12 research outputs found

    Context dependent effects of an experimental increase of hunger level in house sparrow nestlings

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    Exploring the links between parental supply and nestling demands and between nestling demand and food supply is of central importance for understanding the evolution of parent-offspring communication. It has been suggested that optimal food supply by parents and begging effort of nestlings are context dependent, and we here test some predictions of this hypothesis. House sparrow (Passer domesticus) nestlings were experimentally fed with a pharmacological appetitive stimulant (cyproheptadine) that increases nestling demands, and explore its effect on nestling growth (i.e. body mass and tarsus length), which can be considered as the net payoff of inflated and costly offspring demand. As assumed by the experimental protocol, nestlings with an exaggerated demand were preferentially fed by parents. In accordance with the hypothesis, net benefits in terms of growth were mainly detected in first breeding attempt of parents that successfully reared three broods. Because costs associated with parental feeding should be lower for first breeding attempts and for parents of higher phenotypic quality (those able to successfully rear three clutches), our results provide to our knowledge, the first experimental evidence supporting a dynamic role of costs of food supply affecting net payoff of offspring demands, which may help to understand the mechanisms allowing the evolutionary equilibrium between intensities of offspring begging and parental provisioning.This work was financed by Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, European funds (FEDER) (CGL2013-48193-C3-1-P to JJS and CGL2007-61940/BOS To MS). DM-G received a postdoc from the programme “JAE-Doc” of the CSIC, and CR-C had a pre-doctoral grant from the Spanish Government.Peer reviewe

    Complication rates of peripherally inserted central catheters vs implanted ports in patients receiving systemic anticancer therapy: A retrospective cohort study

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    While implanted port catheters ("PORTs") have historically been the standard device for intravenous systemic anticancer therapy, the use of peripherally inserted central catheters (PICCs) has increased continuously and reliable catheter selection guidelines are lacking. We compare complication rates of PORTs and PICCs in cancer treatment in a retrospective study of 3365 patients with both solid organ (n = 2612) and hematologic (n = 753) malignancies, between 2001 and 2021. 26.4% (n = 890) of all patients were treated via PICCs and 73.6% (2475) via PORTs. 20.7% (578) experienced a major catheter-related complication with a higher rate in PICCs than in PORTs (23.5% vs 14.9%, P < .001). Among major complications, infections and mechanical complications were more common in PICCs than in PORTs (11.9% vs 6.4%, P = .001, 7.3% vs 4.2%, P = .002), whereas the rate of thrombosis was similar (3.4% vs 3.0%, P = .9). While PORTs had a higher rate of periprocedural complications (2.7% vs 1.1%, P < .05), PICCs overall complication rate exceeded PORTs within 3 days from implantation. Median follow-up was 49 (PICC) and 60 weeks (PORT). PORTs are safer and therefore should be preferred in this setting regardless of catheter dwell time

    A new rating scale for adult ADHD based on the Symptom Checklist 90 (SCL-90-R)

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    Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in adults is increasingly recognized as a clinically important syndrome. The aim of this study was to evaluate the psychometric performance of a new scale for adult ADHD based on the widely used Symptom Checklist 90 Revised (SCL-90-R). Scale performance was assessed in a clinical study including 100 ADHD patients and 65 opiate-dependent patient controls, and in the Zurich study, an epidemiological age cohort followed over 30 years of adult life. Assessments included a ROC analysis of sensitivity and specificity, internal consistency, test-retest reliability, external validity and measurement invariance over nine testing occasions. The new scale showed a sensitivity and specificity of 75 and 54%, respectively, internal consistency over 0.8 (McDonald's omega, Cronbach's alpha), one-year test-retest reliabilities over 0.7, statistically significant and substantial correlations with two other validated self-rating scales of adult ADHD (R = 0.5 and 0.66, respectively), and an acceptable degree of longitudinal stability (i.e., measurement invariance). The proposed scale must be further evaluated, but these preliminary results indicate it could be a useful rating instrument for adult ADHD in situations where SCL-90-R data, but no specific ADHD assessment, are available, such as in retrospective data analysis or in prospective studies with limited methodical resources

    Feilke revisited : 60 Stellenbesuche

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    Weitere Hrsg.: Thorsten Pohl, Sara Rezat, Torsten Steinhoff, Martin SteinseiferAnlĂ€sslich des 60. Geburtstags des Linguisten und Sprachdidaktikers Helmuth Feilke wurden Wegbegleiterinnen und Wegbegleiter gebeten, einzelne Stellen in seinen wissenschaftlichen Schriften erneut zu besuchen. Entstanden sind pointierte Kommentare, kurze wissenschaftliche Abhandlungen und Analysen, Varianten auch des kritischen und kontroversen Nach- und Weiterdenkens und AnsĂ€tze zur Neu- oder Re-Kontextualisierung. Je nach wissenschaftlicher Vita der Autorinnen und Autoren kann es sich um Stellen handeln, deren Rezeption zeitlich weit zurĂŒckliegt, oder um Passagen, die ganz aktuelle Fragen der eigenen Forschungsarbeit tangieren. Abgesehen davon, dass ein kurzes Format fĂŒr die BeitrĂ€ge gewĂ€hlt und die Autorinnen und Autoren gebeten wurden, die ausgewĂ€hlte Stelle knapp zu verorten und zu erlĂ€utern, war die Bearbeitungsform gĂ€nzlich freigestellt. So sind Texte in einer Bandbreite von pointierten Kommentaren, kurzen wissenschaftlichen Abhandlungen und Analysen, Varianten des Nach- und Weiterdenkens, AnsĂ€tze zur Neu- oder Re-Kontextualisierung bis hin zu Formen des kritischen Hinterfragens und der kontroversen Auseinandersetzung entstanden

    The domestic pig as human‐relevant large animal model to study adaptive antifungal immune responses against airborne Aspergillus fumigatus

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    Pulmonary mucosal immune response is critical for preventing opportunistic Aspergillus fumigatus infections. Although fungus‐specific CD4+^{+} T cells in blood are described to reflect the actual host–pathogen interaction status, little is known about Aspergillus‐specific pulmonary T‐cell responses. Here, we exploit the domestic pig as human‐relevant large animal model and introduce antigen‐specific T‐cell enrichment in pigs to address Aspergillus‐specific T cells in the lung compared to peripheral blood. In healthy, environmentally Aspergillus‐exposed pigs, the fungus‐specific T cells are detectable in blood in similar frequencies as observed in healthy humans and exhibit a Th1 phenotype. Exposing pigs to 106^{6} cfu/m3^{3} conidia induces a long‐lasting accumulation of Aspergillus‐specific Th1 cells locally in the lung and also systemically. Temporary immunosuppression during Aspergillus‐exposure showed a drastic reduction in the lung‐infiltrating antifungal T‐cell responses more than 2 weeks after abrogation of the suppressive treatment. This was reflected in blood, but to a much lesser extent. In conclusion, by using the human‐relevant large animal model the pig, this study highlights that the blood clearly reflects the mucosal fungal‐specific T‐cell reactivity in environmentally exposed as well as experimentally exposed healthy pigs. But, immunosuppression significantly impacts the mucosal site in contrast to the initial systemic immune response