorphisms are made to accord with the literature's small handful of ad hoc style equivalences. Further, this paper develops two full subcategories: CsqF\mathbf{CsqF} for forms whose nodes are choice-sequences, and CsetF\mathbf{CsetF} for forms whose nodes are choice-sets. I show that NCF\mathbf{NCF} is "isomorphically enclosed" in CsqF\mathbf{CsqF} in the sense that each NCF\mathbf{NCF} form is isomorphic to a CsqF\mathbf{CsqF} form. Similarly, I show that CsqFa~\mathbf{CsqF_{\tilde a}} is isomorphically enclosed in CsetF\mathbf{CsetF} in the sense that each CsqF\mathbf{CsqF} form with no-absentmindedness is isomorphic to a CsetF\mathbf{CsetF} form. The converses are found to be almost immediate, and the resulting equivalences unify and simplify two ad hoc style equivalences in Kline and Luckraz 2016 and Streufert 2019. Aside from the larger agenda, this paper already makes three practical contributions. Style equivalences are made easier to derive by [1] a natural concept of isomorphic invariance and [2] the composability of isomorphic enclosures. In addition, [3] some new consequences of equivalence are systematically deduced.Comment: 43 pages, 9 figure

    Intrinsic noise-induced phase transitions: beyond the noise interpretation

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    We discuss intrinsic noise effects in stochastic multiplicative-noise partial differential equations, which are qualitatively independent of the noise interpretation (Ito vs. Stratonovich), in particular in the context of noise-induced ordering phase transitions. We study a model which, contrary to all cases known so far, exhibits such ordering transitions when the noise is interpreted not only according to Stratonovich, but also to Ito. The main feature of this model is the absence of a linear instability at the transition point. The dynamical properties of the resulting noise-induced growth processes are studied and compared in the two interpretations and with a reference Ginzburg-Landau type model. A detailed discussion of new numerical algorithms used in both interpretations is also presented.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figures, to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Membership duration in a Spanish Union : a survival analysis

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    This article presents an analysis of the characteristics that are associated with union membership duration using data from the membership registers of the largest Spanish trade union: Comisiones Obreras (CCOO, Workers' Commissions). Making use of survival analysis techniques, the results indicate that the shortest membership durations and the highest risks of leaving are associated with workers with poor employment conditions, mainly youth and foreigners, as well as those in firms, economic sectors, and territories where the union has a rather weak presence. As workers in these situations represent the majority of both current joining and leaving rates, the article concludes that retention policies should focus on the early stages of union membership

    HPV-negative Penile Intraepithelial Neoplasia (PeIN) With Basaloid Features.

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    Most human papillomavirus (HPV)-independent penile squamous cell carcinomas (PSCCs) originate from an intraepithelial precursor called differentiated penile intraepithelial neoplasia, characterized by atypia limited to the basal layer with marked superficial maturation. Previous studies in vulvar cancer, which has a similar dual etiopathogenesis, have shown that about one fifth of HPV-independent precursors are morphologically indistinguishable from high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions (HSILs), the precursor of HPV-asssociated carcinomas. However, such lesions have not been described in PSCC. From 2000 to 2021, 55 surgical specimens of PSCC were identified. In all cases, thorough morphologic evaluation, HPV DNA detection, and p16, p53, and Ki-67 immunohistochemical (IHC) staining was performed. HPV-independent status was assigned based on both negative results for p16 IHC and HPV DNA. Thirty-six of the 55 PSCC (65%) were HPV-independent. An intraepithelial precursor was identified in 26/36 cases (72%). Five of them (19%) had basaloid features, morphologically indistinguishable from HPV-associated HSIL. The median age of the 5 patients was 74 years (range: 67 to 83 y). All 5 cases were p16 and DNA HPV-negative. Immunohistochemically, 3 cases showed an abnormal p53 pattern, and 2 showed wild-type p53 staining. The associated invasive carcinoma was basaloid in 4 cases and the usual (keratinizing) type in 1. In conclusion, a small proportion of HPV-independent PSCC may arise on adjacent intraepithelial lesions morphologically identical to HPV-associated HSIL. This unusual histologic pattern has not been previously characterized in detail in PSCC. p16 IHC is a valuable tool to identify these lesions and differentiate them from HPV-associated HSIL

    Experimental Size‐Selective Harvesting Affects Behavioral Types of a Social Fish

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    In most fisheries, larger fish experience substantially higher mortality than smaller fish. Body length, life-history and behavioral traits often correlate, such that fisheries-induced changes in size or life-history can also alter behavioural traits. However, empirical evidence regarding how size-selective harvesting alters the evolution of behavioural traits in exploited stocks is scarce. We used experimental lines of zebrafish (Danio rerio) that were exposed to positive, negative or random size-selective harvest over five generations. Our aim was to investigate whether simulated fishing changed the mean personality of the surviving females five generations after initial harvesting halted. We found that mean boldness, activity, and sociability were significantly altered relative to a randomly harvested control line. Harvestinduced changes in individual-level personality were only detected in the negatively sizeselected line. By contrast, we did not detect harvest-induced evolution of personality in the positively size-selected line. We conclude that size-selective harvesting alters individual fish personality in a social fish.peerReviewe